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V SHIPJPJNd. NfitlCES. TJNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD. 38; CUSTOMHOUSE QY. P&ssen&ei's anil Cargo Services to LyttehoD, tietoa, South 86k ISlftXidfU Australia. P&rUculars on application WELLINGTON-LYTTEWON -SBftVICE.For 'dates of sailing, inquire vai Company's .-■■ ■ oftice. ■'.•■■■•■■ ■ • ; ■ ' ■ • .. " '■ r'rftau^ftt cargo, sailings to New Zealand coastal ports-»*ftarticul&rs on application. Bo6Uing Ajte)it3 for UNION AIRWAYS O*>\ N>Z. COOK STBAIT AIRWAViS TASJIAN EMPIRE AIRWAYS BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS AIRLINES Off AUSTRALIA Attfi alt Othfe? JPrineip&l AiC Lines. ; THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED. PASSENBSfe SERVICE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, BANGITIKt, BANGITATA. 27,000-tou motor-fessals. Fltfet-clasfe, Tourifct Class, and Tourist B ClaSs. BIMUTAKA, 16,000 tons. Tourist ClasS SWViea (all oue cl4sS). JP<)l' tafdMnttldn* ipply to TftE KEW BEAIiAND SHIPPING COMPANt, LIMITED. SHAW SAVILL ONES. PaSsengfer Services TO ENGLAND, TO SOUTH AFRICA. DOMINION MONARCH, First CUSs only. AKAHOA MATAROA CERAMIC TAXtAROA Cabin Class only. AEAWA EMPIRE GRACE tourist CI4SB only. SHAW SAtilL AND ALStON CO., LTD. (lad. in Engiaad), VVelllncton, And Afeefats Tfaro\l)thftMi.yß^ Zealand. NCHOIt * sfiIPPIHG ~" CO!, LTD?, PaiSenger afid oAr|o SfetMo*. MATANdf. .Further partiiul^rß fWiii T. & W, ¥OUNG» tt*D., Ajtflts, 7^83 dliStoftihouse Qy. EOUOATtONAL. pILBY J6 SUSIN^S COLLESS, & fclait tet. (Behind touHeßaJf £ii Ira.iii SMter), BE CLOSED Atti KE&* WEfeK for the usual SjJrtlig Vacation. s.THE COLLEGE OFPtCE will be open on Friday, August 28, frolft § a.m. to J) p.fa. PrdapedtUß Free. Tftl. »I4ST. PUBLIC NDYlfcEl OPHISON AND GlBfiERD^ LIMITED, OftRISON AND tEtLfiESD, LIMITED, OptittlaftS, ' . 1% WILLIIB Sti, Wellington, Ct. Ajsj jit mm A jApisftg6>'H caaioißAcyiofHEAL'rH sshvige. •T.AWiON * LiWBDN <SUcceWol* to GalWlt J SM ealiHll)), titit I'lo&r, NatidEai Safek kfillUTfi M CHtßOpittACXib. !&« WftliiflgtoH, *m si Qii^A's )tta,, Urn* ißtilft Tetß k : WelUnston 42^16; HftsW*nce( NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. SATUitDAf'S "smiim P6M." ' CLtJgtNG SOk AOVMTtSEAtENI^, 16.38 &&> TXTiI te|tet thai fIWWg to &IA& diffi^ <»V euhigS Vre &rd unftblo m Sccept Aavgttifefeaeals fdr1 SllUrdaj^S J^apfer , After 10.3d ii,m, ifeacll Saturday, ■ AdVeft»g» 'if 6 6&ffi6stiy retni«stfed to aasist us by fotW4Mlng cbp? Kb fearlj A& possible each week, BLUNDITLIi SRGSh LTD. r t-w l- i— --i-t-rr., Yrrm-.iir t = THB • 3f EW INSURANCE CO., FI&E, MAftlNlS, AeefflENT. , w* seiieu taeuiHe^ for oar fiOUlEgeHiDEli*' g6Jtf§ItEHE^SIVE ; *lth its pKiteettoift Wiast mafiy comte&a hafeairdS. lil-m tilfomtbii Sfa. WelUhfetoa, Cl. T6l, 40476. «^aSroc w DftverndSfe Ai.E IS^S* Vfiß^T GOOD frfiAT WEAKEBI' INfAttDS tab tmih it «hefl &\l ot&er liquids fail. ASK your Dotitor about it! f SPBAK to Doctor about 11! .^frreJAred from Artesian Natural lODISED oft '*& U.SvS. Co.'s steataerS, aU hotfels, elufe^ htii sneftSi \ TSOMSONi tBMg, fe CO;, LTD.,' }~ WjLUjagteßj aad \Vattg|Bm. • *X bSW Tft«AtSt*N±. rxifilJ AtARVELLOW CUIE tot all Skin antl rl> SeMp AiifflfentSi ?gOßlAsig, »ABt ecS&eEa, jXltht Fl&df, Jiafddun iltdfes.. PaHaina Si. (Opp, DiLC). T6l, 42-882, ■^ rtmclpal Visiting Palraerstoh Noftb tfiaa>, •.. „ Septeabef 4, fciub.Sotri, Cft^fctiTt 5H> ASIitALS. j\/OU ard tataestiy r&gu&tea to report Id JrJL thfe SJP.GiAi shy &ct of CrUelt? tna* notice Otiim m&dm Patket fiUUdtflts^ Tel '45»878i Lttfaal GllaHlbef tot huiA&ne de3truC» m ti tm And doi* «Taiiabl& Mon. ts rtU .i Vt # k 3O A.m. to 9 a.i&. ana 4to 4.36 p.Ea*s BJ4t. i.$Q IS SM a.<a> at City Corponttldtt YaftL M*JQ& : IP AND CfiliDltEN, - Bbwed Mouse, Rdotn 8, First Floor. OJ&C6 flollrs; 12 to I and 2 td A, or by Appoifitmenti ' T*t jtt^SJ. '_ TENDERS 4 eUtLPfepy jtAYEftIAL. Sets Wke'drAhital " GOLDEN BAY CEStENt. T^XCEPTiONALLT High quality, exceeds Tj latest fcrltieh Btailiiaras BpeclQcatibnß. JO&N DUTEHU AND CO., LTD, . (TeiephObft 42-iaO), Ot i .THE GOLDEN BAY CfiSLBN* CO., LTD. • (Telephone 41*41)6.) MOTORS ANft CYCLES, • Tt/ANTE» W, Mftrrls » or 10j aiso Palf tW GUJnboots, site 8 or 9, casih 1099 firg. Pofct. ,',,-._, . BUY, TIP TBUCK. " XtrANTED Putebk^ Tor eafeh» a 3-tdh Ttp (•W.ttudc, must m am-aass coaaitioa, soUftfl tyres esfttatlal. IMs 60-»2 iffifiiSdiatfeVr, evening. ..... ' _. . .T^QR SALE, 1930 ClifeT. TrUok» 15feVirt, SdUlifl JD jWfttor afld Jjdy^ jsoiy& tjttej. Itidg j4jjS2> AUStIN V WANWfD. *™ £150 tfASfif 6tterta by pfitftto bUJrei' tdt tU>* c§ftt Mddel lh first-class order* Write J'O.Sox 66> Petttftg. , jt?OKD V«, 193^', "perfeftt cdrtdltlea, gtood l^ffeS» X? only had one driver, prirate buyer wanted. Teh gjUlljl . V T^O» BALE, IMS 6-Cyllnder ,HUfiibef Snipe, J? low mileage, tylreß and cir ia flrst-ciasi ordfeg._.|ft9ft.l^v!g^j^jO*t..-. .-'... "' '-...S.~ ' •:"- |^ OQD i'ied CafS "Waited. We Jb|»" hljthesV >Vf prices iW late iin&ael ears. WliH4«fe and Ltd., Tariflikl St. fei. 51-BSo,■•Brcn«' AB)i"fetiy«ft ariilgSt'Oftts atid Jlotor^eies. Sti. Tel. 60-748. ftOKEN \Vindscr6enSi Safety Glass stocked, *eWftlit; fell'gtfi.ndai'a models, prompt, attention. Wellington Glass, Works, 158-139 Tory •at. r * ~ _■. .;.■:'■' ; .. :_. . \,., : . -\ n L TRUCKS WANTED—TftUCKS WAMTED. \tf& 'p».y highest ptte&s £dr Xiato ]«6delfl, wW itf|<i»i to i tons Capaetty. i WRIOHSP, SfEPfIKSSON, AND CO»» LTD., Bewl2e T6lepb.on6 -». 60-350. ; TODD MOTORS, LTD., T"^ ■ - ■-.. ■ ■ • ■•■■■■ *Ch« v ■ ■ "Like-NEW" Cftr ,Specialists. Are ofteWhfe a Special Selection of ''Like-NEW" Lo#»mile4g6, Small and Lar£a Used Cars. Stdcks &r6 becoming dlnteult to obtain, 60 tielfcct yoW Car now and 6nfay the »pftrd&chlrig summer la a Guaranteed Llke-NKW.WSetf Cat. Austin t and Big 1> Baldoitfi» Fora .AnaiUU, Hillmatt MinJJ, and .ffillifi&a "14," Bt&ndftrifanii StnKer & h.p., VftUShall 10 ftnd 14, and % corftpiete raflga of latgef Cars in popular makes ' and ttlOdelfe. ■'" ' EMy Terms j ■.* l a»» l --.'.u. Trade-ins taken. m O D D MO TO R S. Ji T D., X O D D Jt.O-* OB S, L, X D., CWirtenay Pli, And WaKeflcld. SL. npriß "dominion moto,r,£ ltd., Latfe Model USed'Cara that are well slioa and in faultless condition. Mbcflß 8 SiildOii, 193T.mbdel) fitted With _ l66*e Covers •* ..;.. 11j HillmAa Mjni Saloon> 1&30 De LuSe Model, and BaOid 1?^ AuMin 8 Saloon, laieit Series ••••£!! Smith Sedan.,,Db- L\iXe model ..»...» 248 CnWlet Sedan, 1957 model* latfte tru&K 2?5 Ford V& Cdupe. lAte m6del «.. i 35 Mftfrlfl 10/6 Salo&n, 1936 modftl, roomy «A3 '• chtrnmytixM imU'tonl '22*00*0 "mUes* fiat tray and drop aides .*.;■. 250 *fIE DOMimON. MOTORS, LTD., 68 Kent Toe., Welllnfeton, ■■ ■ Td...51-010. -'; ; ". -^ ; ;;. |n . :| , •'-.■' A DAOV ■CLfiA».;:v. '•■ . KEEP ydUr businesspromises elein Mid.tidy by disposing of *olir rubbish eafeh dfty. Ih» »atest, ch^est way 0* destroying ycrtlt papers, bo6kS, and other refuse la py BuriiUi« ' tUJrflooDfilD' INCINEBATOB 'will dd this en ■ your own premises without creating a smoke •ITot ftill DarticUlars, wits to ■ . J. f: MARGRAVE, LIMITED, ■ ' \ 82 Ghuznee St., Welliflgton. :■ .Telephone 5.4-351 (2 lines). ... MISCELLANEOUS. :: ijTSLAND BAY Hcildeofeil. gait .*e" jl> rihftm« ;■. E*.^^?-cr. Deo ■ -St* aft* P*fade; for yooil '■;'•■' ''- -A ' ■' : ' ■ ' ;-: '^ !• ■;■'•: ;""'v" A '■'■ '- ' ■■■::

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 41, 17 August 1942, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 41, 17 August 1942, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 41, 17 August 1942, Page 4