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SITUATIONSIVACANtI #C< . WANTED. Young Girls, will be tuttyi trained: "in any frf our- men's 'tailoring, underwear, shirt, and pyjama or. frock departments: expert tuition- and attention; ;Abelco;; Ltd., 36----40 Vivian St. Tel. 50-103. . v -'■'.-'■.. WANTED. Experienced MapHlnists; for^.our , Handkerchief Dept.;" t alsp: -Learners -and Apprefltlces-; light work; ideal' condluqns. Ap;ply Overseas; Traders; Ltdi,^ 185>Willis St.-,. ■ WANTED. Youth, for. Fruit Shop, ~ Karorl. 'Ring 27-662 .-:.-• ■'' - i:->^'--'--'"J WANTED 2 Women or Girls for Ught mechanical .-a^MMbly: worir.': ' King. 54-546., WANTED, Experienced : Waitress, weekehda free, good; holiirs and .wages Apply Max, ;ia:.ik)'ur^ena>;Pl-A'.:^'->^: ■■'■•'""■■'? ■'* '-'V '■'■■^■■'•jr^''/' WANTED, Man or Youth, for; Machine, Shop; 6t Maniifabturlng ■Englneera. : Tel:; 54«54R. WANTED.' Experienced: NValtxess/ full 'time. Apply Buffet Tearooms.;Brandon House, Peather3tori Street: ■. ■ ~ . . ..; ':. i_j. ■ ANTEUf Shirt Machinists, Sleeve Hands, Apprentices, above: award *w4ges % -IU .J... Monrile 'Crowri Building; Cuba. SC - • ' ::: ■\"I7ANTEI>. Help for mother, "3 children, wages Vr*r 3os { 'good home; other help- does main washing- and cleaning.. Tel. 53/462 K. dr. write 2648^Eyg.'Post/'; ' ....•/■■ \\ ■■■:■■*-,•*■■,<'■■ - TI7ANTED; a Good' General- Clarendon H^tel, iVy- .' Courtenay Pl,^ Telephone>s2-678.-v ■-.:';•■ •■V • XT7ANTED, Kitshenmaio,. top: vvages." Apply' : Vy,.?legadllly. 110^ Lambton- Qy. ■■: -' •': '■ - WANTED, -Artist's /Model (youns. lady) v for head studies, spare time,' experience .un- ■ neqessaty;'267o Evg; jPost. •:-.•' ■" ■• r > \T7ANTED, Machinists for Softgoods Factory, ; VV • full : qt"r part-time;-,Apply'.; Bouazld, M : Ghuznee ■gt.'"-.?-^"^'j-:' -■;'''■ •■'•'■-'• Vi : ■'■'■'■ riTTAjfTED. a, Bell Boy. Apply ' Midland ;YV Hotel. ... .x; .■> ; :\T. v ;.., -•: '■'- --■ ■ :■■■ " 117 ANTED, Pantrymaids and a General.^ Miss, i-VT'-T Barry", Weritvvofth,"Brandon' St.""' .•'. IH7ANTED, Full-time■. Kltchenmalds,;ho?Sun'tV: day; work,. £3, week. Apply .Garlands, 88 Manners'; St. : '' : -.."- : ... -- -; :.■ •' y-'-:y -.^ WANTED,' Waitr'esaea, no Sunday ;; wprk ( - : top' •wages. Apply: Garland's, 88 Maahers. St. ANTED, Lady to /keep house,: grown. family; would suit soldier's>wife; -good wages. ■ Reply/ with refs., or ; statement;.of capabilities, to, pbx 23," Picton., :/ ~. ■,■ : ANTED, Waitress. Apply Club Cafe, 126 Courtenay PI. !; "- ■': ;■' : ' ANTED, Experienced Shop, Assistant. Apply Adams Bruce, Ltd., 25 Majoribanka St., between 9-li a.m., Tuesday. ,-,-. : - \"X7ANTED, Smart Boy for Messages .and jVy- assist in store/ Apply Wellington-Paper Bag Co..' Ltd., 147' Tory St. ' ' «.y- - \ ANTED, immediately, by essential Industry situated in-the Hutt yalley, .Male., Senior Clerk,1 preferably with some timeKeeping ex-' perience; also, Intermediate.-Female., Clerki with 3 ori 4i years'' general experience. • Manuscript' replies,«stating past experience and enclosing of a- recent testimonial/ to 344 Evg; Post. Y\7ANTED, urgently. Experienced •; Frock :»y Machinists, good working;condition*.: Ap- , ply ''Parisian;' Gow- Col; 19 Edward St.- '•■ -r-- -• WANTED, Experienced Waitrjess;. good wages. .Apply 138 - Cuba St..-. -. ; k - ,-.. ■'.', •>' ■■, - ■'■■:> ANTED, Reliable Woman, Clean Flat,, 2 hours;" mornings, • Monday 'to' TtWay,: "cen- • traW: Ring. 56-013;■;, : * • '>,■■ ;'- -■•■'&/-■. TIJANTBD, -Cook-General, public .Works iW Camp; 'city; wages £4. Ring: 16-607. - . WANTED,': 'Ksper'ien'ced ; Cook-Geia«al 'for small Institution. .2733 JSvg. Post.:- • W' -ANTEp.-v Experienced Laundress-General ■for--small institution. .-2745 Evg. Post. ANTEDi a' Woman- to clean, 4 hours •daily ; also Kltchenmald. ' Apply Nailqnal Club,, 166 'Featberston S\Q '•' ••-. -■' :-/'. ■'■-. ■'■ v■'■'■= -:-v■: W" ANTED, Strong' Young "Woman "fbr* Cle«ning Duties;V clothing factory. Apply Bond Street -Models,: Ltd.,- Herbert ?St.- vy -:/>■■:.? <?.v. "IT7ANTED. an Experienced, Housemald-Wait-VV rera, 'Apply,,-Hgter Selwyn. ' ' ' ANTED.' Man for iwashlng tip..and-odd1 jobs, good' Wages and conditions.' Gales,:; Ltd., p Wilil^St. .■.■"-•.;" -:..>/,■.--/■■. f j--v.:'..^r\-WANTED, Waitress* experienced -preferred, 'but not essential, wages; &3 ss.^er "We^eki no-night work.- Gates;' Ltd.; 85 Willis St.':: WANTED, Woman .for washing up and^odd jobs', good wages.and; conditions.' Gates, t,td,, 85 Willis St.1' -Svv; '. ; •.: ~-'-. \\73iNTED. Woman,-for;light housework.spart -W timtv no washing,fMotiday,'to Saturday. Apply 147 Onepurßjd.^L'yaU »4y.-; ; Tel;Vlß>s9s. WANTED, I'antr.vmaW; hours^ 9.30 ito, 6 p.nj. Apply: "Apollo^ «6 St.' ;<:^^ Wa>'TßD, "Smart Measaxe ■ Boy; wages :30s. Nath^: filler; 'ArcadevjCubaSe-^ :, "TITANTEDyvtbr, Dey'LuXe^ Theatre^ .Boys.rfor:; iVVM'&weeta, ■;.J6eV; t (^ams:.,^ I^^Cmife&tjgftery; Lowei'' Hyttt. y>J ■*}>.<£<"• ->-v ; ' > ;;:=.v IHTA'NTJJD, Female; Assistantfefor" Bakehous». yV'".; Apply';Paflslafl; Cake'ghofr-'r:' • . ANTED,, Girls-tor ; Sergliig./and.» Bnttoahole' Machine^ Apply Tracey; and Sons, 96 . CoUrtenay:. Pl.' :,"' -■• :, ■•S;;^^ -k ■>'■"■■:: V'V . WANTED, a Kitchen Man or •. v ;Ap--' ply -Barrett's-Hotel:-■'/-'■'-' ■■' "~;^ '■'■'■■■':.:■■ VVrAITRES,S wanted at Rttz,- G^urten^Ply; ■,-.: WANTED, Experienced Waitress; hou» 8.30 to 5.30. . Apply Meca' Tearooms,"Mercer St.-:; .-;■" ■■■:-. •' ,■..':-/■■--- > v.' '.-. ANTED. Capable Cook-.Genei'al, j small -fainlly. Apply personally;., 36 Parade,'f after .7 :■ p.m;.,;-.' '::'V "■■•■• ■• -.■' -, ;■■'■■>- "■ \ : ANTED, immediately^ 2 Capable,',:WaUresse3 of good address; weekends,,f ree/.:.wage« £3 week. -Apply"; California; Coffee< Shop, ,4 Wilils 'St: ■ - - - » ;'-.;.V> '■! .-'":V.-.- .'. ' '-: 'V ; -: WANTED, First-class Foreman" sßaker... * for =, Bakery doing about lS.olo 2\f IW^P" week. State . experience . and military, obllga--tions; excellent salary and • permanent, .position. •' Apply, enclosing.copies :«nly-iots««den-tials, to ,H. E..Falrey,.Bl Russell ,SW, Palm-. erstbn"'North.' '• - -^ ' ■■•■■-". XPERIENCEI) Trouser Finisher urgently, good wages -and *condltlona.'4P- • ply P. J. Galvin, Fowlds Bldg., corner Manners and-Herbert Sts., or ring 40-589. : L" ADY with Small Baby wouldvllke Eldeil^ ■- Lady to keep company fdr tbe;day J^prefbr someone, who lives Ne\vtown._pr-Berham : pjore way: good wages. Ring 5w1 6. . f'"iOOTTIBH. .REGISTRY. . 208 » ' Workers, Cowman-Gardeners;. *. _»*^ ' omen.^larried Couples, liighest wages; Cooks. liouseniaids, ..Companloii-qhauffeuse, -ParlpurRENT Collector, permanent-position, ljiu.«me or-5 mornings a week, w^ould suit- elderly gentleman,, would, consider lady. .Appliqatlons with refs.. to > 2895 ■> Bvg. Post; ■ . .- ' OOK, female,, .houra-9. to 6, aljsp. Waltreas. Blrt's. Quick Lunch, 214 Lambton Qy: :. . EBB AY Waitress and Paiitrymald %***?£ -Apply Lido Quick Lundi.. \T7E have a. Vacancy .In, our •°?? c JSwit ' W" Junior' Assistant; knowledge of typewnfring and shorthand "an adVantaße. • Apply personally to Abando Fabrics, Burlington Arcade, Dlxori St.; or write toP:O:-BgX 540. ■■'■■.... I" AIPROVER for Bakehouse wanted.; makinr of . JleJ. jfeura Bto 4.30: wages £2,105. net. Lido, 116 Courtenay PI. ■ ' v:' '- Boys wanted for ''Kvening Posr. pellvwy Rounds Apply. ■ Publishing Department, "Evenrng Post." . Further Sltuatlens Vacanfr on Pa»« 2. MISCELLANEOUS WORK WANTED. SHEILA -MEREDITH, 115 Lambton Qy.. above McGregor Wrights.—Full Head, 12s. 6d; Ends, 10s 6d. : Tel. 44-3 SB. ' . M~ ODERNE" Schorol .of Dressmaking teach • Cutting, Designing, Making; .£1 la. Druids' Chambers, Lambton Qy. Tel.; 4.-613. FACTORIESy Workshops; Raid Shelters, etc.. > distempered, latest. plaut. For c estimates dial 398 ask' for .75.; Progressive -Spray.PalntIncCd./ Ltd. , ~ i- , - ■ ■ , LADIES' Coats, Costumes tailored by ex.perts. own materials made,up. Macpherson, Ist floor .Crown Buildings. Cuba St. (CARPETS and Feltex Sewn or Bemqdelled; „ our'tlriderfelt will add to the;comfort;and preserve the life of - your r f100r..-coverlnxs. Ring Carpet Sewing Co.; 47-701. ' v-.':. ■■ BROKEN Wlndows-rrHava them reglasjed -before the wlhter weather. • Wellington Plate Glass Works. -Tel 51-617. ■ ■>;■■■• ;•■>■? ..v. MUFFLERS Re-covered or jßepalred.- IM -ua quote you., GUberd and; Mitchell, : We.ldIns Experts'. H4 Taranakl St.. sj-418; . BYS Cuti Locks-Fitted,' Expert. Attention; all work guaranteed ~,and-.: confldentlal. McLean and Archibald, Bond St., next Mmmos. ALL Kind? of Carpentering - Alterations". Re- -. pairs. ■- -G. W - Booth., 50;. Wilson, St., . ICewtown. Tels- 25-010; 25-918.; ;, ■~,.." PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES^ ETC? PARTNERSHIP, Inactive,: offered iLadyf £150, Salary. ~.PaTticulars, wrMe "Opportunity," 2429''Evg/'Post:-: ■" r.'-'-'-v'^ ■'"■■■• ••= ♦■-■■•••: ■: --^. ■ ■. '■;;■ .-.• '.r-.ExpHANGE.-^;-;^,;^ ',?;\ KXCH-ANGE, •rßenfal'"Q-r^VHdu»e;;'>Mti-'yic-''. toria.i for smaller,' any locality. Call*:2s. Austin- St.:/ .. '■■'.■ ■'■'. :: ':"V:V- •*'■''■*:¥■ :-'2—-J^-. - j ■;■■■;-. y] : : ,G,OLD^BUYERS.; jyr>-^Z:-/I\LD False Teeth: and Jewellery-^^ VBbvigat. V/ < Note new: address, fMurphy and: Steward 4 Bioulrott /St^-.J.- ■■» -'.■'. v'■■■■'•>-■•■?.'-.'.-■-•'> -C' ;-:.-.j --:-•■-'''■■•'.-■ . OLD TEWELLERY AND DIAMOND-.RINGS.' SELL^ yoUrs to a," N.Z.( Firm. ,BesJ prlcea given '."■■.■■■■' W;1 M". Haycraft'-and;.Cp.';-:>lani»-.' facturlng-Jewellers,"94^Wlllia:St;^(oyer >Preßr j plants; trees^»4p;>hßPbs.^ HUGE * Sale of Floworln'g Shrubs-^and Prult' ■"".'•. Trees at-. Wneattey's, Nursery ;^6v,erythtot redyiced; Tel. ;60-216 Porutu ;St., Loweir Hutt;.4 "Vv ■::.;■- k :;;;VM»sCEL;L;A'N,EQM^:-:Ss:^^|S:: ASOIJ'S < Corner' S^ore, ■:. Adelaide'>■ Rd.>: ;8tock;;:; .■ "■), the'"'-Tamous ■>: Sahpla'r^BaiuJe^.^^iMtfniii,-'.-'. ■teed"::'-Pr6dufcts.V ;"^ii-^ oy-;>''-;v{y7': V-: .yv -wVTUBSES' 'and Waltressres'"Aprons,. V Caps, Jti'.."Beits; Overalls", to " order. - -HeusatltehinifiK 'dverlociilng.4:'Mra.;ColllnSiL 90" Mariners ySt^'<i

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 29, 3 August 1942, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 29, 3 August 1942, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 29, 3 August 1942, Page 1