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The Death of General Earle.

[From Our London Correspondent.] London, February 13. The news of the decisive action at Dulka Island reached London early yesterday morning. The official despatch is unusually full of details, and interesting accounts have been wired by the “ specials ” of the ‘ Standard ’ and ‘ Daily Chronicle ’ with General Earle’s column. THE OFFICIAL DHSt'ATCH. The following lias been received from General Lord Wolseley by the Secretary of State for War, dated Korti, February 11 “The following telegram just received from General Brackenbury. Dulka Island is about seventy miles above Merawi. The attack was well planned and gallantly executed, and I expect its effect will be to open the way, without further fighting, to Berber. “ Message begins : Camp opposite Dulka Island, February 10.—Having found enemy in position stated in telegram No. 98 of 9th inst., General Earle concentrated Staffordshire amt Black Watch Regiments here yesterday, reconnoitred the position, and this morning advanced to attack it. They held a high ridge of razor-backed hills, and some advanced koppics in front close to the river. Two companies of Staffordshire and two guns being left, under Colonel Alleyne, to hold the enemy in front, wc marched witli six companies Staffordshire and six companies Black Watch round the high range of bills, entirely turning the enemy’s position, which ive attacked from the rear. The enemy’s numbers were not great, but their position was extremely strong and difficult of access, and they fought with most determined bravery. The Black Watch advanced over rocks and broken ground upon the koppies, and after having by their fire in the coolest manner driven off a rush of the enemy, stormed the position under a heavy fire. General Earle was among the foremost in this aftaek, and, to the deep sorrow of every officer and man in the force, was killed on the summit of the koppie. The Staffordshire Regiment attacked the high ridge, and, over the most difficult ground it was possible for troops to advance upon, carried the position. In this attack their gallant commanding officer, Lieutenantcolonel Eyre, was killed. Meanwhile the squadron of 19th Hussars, under Colonel Butler, swept round to the rear and captured the enemy’s camp. Our success is complete. We have captured ten standards, and the whole of the position is in our hands. It is difficult to estimate the enemy’s loss, but their dead are lying thick among the rocks and in the open, where, when they found themselves surrounded, they tried to rush through our troops. Scarcely any can have escaped, “ Our own loss is as followsMajorgeneral Earle; Lieutenant-colonel Eyre, South Stafford. Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Covcmcy, Royal Highlanders, one corporal and three privates Royal Highlanders, three privates South Staffordshire, and two Egyptian Camel Corps missing, one private RoyalHighlandcrs. Wounded very severely: Brevet Lieutenant-colonel Wauchope, Royal Highlanders. Severely wounded : Captain Horsburgh (Stafford), Lieutenant Hon. J. G. Colborne (Stafford); Lieutenant F. Kennedy (Royal Highlanders). Wounded: Twenty non-commissioned officers and men Stafford and eighteen Black Watch,

“ Prisoners report enemy, led by Monssa Wad Abuhcgel Ali Wad Hussein, cousin of Lekalik, and Hamid Wad Lekalik, brother of Lekalik. All these are reported killed. The enemy said to have consisted of the Monasslr, with some Robatab, and a force of dervishes from Berber.” DETAILS OF TIIK VICTORY. Tire following account of brilliant engagement in which General Earle was killed, us reported in the official telegrams, is given by the special correspondent of the ‘ .Standard,’ dating from Dulka Island on Tuesday :—“ Yesterday afternoon the Black Watch,' the South Stali'ordshire Regiment, a squadron of Hussars, two grins of the Egyptian Artillery, the Egyptian Camel Cor ps, find 11 Sciiiion of the Field Hospital arrived here. As the enemy were known to be in force but a short distance away, the troops were at once set to work to form a zereba. While they were engaged upon this work the enemy, who were holding a very strong position on some high hills in front of us, fired several shots at us. Our pickets advanced, and their fire drove back the Arabs, who had come down the hills to attack. Strong guards were posted when it became dark, and all was in readiness to repulse an attack should the enemy venture to come down, but the night passed off quietly. This morning our Hoops formed up and advanced towards the enemy’s position, marching in two parallel columns, two companies of the Staffordshire Regiment with two guns taking up ground directly in front of the enemy to occupy their attention. At eighto’elock our guns opened, and for some time a desultory fire was kept up between them and the two companies of the Staffordshire Regiment and the enemy. In the mean time the main body of the troops were advancing steadily over almost impracticable ground, pushing the enemy before them and seizing each successive ridge by short determined rushes. They continued so to push forward until the advanced troops reached tire right rear of the enemy, which rested on the river. This completed the movement, by which the Arabs were entirely surrounded. The position occupied by the enemy was very strong, consisting of rocky ami broken ground, strengthened by loopholed walls, from behind which they kept up a heavy and well-directed fusillade. Finding that it was impossible to dislodge them by our musketry five, General Earle gave orders for the Black Watch to carry the position with the bayonet. The regiment responded gallantly to the order. The pipers struck up, and, with a cheer the Black Watch moved forward with a steadiness and valor which the enemy were unable to resist, and which called forth the admiration of the General. From the loopholcd walls the rifle puffs shot out continuously, but without a check the Black Watch advanced, sealed the rocks, and at the point of the bayonet drove the enemy from their shelter. Unhappily, General Earle fell while gallantly leading the troops forward to this attack. In the meantime the cavalry pushed on beyond the scene of conflict and captured the enemy’s camp, three miles in their rear, before tho Black Watch had captured the main position. While the main attack was being delivered, two companies of the Staffordshire Regiment were directed to seize a high and rock hill, which was stoutly defended by the Arab riflemen. After General Earle’s fall, General Bracken - bury assumed the command, and after the main position was carried, ho ordered the remainder of the Staffordshire Regiment to join the two companies already engaged, and to storm the hill at the point of the bayonet. The enemy clung to the position desperately and disputed the ground inch by inch. But the Staffordshire men were not to be denied, and, fighting gallantly, they at last drove the enemy from the hill. This brought the fight of Kerbekan to a close. It had lasted for five hours, and had been a gallantly-eont-csted affair from first to last. The enemy’s force consisted of the Monassir and Robatab tribesmen, with numbers of dervishes from Berber. It impossible to judge accurately their number, as their position extended over a large range of rocky and broken ground. Their losses were very heavy, and the dead lay piled up on the ridges which they had so stubbornly defended. The leader of the rebels from Berber and several Emirs were among the killed. Our troops behaved with the most admirable steadiness and bravery. Nothing could exceed the coolness and courage with which they advanced under a tremendous and well-directed fire to carry to carry the enemy’s positions. The defeat of the rebels was decisive, and owing to the fact that we entirely surrounded them before commencing the attack their only way of escape was by swimming the river. The number of the fugitives who escaped was very small. Tonight half a battalion of the Black Watch occ'upy tho positions captured from the enemy. The wounded have been brought into camp and carefully attended to. The force will advance some miles farther tomorrow. The guns spiked by Colonel .Stewart have been found buried at Berti. ”

The following details are given by the special correspondent of the ‘ Daily Chronicle ’:—

“After an obstinate combat, the pass above Dulka Island, where a determined resistance had been ancicipated, was carried on the 10th, not, however, without severe loss on our side, including our brave leader, General Earle. In the early morning it became apparent that the pass was occupied in force by the rebels, and an advance force of the Staffordshire Regiment and the Black Watch executed a flank movement by marching round the defile and taking the enemy in the roar. • The main position of the enemy was situated on a ridge by the river side, overtopped by mountainous rocks. Our attack commenced by the Staffords charging up the pass at the point of the bayonet. Their rush was irresistible, and the enemy were swept before them like chaff. They were unable, however, to dislodge the enemy from a strong loop-holed fort,which maintained an obstinate resistance, and in their charge our men were subjected to heavy Hank fire from the main position by the river. In the execution of this manceuvre, I regret to state that the gallant Colonel Eyre, who has rendered such admirable service in connection with this expedition, was shot dead. Colonel Colborne and Captain Horsbmgh were wounded. We lost here, in addition, two men killed and thirteen wounded. Meanwhile the Highlanders, with two companies of the Staffordshire Regiment, worked their way round the enemy’s position on the ridge above described, and, getting into position, charged up the heights, storming them one after the other in the most brilliant fashion, firing steadily at short ranges, and finally charging with the bayonet. At this juncture the Egyptian troops coming from the zereba met the enemy with a murderous cross fire, driving them completely from their shelter—some into the l iver and some inland, scarcely any escaping. It was at this moment that our brave leader, General Earle, met his death. Pressing into the fort from which the foe had just been dislodged, he was struck by a bullet, and never spoke again. Our men, however, vigorously pushed on, and, having been reinforced on the hill by two more companies, stormed the outlying earthworks of the fort, shooting and bayoneting all the defenders. Victory thus remained in our hands, but it was dearly purchased with the loss of our general, three officers, and eight men killed, with four officers and thirty-five men wounded.: Colonel Coveney, of the Black Match, was killed, while Major Wauchope and Lieutenant Kennedy, of the same regiment, were wounded. As a result of this action, which lasted between five and six hours, the road for our advance is and a fresh move will be made to-morrow. Throughout the fight our men behaved with the greatest steadiness and valor, men often continuing to charge after being wounded. The enemy also showed great determination, but our soldiers proved simply irresistible. The enemy defending the pass and the fort could not have numbered less than 1,500, while their position was very strongly entrenched. The Arab loss is estimated at 300 killed, but this is probably much under the actual number. All our causalties were caused by the bullet. The enemy tried one spear charge, but they were shattered in all directions before they could get anywhere near our ranks.”

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Evening Star, Issue 6867, 4 April 1885, Page 4

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The Death of General Earle. Evening Star, Issue 6867, 4 April 1885, Page 4

The Death of General Earle. Evening Star, Issue 6867, 4 April 1885, Page 4