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Weather: FAIR TO FINE.

SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, Housework, 4 days weekly, or few *T7ANTED, immediately, Experienced Coat, hours daily, vicinity Kilbirnle or Rongo- VV Vest, and Trouser Machinists, also GMs tai 1370 Evg Post _ tor special machines and Apprentices to the to uu fcvg. lost- — wear< aW and pyjama> or frock departments; \\T ANTED, Light Work in private house, sleep exper t tuition and attention". Abelco, Ltd., 36YY in. 1501 Evg. Post. 40 Vivian St. Tel. 50-103. ■■ WANTED, Position as Fire Watcher by re- yjtaNTED, Experienced Waitress. Apply tired steady man. 1533 Evg. Post. W Manager, Hotel Windsor. RETURNED Soldier, 54, requires Labouring »*TANTED, Female Fourth Cook. Apply Work, indoors. 1523 Evg. Post. W Manager," Hotel Windsor. ORRY Driver, 25 years' experience. Apply 'ITTANTED, Experienced Frock Machinists; 570 Post Agency, Johnsonville. _ VV £3 12s 6d per week; also Apprentices,to OUNG Lady (27) seeks Position, shop, no learn Dressmaking. F. Khouri, Ltd., 50 Courexperience, eager learn. 442 Post Agency, tenay PI. . __— Lower Hutt. YI7ANTED, Boy to assist in Machine Shop ENGINEER (steam and oil), titter and turneri Wof production engineers Ring 54-540. E seeks Position. Reply 1332 Evg. Post W^^-jT^'S^ciSSl. Cult FULL or Part-time Employment desired by s ! T rebß *-vvi* . , Senior Shorthand-Typiste. 1496 Evg. Post. ' TEp< ExperieDced Po wer Machinist, tor WAKJTPn TO RIIY W our handkerchief and sports wear de-. WANTED TO BUY. T a ; tmentS( also Finish ers, no experience necesVI7ANTED to Buy, Bottles, liags. Scrap sary, light work. ' Overseas Traders, Ltd., i»a V Metal, etc. Wellington Bottle Co., 2 Willis St. _____ , Hf : College Si. Tel. 53-126. VS7ANTED, Day Porter. Apply Hotel %A rAm'J.D to Buy, Furniture, Carpets, and W Grand Central, Cuba■ &t- . W Household Utensils,- good prices. People's WANTED, a Housemaid. Rutland Private rurnuure Mart, Lower Cuba St. ' W Hotel, Plimmer's Steps. __ ANTED to Buy, immediately. Furniture. W^MS?' a Female 6enwalf Carpets, Tools, Sundries; no quantity '' o-s-oss- —-~ <a g< , n nri ' too small or too large Spot cash! Tel. WANTED, immediately, ■?* ?«"g «WJ74.. 72 Moleswortb St. Cooks, also a General and Waitress, gooa waces and conditions. King a-.&^o. WANTED to Buy, Sewing Machines, Drop- ---.»,.,».. ( . ood General for Boys' Institute. «lairSn» ojA p9rices; cash wait- w^i^n a od.^ Bsae-.-.u_. Kinj Armstrong 41-4,9. . i-_TANTED —Senior or Junior Labourer for WANTED to Buy. tor cash, Washing Ma- W Baker'v able to drive. Parisian Cake chine. Give particulars to Tel. 16-W4- Sh ' p> gSnay PL _ W Aimed to Buy, Electric Washing Ma- «7ANTED Woman or Girl for housework, no chine, Beatty preferred; cash waiting. W wasn i nE O r cooking, sleep In; Wades,.rite 1818 Evg Post. JJ n Rina 46-325. WAiMJiD to Buy, Electric Portable Sewing «tt*ntfd smart Apprentices for machines. . Machine. State price. 100 Evg. Post. • VV jp P iy E . and; T. Hall, 134 Cuba St. WAATuJJ to Buy, Volumes 6, 7, and 8, V*7ANTED Woman, house cleaning, 2 or 3 Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopaedia yy morn in gs a W eek. Miss Van Staveren, mint 50-882. ; 60 rinakorl Rd . WANTED. Portable Gramophones, Classic , TTANTE n 2 waitresses Apply 39 Courtenay Records, also Good Used Books. Book- Wpj waitresses. *vv j ,nop, 36 Courtena> PI. RANTED. Boy or Youth for Butchering, good WANTED to Buy, Electnc Gramophone W waees E Wood, Mlramar ■ Motor, complete with pick-up. Tel 54-418 " wages' ','■ ;■ ; ljxro , n T^W qayume, 36-92!) evenings, or 1087 Evg. Post. W^TED. *■«}*_"& in. Apply WANTED Buy Good JJeiayed-action Canwa KIED QM ' for Golden Gate Milk-bar, Reply Tls Evg. Post. W £s ConrtenaV PI.. QPP St. James Theatre. WANTED to Buy. Oddments of Furniture, -r^TANTED Housemaid, General, also WaltTools, Instruments. Sewing Machines, \Vless Apply Ennismore Private Hotel, 53 Linos, etc.; everything saleable; top prices. Bou i cot t bt City Tel. 53-324. l'he "Oddment' Shop, Riddiford St.. corner rANTEU " a —Housemaid-Waitress. Apply -onatable St. Ring 25-772. W "Keni'lworth," 92 Hill St. Tel. 42-649. „ WANTED Buy, Furniture, in any quantity. ixTANTFD 'Hall Porter" Apply Midland Best prices given at Davis Bros. Tel. W Hotel. ' ■ ■' . 41M- : «tANTED, Assistant Night : Porter. Apply WANTED, a pair of Toe Shoes, size 11, in W Midland Hotel. _ ' -. good order. Apply 246 a The Terrace. \WANTED Experienced Waitress, no Sunday; WANTED to Buy,/ Acme Wringer, in good VV work, top-wages. Apply Piccadilly Rescondition. 1535 Evg. Post. taurant, 106 Lambton Qy. - WANTED, urgently, 1 1938 Singer 9. cluster *ttANTED, Smart Boy or Girl, grocery trade, gear or gearbox. Replies Goldie Motors, VV Apply Lind's Store, 190 Knights ad.. Motor Mechanics, 23 Waring Taylor St.. Wei- t, O wer Hutt. • • - lington- : : : : WANTED, Smart Boys to sell _in WANTED to Buy, Golden Oak Extension VV theatre Apply Opera House ■ ConfectionTable and 4 Chairs. Write 160 Evg. cry Manners St. ■ Post; Petone. ; __ Experienced Frock Bresser, w WANTED' to Buy, 500-egg Incubator, kero- W or^t time; also Frock Finisher. F. , sene. Dennett, 38 Garden Rd. ISurI%MU-'SO Courtenay H/WANTED to Buy, 5 h.p. Electric Motor, tTTANTFn —caDable Woman for Housework, now or second hand. Reply, giving price W^fa' nSngs a wk, in Khandallah; and condition to 1238 Evg. Post. V - or d morning^ . ■ /ANTED to Buy, Bottles, promptly collect- *°°"™* *"' Message Boy able to .ride Ur^ s Sl^5 aU- SCraPMetalS' W^b^'o'T^So^t^ Chemist. Wiutg^soaeSf-I^^ gff S \^^^f^ ff^,^ : ' —: - W «ipnn in ontional Apply 4a Adelaide no. WANTED Buy, Golf Clubs and Bag, good YV sleep m op"onat- *»» * ,-- conditlon, cash. 1503 Evg. Post. WANTED, 2 Girls for fish waA cWps snop, \\TANTED i»uy. Mali Jong Set, good condi- W-good wages. Apply 108 Vivian St.. ~ W tioh. Ring 54-452. \X7ANTED, Female Kitchen Hand. Apply-A^Ti.-.n >«■■«,„ cmnii n m , OT «♦»-. oi^, -YY Monarch, 54.W11118.8t. ■ "Kerosene Primus. Apply 448 Post Agency. YI7ANTED, Waitress. Apply X.X.X. uxa., Lower Hutt. ' ' VV 40 Willis St. • ■ WANTED to Buy, 1 Pair Toe Shoes, size "if TANTED, 'Youth, 16-18, for confectionery 11 or 12. Tel. C 3-759., ■ VV department, with or without experience. ANTED, a Buzzer, second hand pre- Apply J. H. Whittaker and Sons, Ltd., Vivian 1 erred. Apply H. Alexander/ 28 Morris St, . ', —- St.. Ptalmerston North. XT7ANTED, Girls, for confectionery; . and TIE- Dray, suitable for farm use. Par- W chocolate departments, with or without ticulars and price,, 1563 Evg. Post. experience. Apply J- H. Whittaker ana MOTOR-CAR Horns—Wanted to Buy, Old Sons. Ltd., Vivian St. . Type Bulb Horns. Bins 47-458 during \TTANTED/ Womaji for Dishes, sto Q.iO p.m. bueiness, hours. '-. v ... W Ring 51-169. . ■ :. . -^Tt7^«B»&Bß^Siett-f'. Dressing -Table, medium jfiTANTED, Experienced.,-. Girl, for Prwsinj rVY colour, oak; statb price. 543 Post Agency. VY Shirts, 62s Cd'lier jwcek.; 31. J. Monnie. Newtown.' ■ ' ■ ;' Crown-Bldgs., Cuba, St. ■" " : MAGAZINES, good ctindition, any quantity^ riTANTED, Woman*- 1 afternoon weekly, for ibegt-prices;.we.collect.. TeL,54-826. 300 VV housework, preferably residing in KhanQy., 34 Cambridge.,Ter. dallah. ..1577. Evg. PostfTITJEv/are .Cash Buyers, of- Gold, Jewellery, -r-rranted' Experienced Waiter for-4 nights VY Watch Chains, Neck Chains, Brooches, W* week- £4* urgent. Apply Orient Cafe,. Bracelets. Diamonds, Emeralds, and Sap- .y v Ln^:k^' "' phires. -Stewart Dawson and Co., Ltd. o7 Victoria fat. —_ . nrlTat » h A S CASH Buyer wishes to purchase High-grade i t s' |o o 4 gemont St. Second-hand Piano, prepared to pay sub- Ltd., rf- 6* agmoin ~ A-j ,7 stantial sum for good Instrument. 1346 Evg. WANTED, Experienced Head Waitress. Apply Evg. Post, VV Wakefleld Hotel: —__;__ /"IARPET Squares, autumn, green, and rose VITANTED, an Experienced Housemaid. Apply XJ shades. Tel. 16-675. Write McLean, 240 VY Wakefleld Hotel. __ Couttß-.Sk, Rongotai. - vtTANTED a Cake Finisher, plain icing and . MOBBIS Couch, in good condition and rea- VV creaming; .wages £3' per week. APPfA sonable. Tel. 51-367. > Busy Bee Cake Kitchen, 21 Majoribanks 'St. LL-WAVE Philips Radio, mahogany case ff-rANTED Reliable Woman Cleaner, half- . preferred; must be in good condition; VV day weekly.1 30 Central Tee., Kelburn., cash buyer. Tel. 51-367. Tel 44.923. ■ BOOKS I Books I Top prices paid for Good t> ellAßL e Woman wanted, housework, 3 Books, all kinds, classics preferred, maga- 'X; horns^ every morning, 5 weekdays. 83 • zincs, etc.; also Portable Gramophones, Classic *r_ t hS? B id 4 4™624. L Records. Bookshop, 36 Courtenay PI. gff* % g REGISTRY, 208 (Juag-Female PIANOS wanted, preferably small and boudoir, ohefs 93s- 2nds; Nurse -Companion; Hotel flat grands, also uprights, of the best ' £™ l?- c k > 60 (private residence); Laundmakes^good cash prices given, Martin. 247 Couples. Upper, Cuba St. Tel. 50-294 TTOTEL REGENT requires immediately PanSEWING Machines, drophead or hand, for H trvmald-Waltress and Relieving Maid. ApIsland trade, any condition. Price and ply PrO p riet or. particulars, 540 Post Agency, Newtown. ■ WAITBESSES> Kitchenwoman, and 2 Smart CJTAAIPS wanted in lots, on or off paper; will £■ inexperienced Women, assisting serving ij collect. 542 Post Agency, Nowtown. and coo king, wanted; good wages and condiADiOS wanted, highest prices given. Radio tions. American Bar, 27 Willis St. ■ Mart, 55 Dlxon St. Tel. 50-448. Opp. -ixtonDERFUL Opportunity—Lady manage .vlacDuffs. ' VV Mixed Business, groceries, confectionery, C^ASH private buyer wants Carpets, Furniture, ice cream, bread, etc., city; small unfurnished J House Furnishings, Sewing Machine. Piano, flat attached; widow preferred; state salary Garden Tools. 1307 Evg. Post. SL WE Buy Single Article to House Full Furni- 52.2G8 t)l-689. . cash, cartage paid; our valua- --■ vnuth for farm; good wages; tion unbeatoble. 9 Silverstone's, 110 Lambton QTod hLe!' 44?^Pos? Age™y, Cer ifittt.' ST. FURNITURE MARI^-Mr. C W. H^luSfSfSeS^^S LjT'un^B'S^U.ff^^pSa ShScW Companion-Helps. Dailies. payment. ■ 4b'9M- —- IWNGSWAY, Auctioneer, guarantees Best V**™* "I Cf°ouS g 'Solsf?!) . I\. Prices for Furniture, Carpels, Pianos: R nnt in£ npnartment Clerk young lady, 19-22 bought outright at your home. Tel. 40-372. of'records and' knowPIANOS Bought for Cash, any make, any ledge' of, typing. (2) Office Junior, excellent condition. Howell, Tuner, 40 Taranaki opening for youth, 15-16 years, and plenty St Tel. 51-231. of scope for advancement. A lw> enclosing IVIAN ST FURNITURE MART—Mr. C. W. copies only of references, to 731 Evg. Post. Price has joined our Firm. Send your pAKE Finisher for 2 weeks wanted, good goods along. Highest prices. Prompt pay- Vy wages. Apply Lido Quick Lunch, 118 raont ' Courtenay PI. n PDB and Ends of Crockery. Cutlery, Tools, C^n^inS^Stron'^YWC A?SoS2n U Furniture, etc. Odds and Ends Shop. 145 £* tlons Apply Matron« *-»v-^-A-' »r°usnam VVillib St., opp. V.M.C.A. Tel. 52-510. fat- — ; : ——: r-pnr yp 9a:dEV^ P y °ot Diamonds, F^ngStt «&■£"» "cgaJT 5 "STB-SBa 'SSrfcSSWWK h^S^ZSZ »* w Dr a tne cc i3 O5 ror at.Waldoa entrance, 41 Manners St. V tra. weekly engagements. Write 135 Erg. GOOD Money for Good Goods. We collect Post, Petone. ■■■-:■ Clothing, Furniture. Tools. Useful Articles. T^ARN 5s to 10s P^fWf 0™1* U Dwyer, 139 Vivian St. Tel. 51-052. -H' and Tickets. Free I»u r f. r a at? d, a^ oo"f. t —: —_ shows you how to begin. Write toaay, aicDON'T Auction your Goods. Get valuation K ay 's Studios P O Box 367, Wanganui. by experts. Deceased estates, offices. d for » Evenlng Post" DeUvery uotels, boarding-houses, and household furni- X Rminrti Ararty Publisher, Evg. Post. ture valued anywhere. Herbert St. Mart. Tel. . nou"ui'j i^-^ 52-786 Further Situations Vacant on Pant 2» E pay cash for all types of Used Radio ~~~ ' _, • _ ■ Apparatus and Sets. The Lamphouse. 11 MISCELLANEOUS WORK WANTED. Manners St. — ■ ; —: ——• E paj best price for Furniture. Carpets. QMALL Workroom will ertake to fulfil Pianos, Office Safes, and General House O your Surplus Orders. -Write or call, 236 tiold Goods Ring before soiling Tel. 52-973 Cuba St. . . i'AMOND Rings and Gold Jewellery of any CHIMNEY SWEEP. "; description purchased at Highest Cash pALLING Ngaio, Kliandallah.Onslow.rrfPrices. W M Haycraft and Co., Manufactur day, the 12th. For appointment ring S. ing Jewellers, 94 Willis St. (over Prestuns) Lansdown, 25-986. _ ONT* DE PIETE LOAN CO./ 129 Willis "-IVrODERNE" School -of DressmaMnE teach St.-Buyers ol Jewellery, Old Gold, Cloth- «* Cutting, Designing, Making, SI is. ing. Tools. Musical Instruments, Cameras. Drui£" Chambers corner Woodward St.-Lamb-Btnoculars. Firearms, etc. Highest prices or ton Uy- leL bAr: -—— ' . • ■ money advanced Tel 52-249. OUILDER prepared undertake all_classes- ■ J ■ ■ — JL> alterations, papering, etc. 15 Wakefleld RADIO APPARATUS. St., Lower Hutt. Tel. 524. : OHEILA MEREDITH, 115 Lambton Qy., WHOLESALE Radio Repairs, all makes, best O above McGregor Wrights—Full Head, 12s test equipment in town. Radio Mart, 6d, Ends 10s 6d Tel. 44-888. 55 Dlxon St. Tel. 50-448. TJRICKLAYING— Air-raid Shelters, FireRC.A. RADIO leads the field 1 See the JD places, all' classes Repairs. B. R. Wheat- • New Models at Associated Radio, 8 Bond ley Ring 17-435. . ■ ■ - St. (opp Majestic) Tel 41-553. VifUFFLERS Re-covered or Repaired. Let QERVICE to your Radio Is given by Experts iVI us quote you Gilbert and Mitchell, Oat Radiart Co.. 22 Brandon Sf 42-781.' Welding Experts, 114 Taranaki St. 55-418. WANTED to Buy, all Classes of Used Radio PARPETS and Feltex sewn, fitted, or reParts and Sets. The Lamphouse, 11 Man- \j modelled; our underfelt will add to the ners St - comfort and preserve the life of your Boor FOR Mullard Radio Repairs, Aerial Equip- coverings. Ring Carpet Sewing Co.. 47-761. ment, also Extra • Speakers—ring Bob Hor- for quotations. . ~.'•■••' robin 50-926. .. TJROKEN Wlndowsr-Have them reglazed . b«E XPERT Radio Service Repairs to all types P for« the.winter weather. Wellington Plate of Radio Sets. Called for and returned Glass Works. Tel. 51-617. same day. Certified Servicemen only. Charges . CHIMNEY SWEEP, reasonable. Preston B. Billings, Ltd., 148 /*ILEAN, Prompt, Reliable, distance no object; Willis St. (opp V.M.C.A.) Tel 52-382. jj workmanship guaranteed. R. Lansdown. "~~ MISCELLANEOUS. Homer, St., Newtown. Tel. 25-986. KEYS Cut, Locks Fitted, Expert Attention. W... „„ , .„,„„„ All work guaranteed and confidential. Tuition in Shorthand. 1506 Evg. Post. McLean & Archibald. Bond St., next Nimmo's. lADIES L'aiiortsq Ooaiuuies on easy termsT A LL'Kinds of. Carpentering. Alterations. !•-. Jnew shades of grey. Air Force blue. teal. A pairs. G. W Booth, 50 Wilson UL, etc Heimanns. 13a Courtenay PL ■ Newtown. TelS; 25-010, 25-918. ' - ON Easy Terms--Men's Beady Tailored to T)IANO Tuning, 10s, Repairs. Howell,. fSSr Wear Suits, all sizes, easy weekly pay- JL to 2ZB, 40 Taranaki St. (Lery ■!#§•.), ments. Heimanns, 13a Courtenay PI. e1.'51-231. ■]' -

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 135, 10 June 1942, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 135, 10 June 1942, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 135, 10 June 1942, Page 1