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RLMGiOUt SERVICES. /^Suc^. APOSTOLIC CHURCH ". wSIM great annual convention Ra 1-r WILL BE HELD 1N THE N&J^ CITY TEMPLE V-i£j£t> LORNE STREET (OFF CAMBRIDGE TERRACE). COMMENCING THURSDAY, MARCH 2], OVER SUNDAY, MARCH 31, • 1040*. SPECIAL SPEAKERS from abroad include:—PASTOß W. CATHCART, International Pioneer and Founder of the Apostolic Work iii Australasia. Has a- great) experience of the Lord's work in many lands. Recently returned from South Africa, PASTOR J. TURNBULL, Missionary Secretary, Melbourne. Has spent many years as a missionary in the Argentine and Bolivia, and has recently made a tour of stations in Egypt and India. OTHER SPEAKERS include Pastors J. F. D. Thompson (Convenor), I. E. Grabham, • Wellington; A. S. Dickson, Hawke's Bay; G. D. White, Auckland; R. L Arnold,' T« Puke; C. C. H. Scaddon, Christchurch, and others. OPENING SERVICE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 7.30-Welcome to Delegates; Friday, 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7 p.m.; Saturday, 2.45, Sisters' Meeting (all -welcome); Saturday, 7, Baptismal Service; Sunday and Monday, 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 p.m.; Tuesday, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.; Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7.30. YOU MUST NOT MISS> THIS SPIRITUAL FEAST. WE HEARTILY j WELCOME YOU. COME. SUNDAY, MARCH 17.—Services will be as usual. Sunday'"Evening, at 7, Preacha* PASTOR I. E. GRABHAM Subject: "The Pressure of the Present." Kindly Note.—There will be no service on Tuesday this week. IUOd Willing.) THROUGH THE PERSONALITY." 1.0.0. F. HALL, ALLEN STREET "RESULTANT SO-CALLED (Opposite Paramount, Courtenay Place). - r . CIV, I T LI9f >TJ? N" >' ™ , SUNDAY, At 7 p.m .Lecturer: Mr. J. H. COOPER, * Secretary, Pahnerston North Lodge.* j Subject: Solo Pianist: Miss Unice Johnston, » "THE END DRAWING TOMORROW (SUNDAY) 'at 7.30 pm. NF.AT?" THEOSOPHICAL HALL, 19 Mariou -L> aii.«.xv , , Street. NOT THE END OF THE WORLD BUT "Civilisation?? Let's try it."—G. B. Shaw. " THE END OF THE PRESENT AGE " ~ STYLED BY CHRIST "THE TIMES OF TTNITARIAN FREE CHURCH, THE GENTILES." WHEN; HE SAID <J Hall, 100 Lambton Quay. "THEY (THE JEWS) SHALL BE Service on Sunday M-irrh 17 a t 7« m LED AWAY CAPTIVE INTO ALL 4 v\ ' °? "?A«xt £SL ™l£™ NATIONS- 4ND JERUSALEM Addl'ess on "JOHN HUSS, PRAGUE SHALL BE TRODDEN DOWN OF o^™ A£ D MARTYR/ bf THE GENTILES UNTIL THE MKb. KOIH, late of Prague. TIMES OF THE GENTILES BE /A Social Half-hour after Service. FULFILLED." (Luke 21:24.) — The object of this lecture is to cou- T7VANGELICAL (FULL GOSPEL) sider current events in the light of Bible MISSION,' ' prophecy which reveals that the outcome 101-103 yivian Street. • -' of the confusion now prevailing in Europe 11 a.m.—Meeting of Praise and Worship, will be the formation of a powerful con- Speaker," Mr. F. Steele. federacy of nations under the leadership 2.45 p.m.—Sunday School. • of "Gog of the land of Magog"; that 7 p.m.—-Gospel Meeting. Speaker, Mr. R* these forces of evil will be allured .to the • -Young. . : •* Holy Land where they meet their doom Visitors to Wellington are cordially i»» by Divine intervention in the person of vited to.worship.with us. . . '■-'■ Jesus Christ returned to earth for the —— .—' express purpose. of establishing the long- "DETHEL . TEMPLE (Assemblies 'of promised Kingdom of God on earth. Thus *? God), 191 Vivian Street. -. '• TJITP Y*(*H f9 * .'.■*■-'.■ '- . c '.■_'. • « U a.m.-v-Communion; Ministry. - * wOvII;ITSTHEE"AI:LTO[TIONS 7 p.m.—PASTOR ' E. T. MELLOR - AGAINST JERUSALEM TO preaches: "CHRIST OR CHAOS?" BATTLE; .AND THE CITY SHALL . Soloist, Mr. Chambers. gi^^^Jg^feS ™$&1 {l*ti^- 11 aud AGAINST THOSE NATIONS AS h ™°g. A- H' -Browne.WHEN HE FOUGHT IN THE DAY COCIETY OF FRIENDS.—A Meeting for OF BATTLE. AND HIS FEET C 5 Worship will be held on Sunday, SHALL STAND IN THAT DAY March/17, at 11 a.m., at Friends' House, UPON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES MONCRIEFF STREET: .... AND THE LORD SHALL BE Visitors Cordially Invited. .W£g*£K" USE'S C fIRISTADEL'>aiAN MESSat^ ONE LORD, AND HIS NAME OB." .^Acrfdemic search lor ibstract Truth is (twovx APTATT 14.-9 q c«m» t\in -n-cauemic seareii ior ADStiact nuin is,, ((ZECHARIAH art n? we believe, doomed to failure, for Truth S5 r. Pi^i ? i Qif? S: centres in an individual. (John 14:6.) ' f^i D^-io 12ik If J°e/i 'a™'?}. Pilate asks: "What is Truth?" (Johu t^^Nr 7!! 2"^ 4! Jq^V t ndoi ?'Jm 18:38), and Jesus of Nazareth, Israel's .ab--30:4-7, Matt 24:29-30 Luke 21:20-27, sent ' MeS s iall answe r Sj "I AM THE 2 Thess, 1:7-9, Rev. 11:15, Acts 17:31.) TRUTH" (v. 37.) Truth, unconscjou* Question? invited No collection. (Rom. 8:22, v. 19) desire of all nation* -r, ~. ■ , j ... tm .^, m ±x.,> (HaS- 2:7) was a prophet (Deut. 18:15), If unable to attend write_ Bible Truth, (Luke 24:19) is a priest (Heb> 8:1^ win care above hall, for free literature. presently become a King (Ps. 2:6, Rev- " ■ ■• ,■■■■■■■■-■ -_ lias). Truth leads to freedom (John. WELLINGTON PENTECOSTAL B'-32) from (a)| immediatei anxieties (Matt. W ASSEMBLY 6:34); (b) this vile (Phil. 3:21) body of a I tfXANOKA HAI I death \(Rom. 7:24). So, quit man-made A^\ £Xn>\trtt traditions (Mark 7:7). make Israel's Hope Abel Smith Street. yours (Acts 28:20), and hearken, as TRUTH 11 a.m.-Breaking ot Bread with pierced hands (Zech. 13:6, John 20: 7«™ stttctTa V 7t, m 2V declares: VCome unto ME all y« MR C BILBY who labour' .X wiU «ive y°u ? EST- (|? ebAf"R '■'■c' TITT TSV *;9-) Out Literature may be'yburs:—Free. Will be the speaker at our Frank Williment, 56 Standen Street, W3.EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. THE SICK PRAYED* FOR. THE SICK PRAYED FOR. Stirring Messages. Come., PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP,. Masonic Hall, Donald McLean , BENEDICTION ■ Street, .':: NEWTOWN, of the SUNDAY L 0.30 a.m.—Prayer. , BLESSED SACRAMENT 11 a.m.—Breaking, of Bread. Speaker. Mr. " , x Len Roberts. Soloist, Miss O. Cobb. - Will be given in the Grounds of the Come. Everybody Welcome. , ' ASSEMBLY HALL, S TAR °F THE SEA CO*VENT- ■"■ Mansfield Street, Newtown. SEATOUN HEIGHTS (Opp. Tram Shed.) - SUNDAY, 7 p.m:: ' On GOSPEL SERVICE. Speaker: MR.. W. PATTERSON. THIS SUNDAY, We again Extend a Warm Welcome to all to be present with us at this- Bright March 17, at 2.30 p.m. Service. /oddfellows' hall, clyde quay Oddfellows'hall, Clyde quay . . 3 We want you to come to a . GOSPEL SERVICE r SUNDAY -7 u p e rn. - SUNDAY FINANCIAL. "THE JUDGMENT'OF THE LIVING PTfPTaTTPI> —r TT. ■£-.. ■' NATIONS: WHEN WILL THIS BE?" R Bl-^ 1?111^ h? s <Z™nt£y Sterling Gomp and TTpar Notes: tor sale, best offer accepted. Ume and ±iear- Apply 1459 Evg. Post. ___ m■' ' ' /,A,,iiAvirpi t O.TT \X7ANTED to Borrow, £150, good securJk tSL.C^M^A^^T^pn? W ** ™d "Merest, repay weekly. Jfpiftttj2fV COVENANT CHURCH, ply 1486 Evg. Post. ; VpL\ Laing'a Road, \TTANTED, end of March, by genuine* &EJ M*' Lower Hutt. . VV honest person, borrow £25; pay ba«k CONCLUSION OF REVIVAL ?. 3? in ?^mb^,^^t 80^ CAMPAIGN tials. Write bio Ji>vg. Jrost. ' SUNDAY NIGHT, 7 o'clock. WANTED Borrow, . privately, Security, HORTICULTURAL HALL, If Wrt - " "THE CRISIS OF THE HUMAN SOUL." T^rS^'v f tranter "THE CRISIS OF THE HUMAN SOUL." A V£Sf n ?^ Also each Tuesday and Thursday, 7.30 required and premium. Reply 618 Evg. p.m., .in the Lyceum Hall. Post Conducted by A' ROUT Advances on Furniture or othtac SAREL F. DU PLESSIS, of South Africa. A "Security consult Thomas. 11l Cu^SAREL F. DU PLESSIS, of South Africa. tomhS^Quay. Tel. 43-783. > MONDAY, 7.30 p.m., Horticultural Hall, rpHOMAS, 111 Customhouse yiiay, wiil A send-off \vill be given to' Mr. Dv Plessis X Lend Small or Large Sums with or* after his two months' campaign. During without security. Tel. 43-783. ' thtf course of the evening Mr Dv Ptesis TI7 oODLEY, 16 King's Uhambew, oppj will show lantern slides on "African Wild ■)Y. ugg£Srt Dawson's, Lends Small o? LUe- ■- Large Sums, with or without security, TTAq TtTTTTPTOV TTATTTTT)"? LOANS FROM £5 to £100. HAS RELIGION FAILED? Furniture, promissory notes, motoj T AST week we dealt with the difference '' ,^ icle. 8 ' '"^.r^nt^Sid^S •L* between man's fake religion and any kind of security accepted. Ifridtys, God's religion. It may be asked, How can 7"a P;^k ß ,c , oan AND FINANCE we teU the difference & In Isaiah 9:20 we MORRIS im vLss&*y* road, "To the law-and to the testiriiony: •„ ~ / «* I* Itt si««r inMtairki^.. Also in Amoei 7, the prophet saw in a ■ MONE.Y TO Lifi.«u. ' riSon ?h. Lord stendmg upon a TO U with I OANS granted npo» perioniJ «™W' days when the world is so full of fake EF2ablf a hed"loo3) iB-on "What shall it profit a. man if care, Furniture, Wills. P-^s; or any aphe shall gafn the whole world and lose proved security T«l 44-962. 39 Fanst hfa SfnSll? or what .ehall a man give Street (off Manners Street) eSange for his soul?" Mark 8:36-37. CITY FINANCE COMPANY Let us rest *the salvation of our never- | ENDS Large or Small Amemn on anydying souks upon the sure Word of God. LJ securities. Loans made at shortest , The Blood makes liseafe, the Word makes notice n „ tf - 4 iTa sure If anyone has doubts write 69a Manners Street "Texts in Trams Mission," P.0.80x 1598, (3 doors from Regent lbeat r e). ' G g^ IWeiiingt O n, ; Cl. Open Friday^ve^gs fr« 7 till 9 p.m. t Jo<f i'%tajlti& 3 GOLD BUYERS. |8l' r " f\L>T) False Teeth, Gold and Jewellery Tw"*!-*- 1 ■ " bought. Note new addruss: MurpUr "AFTER FINLAND—WHAT?" and Stewart, 4 Boulcott Street. "AFTER FINLAND—WHAT?" — ~~~ "AFTER FINLAND—WHAT?" . OLD JEWELLERY AMD DIAMOND _. .....'. Rl^tJS. ' Mear— r Q£LL your 6 to-a New Zealand tirm; best MR. V. R. BROWN. O prices given. VV M. Haycraft arid C 0,.. MR. V. R. BROWN. Manufacturing Jewellers. 94 Willis Street . • SUNDAY, 7 p.m. (over Preston's). Subject: — . y . .. 'AFTER FINLAND-WHAT?" MACHINERY FOR SALE. What do the Prophecies Reveal? -_.' — : 7~i : —■ „ \. —" ■m i. i. j -4.V. n«i^,,««ri <ai,-^ O o \\/E specialise in factory installations. Address Illustrated with Coloured Slides. \\ Machinery removals. Workehop/V Also. equipped for gear-cutting, spring-making," SOUND FILM welding, and general engineering repairs. SOUND FILM* Stocks, of second-hand machinery; pulleys, "THE CALL OF SAMUEL." AND.CO.. LTD., , TT.T>»r.ctiTr» A\mmwinvinv Engineers and Machinery Merchants; ' 11 a.m;—WORSHIP AND COMMUNION. b n . 13 Qhuznee Street. v ST. JOHN AMBULANCE .'HALL.- ■•„,,, ■ n '-.WeUingtoii,-C2. Vivian Street. s*-628 (2 hnea). After hours. 16-7A4.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 65, 16 March 1940, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 65, 16 March 1940, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 65, 16 March 1940, Page 5