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RELIGIOUS SERVICES. rr(HE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL. JL The 2nd Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.fli.: Holy Communion. 9.45 a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Matins and Sermon. Preacher,, Canoh D. J. Davies. 7 p.m.: Evensong and Sermon. Preacher: ReV. A. AY. Stace, Vicar Of Rlvertoii. QT. PETER'S, Willis St. 2nd Sunday after IO Trinity. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.; Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.: Matins and 'Sermon. Preacher, Archdeacon E. J. Rich. 3 p.m.: Holy Baptism. 7 p.m.: Evensong and Serraoh. Pl-eacher, Archdeacon E. 3. RHSh. Monday, St. Barnabas Day> 7 a.m.: Holy ComhluniOh. Thursday, 10.30 a.m.: Holy Communion. WELLINGTON CITY MISSION.-^Second Sunday after Trinity. .0 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m.. Catechism; 7 p.m., Mission Service. Rev, Harry Squires, Missioner. CJT. MARK'S CHURCH, Dufferih St. Second IO Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.; Holy Com-, munion. 10 a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a,m,: Matins. 7 p.m.: Evensong. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, Kilbirnie.. Second Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion, ll a.m.: Sung Eucharist. 7 p.m.: Evensong. Rev. W. Langston, Vicar. ST. BARNABAS', Roseneath. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. S a.m.: Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m.: Sung Eucharist and Sermon, 11 a.m.: Children's Service. 7 p.m.: Eve. of St. Balnabas. Patioiial Festival, Evensong and Sermon. Dedication of Memorials and Gifts. Tiie Rt. Rev. the Bshbp of Wellingloh. Monday, Juiio 11, St. Barhabiis Day: 7.30 p.m., Evensong ahd Sermoh. - Preacher, the Yen. Ai'Chileacon G. J; Rich. First Visit of Ar'chdeacoh of Wellington to the Parish. Festival Sunday, Juiie. 17. Preacher at all Services, the Rev. C. B. Muschdinp. .Special Rally at 4.30 p.m. All young people from everywhere invited. Speaker, the ReV. C, B. MtisChamp. I^kE CHURCH OF S. THOMAS, Wellington . South. 8 a.m.: HOly Communion, 10 a.m.: Sunday School, Bible Classes, and Kindergarten. 11 a.m.: Sung Eucharist. Second Address oh the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven." 6.40 p.m,: Organ Recital. 7 p.m.: Evensong. Second Address on "Life After Death," "The Intermediate State." Melrose: 9.30 a.m.. Holy Communion; .10.30 a.m., Sunday School. ,Note: An Evening Service will commence shortly. Services and Sunday School will be held in Karitane Products Tin Factory. Go up the drive and down the steps to the left. The Vicar would be glad to hear of a block of land nt -Melroae suitable for a Church... Hall. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Boulcott St., hear Willis St. Minister, Rev\ Lawrence A. North. 11 a.m.: Subject, "Thine Eyes Shall See the King;" Bible Classes at 10 a.m.;. Sunday School at 11 a.m. 3 p.m.: Battalion Rally of the Girls' Life Brigades 7 p.m.: Subject, "Building Again—Learning from the Past, but Not Limited by the Past." Friendly Hour at conclusion. This is a Church with a Welcome. ' I YALL BAY BAPTIST CHURCH.—Minister; J Rev. F. G. ReddelL ll a.m.: "The God Who Sees Us." 7 p.m.: Special Service. Subject: "The Lord is My Shepherd." Beautifuly illustrated with coloured slides. Hymn] study: "The King of Love." Visitors welcomed; TSLAND BAY BAPTIST CHURCH7--Alinlster. JL Rev. R. L; Fursdoh. ll a.m., Parade of Girls' 'Life Brigade. 3 p.m., Service at Houghton Valley Hall. 7 p.m.. Rev. H. G. Gor--iiig (of Ca'versham). .AH visitors welcome. Wednesday, June. 13, 7.30 p.m.: Special Service. Subject "Evangelism—Out Supreme Task." MIRAMAR BAPTIST CHURCH.—Preachers: 11 a.m., Rev. J. Ewen Simpson, of Dunedin; 7 p.m., Rev. N. R. Wood, of Auckldnd. Special Meeting, Wednesday, 13th, cOhdUcted by members of the Baptist Union Council and College Committee. Revs. C. B. Boggis and P. L. A. Crampton and Mr. S; Barry. Subject: '•Evangelism Our Suhreitie I.eSpbhsibility." Do not miss these important services. KARORI BAPTIST CHURCH, Standen St. Minister, Rev. James Cumming. 11 a.m.: Communion. 7 p.m.: Subject, "An Open Door." Sunday Schools ahd Bible -Classes at 9.45 a.m. .. _ BERHAMPORE BAPTIST CHURCH— Minister, Rev. R. W. Fursdon. 11 a.m., "The Peril of Settling Down." 7 p.m., ."Whose Gap--tive Are You?". Come and enjoy .these services. BROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH. Mihieter, Rev. A. J. Janlleson. 11 a.m.: "Christian Adventure." 7 p.m.: Evangelistic Service, "Is the Right Dull and the Wrong Thrilling?" Alexander Hymns. Mornlhgtoh, 7 p.m.: Mr. J. J. Purdle. AH Heartily Welcome at These Services, . , . ■ STRATHMORE PARK BAPTIST HALL, Gla ; O mis Ave—lo a.m.! Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Bible Classes.. 7 p.m.: Church Service conducted by Rev. J; T. Crozipr, of Dunedin. Soloist: Mr. R. Parry. Social hour to follow; Wednesday, at 7.3d: Publi. meeting. Speaker. Rev. J; EWen Simpson, Of Dunedin. Join us ih these helpful gatherings. /CHURCH. OF CHRIST, Vivian St.—Minister: XJ E. P. C. Hollard (late 2nd A.I.F-.). ll a.m.. Worship and Communion. Subject: '"Die Curse of Uselessness-." 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. Subject: "Tragedies of . the NightNo. 1, The Nameless Rich Fool." Anthem by Choir. Preacher: Mr. Hollard. All welcome. Fletcher Mission commences June 20. (-IHURCH OF CIIRIS'r, 'Wellingloh South, J cnv. Rintoul and Colombo Sts.---Minister: Mr. ti. C. Bischotf. 11 a.m., Worship ahd Communion, f1.45 p.m.,- Favourite Hymns. . 7 v.m., Evangelistic Service. Subject: "The Challenge of the Cross." Illustrated with coloured slide pictures. Special solos. Visitors cordially inVited to attend. ~ m #. rrwE greater World spiliinp JL TUALIST MISSION, Antipodean S^l^ Chambers, 57 Lower Cuba St. Sun"_f day, 3 p.m. Messages from Flowers. JEm 7 p.m.: Speaker, Rev. M. Bowles, 'm^- G.W.Dlpl., ■ England. * Subject: "A Psalm' Of Life." Clairvoyance and After Circle. Wednesday, 8 p_m,: Public Sefthde. A Heart.* Welcome is Extended to All. THE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY OF WELLINGTON (INC.), Trades Hall. 12(5 Vivian St. (side entrance).—3 p.m., Sunday, Service, Messages from Flowers. 7 p.m., Divine Service, Rev. Mrs. E. M. Craigie. Tl-ahce address: "Spiritual Beihgs Have Controlled the Bodies and Minds of .Men." ClairVoyahce nnd Floral Message, After Circle. Friends and visitors cordially welcome. V|7ELL_NGTON , SPIRITUALIST CHURCH VV (INC.), Kent TCu. The Centre of Universal Spiritualism. Sunday, 7 p.m. Lecturer, Sergeant NorriS. The public are cordially invited.- . . . ' - NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT. 72a Maimers St., Sllliday, at 7.13 p.m. Speaker: Madame ISmniel'son. Subject: "The Spiritual j Forces We Contact Continued." Wednesday Night, Lectnl-e, 8 o'cloi'k. Lecturer, Mr. SCWak. Subject: "Yogi." Thursday, Social Afternoon. 2.30, Sunday. Special Messages from Flowers by Miuliitlib Logan Britton. I ff THE I WORdII 1 BIBLE . '1 TRUTH I || OF GOD Jj -- I /-■.HRISTADELPHIAN LECTURE (God Willing)*U 1.0.0. F. Hall, Allei) St. (opp; Paramount, Courteniiy PL). Sunday, nt 7 p.m ; Subject: •■Christ's' Parable of the Sower." A parable wliorelli .Testis -demonstrated the great importance of hearing, understanding- and keeping the word of Gotl. This par-able of the Sower and Christ's exposition thereof is to be found iiv Matt. 13:3-23, Mark 4:2-20, Luke 8:4-15, and it will be noted:—(l) That "the sower sowcth.the word." (Milrk 4:14,/ Luke 8:11.) (2) That some heal* the word a lid "tlnderstandeth ft not." (Matt. 18:19, Mark 4:15, Luke S:l2, John 12:40, Acts 28:2(5-27, Epii. 4:18.) (3) That some who hear- tlie wpi-d "have no root in themselves" and so endure for a time; but "when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake/ they fail away. (Matt. 13:20-21, Mark 4:16,17, Luke 8:13, Matt-, fi :11-12, Acts U:---. 2 Tim. 1:8, 2 Tim, fi :12.) "(4) That some hear the word and the cares and riches and pleasures of this life and lusts of other things entering in "choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful;" (Matt. 13 :22, Mark" 4:18-19, Luke 8:14, Matt. (5:25-34, Luke 10:38-42, 2 Tim. 2:4,.-2 Tim. 4:10; 2 Peter 2:20-22, Cols. 3:2, Roills. 8:5-0, Gals. 6:7-8.) (5) That some "in all hohost and good heart, having heard tlie word," receive it, understand it, keep It, and bring fot-th fruit with patience. (Matt. '13 :23, Mark 4 :20, Luke 8 :15, Acts 17:11-12, Luke 24:45, Eph. 1:18, .laities 2:22. Luke S:__!. Luke 11:28, Roms. 2:7.) "All Scripture is given, by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness." (2 Tim. 311(5.) Questions ihvited. No collection. If you wish to understand tlie Bible, read the book "Christendom Astray." A copy will be sent free on application to J. H. Fullwood, 40 Copeland St., Lower Hutt. IMIE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Marion Sl. -—Public Lecture, "This Crucial Period of Evolution. A New Era—or Another Failure." Lecturer, Mr. John Griffiths., , Solo violinist: Miss Pat Hammond, L.R.S.M. Tomorrow, Sunday. 7 p.m. All invited. WARD MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH. Northland. —41st Anniversary Service. 4?. 11 a.m.: Rev. B. D. Tatchctt. 7 p.m.: Rev. J. 1). Grocott. Offering for .Church Upkeep. , B^^^^ "WILL ANTI-CHRIST AR-ISI. BEFORE ARMAGEDDON?" HEAR tlie clear-cut faith-inspiring answer tills Sunday, 7 p.m. Pastor Yin. Brown speaking.-' A living message of love and hope! Sick anointed and prayed for. Jesus still heals! 11 a.m., Brcaklii.*-; of service. Loving welcome. 2.45 ■ p.m., Happy young people's meeting;. No .age limit! .Airs. A; Burgess speaking. Tuesday, i\3(l:. Prophecy and world events: "World Peace; 'Frisco, and the Hope of Man." Lantern slides and sound film Wednesday, 2 p.m_: Women's meeting; Thursday, 7.30, and Saturday- 2.30 and 7.30, Revival' meetings. Revival fellowship. New Covenant Hall. 55 Vivian St. RULING POWERS AND THEIR SUBJECTS SCRIPTtJftALLY TO AS HEAVENS AND EAi-TH WILL SOON VANISH, S.Utii GOD, BY FEARFUL DESTRUCTION. THE Heavens and the Earth which are now by the Word of God are kept in store; reserved unto lire against the. day of judgment ahd pei'ditioii of ungodly Ineii. The day oftlie Lord will comb as a thief In fh£ night; ln wiiidh the Heavens shall pass away with ii great noise, ami the elements shall melt 'With fervent heat; the Earth also and the works therein shall b<_ bufrictl. lip-"- . "For. the Lord will come with fir., ahd with his chariots like a wlii.lwiiid to feiider his anger with Fury, and his i-febtiUe With flames of fire. For by fii'e Anil. b.V his sWol-d will the Ldl*c] plead with all flesh, and the slain of. the Lord shftllj ho many." "For behold I cretlte Hew , Heavens "(rulers) find new Earth (subjects). Be ye glad ahd rejoice, foi1 behold I - create" * Jerusalem a rejoicing ahd her people a joy.'1 (2 Pet. 3:7", Isa. 05:17, 08 :lii. rettd the IVltble chapters.) Helpful literature free. Orange Hall, Daniell St. Sunday Assemblies, or Librarian, Box 1151, Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIX, Issue 135, 9 June 1945, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIX, Issue 135, 9 June 1945, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIX, Issue 135, 9 June 1945, Page 4