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Twelve thousand teas have been i served to men of the forces at the V.M.C.A. since the idea was first- ' mooted two years ago. The V.M.C.A. was the first organisation in Wellington to provide sit-down teas for servicemen, and so far has had the assistance of 45 organisations and ,1440 helpers. Yesterday marked the beginning of a third year of activity on the men's behalf. The ladies' auxiliary and girls' auxiliary of the V.M.C.A. were joint hostesses ior the occasion, and Mr. R. M. Brasted, national secretary of the V.M.C.A., was chairman. Songs were given by Mrs. Woodward, Messrs. Hopkins, Roy Hill, R. M. Brasted, and Sergeant R. Sloan, the accompanists being Mrs. I. Stephens, Misses N. Pritchard, and Finlay. Mrs. I. Halligan recited. Mr. H. Hindle was community song leader,- assisted by Mr. W. J. Mann at the piano. The usual minute of silent prayer for the men overseas was observed. SERVICEMEN PROVIDE MUSIC. Soldiers and airmen filled the Cinderella Clubrodms on Friday evening, and was as popular as usual. Extras were played by a member of the Air Force. Miss Ella Catherwood was the committee member supervising supper arrangements, and she was assisted by Misses Maisie Nicholls, Joyce Allen, Barbara Adamson, Alice Arbon, Lina Atkinson, Molly Roberts, and Pat Cole. On Sunday afternoon members of the Army and Air Force provided music for singing and dancing. In the evening the club rooms overflowed with servicemen. Mrs. Allen's orchestra supplied the music for dancing. "Happy" Jack Christie, a popular Wellington radio entertainer, sang several Western numbers to the accompaniment of his guitar. Altogether, Sunday proved to be one of the most enjoyable* evenings that the members of the forces and the Cinderellas have experienced for some weeks, past. GIFT TO NATIONAL CLUB. Vegetables supplied by the Lower Hutt branch of the Women's War Service Auxiliary were on the menu at the National Club at the weekend. Crowds of servicemen visited the chub, the National Union's tea-dance on Saturday being specially popular. The union's hostesses were Misses Rona Heinemann and Shirley Spears. "Yesterday Miss M. McGregor was in charge of the helpers from the Wellington North electorate. IMPROVEMENTS TO A.N.A. PREMISES. Recent alterations to the A.N.A. clubrooms are an improvement to the facilities enjoyed by servicemen who frequent the club. The games room has been connected by large folding doors with the main lounge, and furnished with new couches and chairs. With new curtains of cottage weave, and freshly-painted walls, the improvei ments are pleasing, x On Saturday night the ballroom was crowded, and to celebrate the alterations to the clubrooms, the comforts committee presented to every serviceman present a. hemstitched handkerchief of a colour complementary to his uniform, and cigarettes and ice creams were previded. Mr. W. D. Gordon and Mr. A. Urquhart (chairman and hon. secretary respectively of the A.N.A.) were present.' Supper was served downstairs by members of the senior Navy League, who also provided and served supper on Friday night. The executive committee is grateful to the following for donations to the club cafeteria:— Mrs. S. Simpson (Marton), Mrs. Haddow (Patea), and an anonymous donor, for carcasses of mutton and lamb; A.N.A. helpers (Marton), W.D.F.U. (Tinui), and W.D.F.U. (Ihuraua, Mauriceville), for hampers; Hataitai W.W.S.A., for vegetables. AIR FORCE GIRLS PRESENT. Members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force were among those present at the dance held at the weekend by the Y.W.C.A.'s W.A.A.F. Club at 166 Cuba Street for men in uniform. The programme was arranged by members of Air Headquarters, and. included novelty dances and supper. Special decorations added to the gaiety. Y.W.C.A. CROWDED. Many helpers contributed to the smooth running of the Y.W.C.A.'s "V" Forces Hospitality Club over the weekend, volunteers (including members of the' W.W.S.A. Canteen Group No. 2) helping in the cafeteria, and in the two cloakrooms. Large numbers of men were welcomed to the tea, games, and dance on Saturday, and to the tea and entertainment yesterday. Major Parkinson, of the Salvation Army, led the short Sunday service, which was followed by tea, and by a concert presented by Mrs. Bernard Webb, Miss A., Burnett, and party. Mrs. T. L. Darby was hostess.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 27, 2 February 1942, Page 8

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Y.M.C.A.'S RECORD Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 27, 2 February 1942, Page 8

Y.M.C.A.'S RECORD Evening Post, Volume CXXXIII, Issue 27, 2 February 1942, Page 8