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RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Home preserving is one of the best means of easuxkg sua adequate Paste the following directions in your recipe book and set. about . • suppiy of fniits aatl vegetables during the winter raontks. Ho*»e preserving your own foods while they are in.plentiftil supply. It is ....... preserving is simple when you jknow exactly how to g© about it. a National duty to conserve as-much food as possiblcl ... Published in the National interests by the WOMEN'S WAR SERVICE AUXILIARY (Wellington District) _ . ——CUT OUT ALONG DOTTED LINES, AND PASTE IN YOUR REC/PE BOOK-- '■ RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PARTI j RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PART 3 GENERAL ©IRECTIONS . reaches boiling point, and liquid begins to ooze out j Place jars and caps into oven to heat thoroughly. for 10 minutes. Drain beans. Place rubber .ring for Water Bath Method or Oven Method. ... of jar. - Prepare fruit. Whole, halved, or into slices. Peeled into position. Pack heated jar with beans. Fill jars . . , . " TO SEAL JARS. . or impeded, cored or stoned. with slightly salted' boiling water to within half inch ; 1. Select fresh sound fruit without bruises ©r At end of cooking period, as each jar Bring syrup to boiling point. Drop the fruit of top ef jar. Place screw top into position and marks and not too «P«- . j s removed, stand it ©n a. board or a thickness of I in. Cook gently till fruit is just soft and clear. jest screw lightly. As each jar is ready place-into 2. Wash fruit and drain thoroughly, or wipe pa p e r, or a thick dry cloth. Immediately screw j Lift fruit carefully into jars, using ladle or cup. the hot wat«r bath. _ , clean, using a damp cloth. cg^ down tightly—as tightly as possible. This is Make certain that syrup overflows bottle (important), Sterilize for li hours. Remove each jar and. 3; jrep fs e by *-emoving ski n > stone* or cores, as important; air must reach the sterilized pro- and seal each bottle immediately it has been filled. screw top down immediately jar has been taken, out. : required. Top and tail gooseberries. Remove stalks Do not . att£mpt to screw ijd s d owrl w hen jars Make sure cap is tightly screwed down, and do* not Mak°e sure cap has been screwed down tightly. Let from all berries. Peel and halve pears, quinces and are co l«i—this may break the seal. . | rescrew when fruit is cold. This may break the seal. stand for 24 to 48 hours, then re-sterilize again for apples, and remove cores. . When preserving a large quantity, more sugar 1 to H hours. This time do not unscrew lids. Trlave I 4. Test jars and lids, and use new rubber rings .TO TEST JAR. mere water in p. coport ions required may be water in bath cold to start with. Bring water gradeach year. This is important; old rings have lost Stand jars rigfet way up till perfectly cold, then added to the fruit syrup left in pan, brought again ually to boiling point and boil briskly for 1 to li their elasticity. ■ ■ turn jars upside down. If any leakage, seal is ■ not . t o boiling point atW more fruit ackled. hours. 5. Put old jars atui lids into moderate oven to p«rfe€t. L®»k for cause and resterilize for one-third When all fruit has been preserved, syrup left heat through thoroogMy. • ' of the time, or use\ product right away. over may be sealed beer or pkkl« bottles. Use- 4—PRESERVING OF PEAS. 6. Sterilize new jars and l«ls. To Sterilize.— cTft»iru_lii»f»BTANT! ful f«r sauces, jellies, drinks aad wmter time desserts. _~ . , , , ~ i , , , . Cover jars first wrtk cold, water. B«»g sWiy t« STORAGE—IMPORTANT ! N*te—Ui corks or c*»s to exclude air TilM ls the hardest vegetable\to bottle, and it bailing point. Boil fee 15 minutes. AlUw jars to Store in-co©!, dry place. NOT m cupboards * .. ' cannot be definitely stated that satisfactory results cool in the water. high in. itttdiwm. < PRESERVING OF VEGETABLES (Hints). wiM always be obtained. The following, however, has 7. Grade the fruit and vegetables as regard* ftrm- m*mtUnt Pttcnta.—-Sound, fresh products and Satisfactory results in preserving vegetables will bejti found very satisfactory. Wash pods, but not ness aad size. Naturally, large fruit w& take kmgec perfect waling of jars. : be assured fey:— Peas- Shell peas. Select freshly gathered peas, if to cook than smaller fruit of the sam« variety. m CTKBHT7C KIMTTT ivn VBrBTARIPQ Usmg fresh, sound, y»ung firm products. Pre- possible. Grade. Place peas into pan and jusc cover ~ Uniformity helps to sec*r* an even <&*«**«•* •£ w »i. L a , VEGfelAß^' serving eKe pto4uct while it is ffesh . w«k boiling, water. Boil gentry for sto 10 minutes, heac throughout the jar, and improves the af»pear- ■ Water Bath Method.—Any large pan will do. Putting each jar into the water bath (processing lid on pan as if for immediate use /no soda). ance of the finished product. MuM Kj*?** enough so that the boikng water vessel)> M soon . M pack Ml. Strain and fill the bottles. Tap the bottles on the Fruits may be packed into erther c*W. or kw «M*es to wan ««e inch of top ot jar. A tight- Sterilizing the products twke at required tsm- taUs.and nil up to the neck. jars or bottles. WW using c*id jars use coJd w««: fit<ing ltd is necessary and a stand or rack (per- perature and time. Cover peas well with boiling salted water. Place or sy«*p. For hot jars u*e boiling water or Wliftg forated?) placed at bottom of pan to prevent the Completely sealing each jar immediately it has rings and caps into position. Sterilize in. water bath syrup, fierce heat from/penetrating to the bottles and jars. bften taken from the water Wth The geafeg of f or i£ hours. Take out and seal each ■■ jar immediArways pack intk into the jars as ttgbtl? as Ti*e copper w*ll do if preserving a large batch of jar is most impor£ant- ately. Let stand for 24 to 48 hours and re-stenUze possible, because when coefced the frwt siwmks. Do ' batttas. /. v ~ „ , , , Grading the vegetables is iropiwrtant, too, es- for li hours. Have water in bath boding throttgh»«t htnise the fruit. .Prepare Wor vefeetafeles. Pack and partly pec iaHy with peas, as old peas will take nmdi loager out the whole process. Read bea^recipe Completely cover fouk with water or syrup, smd seai J*»- See. S«»eral directions.) Use^^very hot to steri lize. The younger the vegeta-We the better the Nate.—Sterilize for* 3 hours on end, if destred to within half an rocfe of sop of jar t« iflow fer wate* in Pf* 1 if «««« hot jars and liquid. Cold resuh ts j ever preserve peas wben changing colour. At end of first hour remove bottles and screw hris expansion of air and «» pr**«« Ikpnd Uiiing mm. wa^ if u«»« C old jars a«d cold liquid. ~, ' Dry the peas at that stage. down tightly and return bottles to pan. .■ Pkce r«tber ritigs into p«kion and see -that tfaey P«cc >*rs ™ st^id' Have water one mch below Proportion of salt to water for vegetables is 1 Sugar and lemon juice or vinegar may be used rest qaite fiat. Pkce lid on aad screw UgMy. If f\T ,"^ f™?""} 1?, tp bollm? P 0"I. l' to 1 tablespoon of salt to each four in the proportions of 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 using bottles wkk gkm :«^pc a»d damps, piace Borl bmkly f®-r time required. Lift out each bottle breakfast cups of water (1 quart). To suit individual dessertspoon lemon juke to each 2 cups ofhquid. rubber ring into po«ti«n; do not tighten ckmps. and seal immediately. See directions to seal. Add to salted water. , . " To sterilize is to cook food so that the action or „ _ „„ . ,„ • FOR OV»i METHOD. any ba«eria is killed. 3.-BOTTLING OF BEANS. , pacv HOMF MFTHOD PLUM IAM ... . - n ■■-•'■ rr> c r <lraflp»- Rtinn#r« Thwndv or Butter Beans 5« fcAS»I H\JNkc. mUItIKMJ JfLUJVI JAJYI. • • Place several thicknesses of paper on to scone Proportions of Syrup for Fruits:— . Ocarlet Kunners, rrencn or outter oeans. ... c tray or oven tray. Place jars on top of this; allow . Thin Syrup—l cup sugar to 2. tq.3 cups water. Select young tender beans. Wash beans and dry Ingredients.—3 lbs. plums; yery firm plums. 3 a little space between each jar. Place tray on grid Medium Syrup—l cup sugar to 2 cups water. thoroughly, or wipe beans,with damp cloth. Remove breakfastcups of water. 5 breakfastcups of sugar, shelf fourth or fifth ledge from top of even. Allow Thick Syrup-^-1 cup sugar to 1 cup water. strings, if any. Prepare ready for table use. Cut Method.—Put fruit and water m pan and cook fruit, etc., to remain in oven at desired degree or Very Rich" Syrup—2 cups sugar to 1 cup water. thinly, thickly or into fine shreds. Plunge beans till plums are soft; then add sugar and boil swiftly number till fruit has changed colour a»d syrup ju9t In each case boH sugar and water together till v into pan of fast boiling water; lid on pan. Boil till a little tried sets firmly. (Remove stones as (continued in Pert-2, below).. j . {centtmttd in Part RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PART 2 RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PART 4 sugar has dissolved. Stir occasionally. Strain syrup Place rubber rings into position. Pack peaches they rise to surface.) Remove from stove; allow lightly. Put in sterilizer and bring to 160 degrees, through a piece of buteer muslin to remove any into heated jars, |K>ur heated syrup over to within 3 to cool a little, then bottle, cover, label and store and maintain as near as possible for 2£ hoars. foreign matter. Syrup may be used either boiling half-an-inch from top of jar; then immediately screw in a cool, dark place. TOMATO PUREE * or allowed to get cokl. ■ lid <m very lij^tly Place bottles into water .bath or ; ; 6.—RASPBERRY JAM. ' Wash and dry. tpm^toes thoroughly; place on TIME FOR OVEN BOTTLING (FRUIT). . y£ Ur l^JE^J? W^nTV^oTe ouT of Tonle Ingredients.-9 lb\ raspberries. 9 lbs. sugar. oven slides and cook "till very soft a«d skins shrivel. Heat oven for 15 minutes, regulo turned to No. 1 a (b^s Method.—Place raspberries into well buttered Remove from oven. Press through a wire «eve untd (260 deg.) Champion Cbkerf No. i (260 de«.) - loS) when usine watS bath preserving pan, bring slowly to the boil and stir till only skins and seeds remain. Bring pulp to boil ' New World Cooker " Very moderate oven. - J,* , . , ' j s they are mushy and no lumps. Add heated sugar and bottle immediately in previously heated bottles. . Berried fruits will take from 20 to 30 minutes— JjJ' c "^ a7c moderate oven)" and bring quickly to boil; boil hard for five minutes, Fill to overflowing and screw tightly, raspberries, blackberries, cap« gooseberries, currants, 7 hen fr. ult "ready lift out each bottle and stirring all the time. Remove from stove and stir ROTTT FD TOMATO TUICE. ' m) *±^~i, mm<.^-b-i^«»*—,■ e °™ £.&£*& tn' JSS-:. ..-^rr^' ""p"tlr.-*■*-bottK — for^S^™iS%*- ;.. Appearance—tiH syrup marly reaches boiling p«J»t t@ see « seaiect. xurn bottle upside down, snouia s^ect rasp bernes which are fresh and dry; wash of,. •„ /jj ~it ' ta t _ * brine to boilinz ©oint ; anT^s to ooze out of b Of^ any mo^ture P o 2 e out, cap. is not screwed enough, a «dleav e to^ain. MeAod.-Fill hot j^s with 2££m" ££.**&© tolf wSTa SS I Toobtam 1^ deg, i^ulo to No. 1, Cham- - 2 -APRICOTS OvenMetbod ra^Wr« S , sh^mg the jars in order to obtain a Adju^new rubber jar; rings, dipped pion, and to No. New World, tW tjn rf*e 2.-APRICOTS. Oven Method. full pack Make a syrup of 3 breafcfastcups of U^^^er; add- sterilized coveirs-and tighten , own tap on half. AHow a longer nme for frwt at Heat oVen for 15 minutes with Regulo at No 1 sugar-to 2 breakfastcups of water. Pour the borfimg J£ V, ng screw . tO p jars, looser seal ; this degree. " for Ckamptt*^CooW and i for New W.rld Select sy rup over the berries ««Jf* *** fBIL ,70*^ a ha^turn-release the second spring,-if «««« ! VBGKTABLES.-Tmte for' Water Bath or Sterilizer &™ fr««^r«ker on the unrip* side just when the ru feW W M hghtly, mi pkee m «yen 276 deg. a Place on rack in a ! vtxatii/VDLJSd. —lime lor water B»m or dceruizer. apweots be«n to change colour, for best results. F. for 20-30 minutes. Then seal. ■ \ c . ~ , ■ jl ~*. Beam and Peas—Three hours. Have water boiling yg^ cloth Cut into halves, leaving deep pan of water which is at the same temperature . in the *teriW or water bath the whole of the time. th/stoaes in a proportion of the halves. Pack B—PEACHES AND NECTARINES. as the jars^be sure that wate^c»me S up t^^e in^ If <Wed, sterilize for H hours; allow to very tightly into either hot or cold jars. Place rubber Wash and dry peaces carefu^y, then place over from top o fjar and nottouchmg e^ °*^ o f^g ' i get arid, then in 24 to 48 hours sterilize again for ria€S into pos i«on. Fill 'jars with syrup (medium) steamer for 7 minutes for Uanc&ing; remove skins and N f 0. 4*0" •»*■«»» tor 5 to 5 minutes, -wnervprocess^ , atxotW li hours. »«ddn half-an-inch from top of jar. Hot syrup pack firmly in bottles; cover with boiling syrup, ad- » : complete, remove from Pai\^ «f«™ *^: \ : Aaparagm, Musixrooms, Sweet Corn—Three for hot ■ C oid syrup for cold jars. Screw lids just rubber and lids lightly, and place in oren ISO If P^J*?' P"TT N 1 for e^am^i J Sok^ hours, or sterilize twice-H hours each time. onslack^. Place several thicknesses of paper on dcg. F. for one hour, then seal tightly. f^ Carrot, Beetroot, Cauliflower—2 to 2* hours, or top of scone tray. Place bottks on paper. Place g MA »c and No. 4 for New W6rld-aHow 40 minutes -af ; sterfee twice. tr * y on f ontth or fi f tK ledge from top of oven. , , ■ 9r- PE*StS\ . c .. , , even-processing. • - | / Carrots and Beetroot (very young)— Wash and Sterilize (cook) with regulo at above number. Time ?** *c fruit wnh a skarp knife, cut mlMlw powsraviNr OF WHOLE TOMATOK rotam one inch of «Em. Bafl for 15 minutes. Rub. a boat one hour for quart botties; half to three-quarters or if very l*rge, cut into quarters. It is advisable # "'^^^^r/^^e' Pl^orn^ sfe. off under running water. Pack.whole or in for piftt U «1 €S> J sß ns of apricots just begin to » take out a kttle of the W core Drop Select firm and not too ripe Prick whm, halves, or in sfees. Cover with sli«btty salted water LJI the peeled pears into slightly salted water unttl ready u«ng a sharp fork. Place tomatoes on a flat tray, and st^rffize as- for beans. Time~2 to 2f hours. R ; move hettie at a oven and screw f fiH the jars. Tkis saves d^oloration^ Pack the- Cook in a moderate oven W tomatoes are£*. 1 ' 1. 1 1 a- 1 *# 1 1 t l fruit a<s cltyselv as no<wib{e into bottles and cover with sort. JLirt carerully into well neatea jars. iroer 1.-PmSBB.VJNG OF PEAOHES AND id down Make sure bottles are abso- 3 cups water). Adjust rubber slightly salted boHmg water into jars to fill jars NECTARINES, ETC. lut«ty »ragn^ and lid lightly. Place in sterilizer and bring■ slowly to overflowing. Seal each jar immediately. Test Select firm fnrit ia« beeinninß to ripen All f^"~T C JuST *?!*?* T*° 1 up to 200 degrees, then allow temperature to fall to seal when tomatoes are cold. d« dim kft cm, out tke rough furry skm on peaches day, then place botties on their stdes several days. 2^ hours. a «d select firm tomatoes prick with fork Place mto « tot eitisctJoiahle to-some folk. If desired, can be done in oven 260 deg. F. for jars, paur bo4mg salted water to withm half an P^l peadies,"£f de«red, or rem«v Ainsby PRESERVING FRUIT-Every Variety. 1-U hoyrs. ~ inch of top of jar Adjust rings and caps. Sterilize pkcmg into steamer «nd .teami^ t2l sfca» v«ll Simplest MethW of AM—With this method more • , 10—APPLES. ( . in oven m& Regulo at No. 1 Q««gonCo^ ■ sfip «ff ea^y. Time «b«« 7 ahmm. Le*m whol*, fruit «*d l«s syrap can be packed into jars. Make Peel the apples, core and skce them, and pack No. i for New World Cooker Time 40 minutes to c^teo iKfes and .remove stones, or cut fruit Jati^ a symp umg two cups of water to each cup of as closely as possible in the bottles. Fill the botdes 1 hour, tdl skin just cracks. Seal each, jar immedislices, as desired. . sugar; or a.-syrup as desired. with syrup a«d adjust rubber ring, and screw lid ately. , ; ■ (continued in Part 3, above right). . ; RECIPES AS DEMONSTRATED BY THE HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE WELLINGTON GAS COMPANY LIMITED' Reprint* of thl« announcement can be secured by sending your name and add rest, together with 2d. In stamps to cover pottage, to either €he Wellington Gas Company Ltd, Courtenay Place or the Women's War Service Auxiliary, 87 The Terrace, Wellington. n ACiur* hate cYTcuncn #\^^p ...fVsKUi' TG 30th APRIL, 1941 Iff WBw tickets in this most popular Patriotic Art Union \uuifik^ ~~— '** ~^^/\\ mKmm^K^k authority has been granted to extend the \J/ml/M f|||in AH // Wml mBBJ^^^^ML-^ . closing date to the 30th APRIL, 1941. Ml LHANGE TO ' WttßmSr £2500 "Pi|« f|PA«KDRIVE\ *S^ ART UNION l^Sfe^rW In aid of funds of WELLINGTON PROVINCIAL PATRIOTIC APPEAL ■ & VSK**^ . Brought io you by Persil d . House and contents (includes Walnut Panelling In 40^ GALA A At^± 0 • , . nnnr +*m** Hall, Beatty ElectrlcjWashlng-Machine, Stainless steel" MJUlla A UIM JlJil L— -' ' ''■ ' " ' iSt PKIZt £2,500 sink- etc) and Garage, Insured free of charge for mUKOSfWW^9 W^K^MJJMMEr $$$SSSSSSB^mffW//M%0?!l& HOUSE and GARAGE one year. W MErMtWlfr Situated at Raroa Road. Lower Hutt. donated Cl OSklNfq f^AXP* ADDH iO^Li Wr^^ , I " gQtgJl j »Tal ▼II I I VMki by Merchants and others associated with the V*S-Vf J« I^l V» L/#^IE. 3ULII MrI\IL. y IVt 1! #*■#*« fl ■? TT TT-t'' '" KML" I I kV*J ii I L Jii WCt Building Trades throughout Wellington in nRAWiM^ HATE. 1 f«* Ml A V lt\ At • PI§2II II I s I lE. ' >li collaboration with the Hutt Valley Master UIxAWirMVS L? Alfc I SlSt MAY. 1941 .) >^^ \ - >'■ V I U J! ■-. ■■; S^^^^^^^^n^^TT^^BS Builders' Association. . 9918^^ <x& ««\ '^^ .^ a^ 0^ #%' #% \Nj^^H LJ ■» ''■ II ~ * I'~T^^^sJ Hon. Architect, W. Keith Cook. Chairman:T.C. A. Hislop.CM.G. Hon. Sec. Hon. V.Ward, M L C o '\» t\k\ T fl X It C CD $§*^jmJ**MjM^^JM& ?Hfl PRI7F £125 SEPTION Wellington Provincial Patriotic Council.P.O. Box 1534, Wgtpn. - f^^' . ©^T ■'' \ ■ ***'**** I^^^fl^iHli^B atPaekakariki TICKETS K-.each on sale k*^P ii» j Ili 11 llf'vnHafVTi ■3rd PRIZE £50 GROCERIES AT ALL POST OFFICES in the Wellington Metropolitan Araa %X nS* *" f /U7 ' '^^ 1M CHS 1^ i"v cv v , "nUULII 1 li:. 0 and from Authorised Ticket Sellers throughout the Wellington % > \^^^Kmm . I'LL^W ** lrrM Donated by Self-Help Co-op. Ltd. , Provincial Patriotic zones. 8 % L L> I „_____„„._____^_______ By License issued under Clauie 38 of the Patriotic .- V^^^^^^^^Sl^^^^K^^^^^^H ■WT!^^' GHMBMBHHMnHHHMr Purposes Emergency Regulation, 1939. ' I'"^^H '' t Ko^B2^O^^^^^^^^^H^^H^S9

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 27, 1 February 1941, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 27, 1 February 1941, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 27, 1 February 1941, Page 15