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RELIGIOUS SERVICES. INTERCESSORY SERVICE.—You are Heartily InvHed to join with us on Tuesday Midday, 12.40 p.m. to 1.20 p.m., at the Concert Chamber, for a time of Prayer for our Empire, and our Allies. Rev. L. N. Watkins will speak briefly. Pianist: Miss M. Homer. rpHB CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL. JL The 13th Sunday after Trinity. National Day of Prayer. 8 a.m.:' Holy Communion. 11 a.m.: Matins and Serm.on.* Preacher, Canon D. J. Davies. 12 noon: Holy Communion. 7 p.m.: Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, the Rev. C. H. Isaacson. Collections for General Church Fund. A OT. PETER'S, Willis S*—The Nineteenth O Sunday after Trinity. His Majesty's Call to Prayer and Dedication. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., Holy Eucharist and Sermon; 3 p.m.. Holy' Baptism; 7 p.m.. Evensong. Special Intercessions and Sermon. Preacher: Archdeacon Bullock. After-Church Supper for Visitors and Service Personnel. Thursday next, 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Union. WELLINGTON CITY MISSION, Taranaki St. 13th Sunday after Trinity. 9.0: Holy Communion, followed by Communicants' Breakfast. 10.0: Catechism. 7.0 : Mission Service. Rev. Harry Squires, Missioner. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, Dufferin St.—l3th Sunday after Trinity. National Day of Prayer. 8 a.m.: Holy , Communion. 10 a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Choral Eucharist. Preacher, the Rev. W. H. Walton. 3.30 p.m.: Holy Baptism. 7 p.m.: Evensong. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, Kilbirnie. 13th Sunday after Trinity. National Day of Prayer. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. (All Communicants of the parish asked to be present.) 11 a.m.: Matins and Intercessions. 7 p.m.: Evensong and Intercessions. Rev. W. Langston, Vicar. QT. BARNABAS', Roseneath.—l3th Sunday k5 after Trinity. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m., Litany and Sung .Eucharist. 11 a.m.; Children's Eucharist. 7 p.m., Evensong, Intercessions, and Sermon. QT. JUDE'S, Lyall Bay (No. 3 tram to Wha O St.). 13th Sunday after Trinity. National Day of Prayer. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. 7. p.m.: Evensong. Parishioners' Meeting and Supper after Evensong. < Rev. J. A. Jermyn, Vicar. ST. ANNE'S CHURCH, Northland—Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Matins, 11 a.m.: Mr. J. R. Smith. Evensong, 7 p.m.: Rev. L. N. Watkins. ' ST. HILDA'S CHURCH, Island Bay. 8 a.m.: Hol^ Communion. 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. 7 p.m.': Evensong and Sermon. Wednesday, 10 a.m.: Holy Communion. JS1. O. Ball, Vicar. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, Wadestown—Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Matins, 10.30 a.m., followed 'by Holy Communion. Evensong, 7 p.m. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Karori—Sunday September 3, Day of Prayer and Dedication. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Young People's Church. 11 a.m.: Matins. Noon: Holy Communion. 7 p.m.: Evensong. THE CHURCH OF ST.. THOMAS, Wellington, SI. One Holy Catholic, Apostolic Church—l3th Sunday After Trinity and National Day of Prayer. Have you repented? If so, come and pray. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion. 10 a.m.: Family Eucharist. Guides Scouts, and Cubs Parade. 11.15 a.m.: Matins. 7 p.m.: Evensong. Social Hour afterwards. Tuesday: 7 a.m., Holy Communion. Thursday: 10 a.m.. Holy Communion (M.U. Corporate) (S. Evurtius); 8 p.m.. Grand Vaudeville Show. Saturday: 8 p.m., Party and Dance. This and Vaudeville in aid of Companions' Queen. rtHURCH OF ST. AID AN (Church of Eng\J land, Miramar) —Patronal Festival and Day of Giving. National Day of Prayer. Services: 8 a.m.: Holy Communion, Vicar. 11 a.m.: Matins, Rev. N. F. E. Robertshawe; 4 p.m., Festal Evensong, Rev. K. D. Andrews-Baxter; 7 p.m., Festal Evensong, Vicar. Service at North End cancelled. W. H. Walton, Vicar. /CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Boulcott St., \J near Willis St.—Minister: Rev. Lawrence A. North. National Day of Prayer Services. 11 a.m.. Subject: "A Vision of the Divine Majesty." "O Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down." 7 p.m., Subject: "A Call to Dedication." This is no hour for half-heartedness. Communion Service at conclusion. Visitors are warmly invited to attend these services. LYALL BAY BAPTIST CHURCH.—Minister: Rev. F. G. Reddell. Special Services to mark the occasion of the National pay of Prayer and the Church Anniversary. Subjects: 11 a.m., "The Consecrated Life." Communion to follow. 7 p.m., "The World's Greatest Story—Told in 24 Words." > .Everybody made welcome. MIRAMAR BAPTIST CHURCH—Minister: Pastor Wilbur T. Clark. 11 a.m.: Special Service of Prayer, followed by Holy Communion. 7 p.m.: "Wells of Salvation." Visitors Welcome. BROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH.—Minister: Rev. A. J. Jamieson. National Day of Prayer. 11 a.m., "Consecration," Communion and Welcome to Newly-appointed Elders and Deacons; 7 p.m., "The Divine Sufficiency." Mornlngton, 7 p"^n., Service of Prayer conducted by Mr. W. Donovan. God's Blessing awaits you. Come and receive. BERHAMPORE BAPTIST CHURCH.—Minister: Rev. E. F. Sherburd. 11 a.m., The Christian Life a Partnership. 7 p.m., '<The Human Call and God's' Answer."' Guest soloist, talent boy soprano Barry Osborne, of Christchurch. You are welcome to these services. TSLAND BAY iBAPTIST CHURCH—Minister: JL Rev. R. L. Fursdon. ■ The King's Call to Prayer. 8 a.m.: Prayer Meeting. 11 a.m.: Subject: "Penitence." Communion. 7 p.m.: Preacher, Mr. Doust. Retiring Collections for Parcels for our Men Overseas. Monthly Service at Houghton Valley Hall, taken by the Rev. R. L. Fursdon. Singing by the Ladies' Choir.' KARORI BAPTIST CHURCH, Standen St. Minister, Rev. James Cumming. Day of Prayer ■ and Thanksgiving. Beginning of "Abundant Life Week." Guest Preacher, Rev. Lawrence P. Bryan. 11 a.m.: "The Divine Provision," Communion. 7 p.m.: "The Greatest Gift from the Greatest Giver." Friendly Hour will follow. Special Meetings during the week at 7.30 p.m., except Friday. "There shall be showers of Blessing." -Visitors cordially invited. CHURCH OF CHRIST, 21 Vivian St.—lo a.m.: Bible School. 11 a.m.: Worship and Communion. Subject :* "Malting Our Requests Known." 7 p.m.: Bright Evangelistic Service. • Subject: "Instruments of Righteousness." Speaker at Both Services, Mr. C. G. Ealmer. Everyone cordially invited. /CHURCH OF CHRIST, Wellington South, Kj corner Rintoul and Colombo Sts. —Minister: Mr. H. C. Bischoff. 10 a.m., Bible School. 11 a.m., Worship; introduction of Mr. R. A. Blampicd, visiting Evangelist. Subject: "A Challenge." 5 p.m., Youth Tea. Speaker: Mr. R. A. Blampied. 0.45, Service of Song. 7 p.m., Commencement of Evangelistic Campaign. Speaker: Mr. It. A. Blampied. Subject: "A Divine Drama." frnHE GREATER WORLD SPIBX ITUAL MISSION, ANTIPODEAN CHAMBERS, 57 Lower Cuba St.—Sunday: 3 p.m., Messages from flowers. 7 p.m., Speaker, Rev. M. Bowles, G.W. Dipl., England. Subject, "The Power of Prayer." Clairvoyance and After Circle. Wednesday, -S p.m.: Public Seance. A Hearty Welcome is Extended to All Friends, Old and New. WELLINGTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (INC.), New Century Hall, Kent Tee. The Centre of Universal Spiritualism. Sunday, 7 p.m.: Address .by Mr. R. A. Webb, DipI.S.N.U., England. Subject:^ "Concerning Spiritual Gifts: Spiritualism's" Answer.'' Followed by Spiritual Delineations. All are welcome to our meetings. VfEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT, 72a Manners jS St.—Sunday, at 7.15 p.m. Speaker: Mr. F. Broom. Subject: "Prayer." Messages from Flowers by Madame Logan Britton. Lecture, Wednesday Night. Social Thursday, 2.30 p.m. r~~~~~f| THE |WORd]|— 1 BIBLE TRUTH. r^iHRISTADELPHIAN Lecture (God Willing), \J 1.0.0. F. HALL, Allen. St. (opp." Paramount, Courtenay PI), Sunday, at 7 p.m. Subject: "Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King." (1) As Prophet in preaching "the Gospel of the Kingtfoin of God" —"good news" of things to come, i.e., the "good news" of the personal return of Jesus Christ to set up the Kingdom of God upon earth as the only remedy for the terrible state of affairs now prevailing upon the earth. (Deut. 18 :18-19, John 6:14, Luke 4: 43, Matt. 9:35, Luke 8:1, Luke 19:11, Matt, C :10, Rev. 11:15, Key. 19 :15, Dan. 2 :44, Hag. 2:22, Psa. 67:4, Isa. 2, Isa. 11, Gen. 22:18, Gals. 3 :8, etc.) (2) As Priest—the "one Mediator between God and man" who "ever liveth to make intercession for them that come unto God by Him"—now "on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the Heavens," but when the Kingdom of God is set up on earth then upon David's throne in the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. (1 Tim. 2:5, Hebs. 7:25, Hebs. 3:1-6, John 14 :G, Zech. 6:12-13, Zech. 14:16-19, etc.). (3) As King—the .Godappointed King when the Kingdom of God is set up. on carth —reigning from David's throne restored in Jerusalem Jesus Christ becomes "King over all the earth," thereby fulfilling the Apostle Paul's emphatic declaration that "God hath appointed a clay in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man Whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men in that He hath raised Him from the dead." (John 18:37, Acts 1:11, Acts 3:19-21, Luke 1:31-33, Eze. 21:27, Isa. 9:6-7, Zech. 14:9, Dan. 7: 13-14, Acts 17:31, Isa. 24:23, Jer, 3:17, Jer. 23:5, Zeph. 3:15, Zceh. 1:16, Zech. 2:10-12, Zech. 8:3, Matt. 19:28, Phil. 2:9-11, etc.)i Questions invited. No Collection. Free Literature is obtainable at the above Hall, but if unable to attend write "Bible Truth,"' Box 98, Lower Hutt, for\ free copy of our book, "Christendom Astray." RANGE HALL, Buick St., Petone, CHRISTADELPIIIAN MEETING.—PubIic lecture (God willing), Suuday next, 7 p.m. Subject: "For as dn Adam all die; even so in Christ shall all be made alive." A cordial invitation to hear this address, a stepping-stone to eternal life. HEBRON HOUSE OF PRAYER, 16 Manuka St., Miramar.—Saturday, 8 p.m., Speaker, Mrs. S. H. Jolly. Subject: "This life on Wings." Tuesday, 7 p.m., Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 10.30, - Prayer for Peace and all those serving in the Armed Forces. Come, bring a friend. «» r_aut /COMMONWEALTH *£|lL *22^ V^ TEMPLE, Lower Hutt. _/j»*^ HVjl Sunday: 11 a.m., Communion tSftf JT •«* Service. Come and dine with us round the Lord's table. Taste and see that the Lord is good. 7 p.m., Gospel Service and Prayer Service for the Sick. Do you believe the day of miracles is past? We do not. All are welcome—come and see for yourself. Also Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, at 7.30 p_.m. The Temple is open every day for prayer—join with us in making every day one of jjrayer for our nation.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1944, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1944, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 55, 2 September 1944, Page 4