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YOUR GARDEN REQUIREMENTS from ... jk || brighten ! TIMELY SUGGESTIONS ; everything I tuc ciuc HARDWARE _1~ i UPTHOSE I —in — at phone | 3I CUBA street S p 2 H° 4 NE tiMs I ROOMS! 11 FURNISHINGS 11 SALE mcESI 1 - English I2in. "Stak" LAWN MOWERS. De- SWton and Paries SPADb"^/!!. 10/9, 11/- jHMk ""kS filid^ C"f °T^ 9U|LTS Fill up Your Spare M.ttr«s livered, oiled and set ready for use .. 39/6 RAKE HEADS I/- and 1/3 RADIO SPECIAL CUSHIONS ' Y°UrSe'f' We have a complete range of English, American . RAKE HANDLES 1/4 each ____^______R 9/11 ea' Single 25/- KAPOK—Best teased. and the N.Z. Masport this year at — - ~ ~ . „ , c , r i ____^B__Bk \ PRII Ipn PI icmiPiKK _/m «_ Double 30/- Only 1/5 per Ib. 39/ A ak/ 40/ A R9/A XX/ AA 5/ Don t throw away your Broken Spade or Fork — ______HBBI I rKILLtU (^UbMIUNb, 4/1 I ea. "v* Fresh..tochGAßD^iErol M-STtrlA we can fit a NEW HANDLE for .. ./6 extra _______ 1 12 only CUSHION COVERS- BLANKETS. O U ts*andin 9 value. W°°L Ib. PEAS and BEANS 4d. pkt.; 2 pkts. for 7d. English HEDGE SHEARS 3/9 pair _____H____S 1 SHIRRED TEA COSYS—In all Sin 9ie 23/6 pair MATTRESS CXSES— 451b. Bags GARDEN LIME .. 2/1! (delivered) Special! 5 only Rubber-Tyred WHEEL BAR- ________B___i 1 colours 3/6 ea. Double '... 35/- pair- 3/11, 4/11, 6/11 English GARDEN SPADES for 5/11 ROWS 29/6 each j_B____Bfl|l I OUR ONLY ADDRESS: WE ACCEPT CASH ORDERS. WE CAN DELIVER YOUR GARDEN REQUIREMENTS FREE TO ANY SUBURB. _._ HBUI I CHEDDAH FURNISHING COMPANY V'TLJC ClkiC LJ A Dr^VA/A DC m r^,.U^ C* 1^- I__________H W*?_., _^ 35 GHUZNEE STREET - Opp. Te Aro P.O. THE DIMO HAKDWARC I3lCubaSt. ■|H I Te'ePhOne 54"939' telephone 54.939. m ■WM The Most EFFICIENT and ECONOMICAL HfHEBSI fiSSnBHI^' 9^ fe^' '' The "ZIP" KITCHEN MODEL The "ZIP" BATH HEATER for For GENERAL HOUSEHOLD lllkß^^ /A T > * . )^f%J BOILING WATER at any one OMICAL NO FUMES. NO able and economical supply of _&f,"- ; >.«^*»-r '.^-<«* •i*.f»->.--».^.'... ■ _~^J^~T"fl/ *' ( »<^W l .1 -I «|¥'l%% N4: t;me- SRIME- . really hot.water. fissffSfF^3^^.*^.. /X »^T the bhowroom /a-j |\Yk v Rcti!lto' This Page is established with -% j J- ASCOT W"the idea of assisting those who I X} ~k il „ T iTo^nTiT" 1/ \ *TID UCATCDC I IkiHTCn 54 CUBA STREET , . ~ .„ r t \ MULTI-POINT // h ZIP HEATERS LIMITED MAJg&^£: b' | are prepanng for the influx of \\ Gas Water Heater I * ■ ggfig-i ' visitors during the Exhibition ty \ \ ;<OI VFni - Accommodation Exhibition Visitors! Pcn °d' HOT WATER for the whole HoUSe <Sfc^ La T List i«C!^ © , m I mm> ,-« ww . „ ■ ■ special offeri \ : I^^^ i^\ ~ st a turn of the tap .. • Tent and 2 Beds tor - £V/lU/- jj^Bßa^^^^^^^^V'^X^ _. — - r>*p~>r% ~ir*\ ri l\T^\ ITli ATV/T A r ~" '''^ir^^Zd'X^^ 1_:;^ VAST PANORAMA INSTANTLY b AND CONTINUOUSLY'at any time /-• "■'- -.. „ 1 r j i rr- «i_*_ fe:^ is only possible by GAS. One ASCOT Multi-Point / . \ intanvHaT P P£s |^^H^H_!____^« " GAS Water Heater serves bath, basin and sink. /.;. ■# • \ 2 "KOMPAIOUM" FOLDING BEDS- CTTKWI inrt VPATJ<S TTVT TIAYS WAIIf Turning any HOT water Wp Rghts~ the ©AS auto- ' .^ •.<»■'•.• A British made: steel with wire mattress; size ■ / \ ; * ll__™_t^ LKjKJ IJjyAJtVO II>I LJfIL X O W rVJUIV matically — but it is only used while HOI water is 4 _^ s. /J; ;\f\\ small'deposit. fTo^ t^lc us"less men from all parts of New Zealand who _^_Bs '•' '% !! I * Jj *■»• B■■ ■■_■_>».■ ip-** _«^ _ i % a #■■ r+ >~v k^ l O •"* X^ llk iinrr"!^ I W/>sh visited the Exhibition last week, not only at the immensity jflLxi-Brrf " ill L i !• ji pßi^^^^S^^T, ; r^^b HUTCHESON, WILSON & CO., LIMITED \M\ « gr o m^\h e _„« of _« —^iMti t" tut [•':■'':} -\';/-r^| = THE "TENT PEOPLE" — = layout over the 65 acres, and the effectiveness of the plan- __ <;r J==: ====^^ kitchen. I % * > "- '~ 5 _ i . >-s. i s-% i n i \A/ ll* L "ing of the park-like grounds, but at the way in which the tetto!!!?^^ s l c ■ Corner Jervois Quay and Cuba Street - - Wellington .^.^ ffl^ an<J attractive exhib . ts _ , ( . g nM WBT^j^JBTITrN 1'"':"" _W "; •"• •C< *\ mmmmKmmmmm^mm^mmmmmmmmmm^^m^^mmmmmmmm^m^mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmammmamm^mmmmmmm^m^ma^immmm^m^ surprising that visitors for the first time see ail these things springing B_Jl' '"''' t^^ls^: I jv L v tK? ' ■■'• ;; -"H ' into effective life with a feeling of wonder. With most great ___H ______^~4 !^^_P^__W^H|| \ tSSBSSS) ■• . % __. , , . r,i ii^riiTruwniiii I national efforts comparison is possible with those of the past, but / iiijil f!^B^^^_! ll^/*^. i\ vJI-Ml/ > -; \ c "^ kA*~ -x.,^ CI? M Jt M^. f^nA the advantages' of the CENTENNIAL , _ •,-_•/•• _• _ _ _ n j a*u /l'i|| iP i!' lillOW ll\- vH/ i ' '\^^^\';' -^J| Mcl! are nnding UUt SHOE... in the number Of days' wear and Centenmal Exh.bmon sets so h lg h a standard all round, and the SIM W - V : V^ day by day comfort.: .-the smart-appearance, thai is usually associated with the much huge space ha. been «, well utilised, that there is nothing to compare V^^MMiWi^f l "; • - x " d higher priced importeds and, considering the increased production costs, how a shoe of !t with ' «° far as New Zealand is concerned. It is not the mere \ ppß^K'lEl W i - x;^ such sound workmanship and quality materials can be made and sold at so low a price. extent of the Exhibition which causes visitors amazement at first, | \ ij||N^ T -~*^MRQ\ y j . JB' ; \^ /] *ri if- n^^r-- iti-- i_ ii aI II r»l i^ m\t m ' __t • K.I ~TI I because the whole is so admirably proportioned that its vastness is \^ ||^ |ilij; ;! . V*"T^ " N /. .\, |J THE CENTENNIAL SHOE ... Made in NeW Zealand not immediately perceptible. When the tour of the courts has been >yl j llii h%---Ji ' V- '^^'. Exclusive to MARTIN'S. made, and the number of high quality features is seen in retrospect, JLiSS'' I 111! & >^^UV'^ fi^BSrcs >%x_ "* s ©) Ln©r Di 9CK OP Iqli* W 61U" • _* 1_ • 1 I* _* _li * £. IVT *7 1 *4' jh-hh ■.mi _______Pi)_li__^__flk______l____K <U Hi' "" _ _ J^BHHMmmmhmM|m|^jm|||M|||mm|^ J w'^ rubber ° c an^ overnmen isp ay c sew ere as eve \i/n llk I^^*T"^^l_ I f*+ ▲f* />/\l AT\ A. _IW soles 18/9] thoroughly informative, or put before the public in such an attractive v\f I""! I I |\| CTI V J l\l C £k. C C J t^A r^ /\ Ixl f [ way. There is little in New Zealand in which the Government has T ▼ l_.L_L_ll lW I V-/ I V_< /"X+J V^V*/IVir /™\l I J _tf^f_^M___^___B_BW^-__Sfl a wonderfully conceived tour of New Zealand, with outstanding scenic » -^ > • ■ l : "~ __^^ _M_H_~__l-__B___B__Ma__^_P» miniatures of its famous mountains, lakes and rivers, and also marvels l^^rl _L^ |^L I I^W I "Centennial" MONK SHOES __i^_h_^_________9HoQl^^ of model work showinsits dties in detail- Entered heic arc the I I#\l\| I\| KU i-roc 4-,-v Ur«=u r,« *-^~,«« 4-~ i ! T j . 'r. __I_____B_^____BHl^__H__V^- Waitomo Caves, a marvellous reproduction. Passing on there is the No laces to break —no tempers to tray! 10-days _FV______BPPP__^__l_l__ny^ / /* "V" _^^. 1/ ~V" ▲ IX Ik. I _^ i^ f" _^^ I ▲ I #^ I style headlines. Sensible in FlT—remarkable for J^^^Sll9_fl___^^ 001 f\ S°dal M°ck ' underneath the tower ' and next in order come the STMC^ XT A X N C_F SPPC^ IA I SI COMFORT. New strap designs. In Black and -t-C. W Machinery, New Zealand Industries, and General Exhibits Courts. +* ■ ■^ ■**■> I I V^ W I L- V^ I imm %J m Tan Calf. Welted soles. All sizes. 19/9 per pair. I^K-fcTrrk I k A n PUACC In all these there will not be a space without absorbing interest when TAKE ADVANTAGE LADIES1 BLACK OR NAVY SUEDE || AMAZING ARRAY - CENTENNIAL SHOCS the Exhibition opens on November 8. It is 100 years in the space OF THESE OFFERS! TIE SHOES-With Glace Kid ice OF BARGAINS! In Genuine BOX CALF. An ideal Shoe for of "a-day's walk. Ladies' Kosy Toe FELT SLIPPERS, _^ vamp; sizes and fsixes. |8 Pairs of Men's PATENT OXl&% /^^ the Business Man. Weited soles, and Uppers . with Kid side pieces for extra wear. _B^ S N. Stocktaking IQ/j I FORD WELTED SHOES—AII sizes I ____HHHBB^i_ilik 10/O that Shine like wax. Exclusive to Martin's. ' Padded leather soles. Brown or PnCB except 7 and 8. To-day's price i^H-_-___iil^^_N__l_^ 22/6 per pair. Less 10% during Sale. „ Saxe- f Clear'"o/1 l' __Hfc_K ~^____E- 21/" 12/1 I ___t _^_______R^^^Sl!_B_K-9_fSß_i__v. _r _Lk. § _T _*i_^ffiiP___H^Ss?^^*^''S^^-*'*1*' I^^^^^ __k^-^_k ' ii r AITS OT IwdulßS \f/w^\wl I 1 ___________■__ \_/*ll rAVCABH \A/CI TCI% ffLJ^NCf ______________«______m___^______________________________________________________________l___&. 'M IP *i^ f I_^" i fe^^^ Stocktaking Price I—■ ' > size*. Splendid wearers. iIL/JL I ■I *Hw i_a e^ ''* ™ ' *S •'» ' yr^ *tn >tft "■*—'"• ~vs -,^» —>— * -«- *^ Jpp Stocktakina Price ' <T * * " I P' ' * (*\~ O II COURTENAY PLACE. 75. WILLIS STREET BBBISB — 13 9 CUBA STREET ': r''^V: \: •"<&■■ :

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Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 46, 23 August 1939, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 46, 23 August 1939, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 46, 23 August 1939, Page 7