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SCOOP! • SCOOPJ CROWDED NIGHTLY. RESERVE NOW. FIRST PICTURES OF THE Plans at D.I.C. and Theatre. . Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd., Throughout N.Z. i 1943 MELBOURNE CUP. 1913 melbouiine cup. , ""s*^_*' >»» '__*-""*"**•>■■««_. -*"__^-r"' From Barrier to Winning Post! Arrived by, _«»^-" i>**"- _i TAT P ~""*""*-_ plane and screening at the KING'S and PLAZA- <_£__ & J ->*^^ """^^ I-'INCS ——F~ PROGRAMME WITD. THE SEAL OI? QUALITY ■■_ 2 p.m. 8 p.m. Direction: Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd., Philip - Anna Throughout N.Z. DORIS STEN Today at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. DORN STEN PACKED AGAIN LAST NIGHT! 1« ** 20th Century-Fox Triumph DON'T TAKE A CHANCE—EVERYBODY IS RUSHING TO SEE THIS RIOT OF FUN. "PHFTNTKS" "CHETNIKS" BOOK OR BE EARLY! __--_->--_> v,__-ii-._-Y.j , "CHETNIKS" "CHETNIKS" Columbia Pictures Present IUI (THE FIGHTING GUERRILLAS OF I"' YUGOSLAVIA). ROSALIND RUSSELL select featurettes BRIAN AHERNE >ka_obi__» FANET BLAIR A pnORRAMMB T0 bemeaibeu i a (Recommended by Censor for Adults) "MY SISTER EILEEN" ~~ " "MY SISTER EILEEN" ~ HXAL SCREEXIXG TOXIGHT — "MY SISTER EILEEN" "HIGHWAYS BY NIGHT" "MY SISTER EILEEN" wlth ||]l UICHARD CARLSON — BARTON MACLAXE IT'S UPROARIOUS — IT'S DEVASTATING! (Keeommenrfcd "y the Censor for Adults.) . ' And You'll laugh till it hurts at this merry T ,.. , MIT story of two Small-town Glrls.'battling tho amorous pitfalls of Manhattan's ln Fabulous Greenwich Vil, ag e. «p IRATES QF THE PRA IRIE" Supports Include— ALLIED LANDING AT FINSCHHAFEN. « T ,„„ , <T T7~7 , W",? . r,r.c A.J.C. Spring. Meeting .at RandwicK, big CLTFF ("Ukulele Ike") EDWARDS, crowds witness the Derby and Epsom—N.Z, NEILL O'DAV. Forestry Unit returns —Awards to Officers and (Approved for Universal. Exhibition.) Men of the 2nd N.Z/E.F. - ; (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) , . <?^**~'^^ >!^• I t Plans at D.I.C. and Theatre. (Tel. 52-212.) I, I j >^^1 r^^^^^ I I.! — iii TUDOR I dancing. maitJKiri J- E^^^umiu WILLIS STREET TEL 4.|-?iq DANCE NIGHTLY' Direction: Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. A/proMt "3a CABABET Da"y' fr°m " Nlßhtly- at 7-3°- "■*■ . , To . COMMENCING TOMORROW (■eorge ftloloney ana His Jlayfalr Orchestra. COMMENTING TOMORROW fc'rom 8 o'Clncls. SuDs.: 2s 6d. ...... - » Intotlcalltig Liquor Strictly Prohibited. 2Otn Century-Fox Present rnRADES HALL VIVIAN ST. X THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. S 0 N J At RAY MIDDLETON'S PREMIEK ORCHESTRA S 0 N ,1 A 1 AND ERNIE BULL, POPULAR M.C. S 0 N J A! Good Floor. Good Music. Dainty Supper. ~ , , Sulis -:ls Gd Dazzling as the north star! — , Ul y n ". —oc r niwvpif ct Glittering as tho llaslring ice! IIOVIHYS EXCEPI Herc , s fun muslCj g lliety _ on skatesDoug. Roache and ills' Ballroom Orchestra. CUttiUS "T^sui^ v'° rh>nhm Tuesday to Thursday, Dancing 8 to 11.30 p.m. bnin D -anu-si.aj Friday and Saturday. Dancing 8 to 12 p.m. SAMMY KAYE! Subs. 2s 6d. SAMMY KAYE! POPULAR WEEKLY MAORI DANCE. cjnxT * tipvtv mnv p>wt? (Wharewhakatantrihangal^auau.) |g^ g^. ZZZZZIZ jnlls p"vY\l TRADES HALL, VIVIAN ST. SO.NJA HL.NIL JO'II.N IA\NE FRIDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, at 8 p.m. Ip Mita Carter's Maori Rhythm Suing Band. Supper. Everyone welcome. Subs. 2s Od. "-v \tspt\ct ox tpf" Liquor is strictly prohibited. . ■•^aRRIAGE ON ICE" i JIM.MY JAMES : JLMMY JAMES "MAIIItIAGE ON ICE" IMMY JAMES JIMMY JAMES STUDIO OF BALLROOM DANCING With : 03 WILLIS ST. JACK OAKIE — — OS A MASSEN Why not learn the Correct Routine In the (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Quickstep, Rlmmba, Tango, Slow Fox Trot, Modern Waltz, etc.? ■ Associate Fendtre —— All Pupils Guaranteed Individual Attention IT'S LOADED .. . WITH WHIRLS'. by Principal. Daily, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Killing's (he gamo—and they're playing Please Ring 46-CIS for Appointments. it with loaded puns, dreamy dolls, and COMMUNIST PARTY NZ. ' a super-sleuth-' - j WELLINGTON SOUTH BRANCH. LLOYD XOLAN ST. THOMAS'S HALL, Newtown, TONIGHT LLOYD NOLAN (Thursday), November 18. This is the , Best Dance in Town Tonight. Come along. Admission 2s. S-mldnight "TIME TO KILL" gT. JOH^ AMBULANCE EIE^ "™ \\Ml —-" TOAIOUROW a\d"fvkrv Finn \v heather angel — — ralph byed Dick Holciln, ju\ rrcfe™ (Recommended by the Censor for Adults.) AN ALL-FUN PROGRAMME OF MODERN "' oitiiati^mo wa^a'mt AND OLD-TIME DANCING SITUATIONS VACANT. Wellington's Most Popular and .Most-patronised , m , JIIVL . V ~ WE still have >i few Vacancies for Apprcntiues. M years upwards, in either our frock Ns*g7 or coat sn<l costiwne factories, commencing glMirEO«H| January, 1944. Apply I<J .Manager, FASHIONS LIMITED, WELLINGTON SOUTH BRANCH Gas Cu. Uiilldlna, Coiirietuiy I'l. S. n MODSH AND OLD-TIME DANCE. CRAI(jHETi7~saiOOL, TIMAITII U£, ilAS IIAhL- -VEWTOWX. r>EQUIKEI) for Term I, 161!. Kesident MisFORTNIGHTLY, THURSDAY. i\ Tress, to toad, Frend, up to University r.^™, „ » P.m.-Midnight. standard. Apply, with tesiimmiiuls, to the GEORGE ARMITAGE'S MELODY MAKERS. Headmistress Subs. 2s Single, 3b 6d Double, In Od Uniform. : „:,". ~- fiTT^ ~,.,, n,.|lk . Jior^huittaiV^ W trated Uoo uip, s ,, nws yOU now t0 DeK i u . ilvl\OLlX\ DANCE CLUB write today. McKay's SimUos. P.O. Bos 367. JIMMY JAMES DANCE STUDIO, WILLIS ST. *-^^ ■ ;. ,5-,-.,-,,,. — " TONIGHT — TONIGHT TOVtrHT LXI.AD I.AKL.U. ',„ . „ i- 0.i li'iiE. «7ANTKD. Reliable Broad linker; wages £1) L*t.m-» UDAI~"jO"00 Imxce- VV lOs to £10 10s per week. Apply CresABOLR T)J »AI' I '> PETONE, well and Sons, Ltd., 43 Hopper St., WelUngBLUE RHYTHM BAND. ton . Tel. 50-DSO. Pojiular Charlie Free .M.C. xiiVvi.-wg Vvu toiii mn'is Geor"e Turner Vocilist TUIiNLRb AND IOULJIAIvfcUi. D'incini 8 to T' We redlilre'for our Napier ahop— TTvTTi-nn\r-rrr^K^ FIHST-CLASS TURNERS T-l V BALLROOM DANCING. 1 FIRST-CLASS TOOLMAKER & KING GBOIIGK THEATRE ll&olf "' ,„„,, «'llh H"KE * J' S ™*- HIGH ST., LOWER HUTT. Tel. 82-C34. T , P, P' J l°, VIV ,,v A vn CO LTD Wanted Modern Dance B;md for Dance and J AS' J' *"'s^ler or Cabaret, Hutt City, or would consider forming W Tnrauak St Wellington own Band. Good prospects to good plovers larauaM St., »eiun n [on. Replies treated confidentially. Apply to Miss' SERVICK STATION ATTENDANT. Draper. VI7ANTED, Good Man as Service Statiou AtTHE~M~UESTI(' U\BAR~pir — " tendant, knowledge of lubrication work DANCING TONIGHT from 8.30 tolaurl Paddi an mlviintage but not essential. j and his Ballroom Orchestra Apply 1 Subscription 2s 0(1. inclusive CENTRAL SERVICE STATION, LTD., j TOMORROW (Friday) Is Late Night. Dane- Jervois tjy. __ ing from 8 o'clock until midnight. - - - SATURDAY'S DRESS CABARET. VS7ANTED, a Junior Assistant, Male or A few Tables aro still available. Personal VV Female, for Suburban Grocery Store. Apapplifiition only. . lv lsol Evn Post MACH!NERY~rO SELL OR BUY I?LECTRIC knifo used, to take charge of ; __^1 -•--' workroom of L' 2 macliincs, one used to ELECTRIC ARC WELDING MACHINES' AND children's work preferred but not essential. UQUiI'MBNT. """^ "*>" s-day 40-hour week, share in atalf profltOTOCKS of Machines'lor Immediate delivery sharing scheme, salary £8 per week, position O from the smallest, workshop model to the offers scope for ambitious, energetic person In largest engineering construction units. a progressive and forceful concern, essential Send for Catalogue and Price List to Industry. G. R. YOUNG AND CO. (N.Z.), Apply 303 Queen St., Manager, Onclmngn. CHILDREN'S GARMENTS, AUCKLAND. . 43 Taupo Q.V., Wanganul. _____________ FENNER "V" BELTS AND PULLEYS. TJSTANTED, for Bowen Hospital, Probationer Good Stocta-AU Size.. y"rae' Ap"ly Matron' Td- 42-11G' Tho Rellabl. English Beit for Y OUNG Lad^'cqui^ed^-'Junior, with know- ' C_mn?e Cte silence ° led-'3 of typewriting. Previous experience Kom trom vibration. not essentir,!; salary above award rates. Write Minimum attention. liUu Kvg. Post. . Immediate Delivery. ■ TO FEMALK CLKRKS. LEADING Wholesale Firm has Vacancies for Women over 30 years of age (married or • . . single) for full or part-time Clerical Work, flve--82 Ghuznee St., Wellington. day week, with well-paid and excellent working Tel. 54-351. conditions. Apply "SERVICE," .... . 1955 Evening Post. GUN PRACTICE. . to parents: vrc \ rrirv ri-vvip'-p wiwi«rT^ /CHER'S have vacancies for Apprentices; W..™ A[' rIC, E GLNHI.b faLAWARDS \_, thorough tuition, refined workroom. Cher ILL take place near the approaches to the an( ] Co., 42 Manners St Tel 43-2T9. Port of Wellington between November 22 invTOit typist — .' nc-".?"± "IT7ANTED, Junior Typist, about 17 years of JUDGEFORD-LIZAHD HILL. VV age. Apply FIELD Artillery Practice will he held In LEVIN AND CO., LTD., above area November 10, 20, and 22, be- Customhouse Qy. tween 0 a.m. and 5 p.m., weather permitting. 1 SILK-LINENS ' " "' FOR SUMMER WEAR , v ■ ■ ' " 1 "Crease Resisting and Fast Colours in all wanted shades in various qualities for SUITS, FROCKS, AND SPORTS WEAR SGin wide, r/3, 8/11, 11/6, 13/ C per yard. • . SPOTTED SILK LINENS Smart colours for Blouses and Frocks, 3Gin wide, 7/11 per yard. T HOMSON'S SILK SHOP 60 WILLIS STREET E L E CTRIC IRONS WE STILL HAVE SUPPLIES OF THE "ELECTROWAY" ELECTRIC HOUSEHOLD IRON. THIS IS A QUALITY IRON, AND IS ATTRACTIVELY DESIGNED. BEAUTIFULLY NICKEL-PLATED. THE "ELECTROWAY" MAKES AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT. TRADE IRONS We also have supplies of new Irona for . use. in essential indu-irtvn —tur tailors, laundries, . . hospitals, _ry-cl«anlnc ■■ establishments, etc. Woleht 8%18 and 101b. ENAMEL SAUCEPANS Limited quantity available. Best quality. Two sizes. BEGG'S -I'ANN'KK!* STIIBBI THE MUSICAL AND ELECTRICAL CEXIRE.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 121, 18 November 1943, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 121, 18 November 1943, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 121, 18 November 1943, Page 2