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- - ♦ V *>f * “ ‘ r * r " WtromSDlt, jAKCARt 15. The Synoil continued its sederuntto-day; the Moderator presiding. ~ I YTiTI •, - ■ - < ematen tfio principal bwinosa wits 'the consideration of a rqjort of thp Cjturch KxtensioiiTCommittec. This •stated tHat the charges presently vacant were St. Andrew’s! *Wjutou,. Cromwell, aUfl AlAandra District.. (The, ministers at the disposal - oftliip cofontittM.were A Ulf&q, M. A., Jaa Niven, and A. Q. Loyd,’ ' Tncv’we’re forinmite' in'obtaining MC Bumsa.ersjtMtj •foivx. Lothian, probationer' U Jwid/.Mr Blocked, a divinity student, who had completed Ilia.- !u(jolpgical , course; ia, our L own Divinity HalL The ibf 1 the tVie■■•Chtireh'-hp*’-pojiited'ui October'laat-Mr Sutherland, a licentiate' of., 'ho- Free ■ Presbytery- Of J Edinburgh,; and-- Mr. Graham, a Home missionary ot great experience td' labor -kfa this'; field., The , Mission Cgnniu.Ueo. ,of the Irish Presbyterian Church, to, whom application wna made in accordance with RiStrnctinnV of' list' kyhod; responded also with gi'eat.promptitudo to their call, and hud commissioned chi’Rev. Mr Garden, a minuter of experience, to proceed’ to,Otago. Those laborers might he exjjected early In. (die year, i Ttegrat was expressed that Messrs Boyd, of’AlcxiAdra', Thomson, of Wlnf-dh', and Driike, of CromvveiL had been obliged toreHign'tbeirministerial charges 1 o/Cuio score of health. The’home commissioners wore., d qjmj gmxt yeork! irutheirse verdt fields—rMr, Morris, 1 in GagEi's Hi /er; Mr Gilbert, ih the Upper Waifaki; Mr Aiulecaon, in the Tuponui outfield; Mr Trail, in' Btcwßi't’s.lslapd ;,and .Mr. Stewart at Saddle Hill nnd ErightbA,^^. wWFxpreesbd at tho prospebt:6f' t-be .oJbßrch :t bbing‘supplied ministorai irora ■ heroivj£Tanks. iSfe»ural: of the .students whh. went ,to Kdinburgl* for their theological studies before . the establishment of the haiLhere were, known .to have’ (&.' pressed Tchrm 'to 'New Zealand. Offices’istlJai.bnowc thi be: prosicutihg. their; under-. grAffitatg.ioowrso ittitheo Qt-agp Ajrith jiyiew here. The report’’'concluded ’t»y'*BUggestm» that the following parishes be formed into a sioiTtfaip t .Pycshytery, viz., Qiieenstowp, Cromwell, AlexanpeH-Wasebyiand TeVinti-iTierCmotoneea of tbooe paristica;' Vcnderd'it -very, 'difficult and inconvenient far,, thbirUihiuistara.' ;tof«Vattend Presbytery - meet-, »i!gs ...ttdtq.ipj.-jPresbytery ’work'; believed that if such a hew Presbytery were formed by the Synod as above suggested; it - wbuld bttib Cacilitate tho work of the edranuttee and conduce to ffit ieifScleft't'wbrkbig' of the Ghiiroh in the re- ■ mQter parts of r thd r comitry. 1 vn ai;,J...-= Aftordiachsslouthe followingdeliveranoe was adopted BouiuaiY- ‘.‘ Adopt the report, approve of the defence of .the and record the thanks of the Synod to 1 the OQlUlffitoo. and cefiecially to the 'convener; express nil Increaae of‘laborers from fu« Hoine Churches;-and .at the favorable rojs.irt of.fhc jiftyural agcpW ; Church .|n t he/field ehl tetlSithe committee. ' Regret, that ’so’.many’ are still without the privilege of'a stated of. tT;g.lnini3try of this' Churcl* 'boirig- dncreoHod' from the erection of .mttgeS in staflbn districts In’ afcbdvdanoe with tho reab'SoT’erection" -"f ■ •cottage-mansoa;-record tho R • Campbell for, grant ef.airs of church for at predebt wpighipping at Dimtnwn the sovorgf IVeshyteriana, to cp-pperato with the Church fetsn.dont)hflMhif;tee‘(d dpealhy up blew stations; 1 daft* secißjng suitable accommodation, for the agent* cuifioyed by the M - ' -T/vTA ITiT true bev. ,1. w. isoLts. l-’hc ®Bn«djTOrf.|iaid: ThiStimo hafl nowarrivetl when • coiumlssioned from the. Presbyterian ChiuHifOf(VfetorUshould.address'ydn; Mr ihgiis.hftsknhwfi’to you, and has rendered l «t UjtqeoeesuAy. for 1 July words oh my pari in introducing bim. /;• 1; j;: ,v- ;: The rev. particulars as to the progress of the Piesbytbriart Cfiiirch 'ol: Vietoria, nnd ejqfreSSed the coidial feelings cherished by the Viowanjla tpie* and otlief Pr,«jsbyterian ( MTU BTATH 07 RHLIOION. The committee on the state of-rdigion and Sabbatli ohsuE.uancpEepurted i ffiat> th O'.rhembehship'during.thc increase '.of 80S, .and'dwelt iiecd ffierela for aVeyival’throughout ThT replica J the' committbe’s cjtiety “dfdyou find thak tho ’excessive nthußementa of-the itfasggt day i anti iaiutioiialy/jon the 'mtereste.of; religionj * were decided and emphatic in the affirniatlve. who is “‘they are tho very bade of our spiritual life.” While th(jC wi»uW ui>t fur a. iijomont'condemn wiv innocent I armament of lawfiil l pleasirre; yet they hia& no bedWftjjm in saying that nutny of the amusements indulged |>C m. these Colonies'.in their inuuaico, a«d had ajwwertgl tendency to draw men’s wh tuj3 away, from the, duties of religion and the con- < of’Hieif svitla.’ Every member of the Synod mpSt i Wn£l!ve’td"'tha"d*ngor“of’having the oountrydclggyd with /. /yhe r Railway Ucpartjaeelr in many ways was encroaching upon the rcsgT and sanctity of the, r Lord’s. (Day, and if ChlSkivns were not on thMr gUard'very soon pasiiung&f traffic would bo as common as goods traffic now vjfM*. The Government, were ,the culpable partiee. mads-’the'fotlowingifeoomnleiidb.tion* for. adoption, _ via. “1. That two deputations be appointed to visit two of tho Presbyteries this year, end Mlfl Kt cg?Upn3 within tho bounds as possible, aha also to ■ canfareneo op. the state of religion. with J thijgFresDyteWW.'' l‘ , Thri'on-'ffi’h‘flm BabbatH ; in tfaiTh ministers be instructed to preach on Babhath the i first. Sabbath I of. November be set apart as a day of special prayer and r£(gi3NtfK?CTlgo ,&r, sto;syoqn/f,7; ; Tho .report was, edtoited, and’ the following deliverance agreed v td V“iyepress gratitude to God that in spite of many having removed from settled districts, taking cates witlr them to districts where no swjp Eongregationa £cl*& a Btcidyi increase in the’.' n>®tt>srship continues; that attendance on the public 1 a character;-, .end rtjyjJJjey 9 ar ® noo wanting indications' of a' Thealthy ‘ condition.thronghout the Church ; regret the i'dnmfa'de'on the part 'or 'duryoiihg people'td ’join ■the membership of the Church, dtirf-iTOeoubendhioribei the consideration of the matter; adopt the cccoauiiqfwlatiftß fif the .Committee anenfc .evangelistic <i>lgulationfl, Saolmth obsiefvanoe, and ’a ’ day of cjRSSaI prayer am! religious services for the young."' jl The Sabbath Schools Committees’ report showed were in connection., with ,the Church 81 fcchiVpw, 6,881 scliolara, ieachera, 106 teachers not taMpbers, 8,745 -volumes,in libraries, and 26 Bible dne&w. At a time like' 1 thApresent,' tuffiwthout manifesting indifference or hostility to Eriwod/Aaii' acted, .upon the ,opinion, ,that the only ffigmmate sphere of State'action in the matter” of cdilution ia secular Instruction, tho Committoo would by every means in their 'power 1 to impress' qualified,pfour Church, members with a thein to d^voteia portion of G.ieicjimn ia bending tho lambs of Christ’s flock. In ITOseut iwcanubmces, it.Wasi-shecr infatuation to exficSTthat tho ministry could overtake all the work h'4 to bo done. The 'ability of the Church to tho dfflfculty whichhM arieen depended, ,to.a r ffip teUvlty (if‘her, private mem-' «*• «MhW of'the- youthful ? bbimhunity. i Tho following deUreraiieel jwae;; agreed ; toPom-. tneyd, tho whole matter of the Church’s relations to' tUavouag to tho coatinued'tekfe: kbd attention of the Courts nf the Church; further reoommend fwnily worship ob Sabbath morning special firadenbe mkdoffir the .work of this young, and; for toSjJsjSf.pnd scholar fin Sabbaffi-'Schools’anil' recommend the inriitutioh ‘Of 4hWathaH’tile’ : 6oinr> ft scheine'df lessons'for Jth< v'. :

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Evening Star, Issue 4952, 16 January 1879, Page 4

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THE PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Evening Star, Issue 4952, 16 January 1879, Page 4

THE PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Evening Star, Issue 4952, 16 January 1879, Page 4