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LOST AND FOUND. TRADE PERSONALS. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. WANTED TO SELL. WANTED TO SELL. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. .' tnST Tpdflv « PIP 1S mmfW „,, . hllri A MEPICAN DENTAL (H. Jackson Dentist). T ARGE AND CO., Estate Agents, 27 Grey pA»p Beds. Camp Mattresses, Plunkot. Cots. WANTED SellJ Buy your Furniture ai WANTED, by. Young Lady, Position in Pro- ATT ANTED, a Barman. Apply personally, k £F s ™oM" s™ ™jr __&rK a*£i§r Si """" ?■ srarjßrb.-^aas«.%» k. su-a:-"- '"■°"-c M""°" ffs_T__rAjr___'t -~. g-ar ■—■--- -"»- ™ %_^, _£___..__. ,_ L OST'sSs Olf[ X CallS lani 6trff' W^^^^mairsl^V^^nu^ °. A. Mitchell, HoKio Beach, Levin. mwo-BURNKR "Kampkook" A S^t _S*_ady'. Bicycle. good con- . BAND opea for Immediate en^- iTsS SS wa^ ' Xj answers to Tiger 11 Ablemarle. Rd., 2? m 5 Kvg. Post. . rriAWA FLAT Garden Estate-Why not own X camping,; bach, good as new; low petrol VV dltlon, £8 10s. 2 Minerva St., off Meln U ments, Sor 4 part. Instrumentalists* ex- Wim riSi't work Hosef MluTßar LambNorthland- Good reward- . tttaNTED Furnished Bach for fortnight, Ti- ■*■ your own Home and entirely cast off the consumption. 3761 Kvg. Post. . st . , perlenced players. Principal, 40 Chelsea St.. tO n Qy S ' T OST, Plaza Theatre, Wednesday afternoon, VVtalii Bay Tvaremata • Plimmerton, mother housing worries? Excellent location, cheap -^r_w Potatoes, 231b, 4s Od, delivered. W. J. V T7ANTED Sell Pair Heavy Boots size — T. Miramar. ~°"My' __, „ .. w v _-—: Lißlack Kid Gloves., Return 8 Esses St., a g KV«^t ° land, £15 deposit King 52-141. _JN GauO.u. Ltd., 40 Ghuznee St. Tel. 52-420, W^-ffSl ffueeS'-rt^aT Bay! ttSSTZSniSiiSi Clerk desires Position W^SS&vSSSffi'SS^ioliSffih'S: ""' _, . '_, ' ; nffl —~ WANTED, Bach or Cottage, married couple. r^AWA FLAT Garden Suburb-Buy now .at J3EMLMGTON Portable Typewriter, new con- Ranted t o Sell."~aTr of BlnocuUrTa_3 W City Office; familiar with oncosts, etc., J T TANTBD Coo General and Housemaid: T OST, Te Aro Post-Office, by soldier, Thurs- \V 2 children from or before January 26, X prices fixed 14 yoars ago, eectious sell- Xfc dition, also Set of Croquet, C mallets. W ease £10 127G Eve Post. Government contracts; no military obligations. W »T^. ' Coo -Gen ral and HousemiWT OST. Opera House, Tuesday evening. Black VV bourne, short period from January 12. 52-141. : _ __ _ X IS-654 evenings or write 3887 Kvg. Post. T T '"^""' , *.. RipVf . lp * condi U Monday to Friday, hourly, weekly; gar- Vttantfd Experienced Waitresses 550 d __tfrr___ii'__j__'? «!^ GM , M ,^ v'^vz&r&srgz r^^^rss^s w^-ja.'st s?^Tjr««- ," lnß ::: TED T0 BUY ix^k^^L^ ■ T OST, Stnger Spare Wheel, Taranaki St. Ring X Paranaraurau for Seaside Accommoda- sections during holidays. A. Leigh Hunt, Sole lln r y n {ustructions for operating. Cc(nl m- '. WANTED TO BUY. it , *\ i nra ~n nß, ^ Li 51-433. "*-V S tI r,TI A Eatwell Agent, Tel. 52-141. or weekend place opposite pl £150 . , jU d j action "En- VI7ANTED to Sell, Pair of Skates on boots, . , .' YT7AN TED, Assistant, experience unnecesT OST One Billfold black with US N sfir ?nn ' Tacancies from Jan' 31< L* A' *"■*"&. Railway Station. Tawa Flat. _ mver'' Boy 3Ub' Gisborne VV aluminium wheels. Apply 24 Druinmond \17 ANTED to Buy. Odds and Ends or Crock-. W sary. Mlaa Hlgglns, *28 Lambton Qy. Reward of, £4 (approx. contents) offered; mail ££« nriuits- vacant January 16 Tel 54-302. 2 verandahs, 2 bay windows, ample garden. .— r r ' *" TT -- ifylit p.- nn flr>lt W covers never used, • also Kitchen Table, Tel. s^-510. \T7ANTED, Waitress, also. Kitchenmaid. Apto address' found inside or deliver to police, three adults, vacant S^nujryjb.i.^o^. d f another house on frontage. pHACTICALLY^ow Upright liano. On,- 2 gtool cream and green _ Ring 30 . C06 after «y ANTED to Buy. Immediately. Furniture. VV ply Garland's, 292 Lambton Qy. Many thanks. E. E. Setchell, C.M.m:, U.S.N. TpASTBOURNE Beach Front-Twin Bed-Sit- pl £UOO j H- Bethune and Co., 154 X class coud on, beauutul tone, bplcndid 6 *V Carpets. Tools. Sundries, no quantity too TTTA / TFn Vull t im ~T nd p art -time Kitchen-T-OST. Thursday, Child's White Size 8 Shoe, £f ting-room, electric kitchenette. 31 Main geatlierst on St. . ; ■ n^rument lurther particular,. oSB2 Evg. ANTED t0 SeII , Packard Elec t rlc Razor> ■tf_J.l«» spot cash. Tel. 46-874. Wi™'aLf 'SMS a^'MWday WaTtJL_ leather sole, between Lambton Qy. and — -- ■----i „ _:- "\TE\V 4-roomed Bungalow, garage, conveuient ~ FNinx ,,, Nor , hp ,. r , Ai., sn ,, lsh — v^l- ~cSaT W £5. 484 Evg. Post. \* "O'esworiD at. wages, no Sunday work. Apply Rest Room; reward. Ring 16-869 (evenings). "DAUMATI or Paraparaumu-\Vanted Rent, J» pukel^a Bay; Apply 9 Avon gt., Island ft tot X raS craSm- il» SelU Quantity Used~BulterCa~ W-NTBD-to Buy. for cash. Pianos, uprlsht Garland's Restaurant, 88 Manners St. T OST. Canary, bright yellow, during holl- Jg. WSS (aWl> ' Bay. £75Q cash, .evenings. .S.N avf Tailored C-rtSg WK' Post° W tons, .lT good orde?; prico reasonable ™or .maU Jj 6 rands. Cba^ Beg. and -——--- _^ L< days, Vivian and Willis Sts. vicinity. Re- sleep 7. Tel. 01-360 or 18 60d. T YALL BAY-Two Self-contained Flats; top -retgHoiLENE nrotects from rust • roofing Call or Tel. Combined Distributors, Ltd., 107 «>■._; L'"-- -Mannera St.. Wellington wages £4 per week. Apply Quality Larward. Tel. 52-701. SUPERIOR AccommodaUon, Bed-Sittlng-room J_ fla t let 50s, pays all outgoings; bottom Jj lbH_^_" sdouilm iron and steel work? Hm Thorndon.Qy. .__ , WANTED Buy. urgently. Household Furni- d 82 ambton P Q r OST in vicinity National Club, Jame. gta breakfast, casuals. Perm-Court. 54 garage, garden, tel. Ring Lj^^^' W^SSTffl S? S'e aS^or'a; WANTED, Capable Girl for kitchen. Apply L_ -Smith's, 13-stone Ruby Brooch. Ring g" „„ Tln , Lkor , Bd -Hleh-clasa Ac- Slm'nvl .. i., r»wi Motion'far Sato ""RQRERS' DKATH"-A perfect destroyer of p VJ gold bracelet attached, £8. 3910. Bv_. - •ta Wellinaton. The Oddmenl W ,115. Brougham St. Tel. 50^829. fSxrsasrAir bu, o cara,^ R^ajLa^a &, ls&a_L a ra^sr&^^ t^^ Hm aPd JaC kson, v,.,, 0 al a,-— — - wssissss » kaSU^£STltii^S: SUPERIOR Accommodatlo^ed^n^om UA BAY-Practically-ulw-TotuiF M.^^S'Z^TASn^ ana ZlilSr^cl.^^?'"^ W^^ZzT^ WS Ho^^ BBSf%^ ' '^ ""^ r OST. platform. Railway Station, on arrival £>£« S 55105 St. Te°L J?«iS_SSr-h-^SSJb^S^.^SE JadiS°"' M£ - W^^ toAnt' vieffia'^t Lo?S 8t Tel 63126- I_____L W ANTED Fe^ale Labour for Manufacturl L ■ -.New Plymouth express, Pair >'avy Gloves. Sfgos btoneUurst' ■xw "Oiucon oi. c.°»^. Se_so I*?m and Co. Keys. XIILJACK Rubbing Compound restores colour, _VV cycle. Apply 22 "Victoria St., Lower WAWTEU t0 Buy> Sewius IJaoaults> drOD . W ing Engineers' Work, of a light mechanical T^t s l2? 8 rT F; Ss; t'" I, b t QINGLE and Double Rooms, bed and break- oItooIsHANNON ST., Mt. Victoria-4 rooms, •j^ma^^ur car loofc-like new. ;HIU and p _^ ; W^head Jand or portable ; best price Wei- .s«^^_^^^ L° SV?an? C fSt Rt'd OS 1 In£i ST handy to station. Tel. 43-603. .£^™^»*sft. o AV E Pouuda-Fur Coats Remodelled. latest W chesVexcellent order; bargain, £4 10, Best Cash Prices given for WISSJLK XSSr^^T^ Reply 83 Owen St., Newtown. _.. ATC - K , n onnMQ ■ T fl IPT colra's 33 Grey St. ' P designs. London Expert, D. Sliver, Ma- 1->l6 Evg. Post. _ _ VV ffumUure, Carpets, etc Always c|ng Cafe Royal, 243 Lambton Qy. Keward. ladles- Quietness essential. 1205 Evg. Post -*- •> i ears, O mins. terminus,- no cnuio, flLoe Covers available tnsoect them Ull- sprung Seats and backs, exceptionally com- -■,-„-«, S_{ Tr <ih\ ——— T OST. Brown Masonic Keystone Emblem, bi: S_TLyall Bay, 5-rd. Furnished ~VsZ. I^L^rre?o^ PFiC° °°; B°° P mediately stable, brand-new; 7 guineas each. Tel. g^lxT™ Bay Sewln "Ma^lTEeT W^'^Hj, Sho?, B"tcher- pi APPIy H>:grad<s HtiLs Ie R U r Vto S between -1 51-374- = T YALL BAY,: short level walk tram-c6nT F^&dlsTreX^' have orl'waX'nlau ** ' " ' W Price no object. Tel: 52-655.' TTTAXTKB. Experienced W «ISSSST-Aip& L 0%1t5 ,ffo£V fii nS n JrBS T°i LfT^^™an^U^t^ mxSI: koo <al^, l_^J^^4?lor" ail^; -- Sui!eT a^ffie. hTo Drd"pTiU DIS OELL, 5 Rhode Island Hens, Uy^SSTfSF. W^TBIi Buy. Blectrolux. ■ Ring Li. Levin. VV Midland Hotel, Ply 83 Owen St., Kewtown. X inß tray« Seutleman onlJ- 3jlc ahe ler £-1500. Williamson and Co., 46-104. venleut payments - »O 455. Dial 398, ask 259. 21 ! TTTANTED, Boy as Buttons. Apply Midland T OST, between Lambton Qy. and Wadestowa. g l.-..- nnilhle Room all conY3 Bult S aSffiS_ B"T lT\lvo!m L^BKlta. Courtenay PL. still have the ifrOß SALK. Cream Cane Pram', as new; W**™ B^'ou Cutter- «Iv« lli- IL-^^h 1 Li Glasses in Case, address inside. Please T° Wi? w Th?Tm«? i w:/ £~ %£ ? i«tiin • £Q(in ioniS' "■ best selection of Chesterfield Suites, lo- X 1 £6. Apply 189 Waterloo Rd., Lower VV Levin- TTTANTKD. Second Cook, Pantrymaid, and return to 26 Fernhill Tee., Wadatfown. Re- X elderly people- 24 The Tcrrjce- _ I*™**?' %-acre' near station, £900. Benge, Bpeci them , mmedlatels- No deooalt . C on- Hutt. TT7ARDROBE Speciulists, next Uu Luxe VV Waitresses. Apply New Commercial >yard. rpo LET, Single Furnished Room, morning 40-804; : 1 venient payments. . -\TUMBKR Strong Rubbish Tins'" 17 x" 13V.h7 ™ Theatre, Courteuay PI., require Appaiel, HoteL T OST, Black Kappa Handbag, envelope X tray" 218 Cuba St — £ lo0_T«S ITJ' Ff t eeh°ld mlf' ■ °D°. V™™t'' I7IVIAN ST MABT-Dropside Cots, £3 ss; JM 22s 6d each. 59 Connolly St.. Lower Hutt, Trinkets. Oddments. 52-775 evenings to cull. wanted. Reliable Person for Private Detec--1~ style, vicinity Cuba St., bag and papers T° LKT- Single; Furnished Bedroom, also £ 130^deposit, some repairs necessary, y O(Jd Ofl|j WardrobeSi neWi £14 lOa . O ak vicinity Melllng. TTT-XTEU t0 Uuy ' -Porcelaiu Bath. Reply VV tive Work. Apply 1260 Evg. Post. sentimental value. Reward by ringing 54-136. A Double Bedroom, use of con vs. 17 Eliza- uenge, &s Hunter at., m-udi s ldcboar( i3 f rol> £ a . ■■ TTiOR SALE Triumph 7 hp —en^inl just W 1089 E'rS- Post. _ TTT ANTED, 2 Experienced Housemaid-Wait-T OST, Navy Blue Shopping^ag, Pair'Flin" be^ st' Suitable elrls- __ __ TNVs^tri?. e-' r^rfiinf i^l!?-, \7Tvi_N ST. MART-3 Good Used Chesterfield I 1 overhauled, new battery, £50." 290 Post TTTANTED, Dinghy. ~14-16ft7""\vitir or Tvith- VV resses, £3 week clear, uniform provided, i_ Sockettes inside. Tel.' 14-829 TO LET' sln Sle Sunny F-rntahed Bedroom, X now, Shmymg excellent returns unques- \g , f fils Use(J Oab B B Sulte _ Agency. Newtown. . W out outboard. Tel. 02-331, or 5 Alice St., Hvo m. Tel. 283 M, Tauranga, Hotel Ocean; T OST, in Walrarapa-down train January 1, 1 suitable gent. 37 Wallace St. Z^vZJ^ 10 £24 lOa' pONNOR Electric Washer. £58ToIT1e75y !^l rJiH______._ . __j___«o«-t Maunganui. __ LJ Brown Zip Bag, containing two small T° LET—Business Girl requires Another A/—«A^"riAibSP nouitrv SSm m markat VIVIW ST MAUT-Uaed Dressing Tables. O Axmlnster, 9x 9. £17; V.P.K. Camera, TTTANTED to Buy, Day-old Pullets. Ring WANTED, Taxi Dnyer (nights). Ring purses with money in each and marriage i Share Room in modern city flat. 1220 * *cre^.-, ,:"" P°p,, y P l?£? np rt f r lul * £3 10s; Playpens, 25a; Wood Settees. £3; Treadle Machine, £8; 2 Double Linen VV 15-174 or apply 173 Daniell St. VV 62-211. or write 5.2 Post Agency/Lower licence; keepsake. Write 543 Evg. Post, Pc- Evg. Post. SieaD£lS7s-handvteansDort 43442 £3 Ss. Large Bookshelves, 39s 6d. Quilts, £3»10s each ; deceased estate, net cash, TTTANTED to Buy, Engine Lionel Train. IF —- : — — tone- ■•-■ ■■ ' mo LET, Furnished Double Bed-Sitting-roora y' ' uT-ir-wr*. w k H VIVIAN ST. AIART-Oak Tea Wagons. £3 all good order;.dealers unwelcome. 3896 Evg. W ply, stating size, colour, 1080 Evg. Post. TTTANTKD, General, no washing or1 cooking, T OST, by W.A.A.F., December 26, WelllnF 1 'together with private electric k'ettc. cen- VihPilr^ «™ Sin,, ?&!»£■ » J» «ds Occ Boob Table. £3 ss; Large J? -oat , tTTAXTED Twin Push Chair wlth"hood~or *V vases r,2^? 3 , pe_^^ e? k clea£\ t Aff ly tmXo^Z" iS\S^ U i^L tT&l' HOt suita- b--- C-- IdrCn- TeL sil 7 --—- bLifSwT^be^^V/riaKSS: ™ C»»b™«- *»ltabl* »°en- fil2- F OR SALE, 10yds Green Inlaid Lino excel- W^ R£ iSliK 1 "r^^O % » g^ ' s Rd- Lower Hutt" PP al n?t?s: _fl^De_?ie/ reward finPn«,f a™ rpo LET, Sunny Furnished Front Room, morn- modern kitchen, garage; extra large section, V IVIAN BT- MAKT-New. Furniture made A 1 lent condition, practically new, £2 10s. (business hours). Sri nnl nn light work Saturdi? Lower Hutt ? 60 Post Agency, 1 ing tray> qulet surroundings, central; fow i_ouse. toolshed, 5 minutes bus. (Vacant.) ▼ In our own factory. Pay cash and save Write 498 Evg. Post. > WANTED to Buy7N?elo Boiler, Orlller. I^S2 W^.TC'uK after school Annlt Mrs T fisT nri Ti h \ - h S— gent- Preferred- Tel- 51-292- £1550. 43-442. ■■ US6 In the pound. p ENT'S BlkeT^Glu sports, all accessories. W Evg. Post. " ' vVnrs »4 fafS'B- LowS Hutt Dlil S>™' JL noon? Spectades dark rlms^Reward 18 H^O LET. Single and Share Rooms, hot water. \f-Ur. VICTORIA: 2 Self-contained Flats, yiVIAN ST. MART-Children^s Toys, better VT Apply 68 Tirangi Rd.. Rongotai. TTTANTED to Buy or~"HlFe7Good Pair Ear- nsfc fo'r"_«_ "_ ; ' Freeling St., Island Bay X tray. 53 Kent Tce^ ; V' both vacant, lovely harbour view. Top * and Cheaper; Strong bcootera, 255; rpENNIS Net, heavy gauge, brand new, 50s VV phones for hospital patient. Apply Scott, jtt TAN TED Hall Porter Apply Occidental V nCT — r. T- s,t■■ p. rpo LET, Double Furnished Room and convs., flat, livlug-rOom, 2 bedrooms, kitchen (re- Locomotives, 5s lid; Cribs. 4a 6d; Battle- X or near offer. 3935 Erg. Post. Hairdresser, Empire Buildings, Willis St. W Hotel L^ey^gtaSS^ 1 sunny. 146 Molesworth St gSSJTSSS*^ blooms m£i!k irii-N.THiir mart 247 __5_ f^NE Drop-back P_STC-ar7^^^Mo-: TTTANTED to Apply pTSpllit^ Ing, between Lloyds and Trocadero via Wake- 117ILLIS ST., 186, "KayV'-2 Share Rooms b™a± ro°^ dp - be^, m.' fiisfn ' Bn™d M^^nni^rJ.n^-^m.n^ ™_i reasonable. Apply Gunter, 318 .Upper W 10, in good condition. Tel. 28-088 after VV Clarendon Hotel. fleld St. Finder please leave Trocadero. Re- VV .to Let. refined business girls; personal ' ' 'order C*an 21 _SneJt COod >_______3t; wanted. 2 Waltresses7i~d wages. ' Apply ward. ■■..■.-. interview only. Tel. Ba-319. tt giTTaipvig »■ ,~5 -if'^H ITf* at To, „ 1?OR SALE, White Fur Fabric Evening Coat, TTTANTED Buy,~Sm7irfennls Macquet. suit- VV Centaurus Restaurant • " ring-46-511.-. St., off Borden St., Newtown. T»OSENEATH-Attractlve Stucco Bungalow, Baby High Chairs, Tables. p A NOE, 10ft, carry 2 adults', strong, good ™ nt) £?Zj? V °F larßer" R°llly U' L '"' TW 36-605.' g Partlculais JCVvPhotos; also. Underclothing, removed O. quiet,, refined ,non-smoking business Harold Calvcrt, 40-490. n-mun, Ji , ng Per _ anent Records and Account r« S -GENT'S Sports Cycle. Ring 25-819 ) TITANTED to Buy. Tyres, 500 x2O or 4,0 x vT duties, elderly cbuple, good home, sleep Wv&A.F.,"Hostel, The Terrac-q, New Tear's woman. 3024 Evg. Post. __" ■ ■■ -— : Books, etc "Evening Post" Printing Dent. %J . fc VV. 20. lUng.. 53-572.. D. Lester,,32 Abel in. lets., King ,b-8-i. . fti^miwtmWWMr ?&&y&.&-- +■ :■■•::■ ■:■■?:. C«ttpij>RlOß ' Casual ted ahd WANTED TORRENT. ?*- 47.22fr— ...».. ■j ■ ...,.-;. -■-•--.-. ,■ .- ■•>■; rnp Sell. Chesterfield Suite and Loose Cover;"' Bmm^t-' -^^ __,____.„ . ■.\I7AS3:BD,.;,Ypung Gltls fpr. Factory, high pbLD-RBlMFirs p lctartes,'.left McEtenzie^ fe^ morning tray, 'central, every' cony. 151 -.'. ' . , f^HESTBRFIELD Su/te bargain, rounded 5?55 TIJAKTED.; 4.00. ,_ 23 or ovel-size Tyres. JSin .■>,». wages; excellent working conditions; no Ur Ltd., Ctiba St. 1 Apply Manager. Molesworth St.. Wellington. TTTANTED to Rent, by Serviceman, Unfur- O and backs, covered hftrd-wearlng plain -— nR TA TI r «T" ! nfm! i, t t.f ri > h ' W 50-267. ' Saturday work. _ Apply Hornl Buttons and AcF EFT on 3.20 train from Upper Hutt, Golf T>OOMS to Let, men Lambton House, VV nlshed House or Flat, 2 bedrooms. 1038 green tapestry, one-chair slightly soiled.Was F^good S'rder.^6: ?286 Ivg a post ' WANTED ■ to: Buy. 12fTcmu--built Boat. -^ Li 'Bag, with clubs, and. also a riflo ■ inside. 1\ Plimmer Steps, Lambton Qy. _______ ; £52 lOs.^now £42 10s. Very good buying. ■• ° '"""'„* Vn "l f i»i I x-o- W Ring 16-720. . \T7A3S-TEp;. a Hall Porter. Apply New ring 41-878. Reward. ■■ ■ - WANTED. Refined Business Lady, Share WANTED to Rent from end of January. Xeate. Willestpn St.. opp. Stewart Dawson's g-bTO^fgS^g^f Yemenit Ring. £20. ITANTED) Two Lar g e"Lui~s7ils.HTSiid dental . FOUND Small Box alleyway, 54 Willis St W Comfortable Room. Apply 321 Willis St., ** House, furnished or unfurnished, prefer- comer. . . ; ; « and bet Golf Clubs and Bag, _7. Reply VV order, suitable for heavy double-ended TTTANTED; Relieving Housemaid. Apply New fTTOULD Person who found Pair Lady's Black X ARGE Furnished Bed-Sittlng-room, suitable VV ed House, Eastbourne, Day's Bay, from leston St., opp. Stewart Dawson'a corner. T?OR SALE, Baby Budgies, ready for teach- -?' ■-■ .-v—7-. ~vl 1 y -—t: s- —tvr- ;—rk TV, 10!? 8 outsido Tobacconist's, Kil- JU 3 adults, permanents, casuals, tray; also end January O r February. Write 3791 Evg. ?~UC"k Mashes 251b Ga Cd- Chick Raiser J ing. Ring 42-G7l. • TTTANTED to Buy, Appro*.7yds Lino., an TTTANTED Apply ri9e6 between 9 eSa am iTm^' pleaS6 riDS Single. 196 Willis. St. . Po^t^ QsMb fa.^deiiveriS. W.^J. SL. S p _NT.'B Cycle for Sale, Eadle cZSuFtZZ IL--i- Condi'io"- "'^-^"L---—-- j^ggyw H^ .r-t-T i_S-lJb Detv^een t) a.m-^ p.m./ TrAY'S." 186 Willis St.—Superior Apart- 'WANTED, 2-rd. Flat or House furnished or 40 Ghuznee St. Tel. 52-420.. .VT wheel, back-pedal brake, new condition, TTTANTED Buy, Large Stanley Mitre Box with TTTANTLD Experienced Housemaid. Apply POUND, Parcel containing Bridge Cards. Ring IV ments, casuals and permanents. TeL VV unfurnished, by Merchant Navy man ITERBERT ST FURN ARCADE —back of fc'oocl tyres; price £8. Ring 54-299. W saw. State price, 5S Post, Agency, iower W Wakfefleld Hotel. ; *• J3-Pls- 55-319. Conducted by Mra. R. T. Budd. wife, and daughter, adults, now or end of O Fowld's. 52-TB6—Large Selection of Car-' T7«OR SAIJS, Singer Electric Sewing Machine, Hutt- — .TT7ANTED, a Cook. Apply Post Office Hotel. ~ FIIMFRAI niRFPTnR<? ~~ ~^.,0 January; permanent. 1281 Evg. Post. pets, Hugs, and Lino. £ as new. 1200 Evg, Post. TTTANTED to Buy, Doll's Pram. Rood condi- VV ; t-UW-HA- UIK_i,IUK;>. TO LET MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, by elderly lady, Single Unfur- TTERBERT ST. FURN. ARCADE, back . of" SEVERAL Linen Household Articles, .unused, W tion. suitable cWld of b. TeLGS-O-K yr, AyTEl ) t Junlor y em ale Clerk, no previous E ■ Direct" LTD" PARAGE, near Upper Willis St.; suit small Ze, T&nZ r^agSj. 'SThJ?' iTBeTS , T?^ WS^.^oVm?"" "S^gJilS £rln?&Z?£%?& S^coSSeS P 2sne__ N ? lr TCE.&' S Car; 6S 6d PCr Week- TCL 54-°°4 eVen- WANTED, by young lady, Singld^-^ £ &" "* J^L? now '^SJuSt' s_i__J_: ! - Hill Bros., Head Office, 174 Lambton Qy. _ Tel. 52-159. ** ' . ■ D *» Koom, Courtenay PI. yicinity preferred. TTERBERT ST.' FURN~. ARCADE, back of Lambton Qv and Lower Hutt QOPRANO Saxophone, low pitch, will pay T>ART-TIM_ .Assistant wanted for .Suburban j. E Tss:iKo ra soNs ' md- board ♦w^i-iDewc- rj?-.rL__, v ntur . Sarsys?s& <sw__sa E^rsrff-^i' 11^""^^'- s^-r^r^ss- Sl>le tr'ce 3nJ"" .4__^_____™ -11-> __ "*_: ?» vtviaTst flndTißnm- TTTANTED, Full Board or Bed and Break- VV .nlshed House or Flat, 2 bedrooms; will' 19s lid; Radio Tables, 29a 6d. . ?___± King Dr~.r__ . /CARPET, 9x12 or larger, in good condition. -TTACANCY for First-class Wireman, good Tel 26-073 ' *<""""• VV fast, by 2 respectable New Zealand pay up to £3 weekly; city area preferred. 1209 WJERBKRT ST FURN ARCADE —bacF"of f^UMBOOTS. knee-length, heavy duty, as j_y 3768 Evg. Post. V wages and conditions to approved appli--—j- — -— sailors. 1317 Evg. Post. Erg_- Post. • J_ Fowl _. Bf 5 21786-3-pieco Silky' Oak Bed- VT new- Rmg 53484- . i-iAMERA. 16 on 120 film. 4.5 lens, compur, cant. 1267 Evg. Post. ■ TSAAC CLARK AND bON, GUEST-HOUSE, 98 Wellington Tee., TTTANTED, Furn. Flat or Bed-Sitting-room, room Suite with wire (modern). £29 10s; TUST in time—Tennis Shades, 2s 6d each. \j shutter. Full particulars, price, 1302 TRANCE Band Drummer required three Sat- ' mvrtinTT ow^i Tel- 42"225' has Vacancy for 20 or more TT Naval rating, wife, and child; anywhere. 0-piece Dining Suite, £21 10s. «J Buy now while they last. Whitcombe's, j.j vg . Post, ' ' ■*-/ urday nights from January 1-5; above Tels • Dav'4l 561 •■ Nteht"'»7 1-" Permanent Boarders; good conditions and good Rent reasonable. 1104 Evg. Post. ITEKBEKT ST. FURN. ARCADE, backTf Qy. and Lower Hutt. "OEDROOM Suite (twin beds), Good Chester: award wages; must have own kit. Apply 3730 - tets" "*y -<-io»._ tantl. TTTANTED, by careful tenant, Unfurnished O. Fowld's. 52-786—Sewing Machines, from T7<OR SALE, Gent's Bicycle, £3. Tel. 46-249. ±> flcJd Suite, and China. Cabinet; must be ROBERT H. WILSON AND SONS, LTD., X7"OUXG Man requires Good Private Board TT Flat or Rooms in quiet home. IJ7DS £8 10h; Blinds, 7s Cd; Tea Wagons. 22s 6d; -T modern and In first-class order, cash waiting, p IRL required, general work," Wellington PuftFuueral Directors, X immediately. Reply 490 Evg. Post. Evg. Post. :__________ Sideboards. 65a. tTiUA'-VTE Sale —Walnut Single Bed; Wire", Tel. 18-654 evenings or write 1068 ■ Kvg. Post.' VT. He Accountant's Office: good opporturT ol e .r>A irJ G4 K A?|:, LA X;? IE,r iL)> TTACANCY for working man in good honie, TTTANTED. urgently, Furnished Self-contained OISKBERT ST. FURN. ARCADE, back of 1 and Mattress, panel ends, £12 10s. 3752 TMAMOND"rIuT wanted, any price, style ity learn some bookkeeping and typing; pleas-_J_ls__24-155. 56-521, 50-, 41. Vto share. 271 Taranaki St. VV Flat, 2 bedrooms. Tel. 46-020, 9 a.m. to 5 fl, Fowld's, 52-786-3-pieco Modern Chester- Evg. Post. _____ U reasonable value, where seen, cash wait- nut conditions. AN rite to Box 192, Te Aro, MOTORS AND PYPLFS "OESPECTABLE Tradesman requires Private : tield Suite, £28 10s; Others from £19 10s; "TUST in Time—Tennis Shades, 2s" 6d each. ing. 1027 Evg. Post. _• iri_ :— m"'""Q AWU J_^, Board> glngl6 rooni) with qulet family . tttaNTED to Rent, Garage, small car. vicin- Half-round Tables, 455. • J Buy now while they last Whitcombe's TTTE Buy and Exchange Modern Photographic rpHREE women Cleaners required for evening ITTANTED to Buy, Buicb, model from 1937 390___E_'g__P_ost. VV ity Raroa Rd. Presbyterian Church, Kel- pmFFITHS ELECTRICAL CO., 41 Fariih Lambton Qy. and Lower Hutt." ' W Apparatus. You can rely on us for best X work; clean, reliable workera with esW onwards, private cash buyer, urgent. SBS4 Tn~-_BVICEMAN requires Full Private hum. Tel. 26-192. Ijf St., Repair Radios, Radiators,: Jugs, fwMONff-gnWement Ring for Sale £25~; prices, Kodak (N.Z.), Ltd.. 292 Lambton Qy. Pf»« nc| J« fe"fJ \™%J?*%^ tzmlltn svg. Post. . XL* Board for period of 4 months, commenc- TTTANTED to Rent, in Silverstream or Here- Toasters, Grillers, Vacuum Cleaners. 45-783. D not been worn Tel 25 448 / \LD Jewellery and Diamond Rings Bought J^ er' South Bntlsh Insurance Bldg., Lambton W" ANTED —SmI _li"'Atodern"~rar —f>~J—^ mB February 19, Kilbirnie preferred. Writo VV taunga. Part Furnished or Unfurnished VrENNEB'S LTD —3-niece" Fireside Suites' — .„„ 'c , :'. '-v rrr \J for cash. Sell yours to Ted Smith. __: : . particular^ 0 m^Evg^Post to "Advertiser," P.O. Box 15, Blenheim. Flat or Bungalow. Ring 45-S3B, or reply 487 X £15 15s; Mreside Chairsf sol;beS fui D '?£ aho^Dronhealf'li'nSrXwhS Jeweller. Ghuznee St., opp. Te Aro Post Office. TTOUSEKEEPER wanted, capable taking ITTANTED to Sell l"3l-32 Ford 'AlToTditeT "REASONABLE Board offered with homely Evg. Post. coverings, cash or terms. Wellington or H n i_ o n%f_!._ „_♦£ £_? 1198 Eve 117OM-N AND HOME. My Home. Smart ii^arge two small g_to during day. gener-. Winicood condition 1120 Eve Post XV people at Trentham, in return companion- T.ITANTED to Rent, Room, vicinity Upper Petone. t Machine, round shuttle, £10. 1198 Evg. yy Novels. True Story. Screen, VVestern. and °«s time off, wages £2, no objection to own ♦ condition. 1120 Evg. lost. shl p. 12 Post Agency, Upper Hutt. W Willis or Aro Sts., by business lady. Tel. UTeGOWAN AND MAGEE LTD C_So__ " Detective Magazines. Digests. C. C. Altken. small girl. oO Post Agency. Lower Hutt. W moS and^'od c-oidSon ™l h Tel" TT NIVERSITY Student working "afde Havil- M Sts. ctrtage and Soragc^Contractors! E^ri?^ 8 n'' -to"^ __? Bookseller. 169 Riddlford St. PROBATIONER for Harris Maternity Hospi--17-292 -tonaltion. cash. Xel. |J d6slres Board> Rongotal# urgently . -| X7 antED, immediately, Self-contained Flat) 22 Customhouse Qy. Tel. 42-006 (3 lines). lv Golfers 2s 6d each Whitcombes, Lamb- JE fi prjcea f furniture, Carpets, -t tal; previous experience not necessary. If/ t --—--. on , _ Ring 17-611. Wby soldier's wife and sister, own linen TUTcGREGOR WRIGHT'S for Picture griming ton Qy. and Lower Hutt. VV Pianos. Office Safes, and General House- Apply personally, Matron. W1? cood condition Write tollnc a Eni T»OARD, private, wanted sr?e_tiy: i_ and crockery, both quiet and refined. Apply M Useful seect on of Framed Pictures in V OR SALE, Navy Pin-stripe Suit size 4, six Hold Goods. Ring before selling. Tel. 52-973. TJELIABLE Housemaid-General, Harris Mast Hutt conmtlon- "rlte t0 Wne r 3 i-punl J_. Palmerston North> by rcflned young lady# 1306 Evg. Post. Stock. Inspection at 115 Lambton Qy. J months old, £5. Tel. 41-895. f \IAMOND Kings and Gold Jewellery of any XV- termty Hospital. Apply personally, tTnx-TOii'r^ Prflf „> n gf —, 'in , Write 485 Evg. Post. TTTANTf^D, by respectable, sober, New Zea- /^HEAP Wallboard suitable fnl~^ —"TT "TfcARK Oak Bedroom Suite, perfect order, U description purchased at bighest cash Majroiu ■ • Wig?« niSr ™.I,^««rt«_ 10 Bhi iP n "ROABD for Two Girls, 1~.2 years, boy 4, W land sailor, wife, child, Small' Furnished Vj lining ,„'Statin-^ or paperinK W H " £30 cash; also Piano-Accordion, 120- prices. W. M. Uaycraft and Co.. Manufac ur- o W ART Boy or Girl wanted for Confectionery Pn 1n rf m i i n fano 1?? 8 Bi>h^'8 i>h^' & anywhere for few weeks; parentsl waiting Flat, suburbs or Lower Hutt, reasonable. 3895 Long and Co Lid Tel 51-555 bass, £.50 or offer. Apply 7 Patrick St., Pc- ing Jewellers. 94 Willis St. (over Preston's) £* Factory. Apply Regent Confectionery, 3 bord part payment. Replies 3909 Evg. Post, to occupy own home; kind, motherly person first Evg. Post. , " _ ' UJIK . . tone, weekend. rjIGHEST Prices paid for your Diamonds, Holland St.. off Tory St. ' TTTANTED, Late Model Car, Bor 10 h.p.; cash consideration; very urgent. 1193 Evg. Post. TTTANTED, urgently, by married couple, 2 li. our short 3 months "freeof'interest'sw? T^YE-SHADES ,for Bowlers, Cricketers, and El Diamond Rings. Jewellery. Old Gold. Sll- ASSISTANT for Sandwiches and Salads; $r*kS?sjffjFss: "^ M""' __" •*» -•" "*■--»• *— w\slzs s __; —• ss SSCi%rHS' sS d ° t-ts^ ssn ~~3c wlUl y^rzA^^rau^n;. &*«a^_y.__?aaftsß; TIRIUMPH, 1937. 3%, 0.H.V., completely T>OARD and Residence offered young work- cooking facilities. 3915 Evg. Post. Wellington. ' " mo «?pll No 8 Stanley Plane, £2 10s; 2 Tel- 51-2JI. , _ TNEXPERUSNCED Woman wanted, assist X overhauled, four-speed, 3% S.V. 8.5.A.. X> ing man, central, close Parliament Bldgs. TTTAVfED Garage for par~l7i —Brooklyn" rrF\\vw< TTn tnr Hcf Vnl ..„ VVol T Chimney Bars and Pfck Head, £1 15s; 1 Tl/TONTE DE PIETE LOAN CO., 129 Willis 1 serving; good wages, early closing. Amemn^St COTe tiO 5nf- 6 33 Olley aDd SPenCG' "49 APPIy 188 Molesworth St. Wifonn^hfTc'e. f°or 0^ K^gtonf" S' cS, *$■£•%"* c 'It -_ J bleCsi_g__tJto x 20i«, 11. '26-360. /., M St--Buyer^ of Jew •^^Xtt'o-SSS" g^S Bar. 27 Willis St. i:"--^; 10B *' ~■-<-*-; -, fJADBT Reporter wants Board with private area. Apply Tel. 43-999. Lay-by, no extra .charge. Wellington and f^YE-SHADES. ideafToTTthe beach. 2s 6d S£l__JS' fSS etc Highesl'prkS or" R OY ,wan_, ted for £ rlntinS A5" U RSer 4 lmvSut?Mw rdtv?e e 8 16 in^h l^ %£?*' r°°m ' WrlW W IVE of Soldfer °^cas Rent Fur- __?__. *- each. whitcombe's. Lambton Qy. and m^ danced. Tel. 52-249. g -D ply Factory Manager. "Evening Post." wire wheelsf spare tyre mounted on sWe -g" FoSt' ' — L VV- nlshcd House, flat section essential as T7"ENNER'S. LTD.. for Furniture, cash or Lower Hutt. "BRING or Post your old Jewellery. Diamond Further Situations ■ Vacant OH Page 2. bumperbars luggage December and RRADFORD HOUSE. Tel. 51-520. 236 Orlen- ™aH boy (21 months) is in leg irons. Ring IV "Ifa easy to pay the Kenner Way." TTODAK Fine Grain Developing Service B RhSs E.^ A. Josllng. Jeweller. 94 Wake- - January coupons; £180. Apply after 6 pm., *•? tal Bay—Superior Guest-house, perman- 28-13^>. Latest timbers and coverings. IV (ultra fine grain), all miniature films and fleld St.. opp. Public Library. Spot cash. MISCELLANEOUS WORK WANTED. 1 Heath. St., Lower Hutt. ents or casuals. Bed, breakfast. /^UIET, Middle-aged Married Couplo requires T>EATTY Washers. Full stocks of spare Panchromatic films of all sizes are developed ttiIePHANTS Collected, also Tools, Clothing. ; : ; _ ' ' TNDIAN Scout Motor-cycle good condition A KMADALJS Guest-house. Opper Hutt. Vj.2 Unfurnished Rooms, k'ette, good refs.. X> parts for all models carried. Dominion •« a Kodak Ultra Fine Grain Developer. For J^Mus^l Instruments Furniture, one lot TTTANTED by 2 Men. Work after 5 p.m. I Iw bl&™£*rts%s2Lri;*te; £1 r f as l uals and Derms- f^. board. Tel 75. or would buy small house, cash. 3939 Evg. Motors, Ltd., Kent Tee. best results send your films to Kodak (N.Z.). tts^T-rst Dw?er. Pawn- W Write 1117 Evg. PostMeccano. 268 Oriental Pde. Mrs. Gavin. Post . |V"ENNEIt'S LTD.—3-piece Fireside Suites in ' Larni_to_gy_ _ broker. 139 Vivian St. Tel. 51-052. TTTANTED, Children's Sewing, Smocking piASH Buyer requires Late Model Light Car, *~" MnTflpe Afcln r", - c HP 11'"1 Conductress requires Single Furnished XV beautiful tapestry, £16 10s cash or 5s WANTED TO BUY PROPERTIES. TTiUMONDS, Diamond Rings, Peafls,"Green- ,7" specialty. Ngaio - district. 1108 Evg. Uin good condition Write 533 Evg Post MOTORS AND CYCLES. X Room, cooking conveniences, handy Thorn- weekly; 2 Fireside Chairs, 8s 6d weekly. ww"' u'"ou T rrturK""<=-°' \J &iQne> c ;__ eo Brooc _ es , Gold and Sliver . Petone. wAttTwn Tf\ rttv d6n__trani sheds. Urgent. 3934 Evg. Post. |->_j)io and Electrical Repairs to all makes TT7ANTED, Properties. B. Leslie Jones. 101 Jewellery. Bracelets. F. Duncan, 122 Willis TTTANTED, Painting and Paperhangiug by USTIN 7, 35-36, £163; De Soto Coupe, al_ Makesl andi Models Used Cars • cush TT^U, RNISHED Flat or 2 Unfurnished Rooms, X\ of Radios and Appliances. Reliable Ser- W WIUU St.. wiU seU your Property. Writ*. St. ; VV Clean Tradesman.• \v\xo knows only, the £ 125; Morris 15 Fordor, nice order, £275; A on thlsDOt S£ BUOW^ and ask for adUltS- C 2 Fost Agency> Kilbln"e- vice at Fear's. 31 Willis St., Wellington. call, or Tel. 4L822. TTERBERT ST. FURN. ARCADE will Buy for one trade. 1326 Evg. Post. ■ terms, half cash. Motor Sales, 74 Ghuznee Sales Manager or bring your car into our TTBGEXT—Wanted, by returned soldier and T)EARLS and Necklets Rethreaded by experts. T"ST A:s *TEO to Bu >'> House, Wellington or XX Spot Cash Furniture, Carpets, of all de- X ADY wanted, very light duties, mostly for St. Tel. 53-025. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, wife< Furnished Double Bed-Sittiug-room, X Don't risk losing yours. F. Duncan, 122 VV Hutt, £250 deposit. 1192 Evg. Post, scriptions. Tel. 52-786 for quick sale. U Company; suit pensioner. Tel. 45-655. poOD Gas Producer for quick sale, £11 or ■ 65 Kent Tee. Lower Hutt, Petone, handy train, bus. 1307 Willis St. TTTANTED a Nice Section at Karori casF. -JEWELLERY from 5s to £1000; £2 paid for TT'UR Coats Remodelled and Renovated, good UT offer. Apply 81 Monorgan Rd., Broad- THE DOMINION MOTORS. LTD. rg- Fost T^URNITURE on easyTeTnisI Visit Radford's W Particulars-372S Evg. Post. tl Sovereigns. Palmer, 234 Lambton Qy. X - job guaranteed; reasonable. Further par- *•«>•• ' CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED. "\rOUNG Lady requires Room with use "of kit- X 1 Huge Furniture Showrooms. Best selection tn Huv Dair? "or Mixed Business Rlng 4Q-C93- : tlculars ring 17-137. ORRIS COWLEY 14 h p —Saloon —sleeper ™i7 B Pa? Highest Cash Prices for Low- x chenette. quiet private home preferred. Bedroom, Dining, and Chesterneld Suites. W suitable for lady town or country 3753 "PRICE'S AUCTION ROOMS, 40 Manners St. T>OOFING Repairs done by Expert Tiler. Ring type, 1930, tyres, etc., fairly good, motor ,VV mileage Cars and Trucks. AU makes 3JO^ Evg. Post. . TAINTED Furniture for the Kiddies I Kidney Evg. Post. ' " f. -Cutlery, Jewellery, Crockery. Dishes. X\ 45-744. . ;ood. Price £35. Tel. 28-305. ivmrnT «?TPPHiCN<?nN aNn en TTn Y°}i' KG w~n>» woul" "ke Quiet Single JT Dressing Tables, Tallboys, etc.; terms ar- TrfoUSE Lyall Bay. Rongotai, Kilb~le7~3 fippnf^Vrnm vlti^ tnl S^n^ nnrtSS "DANELBIiATERS require Spare-time Work. F OR SALE, 1939 Hlllman Te~b, Luxe, fault- ™^h££S2^£'i^ SaL™** P-tt n°°m' ?° n"" CeßtraL 38°4 Et »' ranged. Radford's. Manners St. : HbSomTor 2 > bedroo^'and .unpordu gggg ffig Jffi^o&T DU_ 40-819.^ * Write 481 Ev g . Post. X less condition, excellent tyres; £295 56-126 — Tel. — 60-359 fXUEAP Wallboard, suitable interior wall- moderate deposit, genuine. Fullvparticulars W XTF „„„ „„„,, fnr „,. f^noo „» T , go^ ~„,,,„ T>UILDING Alterations, Renovations, etc., un;ash. 3748 Evg. Post. ■■ ■ —. nr> ri mnt n r TTn Ti V <iuiet' respectable, N.Z. overseas service- \J lining, for painting or papering. W. H. 1113 Evg. Post. W A^r,f,« ! v! /» „1! 1 J-» dertaken, estimates given. Ring 28-526. TTAUXHALL 14, modern, excellent condition. T THE USEIf CAR SPECIALISTS^ Mn^v'ut t'.n" 1, baby> ? maV, S^TK h° nS C °" Ltd" TeL 51"555- TTAROLD CALVJSRT. Land and • Estate JannS'l? Lamphouse. 11 -p UILmyG Carpenter , Alterations, Additions,' -V owner leaving overseas, tender for price. Btiu able lo maintain a LARGE AND Bw Post rnl3hcd Or uufurlllsh^. 3,ofa -OORER-INITECTED Properties. Free iuspec- XX Agency, (5 Boulcott St.. has reopened of- TrlvIAN ST aiART-Planos Garnets Fur- ■" and Repairs. Please ring 27-043^ . Applications closing 12th instant. Inspect 28 VARIED STOCK -- ■■■■ & tion for buyers, owners, and sellers. For llco for business. Properties wanted urgently. V nitnrl n«, „, JttiZ S^'fJ. Sfi '„/£ TT^^vktvji mn h TlThhiir g ~w^k 5~? Plunkott Aye.. Petone. AI , poKjjBMAKBsiT PRICES TO -K UK'NISUJS,° » Unfurnished Room, Thorndon free^booklet, or inspection. Tel. Boracure, p J.NUINE Buyer requires Home. Petone Cen- i,___ a _?% R^ B7 'g r C r ™ elc. Ring 45-744 * > EPOR SALE, Nash 6 Coupe, perfect condition, SUIT ALL. ± area- 6"°* bv^. lost. 4°-u5»- XJ ' tral, 3 bedrooms, large garage. Write - j tfwt?tti?t?v tun ntAUfnivrn pimph ' mnMi IN ri FFD 'and CO —io-j wiiiia st ' 1 £110. Write 47 Post Agency, Lower SUMMEB SPECIALS. -FURNISHED House or Self-contained Flat..' pHEAP Wallboard, suitable interior wall- 542 Evg. Post, Petone. OLD^ JEWELLERV AND DIAM»ND BINOS. X^Sd Nw^'■ ASch 1^ fUtS ot_l s__ • 0 ' DlCe order-witb «ood ty"8 ' f beclroZs-^?™™/,1^ 1? £4 p: mUSt lVd™ TVn S l!, anrr n fOrT^ lntl T P g, 5^ &!"** W*B* T^EACH Section, Raumati Beach vicinity S^W^M.^Jaycra^ Vf Sg Mondays tf Md^, ftSS_O p2?to »S CJBLL -your jCar to Motor Car Sales. SaUsfac ~n r£ }2\ _ , , , _ bedrooms, urgent. 1194 Evg. Post. Long and Co., Ltd. Tel. 51-555. JD North Reomoana. State position and jewellers. 91 Willis St. (over Preston's). p.m. O tion assured, spot cash. 71 Ghuznee St. A*ORRIS a Saloon. 0.0 economical and very CJINGLE Furnished Room, central, business TITATTRESSESI Mattresses 1 Best Selection terms to 1271 Evg. Post. " ~.,....m _ TXT __ AKn Tr> -_„-,-. T .,„-- DEWING fllachinea BeDalred without remnraT rel. 53-025. . rnrvSm P T g c ht; aUer m°del; £IP'« ° girl, refined. 3994 Evg. Post. IVI of Bedding In New Zealand. Hart's. Me- /GENUINE Buyer urgently requires Home, old ,-% Ai I 2. ND*IgSS A" ND OLD JEWELLERY. « &{£ __* ™ "JSS^yj h __,___S_^»*r XIBMAN urgently requires Late Model Car, tndiuon S" fam"y Tp^vTli^a. Unfurnished House or Crae. Easy t C rmg._Radford' S , Manners St. Gf or modern, cash available, any district. S**J^ n %s&£%*<£ oid'SSS Se^MM^TeL tß^ * AmStr°nß< 2"6 A. any condition; must have good tyres. 1207 OVER T MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. \i Fla> any area' b^Jness executive and fpURNISHINQ? Let Radford's quote Bllnda. 3979 Evg. Post. Library^ bt., opp. Old Public BITOSSI Planofofta Tune - ReDfl i re - fi2 Evg. Post. Trade-in" taken Terms available wife, good tenants. 3708 Evg. Post. JT Curtains, Loose Covers, etc.: new ship- x A RGE AND CO.. Agents, 27 Grey St.. Tels ? -P. NorwiS St Eelburn Workshon 229* PANTHER, 1937, 2% Motor-cycle. Just re- TODD MOTORsTtD^ TTNFURNISHED House at Pukerua Bay _££__ Curtalnln^ Coverings. Hangings ML ' 42-306 and^'-isf. have large'number of PIANOS I__ P^W /^OSI L S f°X ß , 01^^' *"* I? bored, good condition; £55: Tel. 63-212. Courtenay PI and Wakened St. U handy to school, from March; perman- " — cash buyers lting for Pr °Pertles- TeL us Hta v n ,u P^nn «;' n° ITn «h n HiTUFFLERS Re-covered or Repaired Let ua Wellington, "g 1061' OWDer IeaVIDE TODD MOTORS. LTD. OINGLE Room required by working man, must nient. Radford'.. Manners St. PROPERTY Owners-We nave .enuine «_ 116^-, "rTI I JZLT'^ Ll ' T7»ORD V8 De Luxe 1938 small mll PagP ennd ______________-___-_---__---—-_-. *>q central. Apply 457 Evg. Post. TT-ENNER'S. LTD.-Latest Designs in Bed- X buyers for City and Suburban Homes G" B" S,I? VF£,T 'J^R £°- LTa ' . CHIMNEY SWEEPING EXPERT. F rubbed.aidT nalnt flrlfc Lf oX any Mtg -- t , AM _. mic ======~^f^=^T =_?^= ==^^ & room and Dining-room Suites at lowest and for Building Sections. Valuations with- fr^Ll WUff* T BB Prac«cal Chimney Sweep, absolutely trial Tnsnect 3^2 BridEo St - MISCELLANEOUS. GOLD BUYERS. prices or terms. out obligation Please see ua first New Zea- . n(1 Wfl , fnr i T| eph P °°e no so^l 3)'v »io 00/ 10 0/l A no mess: guarantee; Hutt VaUey and 350 ,18 30s olal 398 ask for 314 X BL°,^ Purifl/ r ar\ d SUn Reme<* OLD JEWELLERY AND DIAMOND BINGS I^EEP that twenty-one complexion by using land Estate Agency. 147 Cuba St., Wellington And Watford St.. Evans Bay. Tel. 18,324. Bays Included. H. Hynson. Tel. 41-645. T 1 BuriSde St _iiw"stt , ** ma* Lane>B Twenty-one Vanishing and \T-UAY we Sell your House f Genuine HATAITAI SPECIAL CHIMNEYSWEEP. . -. • iyn ' 1 Bunuaa» Lower Hutt- c ears skin of pimples, blotches, rashes, bolls. J5 w M . Haycraft and Co.. Manufacturfnß Cold Creams. From Boots and other Chemists V Buyers waiting. Please ring. We will HATAITAI SPECIAL. r>EGISTERED Essential, expert all branches. low Q-n T>,n»w ~«?,,„ «a iui x? at m™™. Chemist. Jewellers. 94 Willis St. (over Preston's). A Mason and Co. Product. 71 Courtenay PI. call and Inspect. Tbe Raymond Eder Or- TVpss LOWDEN. Specialist In Steam OU X\ cleanliness guaranteed, distance no ob--1940 s?0 ohv BSA food condi on' £80 n EO. HOWE Teaches Artistic Cake Decorat- ' rI\UK Key to Lasting Loveliness-Jane Lane's ganisation for quick results. Tel. 43-442 {also JW. Perms. Marcels. Trims. Settings, Scalp ectj Chimneys Repaired. Fireplaces Remod--1929 79 Harley -aid" SWe-car good' ofderi V_T ing. £ 1 Is; Cakes Iced. Silver Cachous. PLANTS, TREES, AND SHRUBS. *21 Beauty Creams Obtainable at Booto evenings. 7to 8. ; Treatments and Facials. TeL 53-193. 4a lied and M^ernlsedby^ Bettered Brlcklay£2s. ■ car, gooa orutr, Loaned . 15 Kent Tea . Tel . 51 . 641> -.-„,„._.' ,„ v T~ and otber Chemists. Prepared by Mason v and OLEASE let us hare your Property for Sale. Mo"""1 Aye- <npntafral. ers. Tel. Roll Lansdown. 25-986. 300 O.H.V. Twin-port Harley (racing), brand- n/TRS COLLINS 00 Manners St for ever* T irtu!T^nrni,?/ .JS &. .U^iT.' J?™?" Co.. 71 Courtenay PI. X Immediate Inspection, quick results. Davis MANNERS STREET SPFPIAI <t > CHIMNEYS REBUILT. new, £39. ' M RJ; COL"Ng' »• «««» ■ A 8 ?li .t'wh l _ni?s2 iSSLhS. f?™r PM.?,? \7-JVIAN ST. MART-Outboard Motor. 2% 8r0... Cnha St.. 42-419 MANNERS STREET SPECIALS. f- u _NEY and Furnace Repairs, no job too si is.? js^)X, cr,n.f ns« N B"eir zu v'rs, "ir^uSss- exchange. ****">•*-,>»«*">■ — t° z«c,rs^\?,'ursi..°T?a •>* ■» »"■■"«-««-^ & ■»'" —^u^^ C o.. . &° s sdi r crSS,# *\ _" y—.^.ww A-i_r_ ___-"isM_s_r_ —^^^ ■--»--■ tw.o^-. WILLIS STREET SPEC[ALS w _ l Bm ,is 3 >^k s .« 6 _..„_ =lmith Speedometer, for Cycle £l']ss" ' T>IANOFORTE Teacher, A.T.C.L., has vacan- »» one Moonshine Rd., Trentham, and Sed- formation ra permits, etc. from the . recog- /COMPANY ANNUAL REPORTS and Balance- TkENTAL Repairs—Special 2-110" Service. A SPHALT Paths Laid -or Repaired,- any type DIRECT CYCLE ' SUPPLIES -*■ cies for Pupil 3. £2 2s per quarter, Ngalo don St., Upper Hutt, for one Section anywhere nlsed , leaders in tyre treading—Fitzgerald \J sheets printed promptly by tb« "Erenlng, U - Cooper's' Bldgs, opp "Evening Post" -T- of surface Bitumen sealed, Garage Roofs, 38.8 Broadway, Miramar Junction. ' district. ,3877 Evg. Post. „ * Hull district. ■ Write 540 Evg. Post, Petone. 8r05.,, Ltd., 197 Wakefleld St. . , ost" Printing _ept» TeL Al-m,. * ntrance'Mercer St. Tel. 46-605. • '• Uppery Concrete, etc. . "

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 5, 7 January 1944, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 5, 7 January 1944, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 5, 7 January 1944, Page 1