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GOVERNMENT NOTICES; NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SLEEPERS, 1885. General Manager'* Offioe, Railway Department, Wellington, 20th November, 1884 WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this Office up to noon of Monday, Btb Deoember, 1884, for the Supply and Delinry of Sleepers at Lyttelton, Port Ohal-1 mers. Oamwu, litnaru, or any Railway station ' or tiding on the Hurunul-Blufl Railway. Specifications to be teen, and forms of tender obtained at the Railway Storekeeper'* Offioe, Dunedln, and Station mister's Offioes, Tapanul, | 'nvercargill, and Blveiton. j Tenders to be addressed to the General Manager ol New Zealand Railways, Wellington, and to bo marked outside "Tender for Telegraphlo Tenders, similarly addresied and marked, will be received if preiented at any telegraph office by noon of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at any of the above-mentioned District Offices bj the same hour. The lowest or any tender will not neeessarl'y be accepted. J. P. MiXWELL. General Manager, New Zealand Railways. OTAGO CENTRAL RAILWAY. WINGATUI VIADUCT. PIERS AND SUPERSTRUCTURE CONTRACT. Publlo Works Offioa, Wellington, November 17th, 1884. RITTEN TENDERS will be reoeiv. d at 22nd Deoember, 1884, for the above Contract. They are to be marked on the outside " Tender for Wingatul Viaduct, Piers and Superstructure Contract," and eddressed to the Hon. the Minister for Publlo Works, Wellington. Telegraphlo tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will be received If presented at any Telegraph Offioe by noon of the same date, provided that written tenders are lodged at any Dlstriot or Resident Engineer's Offioe by the same hour. Drawings, specifications, and general conditions may be seen at this Offioe, and at the Pablio Works Offices at Auckland, Wanganul, Ohristohuroh, and Dunedln. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, By command, J.-HNBLAOKETT, Engineer in-Chief. CROWN LANDS SALE.

£> Danedio, on"Tnj£SDAV, 2nd DiCttMBKR, 1881, at noon. BUBAL LAND.—Dpnbdin and EastTaibbi District: Seotions 2a to 6a Blook VIII., from 13 to 16 acres; upset prloe, 21i per acre. Note: These sections are behind Saddle Hill, and will be sold under "The Special Powers and Contracts Act."-GBEENVALR Dibtbict : Seotion 33. block IV., la Ir; upset price, Lls per allotment. Survey fees, L 6 3s. Note: Tms section is a mill site, and is situ* ated on P wift Creek, near the boundaty of the town of Hcrriot. and c!ose to railway-station.— Hawksbuby District : Seoiionß 42 70 to 89, blook 1., and sections 51 to 58, blook 11., from 3to 18 acres; upset price, 15 per acre. Note: This land u situated south of Mount Royal, about three miles from the town of Hawksbury, and adjoins the Brooklands Estate.-Kubiwao District: Section 10, block VI., 26* 2i 23p; upset price, 21s per acre.—Tuapeka Bast Distbiot : Sections 12,13 14 and 15, and lections 29, 80, and 31. block XX ; 15 per allot-ment—one-quarter acre each. Note: These sections, which are on the main road to the Beaumont, adjoin the Chinese Camp, Lawrence.—Totubau District: Seotions 45, 66 to 73, block 111., and 77 and 78, block IV., from 17 to 22 acres; upset price, 21s per acre. Note: The upset prloe of these sections has been reduced since sale of 30th September last.— Waipahee District : Section 77, blook VII., la 2r 39p; upset prloe, L 3 per acre, and surrey feep, 16 3s Waitahcna Wist Distbiot: Seotionl9, blook X.. 3r 37p; upset prloe. 25s per allotment, Bnd survey fees, 13 3s Wendon District: Seotions 11, 17, and 21, blook VII. J seotions 1. 2, 4, 9, 10,12, blook VIII. • sections 7. 8, 16 22, 23, 24, 25, block IX. j 3, block X.-Wendonside Distbiot: Sections 5, 16, and 17, block I ; seotions 1, 9, 13,18 and 19. block 11. G been vale Distbiot : Sections 4 5, and 6, block XI. Note: Section* in Wendon, Wendonßide, and Greenvale dbttrloti, from 18) to 320 acres; upset prloe, 30s to 50s per aore. The School Commissioners will lend money to purchasers on the security of mortgage of these lands at a low rate of interest for a term of years. BUBAL D*FBBREDPAYMBNT{CanoeIIed Licenses Re-opened).—Dabt Distbiot: Seotions 1, 2, 8, and 4, blook 11, (grouped), 219 acres, at 30s per aore. Valuation for Improvements, L 25 -Mount Hyde Distbict : Stotlons 27. block IV., 271 acres; 29, blook IV., 319 acres, at 30a per aore. Toapeka Wevt DlßTßior: Seotlon 11, block 11., 55 acres, at 30 j.— Waihemolistrjot: SeoVoalS, blook VII., 200 acres, at 20s per aore; improvements, LllO. Seotion 11, block VIII., 251 acres, at 60*; improvements, 1.4/7 181. Seotlon 16, blook VIII., 2/3 acres, at 60s; improvements, L 296105. TOWNSHIPS.—Seotions in the townships of Balolutha, Dunkeld, Ealtangata, Matanra Riidge, and Walpahee. Note: Seotion 5, block | XXIV., Dunkeld, is burdened wJth valuation for improvements (L4O). Seotions 21 and 22, blook 11. | seotions 1, 2, and 3 blook XVI., j Matanra Bridge, whloh have been withheld from sale, will be offered; upset prloe of town seotions at the rate of LBO per acre, SUBURBAN.-Seotions 2 and 3. blog. XXIII., Balolutha, two acres and 1 rood each; upset, L 3 per aore. Seotions 68 to 73, blcck VI., town of Wyndham, from two to three acres, at L 5 per aore. Note: The seotions in , Wyndham have been withheld from sale ob account of railway. LIOBNSES.-Sectlons 12 and 19, b'ockVl.. town of,Wyndham. containing respectively 8i Sr 18p, and 4a lr 12p, will be offered for a term of se\ei years, at an upset rental of 15 per annum the allotment. Notei These seotions will be licensed for raising lignite; maximum price of coal at ptt to be 10s per ton. PASTORAL LEASE J.—Bengeb COMMONage: About 11,000 sores, West Pomahaka River j term, 10 years; upset rental, Id per aore—Obooeston'Distbiot: Seotions 44 50, 52, block 1., and 13 and 14, blook XV. (grouped), 295 acres j term, 10 years; upset rental. 2d per sore.— Otaq? Peninsula : Seotion 53, blook HI,, 437 aores; 10 yean; upset, L2O per annum. Note : The upset rentals of the above leases have been reduced since last offered.

RUNS.-No 6, about 11.240 aores, Wskatipu; 10years; upset, L 5 per annum. NoB, about 10 540 aores, Wakatipu; 14 years; upset, LSO per annum. No 10, about 12,000 aores, Wakatipu ; 14 years t upset, L3O per annum. Nob. 11,12,13, and 15 (grouped), about 59,910 aores, Wakatipu; 21 years; upset, LSO per annum, 359, about 19,300 aores, Nokomai; 10 years ; upset, LlO per annum, 427, about 3,200 acres, Walau River; 10 years; upset, L 25 per annum. 414, about 9,800 acres, Matnkltukl; 10years; up et, L 5 per annum. 445, about 15,080 acres, Hawkdun; 14 years; upset, LlO per annum. Note: The upset, rentals of Nos, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 15 (grouped), and 445 have been reduced. N.B.—The leases of the foregoing Buns will be sold subject to the general provisions as to Buos tpeoified in " The Land Act, 1877," and amendments of same. Possession on day of sale, except Runs 8 and 10, the leases of wnloh do not expire until Ist March, 1885, when possession will be given. The highest rental to be paid for the grouped Runs for 21 years will be that payable for the first seven years of the license; for the second seven years, DOUBLE that amount; and for the third seven years, TREBLE, Full particulars will be slven In ' Daily Tines' every Wednesday and Saturday, and in 'Witness' every Saturday; also by handbills, to be had at the District Land Offices, Railway Stations, Police Stations, Post Offices, and at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Grown Lands. Grown Lands Office, ■ Dunedin, October SI, 1894. ANTED Known, that the Evening Stab is sent to all parts of the Colony for 10s per quarter, postage included. i TTTANTED Known-r That Bill-heads, Olr.V T oulars, Cards, Programmes, and General Printing of every description are executed at I the Evjunua Stab Offii at moderate price EN Replying to an Advertisement "Address' 1 means applicants are not to Brsonally at the Office, but to write, testimonials should new be sent, bu lopleionly,

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Evening Star, Issue 6761, 28 November 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 6761, 28 November 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 6761, 28 November 1884, Page 4