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RELIGIOUS SERVICES. rpilll CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL— X The Fourth Sunday In Advent. 3 a.m.: Holy Communion. H a.m.: Matins aud Sermon. Preacher: The Rev. C. 11. Isaacson. 7 p.m.: Christmus Music and Carols (broadcast). Preacher: Canon D. J. Davlea. Services on Christinas Day: ,6.15 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., v.45 a.m., and 12 noon: Holy Communion. 11 a.m.: Matins and Sermon. Preacher: Tho lit. Rev. the Bishop of Wellington. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, Willis St.—Fourth Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m.: Holy Com-: munlon, 11 a.m.: Matins and Sermon. Preacher: Archdeacon E. J. Rich. 3 p.m.: Holy Baptism., 7 p.m.: Evensong ami Sermon. Preacher : Archdeacon E. J. ltlch. Christmas Day, 7 a.m., S a.m., and 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. Thursday, 10.30 a.m.; Holy Communion. ' /MTV MISSION, 4th Sunday In Advent. \J 9 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Catechism. 7 p.m. Nativity Tableau. Monday, December 21, Midnight: Christmas Holy Communion. Tuesday, December 25, Christinas Day: 1) a.m.. Holy Communion. Rev. Harry Squires, Miswioner. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, Dufrerin St. 4th Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 11 a.m.: Matins. 2.30 p.m.: Distribution of Sunday School Prizes. 7 p.m.: Evensong anil Carols. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, Kilbrinle—4th Sunday iv Advent. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 11 a.m.: Litany and Matins. 'i p.m.: Evensong and Carols. Christmas Services: Christmas Evu (.Monday), J2 Midnight, First Communion of Cliristniiii.s. Chrlslinas Day: 7 a.m., Holy Cunimiinifm; 8 - h.ih., Holy Communion; 11 a.m.. Sung Eucharist. Rev. W. Langston, Vicar. OT, BAitNABAS", Rcseneath. IV Sunday In O Advent, s a.m.: Holy Communion. 9.2Tp a.m. : Litany, Sung, and Sermon. 11 a.m.: Children's Eucharist aud instruction. 5.30 p.m.: Holy Baptism. 0.3(1 p.m.: Evening Prayer. 7 p.m.: Service of Nine Lessons. OT. MARY'S CHURCH, Kurort—Sunday, O December 23. H a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Young People's* Church. 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. 7 p.m.: Evensong and Christmas Carols. Kurort West —2.30 p.m.: Carol Service. yT. GEOIKiK'S CHURCH, Sea toun.—Fourth k3 Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, 9.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Special Christmas I Music and Carols. Christmas Day : Holy ConiImuniou at 7 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. \V. 11. Walton, Vicar. OT. AIDAN'S CHURCH, Mh-amar.—Fourth O Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Morning Prayer, 1L a.m. Evensong and Carols, 7 p.m. Christmas Day: Holy Communion, midnight, s a.m., and it a.m. W. 11. Wallon,- Vicar. OT. CUTHBERT'S, Iferhampore. Advent IV. )O S a.m.: Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. : lluly Eucharist. 7 p.m.: Evensong. ChrLstma.s Eve: 12 midnight, Holy Christmass Day: 7 and S a.m.: Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m.: Holy - Eucharist aud Sermon. 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. SAINT HILDA'S CHURCH, Island Bay— Advent IV. 8 a.m.:-Holy Communion. 11 a.m.: Matins. » p.m.: Carol Service. Christmas Day. 6.15 a.m.: Holy Communion. 7 a.m.: Holy Communion. S a.m.: Holy Communion (Choral). 9.30 a.m.: Holy Communion. P. 11. Warren, Prlest-ln-Charge. <JT. ANNE'S, NORTHLAND.—Sunday, 23: k5 11.C, 8 a.m.; Carol Service, 7 p.m. Christinas Day: H.C., S a.m.; H.C. and Sermon, 9.30 [ Preacher: The Vicnr. I A LL SAINTS, Ngaio.—Advent IV 7 p.m.: The A Nine Lesson Carol Service. Christmas Day —12 Midnight: Holy Communion. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. (Celebrant, Ihe Bishop.) 10 a.m.: Choral Eucharist. ST. BAUXABAS', KHAXDALLAH.—Advent IV. 7 p.m.: The Nine Lesson Carol Service. Christinas Day—l 2 Midnight: Holy Communion. 3 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Children's .Service. 11.15 a.m.: Holy Cominunlcii. milE CHURCH OF ST. ALBAX, LIBERAL i X CATHOLIC. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Tomorrow, Sunday, and on Christmas Day. On Christmas Day the Celebrant will be the Very Rev. Harry Banks, Vicar General for New Zealand, and the Preacher the Rev. Geoffrey Jlodson. Visitors cordially Invited. rniJK CHURCH OF S. THOMAS, Wellington X South. —Patron Festival. S a.m., Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Procession and Sung Eucharisi. 7 p.m., Solemn Evensong and Procession. Preacher: The Rev. W. G. Williams. Sunday School and Kindergarten at 10 a.m. Mt-' —9.45 a.m., Holy Communion. Christmas Day—S. Thomas's, 0 a.m., < Holy Communion. 7 a.m.. Holy Communion. 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Procession and Sun's Eucharist. .Welrose—o.4s a.m.. Holy Comiiiiii.ion. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Boulcott St., near Willis St. —Minister: Rev. Lawrence A. North. Christmas Services. 11 a.m.: Subject, "The Real Significance of Christmas." This Service will ha broadcast by 2YA. 7 p.m.: Subject, "In God's Time." Friendly Hour at conclusion. Visitors are warmly Invited to attend these Services. LYALL BAY BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister, Rev. F. G. lteddell. 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.. Further Xmas Services. Evening soloist: Mr. Lionel Bailey. Evening Communion and Reception of new members. Visitors heartily invited. ISLAND BAY BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister. Rev. It. L. Fursdon. 11 a.m.: Baptismal Service. 7 p.m.: Christmas Message. Communion. Reception of new members. Christmas Hymns find Carols at both services. All visitors are welcome. MIRAMAR BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. H. G. Goring. 11 a.m.: "The Wonder of It All." Specially written carols. 7 p.m.: "The liver Coining Lord." A welcome to these Jnvous services. tSrOOKLYX BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister, X) Rev. A. 3. Jamieson. Christmas Sunday Messages. 11 a.m.: "No Room iv the Inn." 7 p.m.: "Goodwill to Men." Mornlngton, 7 p.m.: Lieut. W. Summers, "Looking Back at the Middle East."* N.B.—Brooklyn United Service, Christmas Day. 10 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. in Baptist Church.

BERHAMPORIC BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister, Rev. R. Wlilingale Fursdon. Christmas Services. 11 a.m.: "The First Christmas Carol." 7 p.m.: "With the Shepherds to Bethclehem." Christmas Hymns at both services. Come ami praise Immnnuel. RAROKI BAPTIST CHURCH, Standen St.— Minister, Key. James dimming. Christmas services.—ll a.m.: "Adoration." Soloist. Mrs. G. Edwards. 7 p.m.: "Following the Star." Soloist, Mrs. .1. Ward-Parnuit. Visitors cordially Invited. STRATHMORE PARK BAPTIST HALL. Glamls Avc. SumlH.v.. 7 p.m.: Special Christmas Service. Solo, Carols, Bright, Address by Mr. K. Parry. Come and join its._ All welcome. 7^iuiTc"iTl)Fcrin{i.sT7^^iiUNx;fo.N south, V,' corner Ulnloul and Colombo Sts. Minister, Mr. 11. C. Ulsehoir. 11 a.m.: Worship and Communion. Subject, ■•Emmanuel." 7 p.m.: Evangelistic. Service, Subject, "Will It be 'Christmas' tor You?" Newtown Chun-lies Combined Christmas Service in our building cm Christ inns morning ut S a.m. Speaker, lUv. W. Klliolt. You are lnvlled lo all tiervices. milE GREATER WORLD X SPIRITUAL MISSION, ■ Antipodean Chambers, 57 Lower Cuba St. Sunday, 3 p.m.: Messages from Flowers. 7 p.m.: Speaker, Rev. M. Bowles, G.W.DIpL, 'England. Subject: "Peace and Goodwill to All Men." Clairvoyance and After Circle. A hearty welcome is extended rpilK CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALISTS' SOCIETY JL OP WELLINGTON (INC.)—Rev. Mrs. E. M. Cralglo wishes all Members and Friends, the Compliments of Ihe Season. Holiday Recess from December 23. Reopening January ti. WELLINGTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (INC.), Kent Tee. (Affiliated with the Spiritualist Church of N.Z.) Sunday, 7 p.m. Spiritual Address and Clairvoyance by Mrs. E. Webb. Tb.i puWiejire cordially invited. EvT^nTouTJln1 MOVEMENT. 72a Manners St.— Sunday, at 7.15 p.m. .Speaker: Madame Emerson. Subject : "A Mystical Christmas ! Message."'Tuesday: Christmas Lecture. Madame LoKtm Hrlllon will be at Hie centre throughout Him holidays: 2.30, Sunday: Special Messages from Klowers, by Madame Logan Brit ton. r if THE TwOßD(f| "I 1 B'BLE Jo^UJ TRUTH I /"IHRISTAnEI.PHIAN LECTURE (God will\J Ing), 1.0.0.f. Hall, Allen St. (opp. Paramount, Coiirtcnay PL). Sunday, at 7 p.m. Subject: "What Christmas Means." As Christmas means that Jesus Christ is an his-lorii-al reality, it Is of the inmost, importance 10 know what the Serlptures reveal euueeiuiiiK Him. In demonstrating ibis evidence will l>o produced to show:— U) That Christ was horn a Saviour—"unto you Is bom Ihis day In llui city of David a Saviour, which is Christ thu Lord." (liiiku 2:11, Matt. I:2l.)—The need of man, who by nature is mortal and estranged from (iod, lias therefore been provided for. (Horns. ;1:12, 1 Cor. 15:22, Kph. 11 11-10, Gen. 2:17, Gen. 3:17-21.) (2) That as a Saviour Christ's pre-eminent mission ut His first coming was to show mankind how they could be saved—this Christ did by preaching the Gospel of the. Kingdom of God for lie as a Saviour made It perfectly clear that no member of the human race could be saved apart from a belief of that (iospel. (John M:(i, John 10:!), Luke 4 MS, Malt. IUiS, Mini; .1 ;H, Luke S :1, A<:ts 1:3, Mark 10:lu, Mark l(!:lli.) (•'!) That the Gospel («ood news) of the Kingdom of CJod concerns Christ's .second coming--the, nood news that. Christ will personally return to earth to assume complete control, of the world's affairs and as universal King govern nil nations wisely and nenellcently on Divine principles to the "blessing of all families of the earth." (John M-H Aci.s 1:11, Arts 3:1!»-21, Matt. 23:3 it, Rev. 1) :!.■., Rev. l!>:ir., Zech. MM), Acts 17:31, I'sa. 72, Isa. 11, Isa. !) :ti-7, Jer. 23 :.">, Gals. :i:S, Gen. 12:3.) (1) That in tills way and in this way only will the wordn of the Heavenly Host at the birth of the Saviour be fulfilled —"Glory to God in the highest, and on eartli peace, Kood will towards men." (Luke 2:13-11.) Questions invited. No collection. If unable lo attend write J. H. Fullwood, 40 Copeland St., Lower Unit for Free Literature. SSEMBLIES Ol' 1 GOD IN NEW ZEALAND 11 The-Breaking of Bread. The! Believers' Hour of Worship, Praise, and Edification. 7 p.m.: Ministry of the Glad Tidings by the Pastor, .Win. J. Phelps. Tonight, 7.30: iVimmo's Hall. The Inspiring weekly meeting for Young People and All. John Hennessey will be the speaker. Note: On Christmas Day at 10.15 a.m. there . will be h United Communion Service at the I'enle-costal-Kvangclichl Hall, 101 Vivian St. HEBRON," HOUSE OF PRAYER, INTERDENOMINATIONAL, 16 Manuka St., Miramar, Wellington. New Year Bible School from Jan. 5 to Jan. 15. Speakers, Rev. G. Bel), Rev. F. Every, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Jolly, Miss Annette Sloane, Mr. Grieve, and Mr. L. J. Donaldson, The Keswick Hymnbook will be used. Ample accommodation. Tel, 16-612.

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Evening Post, Volume CXL, Issue 150, 22 December 1945, Page 4

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