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YOU, TOO, CAN MASTER JgjK& I /f§|^x *££"#*■ elf-Consciousness, Fear of Failure Wfw&W /^#%^\ :m ""»»■" ml§<4s£f?h*wß&h:*®Nßsk WRITE, OR SEND COUPON FOR FREE BOOK! , II \ |— _ —_ SE»af W. H <tSt ** v- t*J!rW^€*/31%7W& Many men and women live in perpetual discomfort Loneliness, day dreaming of castlcs-in-lhe-air, and The tragedy is that it is often the test-type of 3EI Eg M * „ - vT"^Mltt&.' V^V^SwSbF*!*^^ 1 "^lrS^ m regarding what others are saying about them or a feeling of being "out of tilings" result from a person, with great possibilities of: success,' who ts fi£§ ||. mf*. § . \^ v «e -:£s}gV w—^^SSi . -i- -7i j -l. ' t.w thinking about them. "Usually there are absolutely negative tendency in the inner self causing an held back by personality • weaknesses. Autogg| f§> *2 jf/AvK l*rc" ir^ T^y^—* O± recent years many very important discoveries .have been made by scientific no grounds for fearing such criticism; it is impulse towards withdrawal 'from active living, psychology releases that dormant two-thirds, of ESk i|§:<Si I \\XX%&g«*!fc| 1 ,,.~ fr .||Py^>.v nai^iinlno'lofo ir. all nivta r»f tfip wnrlrl vpvfilino' hit-hevto rmqnsmerf pri truths ree-ardillll1 merely a condition of mind imposed on the wnfor- instead-of a happy desire for participation. Auto- your potentialities that have possibly^ never ■■ PSa :%O «il\\^ -~=JS psychologists m all parts O± tne world, levelling nitneito unsuspected trutns regaixum, tunat " e individuai by Tlis or her own inferiority psychology turns negative into positive and sue- hitherto been catted into use. Hundreds ftottf SUaJV MO %\--:^^^nilnniiiiii||ifiF^^ - _!_ Jim the mechanisms of human nature and the laws and forces that govern our lives. Ihev Complex. By developing the character from cessftUly reverses past experiences, opening ,up a found it a practical help in gaining: promotion "' \ yk:-.jtG&zszZl vrCj^mfC X. TL=~S*?Wfc , , ,-, . t1 ~, j. ■, „ . -t „ .i n f V^c within, strength of personality can be steadily prospect of a happy social and business life. and business or professional success. E|p=\ ili|a\\ have proved that the personality of every man and woman is largely the product oi ins huil l up> * iving independence and, will-power. . ■ '^dkaKsJ Ss^* lk . \153 Ol< er past life —and that disabilities formerly created by adverse influences outside Vl^ V^ W* Kg||psV N. >. S**k/?\^» your control can now, through an understanding of the processes involved, be eradicated ...^^, iMa^ ' ' .^^^ I ■%■ B^2 P? ■■■ '^lB P^ 1~9 S 1 !■' |B|>lP^3l I \ \ anc* replaced by strong, positive qualities and impulses. In short, the "self" that has f^^, |wl r^L -WKM I B^i Wm !■■ |.M' fc^ '■ Pg2%%o?\ 1 \ \ \> >v *"i^^§ grown up with you by chance can be reconstructed according to plan so that you can be -^'^ .^^ ■ ■ .^^ .^^ ■ .^^ V^ OHi oß^ y£mO%O%&JL. jL JL\v fSl s V I^^^S what you want to be, act as you want to act, achieve what you want to achieve. Through ■■■ Jk laJI -^^ I I C^ ■^■1^ I^l 181 ■■ E? '■■■ : l^M «^^^^^©@©© X>-v JKS3 Auto-psychology, the latest, the greatest science of successful living, fully expounded in M IWI 13 IV ■ ■ dim !■■ m 0 Wm&R?&Z\ ■■■ , ffif^^^j the famous little book: "I Can. ..and I Will," the British Institute of Practical Psycho- * , , • , ■ ' _' ~~ : " -<^i^^^^ logy has brought the principles of modern psychology out of the laboratories and the d" f^ f f ■JP ■ f% ■■■ Jk I^^ CT C^ frilr^^W^S l^S consulting rooms into the lives of tens Of thousands mmMMMIWMm/WWm P X EL EL I W X Eli /% U EL if O W ■ «fte subconscious mind, which is, in truth, so vast Jb^^Si of men and women —in a form they can easily ;>% • ■ . and indefinable as to malce accurate portrayal Jm^ZStxi -, ■, -, i..i i .-... , KcS^>nOw\wvVv\Vi\\* '^■■^ *vy%Zi .. . — ___ __ __ '_. ... • effff .impossible. The conscious personality that you understand and apply to themselves in living nap- i^Mmra^^^^^HMPJPHJl^.^^; *VJ" II I K^ I^l f" m^k« ''' ' aMaHa^Ji/A see and Icnoio about is as a tiny island in the ocean, \\J^v^s^^^sS| nipr fuller -frepr ntiH more snrressful lives Send §ssS^NCV\a\\V-^^HP^'"'"'"""" ■■■■■'■ | ■■■ I l^l ■■■ lfif ■■# A IbF ■■ WS mTTT>rtW TtFT f\W which is, in fact, merely the peak of a mountain IWi^^^So^^jH pier, lUliei, ireei ana moie succe&biui nvca. ucnu J^^^S^WoA *', '^B I l^l I 1^ I ■ I M kjUUJrUIV DLrLAJIYi whose mighty,-bulk lies beneath the ocean's level. i^^^w^S^vJ^^S for your free copy to-day —it may be the most S^^^l^^^^,^^^^^- "'•' " " ' ■ "■.";'■'■ " ■ rw ' ''B^^^^^^^^ IMmS®SB& important thing you have ever done. ill Nearly half-a-million copies of the famous yourself and your life you must know MEMORY, PERSONAL INFLUENCE, consciousness. yQ DIA GBAU. F^TlW^\ V^ little "I Can . . and I Will" have been without further delay. It- will astonish ORGANISING AND DRIVING POWER, T Self-consciousness Q Unsteady Gaze ,-^—^_— __^ _ ,—, MMMM ■ m^ m m^^m * bKm ' mffi^W -'^b- M. issued in response to requests from all you with its revelations regarding- the dis- VICTORY OVER FEAR, JOY IN LIVING. * Self-distrust Shifting Eyes IMIS!!, ■■ "*™"" M™ Bfl \^M I wCwM S i^P " 'W^^\'« jMF* % — Parts of the world—an amazing success in abilities that depress, discourage "and defeat V#-HIB» SMAlfcl UAUB 5 2^ Unsociabiiity 7 Nervous Catarrh |IH|iPK|IIKI ■ W ■■ ■ ■ IWI J^ B B^^B j^Myw J^^^ ~ the short s Pace of four years, due to its —opening up a fascinating prospect of the |N TOUR OWN nUMC NerVOU A P prehension 8 Stammering ■mW■■■ ■■ ■ ■■ D ■ ■ W WlWll ■■*« g£9 JfflP^H^^ §= unique effect in opening the eyes of men future in full and proper use of your capa- V/MID SMAIkI TIME ' •■. B'ashfulness Q Blushing ||# • *^ and women of all ages and all occupations bilities. The key to your deliverance is IN TUUK OWN ' I IMB ■2-Depression -^ «, .nu ■ 4% UM tf^ *A ■Mt dm. A* 41*. *A Mb *m± MM' 4*. if mm RV '•% Wk\ to the truth regarding their conditions, to-day within your hand —Auto-psychology, . • ' - . ,:.v?|b^- eradicated for ever |v #Jf^£B s&r^rtirs^™ft.^T^v^vii?^^s^^^ t p?i^^ S 3l f w-11 Tremblmar Limbs IHBlla'BK!^^^^^ ing almost to actual transformation. It obligation. " everything .about psychology you need to 4ScS° £Wl" 12 SvTpaTnT An Inferiority Complex is a disturb- will power and subject you to the tyranny WSfa'., tellsill sh" P! e ' straightforward language The Latest and Most Powerful c u A?^ P?f J^ M %^ = t SSeB ?S5 • Habits i-» Fu nr «nn fl i • ance in subconsciousness, a source of of habits—afflict you with headaches, palpi- «o^> ■**.^^^lW«cW^^^^ about you and your powers, setting before SH m ,,|,,c to Success s•* ' n *!, ■1 c 1 iL! ™ m™ g Forgetfulness 13 powerful negative impulses, which tations, "passing-out" sensations, or pains you clearly the amazing new psychological Stimulus to Success. uc;tivitv all thi: rich possibilities you have '^^Concentration 14 P^ical Lethargy manifest themselves in various per- and a Iments for which it is difficult to «^««M«Si J™ 111™^™™""* discoveries whose immense significance to Auto-psychology teaches you to ' KNOW within you. lou begin to ieel the new sclt, Concentrauon sonality-weaknesses, such as deprive assign a cause-overwhelm you with "stage- "JOY IN LIVING & yourself/ I* teaches you to USE stron e ofpurp°;«' dS2J ln 1"- kflS? *S .Your friends may say to you when you are sfc^^dttffiß^iE „," be entirely To^otten- t v nLT by to are to enjoy exuberance of 1 T *\ \ you-DEVELOPING INITIATIVE. WILL- fierce energy -itis a system of right out of harmony with yourself, when yon emmmmioh S r WTnTTI T i/ f ent»eiy torgotten, they may have health> you are to be a mar t yr to nerves." % ' , \^&\\\* ,' \ POWER DETERMINATION, FEARLESS- thinking and right living which you absorb are oppressed with worry, depressed by of JZIIITTn I I 1.1 I I I-LL aciea too cany tor your memory to retain, Y(m are c ] lang ; ng every day, you are m - , t f" ,t , -', \ \ NESS 'CONCENTRATION. SELF-CON- quietly, quickly and easily into your very inexplicable fears and anxieties, sleepless kSwi q F "TH? mTmTmTi ' "dicturbani ,Sntre"'^'^nh^.nsSir changing ever^ moment - from now 1* t "».'/.,A FIDENCE, BUSINESS ACUMRN. VITA- being, the most restful, recuperative, with anxiety* exhausted by neurasthenia, E/F—itf-ffißE* which sends out neirative mnukes ovtr' onwards m{lke the t>orfie mtmn 7™ w?, rk %•. •.5 > l •-1 A ?'' \ LITY, STRONG NERVES PERSONAL inspiring thing that has ever come into enduring physical, discomforts for which «fc:_::±El- I I omil and ZalvsT" vourT tve Tn' f° r you uinstead of af inst 5« 1' 7 f A' - *I* ° v^ vV .' \ MAGNETISM. SELF-CONTROL. CON- your life. It is fully revealed ,n the Free the doctor can assign no reason, "You have «-— il 11111111 HIII II tl ™.?™* d ™a in^ m?Z\\ln*LJ?n?«Xiw help of the expert guidance o.ffered you by W - *i*^do*. -'- \ QUEST OF HABITS. SOCIAL CHARM, Book, -I Can .. . . and I Will." Send fot nothing to worry about, you have nothing confined spaces, of going out alone, of Pulsf' (l^ ng .you tneplea""'es of achieve- the staff of the Brit ish Institute of Practi- \\ .., A .;;. *6 . A pq W ERFUL SPEECH, RETENTIVE your copy to-day. .' " ' wrong with you—your troubles are pure nervous breakdowns, and other groundless ment ana tne .l°y or «vmg. « cal p S y C h o i og y. Bl ■ \'> « -, "'^''A • imagination." They fail to realise that worries — make your hand shake when You cannot control such negative impulses, _ _ % ' < '"• "' - \ l '^>" \ Ell I KM CQUP ANaaPO %T TO" 1J Ik V' such troubles are the effect of a person-asked to sign a document or "take-down" on the contrary, they control you — the Ftl »TTI «^% E^ P na^ ane* % '' :>'' -> - ' \ ■■■-■■ BWm r%^ » ■ ■W . .-** r* . ■-.- ality-disturbance involving the whole from dictation — fill you with dread at attempt to conquer them by direct effort W^ W^ %J M. M r positive %' • a ' «i'w *" o< *\ OR« IF YOU PREFER- SEND POSTCARD OR LETTER FOR FREE BOOK TO— mechanism of your mental and physical thought of a train journey—render you ill- only serves to increase their strength—but ■ ■ •» r m F W 'V v ; - 1 \...» ■■■ ■.»■»»»-..—»».»»»»«»»»-«■■--»■ ■ ■■-■»«- ■ ■ ■■»«-»«- ---life. at-ease in the presence of superiors or shy you can remove them, you can eliminate We know that certain results can be 1\ ',f - vi!cfto^ *c% ' \ T w. c ooixmH IM^TITIITF OF PRArTICAT PSYCHOLOGY Auto-psychology brings to an end, once and and tongue-tied with members of the them from your personality. You can obtained because we have seen these m -. i**!^ %, % \THE BKlllSlt lwsinuit ur rKA^MUAL raiv-fivfi-^vji , , for all, the helpless endurance of troubles opposite sex — weaken your memory for through Auto-psychology so reconstruct things accomplished by hundreds and «\ * liait* 1 ' '^^^ p*^! BOX 1279, AUCKLAND, C.I. > .which destroy the spirit, by a process of important names or affairs—thwart your your subconscious mind (the real master of hundreds of men and women. What %,' v v ' Please send me, without obligation, a copy of your Free Book, "I Can .. . and I Will." kindly sympathetic re-education of your endeavour to find the right life-mate— your being as to free it from such disturb- others have done you can do. It is all a %,--■■ v .... j^*-^** I "*'^ ] 1 encloSe 2d- in stamPs to cover postage. ;' subconscious mind, giving you a true under- ruin your married harmony — cause mind- ances and make it a source of positive matter of beginning—resolve now to begin m^.~~~...~.-..^^ >i *~' I \, '' standing of yourself, your disabilities and wandering, vagueness, inability to concen- power —an immense motive force for to-day by writing or sending the coupon dl^^^ ' ' °\ (BLOCIi LETTERS)* * " "' * ! their underlying causes. trate or to make decisions — weaken your personal progress. for free book. | ' I : ADDRESS »......... «-•■. , •••••••».......,,. i | THE BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY "tEJ? L^i=^-^^:^^-..^^ia

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Evening Post, Volume CXXX, Issue 108, 2 November 1940, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXX, Issue 108, 2 November 1940, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXX, Issue 108, 2 November 1940, Page 16