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ness, with living accommodation. bLJot H^a I ■* Btaa H H "PISH nnrl Chips, cleamig £15 "per week, ■WiF_ ■M ■ H ■ M IZfIM MEU Plllf* TUIIRQIIAV 1 -* modern shop, up-to-date equipment. BJ HMB HI ■vl H %P will Ivl klv wl IvU I ll^PlßJvaFfs I B Price £225. Win. Butler find Co., the B Leading Business Brokers, opp. Public ' ■ T^OK SALE, Dancing School, large well- ■ g v r ,> .. ,^ v "^TmmIZSbWBbBBbWmS"" I j cern; interviews substantial buyers' - ■■■'■^^■s^^sF corners of the earth to Uf * s^sbbYbWbYbYbYbv ■•■■■? approved lessees only. 2255 Evg. Post. find new countries, to aßhttk. " city, trial allowed to prove turnover; ■ 4nH^^^^^^^^^ civilisation this BWflWflYflß *^ '^■■^■■^■■iHl^^^Bf^BH^l "p'RU'IT and Confectionery. We have 2 ll^KHlH&k. ;#^HP^ ' dedicated. ''^^^^^B^lißL^BWflKßWflWflWflHßYßWßflfllKo cry, an excellent business with dwel- (women of the' Diplomatic Service JJJlißßsSPßl^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kf'j^lml General Confectionery, turnover £50, PlliiaHHPlMWHiJlHiii^ f 'h' " Id ff " nd IPpR feJv^aJBMBMBwgIBBWBWBWBWJr ' '4^HbM fl ment, books for inspection. Price £825. S^^^SJ^^^HBHHKlft^-" 4^bWAlb^^^<''s^l^bYbWo^BWblßßhL-/^bWH I 3gg}j»jg^^fi^Bßraßßnmlnffll?'K§? % *"■ f^' ' •*" "•"* W "•* <*W v j BH' to bona fide buyers. Price, stock and ■^^H^l^^^^^^^^^^^^B ' BWflWflWflWflWflWflYflWflWfl ADULTS Hjj^H^JHS£|^^^y^BlM plant at valuation, about £1300-£I4OO, BRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi jßjßjßjßjßjßjßjßj^ .^^^^M^^^BBBBBBBHiB pood will £400. One of the best businesses BWflWflWJ^^HHwJ^^^ll^BlßVHE9SSE^^^BWflWflWflYflßWflßlll ■»■•-*• by procuring your Garden Require- BJBJH 8881 BBBi B^^^^BM. >BJBH^^^^^^^ I FINANCIAL. ~ BBMfl^Brßßß^^B^V^BHl^|^B\ ■bbVbbBbTHbBbWbVbHN WILL Exchange £30 Australian for £33 '^^^^^H wAVAT '^^BBHbI \ BHBBB I New Zealand. 2227 Evg. Post. H|| VMVMW ■■■J ■■■■F I I^^^ ■VfIVH jflß fX^BHw ABOUT Advances.—Consult Thomas, BBwJbbWbl bBbS BBIBM BIBIBI&/ BBBIBH Blß^Bfl 1 BWbI BBIBBbK 111 Customhouse Quay, opp. Bank B_Blß_B_| JVAVfIr aVfIVfIVJ aVfllvflVflA ■*■■■ JbVbl BVflVflV\ N.Z. Tel. 43-783. ■■ bßbbl IP"W /■■■ BbI^BWC '"bBbF BBbBI yP" P""""F J THOMAS, 111 Customhouse Quay, will . V \k |\ /\ X \ \'' a. l\. \ J Lend large and small sums on furni- \ |\ N I \ / \ X l\ \ \ -raA t X 1 \ ture and v all approved security. "' Tel. " 43-783. SESSIONS: 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. VI7OODLEY, 16 King's Chambers, open ■ ■ • . ■ , ■ _ J __: *^ 7-8 p.m. Fridays, Lends on Salaries. *IM^M^"'*MII*M*M'*MBMM''*MM''MI'IM*MIMIIIW*M*'^**IMWI^*^**IM**WMMMMMM^I^MWMI^W'MI^' Insurance Policies, PJT.s, etc. • ... ■ ■ ' ■ ' -_ W° S SwSbltsS^fLnts^ 1i eupwSds gllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllHllllllllHlllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ on Radios, Sewing Machines. Musical In- || _ # _ _ _ ■#• •• I strum"gAN^oM £5 to »m. — 1 Here*s the kind of Joyous, Virile I ON Furniture, promissory notes, motor i^_, # ■■•• I vehicles, life policies, salaries due, = t nt£lf*tO mm Afif \AJ£k tiAII/l fA/I9U f * . • . I any kind of security accepted. Fridays. || C.f| t^F tClf If ITl6fff t VfC iIGGQ IOUaT • • . 1 7-9 p.m. = ' ■ .' ..•...= MORRIS LOAN AND FINANCE m . „ , | co., ltd., i Nelson Eddy in the He Man" Role He s Waited for •• = 86 Manners Street, Ist Floor (upstairs), = ' . / = ogr^ Resent Theatre. Telephone 40-506. || ■ Wonderful Supporting Stars .. Irresistible Songs . • i city finance company. | Rousing Male Choruses to Keep Us Happy.. Action .. | T ENDS Large or Small Amounts at I Romance . . Comedy . • and then . • MORE ACTION ! | ■*-J shortest notice on furniture, pro- || g missory notes, life policies, interest under gj ■•■*%' . _.." i ssSv3^s£ ent cad nI Romance and Adventure Sweep the Screen! 69a MANNERS STREET. jj ■ 1 (Two doors from Regent Theatre.) i Rough and Lusty; I Tender with Stirring Love ! Packed with Stars, Song and Beauty ! | Open Friday Evenings, 7 to 9. s II T' "F" ■ LOANS granted upon personal security j§ MV v\ f \^S * ■ .^fi^^^Hß^Wa 1 bonds, debentures, shares, furniture, §| if&Y* \^\ laVJaVaV^^BVClßlh^fllßfflllVlVllffl^^ P.N.s, interest under wills, and life poli- s BKBj|l||llllaHlUtt|lfi|i|B||||llly|lH | CSOUTH PACIFIC MORTGAGE AND 1 "^BB>X*OBbW I^^^^mßbbS DEPOSIT CO., LTD., g B^B^^^^^BH^M«^^^^BR^^^^n|V V^^^^^^^^B | A.M.P. Buildings, Wellington,' 2nd Floor, 1 :O^BB^Blß^B^Bk. Room 82. Telephone 40-806. j| II ■ B^ ? Jk wPF^KbT 11 g BRITANNIA LOAN AND DEPOSIT s bHbBB^bV H I I W I J Hll1IV'^fLSBBIBiBr I CO., LTD., make Loans on Motor- || j I fIPWS^^^K \^^^^^^^ VB^ >^ fli. Bk. ?lf' HBVAVAVk w I cars, Furniture, Wills, P.N.s, or any ap- If^Bf i^MBBVaI VfIBB^BIBVfI^BBBBBVfIVfIVfIVfIVfIVB' A^^^bVbl^^. proved security. Tel. 44-962. 39 Farish || IbV-Vo^|^^^K VflVaS^Bl B^^^^HBBVfIWfIBBBBVfIVJBBWfIVfIf = Street (off Manners Street). s bVb^ BB » i W Vivian Street—£l upwards, "furni- | Ih^^^bP^ ■! 11, Iw^V J^bßl^^Hbi I ture, insurance, wages, P.N.s, approved = Wm& W^^J BMft!iR HBB fl^BT "W— ■ I'kw W # v ' = securities. Tel. 54-356. | M^&\ NaBBBllli^B! B^B^Jjf^B^B^B^^^ Jl^ wMi / | HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION. | HbW ■■ J k jJ^^^^^bTS^ ff K^^K^Jll^K^^^^^W Jr I THINKING OF TRAVEL? | " # / | THEN REMEMBER ... 1 jSß^BPWKgaß^B^wlfftTTlSl^B^^^^Xjk^tjT^^Bßß^BßßMß^^^iß^B^ /j^- B WITHIN NEW ZEALAND ARE THE 1 fl|^lßb O''^!^i^BßHV9r7vM^!^Sr»ißr^l9Pll9HßV^BV^^r % i HIGHLIGHTS OF A WORLD TOUR. if j^^B^ ': ° <^9^V fHB^P-y^ THE Government Tourist Bureau has all || P^BbMl' /^|^^l HHi^S9u^w^u^^^K^^^D^^^U^^^^Q^HH^^^f £M*"^F^m jf the answers to all the questions about H V^^VB^SBMBbJi^BVflHßP^E^^flßVflrfl^^n^M^BVflVflVF^Km^^^. V^^^^^T * i all the wonders to be seen in the Domin- §| - l\\ W^m^Bff^'.W^K^t^^^S^t^^^SSS^SlS^^^^^m^B^^^r^K^^. mm&rM^^ I ion ... what to see and how to get || \^J^K- ":^W BaflVflßV - there. Itineraries are planned, bookings || J^Kmi' '- ;, »^^^^^B^^^Q^^B9SBaflWflß^HßßeKiL BWfIWfIB^BWMBWfIWfIWVr i for all transport'and accommodation made, g dlHßK^^^^yflßK'^' '' \ flßßflYfli^Y^^BßßYrTi I B and a wealth of helpful information given, g BKVBB^^iiiiii^fllsliuife> -- wAVS^ - /\ I § All you have to do is enjoy yourself. H BHl^Hb^';?wSbhlh|sk< \ ■BBHIbV JKEm &1J | The "Dominion" Building, ( VB^^^^^lr^^^^Jmr^^' I^ish Eyes Are Smiling," "Where Else But Here," | | ' Approved for Universal road/ > Several with male choruses.' 1 Exhibition . = ' I P/us Short Subjects That Sustain Our Reputation With Brilliant Supporting Programmes. j MISCELLANEOUS. Hp ' ■ p MRS. COLLINS, 90 Manners Street, = j .. -—.-, - ».i»a^»#» ■■ ■■ <• #M niC I #%/*l#C Akin 1 for everything in Children's Wool- | ICE ANTICS GOLDIE LOCKS AND | len and Silk Sets, Frocks, Rompers, In- H ■.■■MMaaahmMMv*B»«»ii = fants' Outfits, etc.; moderate prices. | • THE THREE BEARS ■ • 1 TI7ELDING, Acetone, and Electric, Muff- = ~,, -fi-T»-* ' j it. £ *r« 'i r«-*^~. 1 vv lers Re-covered, Cylinder Heads and I Thrilling Preview to Guaranteed the finest Colour Cartoon I Blocks. We specialise. Gilberd Mit- = " «xt.« T,-« 17^1i; O e" <sri-p«»npH in monthsf = chell, 114 Taranaki Street. 55-418. j . The Ice Follies screenea in monms. g r\ZODYNE Lung Healer definitely ends j ==- ~~~—' | Chronic Colds, Chest Tightness, =§; ■ ■ i || Chronic Bronchitis, and Asthma. Perrett. = | Your cakes iced, stands Loaned,! Metrotone News—THE KING REVIEWS THE RESERVE FLEET I -*■ Tuition iv Decorating; Puff Pastry, p , = etc. George Howe, 55 Kent Terrace. e§ I' ~■■..•■■•-■•■■■ .' ' ' ' p CMALL deposit, easy weekly payments— §§ , . - . . .. , • 1 Heimann's, 13a "Courtenay Place. jj jf^~~ 'ZHZ ' B I^lbT^lUbl^B^ Jb^ = \TEW Season's Frocks, Swagger Coats, M M IBA MM B^.^^ ' Bfl HbE 'IH^V'M^bV ~ 1 x^ Sports Costumes; wear as you pay. g 1 ■ fl B flfl B fI BJ MmMWM^Mm. M^ WfWkWiWMWW^M)k*my E Heimann's, . 13a Courtenay Place. j§ VflVflVflVflf Vfll BMTflV'■■k ■flWfll ■>■■ = 3S 6D WEEKLY Buys New Smart Swag- I I mdlß^,^^! H"hW ■^■■WbFHbI ger Coats, latest shades. Heimann's, H 1 BaVTVaI Mm VBl WBV^ Vfl Vbl IS ■■■g"VF:^VI = 13a Courtenay Place. gj | — — JbF '»^ — —"_^ Mg H ■V^BBT^^. I " ' I CHART Spring Coats in newest ehades; 1 ImMWllllllllliyillllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllTfflT^^ —^^■■^^ M | small deposit, easy weekly payments. = " ' r ' ■ ~ , ... - Heimann's, 13a Courtenay Place. i BOOK NOW! - - Box Plans at DXC. and Theatre (45-100). ~~ I CHEETS. Blankets, Towek. etc., on easy g ~ v ' . | tntT SkeSSn% Plli t'Courtew eS i'^ini^ll'ihai^llllilll'lllliii'li^lliiililliiiillliiiin'^lilil^^!:^

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Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 63, 12 September 1939, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 63, 12 September 1939, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 63, 12 September 1939, Page 3