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NATIONAL EDUOAja^S WHAJTEVSB VIEWS hold j«flativa to tho question of reߣlous instruction in our public schools, thtW Is never any question of the importance of a universal and thorough grounding In saoular suhifstp. The man who cannot real or write la these days is out of the raoc of li'e, aid, except In the case of extraordinary nafcarol force, will remain behind for tho whole of his natural Hfe, This boHef Is now to general that It nstd not further be tUssus&ed; our only duty now being to mako tie system cf instruction as perfect as possible. 16 is in thin regard that tte join cur voices with those, who fire asking for groiitr attention to tl-c sHiay of natural science, and wo would especially refer to that muchr.og!eot«d science—physiology and anatomy—tho construction of tho humai body. No education c»n be coasidered oomplote that does not- provide for an intelligible conception of the position, ofcruoture, and functions o* the great vim orgaca, tho commoner diaea&es to which they are subject, with the remedies, and a knowledge of the nutritive qualities of diffe'ett kinds cf food's. Wo are aware that no complete knowledge of these things can be ooinmunioatod in fhe shori period of a school course; Hut it is absurd to pretend that, whilst boys and girls can be turned out with a fair smattering of languages and malhematlos, they cannot also be taujht the funotlons of liver, stomaoh, heart, brain, eta , together with the oauseiLwhlch produce and the symptoms which indicate derangement, How many a man, for instanoe, goes around In a state of settled melanoholy, moping, and growling, because he doesn't know that he has a liver, and that by diet and Hamburgh Tea he may be restored to oheerfulnnss ? But ten times worse is the case of a man who tosses for years racked with torture from sprainvd tissues, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc,, when thousands 01 testimonials from known persons are forthcoming to thow that his suffering may l» permanently ijanlshed by the use of St. Jacobs OIL Mr W. H, Mathleion, of the American Carriage Factory, Dee street, luveroargill, writes on June 35th:-" I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to the wonderful efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil. One of my apprentices, named Watton, took veiy ill with neuraig'a, and wao confined to his bed quite dellslous. Several remedies were tried, without the least effect. He was advised to try St. Jacobs Oil, and after bathing his face with it get immediate relief. In speaking to his father, Mr K. B. Watton, hfl desired mo to state that for the last seven years he has had a severe attack of goui annually, which completely laid him up for a week at a time. He felt it coming on lately, got a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and rubbed it on the affected part before going to bed, and next morning all pain had left and he was able to go to his business as usual, and has not had an attack since, I have used this universal remedy myself and in my own family, and can vouch for Its magical effect. Although only a short time introduced hero, it is on 6very person's l!pe, and, I may add, m nearly every home." "For seven years," write* Mr Horaoeßent, of the Feieral Minstrels, "1 have suffered from an acute neuralgic affeotlon of the right knee and rheumatic gout, which became so severe during our season at the Gaiety in September, 83, that I was obliged to relinquish the active duties of my profession and keep my room for a oauple of days. I had tried several strong liniments at various times, some of whioh gave mo partial relief. In the course of my lecture and sketches I had frequently mentioned, jocularly, St. Jacobs Oil; but it never occuicd to me to apply it to my own ailments until a friend who happened to be in my room whilst I was complainicg of intense pain reminded me of its o'alras, and sent out for a bottle right away. I used a little of it Immediately, and found instant relief, repeating the application again later on in the evening. From that night I have never felt either the neuralgia affeotlon of the knee or the rheumatic gout return, and I would have sent you this acknowledgment earlier but I thought it best to thoroughly establish the permanence of the effect; and have to subscribe mjself a firm believer in the virtues of St. Jacobs Oil."

TO THE PUBLIC, r ESSRS DUBYEA wish to haw It din. _ tlnctly understood that the word "MAIZBNA" Was invented acd adopted by thorn aa a Trade Mark, and registered as Mioh in the United States of America, Great Britain, the Anstraan Colonies, and New Zealand. Any piracy of this Trade Mark will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. The Public are therefore notified that the Oklt. Gkncins Maizena la that manufactured by Messrs Duryea at Oien Cove, Long Island (Now York), d by f»U respeotebie Groaera throughout the world. -TE3SSS COLE AND SPRINGER, _rj. EOILDKKB, Eio., Great King street, Dunedln. Peg respectfully to Infor.-n their Friends and the Public generally that thoy have Purchased the Easiness lately carried on by Mr John Lewis, 152 George street, undertaker, etc, and intend carrying on the same in corjunction with thei' present bTis!r.e.«s. Messrs 0. and S. also wish to state that they rere for 12 years connected with one of the largest funeral establishments in London, and lUcreforo have had considerable experience In the above branch. Fanerals conducted 5n Town or Country in first-class style and to suit fell olasses. Charges in all cases strictly moderate. COIE AND BPKINGER, Undertakers, Builders, and Funnral Furnishers, 152 George stbket, Dunedin. EL SON, MO ATE, AND 0 o,', Tea Meeohants, DUNEDIN CHRISTOHURCH WELLINGTON AUCKLAND. PURE BLENDED TEAS. AWARDED GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. No. 1 SPECIALITY BLEND 2 CHALLENGE BLEND 3 DABJELING BLEND 4 ROYAL BLEND i;STERLING BLEND 2 CHAMPION BLEND 3 MYSORE BLEND 4 RAJAH BLEND. Please note that all our BRANDS ARE REGISTERED. Proceedings will be taken against any persons making up and selling Backet Teas with our Brands upon them, KELSON, MOATE, AND Co\ * DUNEDIN. Agents Everywhere. Our Handsome Almanacs will be given away to our Customers at Christmas as usual,

FUNERAL NOTIOBv THE Friends of Mr J. Theakstone, gardener, Chtogford, N.B. Valley, are respectfully invited to attend the Fcmeral of his late wife, Frances, whioh will leave hU residence, Ohingtord. N.E, Valley, on Saturday, the 29th Inst,, at 2.3 C p.m,, for the Northern Cemetery. A. AND T. INGLI?, Undertaken.

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Evening Star, Issue 6760, 27 November 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 6760, 27 November 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 6760, 27 November 1884, Page 2