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I MEETINGS. I 1.0.0.P. Pioneer Lodge, No. 1. ~t rfHS MSMBERS of the above Lodge are b i requeued to Meet at the Lodge-room. Rattray atrte-, oa Tuesday Evening next, at b '. o'olock to p*y an official vblt to the Lelth Lodge By order. GEO. SPRINGER. Beoretary. j OPERATIVE BAKERS' ASSOCIATION. tfITONDAY being's Holiday, the ureal ' Fortnightly Meeting will bo held on Tuesday, * Deoember 2nd, at usual time. JOHN STUART Seoretary. LEITH LODGE, 1.0.0 F. HE USUAL FORTNIGHTLY MEETING will take pace oa Tuesday, the 2nd : December, in consequence of Monday being a ; holiday. Nomination of Officers for ensuing term. • AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF JOURNEYMEN TAILORS OF NEW ZEALAND, I No. 1 Branch. \ M EMBERS of the above are hereby notified poned from Monday Evening Deoember Ist, to Monday Evening, December Bth, in consequence of the Holiday. By order. HENRY HOGG, Branoh President. HE FIRST FREE PRESBYTERIAN OHUROH OF OTAGO, Oddfellows' Hall, Stuart street, RkV. JOHN WATERS. ' Will conduct the Services TO-MORROW (Sabbath)— Morning at 11, Evening at 6 30. All are Invited. Y.M.0.A., Moray plaoe.—Bible Glass at TTANOVER STREET BAPTIST OHUROH. | XX REV. A. NORTH (minister). I Sunday Servioes, 11 a.m., and 6.8 C p.m., |HE TABERNACLE, | Great King street, MR TURNER. i Will Preach To-morrow Evening, at 6 30. Subjeot: '• Negleotlng the Great Salvation." Scats Free. All welcome. 'ARRISON HALL. will Preaoh in the above placa on Sunday Evening next; commenee at 7 o'olock, Ohoir sings from 6.30. UND AS Street Primitive Methodist Church —Minister: Rev. J. Dumbell. Services at 11 a.m. and 6.80 p.m. APT IST OHUROH, OAVERSHAM TOWN HALL. Rev. CHARLES BRIGHT. I Morning, at 11; Evening, at 6£o Sunday School in Sohool-houie at 2 30 p. T. MATTHEW'S OHUROH j Morninjr and Evening Services will be conduoted by THE RIGHT REV. THE BISHOP OF DUNEDIN. The Holy Communion will bo adminhtered after the Morning Ceivlce. RINITY WESLEYAN OHUROH. . "SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, ! To-moirow. Preachers -A til: Rev. J. Cope (from TasI mania) At 6£: Rev. H. Bath, President of Viotorlan Conference. Children's Service at 3 ■ In the afternoon-Rev. H. Bath and J. Berry. i Hymns specially praotiood bj the children will i bO SUBg. 'ORTH DUNEDIN PRESBYTERIAN OHUROH. REV. GEORGE MORIOE, Of Balclutha, Will Preaoh To-morrow-Morning and Evening. .ONGREGATIONAL OHUROH, , _y Moray place. Minister, REV. T. ROSEBY, M.A.. LL.D. ' Services To morrow at 11 a.m. and 0.80 p m. j Evening Subject: " Religion in Common Life i —the Christian Congregation." j South Dunedin: Eov. T. Tonkinson, Ravensbourne: Rev. H. Young. IRBAT KING STREET INDEPENDENT r OHUttOH. I REV. J. BEOKENHAM. Pastor, Servlcas To-morrow: 7 a m.—Prayer and Thankpglving 11 a.m.-Su^jeot: "Thy God Relgneth." 2.30 p.m.-Suuday School and Blblo Olasses 6 80p!m.—"Real Pleasures." A word to young men. , i ! PRIMITIVE Methodist Ohuroh. St. John's, York place.—To-morrow. Church Anniversary. Morning, at 11, Rev. J. Dumbell Afternoon, at 3. Rev. Dt Roßeby; Evening, at 6 30, Rev. O. E. Ward. Tuesday, Deoember 2, Publlo Solrde and Bazaar. After tea Sale of Goods; a large assortment-useful and ornamental ; a moderate prioo j musio and tinging, etc, during the evening, lickots, 1« 6d; Children under 12, halPprlce. Tea at 6 30. Kew—Afternoon at 3, Mrs D. Dutton and Rov. O. E. Ward ; Evening at 6.30, Mr M'Naughton. YOBUM HALL, SUNDAY EVENING, at 7.35. Mr O. J. HODGE, assisted by Mr J. STONE, will preaoh on " Jonah and the Wiale." The Band will play " Anna Bolena," Grand Fantasia, Grand Irish Fantasia with Olarlonet Solo, and "II Puritana." Circle, Is; Body of Hall, 63. ,LL SAINTS' OHUROH. First Sunday in Advent, The First of FOUR ADVENT LECTURES (Sunday Evenings) on the "Prophetio Future of the World" will be Preached To-morrow Evening by the REV. A. B. FITOHETT. PUBLIC NOTICES. BOROUGH OF WEST HARBOR. CORPORATION DEBENTURES. By " The West Harbor Borough Empowering Act, 1884." this Oounql was authorised to raise a loan of L 1.050 sterling. IENDERS are hereby invited for 21 Dcben- _ tures of LOO eaob, payable in 1890, Interest payable half-yearly, Tenders to state amount and rate of Interest required, to be marked outside of envelope " Tenders for Loan," addressed to the Mayor. Post Office, Ravensbourne, and to be lodged not later than 10th December, 1884 JAMES TAYLOR, Borough Treasurer, Ravensbourne, 28th November, 1881. LOFT AND 00., 9, 10, 11, and 12 Royal Arcade, have opened a very buperlor lot of Men's Sewn Boots and Shoes. LOFT AND 00. Invite inspection of the following: —Men's Oalf Shoeß; plain, and with cloth backs, in navy, drab, and brown. OFT AND 00. have 24 different styles la jIJ Men's Balmorals; open and closed fronts, with light and heavy soles, pointed, medium, and square tees, OFT AND 00.'S stock of Ladies' Kid E. S., J buttoned and laced, is larger and cheaper I than ever. OFT AND 00, have a superior lot of I Ladies' Shoes* the very ntwest styles, j just opened. OFT AND 00 'S Ovn Make cannot be I Jj Hirpaw>ed for durability and stylo. Only see our Girlß* and Boys' Balmorals. OFT AND GO.'a Men's Boots and Shot's JLJ aro now so well known for durability'and I cheapness that comment Is unnecessary. All we ask is, give us a trial If you have not already done so. . DVERTISEMBNTS received at the tfi'Aß rtffion. VanA »tvf>«t no* *t*r tb»»> 3 urn To Lend in sums to suit borrowers. Apply to D. D. I Macdonald, solicitor. Manse street, Dunedln. T»UMPS, INDIAN RUBBER AND OANJ7 VAS HOSE. Water Pipes and Sittings, ANDERSON AND MORRISON.

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Evening Star, Issue 6762, 29 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 6762, 29 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 6762, 29 November 1884, Page 3