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dloo alidnsiusi on iSv j • -j[|^^^ ■ Jff by St. John Ambulance Man! jK^JBEJiMf WIFE ALARMED when Husband called upon for EMERGENCY jj^r /JBHiThI 1 Idfcfff ■ BLOOD TRANSFUSION while still WEAK FROM LOSS ISF /J^Wf'lfr^^i OF BLOOD as a result of SERIOUS MOTOR SMASHy^Jr v^f MRBHE^ZfII - a btood transfusion, being * member of |il|l Chl 1 £ A|J CXI C C (YER ftV^^^ EVERY BOTTLE OF BIDOMAK /^f^ "lifleTZy vll for a"he |S h%/ 5» rI P IM CONTAINS ALL THE FOLLOWING »f fblJl^^|ri| j&^J^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kks ' tTt"f dCCld£ttt* ' ir^X* oily Site pHYCftCISGCt •. I v^k V^ ■ • M^B^^feifl rißhtahm ß ,fy%. wife; taking the threl /- AITI II I A JPI S^P^ SOfcTrfiS M#ira AmaZllifl : bottles of Btdotnak. >My health kept up iJPkr^L^w WAL VI U Ivl Jffij'j) QKO 66 ib? lettuc* HTiWi %► >^^^^^^<w^ '' another transfusion two months after- | £$^r7jS§\ ' ■ f^'i i' >* f* y AVf% 11 C ' jw§^&**r^ '""* i%**|#Wi *9 HBP--"/- S«rV^ing-i&^Lrii/oMWo|Si JK^lfc^^ y,:; ■diHTfaffWilWfWtfl NERVOUS DEPRESSION I HPiiiii^«W v again I experienced no ill effect. 61OOD O"^l^^ ]C-^C^ 4 °ts «»» Milk rjBKYWUj UErKEJJIWW J ■■.jmmmmm M& mtft'imw headaches, lack of energy, unable to yj' POTAS S I UnA _. jIL^S . "f.. -\Wl{.. .„ Wmi^M MAK > f have *? na.uered D J «-L f* I 4.1 work with a will and generally run , ■ MiVl^'dTpffffi^y»nTyTMfT rtMB nervous depression, and Kead tins uenuine Letter : <w«. fortnight, a g o i Ra r e the fifth m^'"Bnßi \ —-— —\muscu.Bioop ~, ~ /»•&, • >T?Hsi?«p&, it, c *,*, „ J!™if. been a^i to. ceaf c f? • p. •, t , . ' , * , ", TH\ \ PfflSE?^ /m^^Mj*s&& h% Cobbo«- oW habit—nail biting. Thts m itself, Auckland,' Tl Fi^'h -9Bi A C H f> I I I M . (?M^MM^SSI I consider unique tor I hare had ever 26/12/39: le" lo iay Im on a diet of. Btdomak . *jM. ||» VJUU UWi M3SmWW^^^m l 7 «» Co"ot» <o many patent medicines which helped prrrp-fr^r/^; issjs i s^rS^-^'S: ili BI D O X : i«i^4iPimijjßipagama *S:^L fer H «ed r/g/«/ hip and leg, bad concus- on my feet / S F S |« H t# I\S \*S I¥% fl f\ OQu$M /tf^Hh UsAvCobbo S . der/ M «y m a sfcorl »Aife. sion n'i//j o possible skull fracture, and /?;„.,„,/) m» I, • • *i n ' pHBR (Jfg««»/ *"«• ;. pJ^7^s^3T?!ri£ ° !#• an easily a»imilafed t|SK^ s""un"" 1 tonic after -flu I pital after a month and returned to my Til II F WSTi* AtCtf^iuoA llAlllll fnfffl ■ I^W^^^MfrX^sSkg^m 11 MBH, . lbi *pinßth ' — — home. Approximately one month after I POUDIeS CdUS6u DV ' S| & pio*Cll>>OlV«U lI^UIQ IVIIII J^JKrtBfIwIKMk^K^KS^MITIM Woodstock,^ my return home 1 ' was requested to * 2&/8/'3B» * ; k jitlMHk a. ■ • oVßHdißflfe^^^4rfHKl^fe^k 44 dv Ora««« "After a serious illness of 'Flu and MINERAL QUICK RESULTS Cind WhVl tBBWBBBMBB Rheumatic Fever and loss of appetite I ||||gM||§ ■▼■■■^fcl%# l*fc %|#Ml\#lV nVb^VI. I<9 WH« TTny « «SS9^Hl^^^9^ *♦ »»* Carron Mo/ BIDOMAK and decided to give Wa£^ms*M \A/L GfW Ami A Vl^^^i BIDOMAK is a modem product. bloodstream and are thereby carried . VOlbstanonm '' <* trial- Believe me I have found * sf^ - .^-;S- VYnV !^ lAX W lIX JI\I Minerals are put into it under the to every cell of the body. Here _^BBBEsSiHwß^^> ~^-^__ . marvellous benefit from only one bottle, mimi^^mM J *^ W «"^lm W I ll* ■ l^^B^ latest scientifically controlled these minerals overcome the basic W^^^^^SLi^^^^^=^ ~ 1341bt Cobbay , • a metf j M any B?': '■■ * \i££s%&L^ ' methods to assure quick and com cause of your complaint—Mineral -4-' . » # jr J r -.1. W?l^^^?*! RinAIJAII « x»- , -- . . f Plete assimilation. Within 30 sec Starvation—so that good health person in the house and find lam ptclf p¥lpi|p:| &}|&/wiVIAI\ Or M'neral Deficiency of onds of taking BIDOMAK the must naturally follow. ing up wonderfully." W^m^^M I Modern Diets mineral elements have entered the (Signed) Mr. ——. dOeS Y OU li^tmu JXJ^JIAUiJUr-lIlfUUi"UIAU XU-mU JU-Jt-J -—--———• _ (Letter No. 50?) iipiiiilP rt«^/4 NERVES, HEADACHES, •■■ ' -■ n i«-. ' " ''' I I Arif OP ENERfiY 1 g&iii g00d... lA . rirnF FNFRrv These are the Benefits 4 #%i7^% | lack of energy —| i^Mi^iilre needed by every cell in POOR APPETITE, ANAEMIA, : BIWWIVIMIV DringS TO IQU | , ■fc:^ "C7n«a " «* •"« 6/ftS tire Body. Most modern foods however, _ _..„_„ _ Af _ I. Ends Mineral Starvation by 7. Clear*^out body wattes from 1^ #1 months ago I felt very have been so denaturalised in prepara- SLEEPLESSNESS, FALLING providing ferrum, calcium, every cell of the body by j <*SSZ^ . . . . fez ~*V mucA okl of torts and „..„ rnWQTfPATTnw potassium, sodium, phos- increasing the amount of A large bottle %[,,. used to get ' up tn *Ac these vitally essential minerals. This HAIR; CONSTIPATION,. phates, glycerophosphates and oxygen in the blood stream. ■lli.lli Ann . K^»4iJ morning feeling practio shortage^- or.. Mineral. Btoryatipn -is NEURALr , A FA , NTNF^ sucrose. 8. Create, rich red blood, »e W ' 1B» -S SKT."' -4>< ally Lie tirJthan r«P°wJte^ Q^a °/;f-^* tt P«- NEURALGIA, FAINTNESS, 2. Gives'you a good appetite. healthy nerve cell, and nerv. ■bI • going to bed. After sleepless nights'l ffi-b^^^USSo.^S- SKIN DISORDERS, 3. Brings sweet sleep. fluid. • . JHt" l^yfa^^^^djbjjj «^" W^SSKffi NERVOUS DEPRESSION, i £ ' 2SFHS SiS iSSg^&^Sg^jjg; ■ " l^Ck- -OF.'CCWADENjte. C-Sr' W'^' Children li k e it. wild cherry ' '^H^ t^JU^^J^SSSi is , thus restored automatically and Mrmrnnc »ivtr*T/itw'eT»Aik.T ' P^SHMI^IHHiiI^H nrnnH^r ;. «,—j« L,t«» naturally NERVOUS INDIGESTION. \%^^^%^^«>^>%i>.<»»^%^^.Mi%> M^^^w^^%^l fipsliissß rs^SS/Krl-^ ■ HRHBBHBBBHHBBHBiHHIIHHiHi^^ (Letter n o . 514/ * KillM{11w I^|Bl • PIUnCT DMvla i I^^^^^l^^^l^^^^^l^^^^^^l^^^l^^^^l^l^^^l^l^^^^^l^.t^mJwsßH^B 1^.^891 guarantee ■; IH bM i^H s^H '1^ l^H i^l '":^^B .^i^V ■' ' : -.- W - ■ - iL^BBSHMaiB^aW— So many nerve sufferers have > .H H L^l .^H B .^1 .B LH l^L^Lf ' '"'■¥■■ \MN^UBBBS&MBmyH%£k obtained immediate relief from j ■ V ■ ■ ■ ■ W .^LV i f lI^^TiHI^H ' BIDOMAK that if you do not I ■ *4^M H H H H H l T k H^^^^l^^^^lJ benefit by taking it we will ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . . i^V A i -O ' refund your money within 14 , ■ A H HI HI Ik i H A H WUtMS&t^^m^ ■ days of purchase on return-of ; H| b^B s^B iH .^1 HI L^l A A i^LV k ■uHHUUl^.^H^^^.^L^Hll * < the nearly empty bottle to ■ V H H V ■ H A J H I k V2HH.^i^i^H V^^HlE^i^ll • Fluenzol Pty. Ltd., Box 1018, j I HH .B .W - A ' Wellington. v Thus we guar- ' _^__' \^^m .^K LV .^.Hi W L^k m M*M%WMm. Ms^LH J antee you positive relief.of you ■■■^^HH^HHB|^^^jH|j^BMBaBpjBjM^Bp|p^LMBH|BMfIHAHBBH^^H . Mj^^BlHß i pay nothing. jtQjJj riITCY m^m^m^m^mm*& - I ca^s f°r blocks of exacting # V.U ICA I quality and precision. SALON POLISH WmmWm€* I OreCLKS all rGCOruS JOF I . The Process Engraving Department of MAII DOI I^H WFAR I f^^^^i I the "Evening Post" Printing Works is RAIL rULIjn IH.HIV. rpge^ I equipped with every latest device for the V A quarter-century of research for the most durable, I i lI^FHB " Hr £ «^.'«.< «-.4-<^ Ul>.-,1 «"' ••" ''' ' longest-wearing polish modern science can devise Choose from these II llfimiM|gifflC*t ' H HiailUiaCtUre Ol £OOCI 0111111112 DiOCKS. ■ ;/; stands behind the new Cutex Salon Polish. Based exciting shades |jj| Wivm^j^Pf^ ■ ' .' ' P * ° on a new principle, it is heavier, wears for days CAMEO ■''$ II ' Bla^^^^fl I : "' * ' . . And though it's dry to the touch in two minutes, „ CLOVER k jl \ iWrh I 1 ■. • , it goes on hardening underneath! That's why it . TNI IP wL}s M§mMi % 1 I' ' ' . -;. ■ ;> clings to the nail as old-fashioned polishes never luur \jz=SLs H v could. It won't chip ... it won't peel for days OLD ROSE lPP*st^^ ■ ••EVENING POS Tft PR I N TING WORKS longer. Cutex Salon Polish contains no acetone— ORCHID -*_— — m§ ■ c : v. ciniin \j r. w* • . i^ i i^i v» vv v-r in rvv will not cause splitting, brittle nails. _^_ ■ . - ■ . new seasons shades *^ ■ it■= m/ I BLUNDELL BROS. Ltd. HHI-k.- SSe^^ C'ear ' BOf' \sfU.Wm~\> , t.. M OCEHINGmiU ;: A^,,T»EaTTr,^,,

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 136, 10 June 1940, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 136, 10 June 1940, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 136, 10 June 1940, Page 6