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h^^ g^^ H^^n^h A •"* - -v^l.^^^**"*^*^^^^ ' S> N^ Stiff Net. 54in. ODDMENTS 2 -■ o^^ x r ide- ss° wins> HHnH^ Mtm 9 . , . -v» - -, *.♦■':' ■ *//~&%&£Smi& !l*^^ \ ten good evening -**£^&fitJ3H^^^^^^^^^o^^^^^ Im^m^r^^l^f j \ . I /Wm\ %. _^^^^00tW^^FWf*/*^ ¥ ' You can still use Jame» Smith's famous Lay-By Also Brown, Navy, .^^■■■■BB'lWPy^V***'**^*** *** * / service to obtain these wonderful After-Sale Red, Black Umbrel- S^PPjWPRw»^T>-'*^**** *** Throw-out Bargains. las; assorted handles. "••'•.**:*'i-r.**-"' ~ " s — ■ — ■ : — : 1 \^^^^J^^^ Usually 8/11, 15/6. 1 ,^^^^r '■'•■" -^^^^^ FUR-TRIMMED COATS ™,ch«7V " Usually 5 Gns. to 9 Gns. MW hA. INPH TUMFFRQ TT*,,*ir«, 70/* *~ * r*.* -^^mWL One Rack Only! Smartest Fur Trimmed Coats IIIUII IIILLUO Usually 79/6 to 5 Gns. in delightful no velty Velours, Coatings and TJ .. .... H Ml" II ft niirnfinHTO Boucle. All shades Wines, Browns, Bottle, - Usually IU/b lW mrNN llvrKlillA IN f la- k--, Asi^r^ eft"? 1! °x?**i™> L*mb<; <Q/A H a ™™* dcarance °f s*in- **«*• <**- ■ ItIIbIIU U wLllUvri I U Squirrel. S.W. to X.O.S. Usually 5 gns to 9 J / Q W^M prising Boucle Tweeds, Checks and Tweed gns. AFTER SALE CLEARANCE 7~ m *" Velours. Will make the smartest Skirts, Here's a bargain for men ! A special group l^B Costumes, and Coats. Don't miss this—-new of Men's Tweed Overcoats. Sizes 3to 7; in |^H 22/6 LADIES' TAILORED GREY SLACKS shades and superior quality. 54 inches wide. Fawn, Grey, Brown; snappy designs, double- Six pairs only! Ladies' Grey Flannel Tailored Slacks, in ' H^ Usually 10/6. , ._ breasted style with wide lapels, trimmed Art 1 - \V., X., and 'o.S. fittings. These are splendidly made in /% /11 AFTER SALE CLEARANCE • . ■■ filk and shape-retaimng Hymo-interhnmg. «■ good quality Grey Flannel. Usually 22/6. AFTER SALE V/ll m #■■ Save from 30/- to £2/16/- on an up-to-date C\ FABANPF " XII . #HH |^B perfectly tailored Overcoat. Usually 79/6 to J^V ■ ' s ■'■ M 5 guineas^ ClearA nc E 12 INDIVIDUAL EVENING FROCKS :^^k. ~ ■■ ,^^ ■ ?AUr.u.wuMnw 13 Only j Dras ti ca iiy reduced for clearance to-morrow! ' * .^^^7 / . Individual Evening Frocks. Taffetas, Velvet, Chiffons. In / M -' figured and floral designs. S.S.W. to W. fittings. AFTER ,/W/#% _^^^^^^^T tfli^/ SALE CLEARANCE. Mm f \J /^^^^ _^^^ 79/6 TO 6 GNS SILK FROCKS FOR ' J^^^^^^r 10° Only-! Rack of most attractive Silk Frocks in all • . ■-■'ii_-^m^m^L^m^m^^^ shades and all sizes. If you want a smart frock for informal *%^\ fJF wear or to wear beneath your fur coat you must see these. %^f/b% Usually 79/6 to 6 gns. AFTER SALE CLEARANCE. «# # %r - TWO BLANKET SPECIALS i One Rack of Smart Raincapes. Various ,so pair of finest quality Blankets, size 70 x&s ACfti mn, c, iTC /.i D mA IM c Aim htMDiTDc tad no. c shades. All fittings. Usually 1 9/6. 10/J5 to clear, p«r HIT 11 GIRLS'COATS, CARDIGANS AND JUMPERS FOR GIRLS . '■ •-^ ■■#»■■«*• Ifc 0 >« ■-■■# c - 1 - «, 1 t « . *r^ -.->*- - ■•■■■.■ . TO CLEAR 20 pa-ir of Single Bed Blankets, all wool, N.Z. made, AfiAl f 5 TQ 15 YEARS. TO CLEAR AT THROW-OUT PRICES. white and fleecy, usually 3176. TOCLEArZB II MEN'S ALL WOOL ENGLISH UNDERWEAR UAI C DDIHC I*l CADAIIPC Famous "Wolf" Brand English Underwear for Men. All sizes. ni||_r rnluC ■■■ rilHUHIir Short Sleeved, Singlets and Pants. Stock up now with this . • .■■■■■lß ■ ■■■WBB WHBHBHmVB WHB better quality "Underwear at a bargain price. Usually 13/6 J to QkfGb \^^^^^r " ALL woo L austrauanu^^^r TO CLMR^^ Corsets, Corselettes, Brassieres Don't miss this special clearance. Men's All Wool Australian %JUUMBIy.I-9 I\J S+LEAK , . # . . . Underwear. Short Sleeved Singlets and Pants in O.S. and Unl k^LW mmMmmm^ AiiiAH* Don't miss this wonderful Half Price Cowet X.O.S sizes only. Usually 12/6, 14/6. TO CLEAR ©II V liriliO OllinTn Clearance. Below we mention just a few typical ___^J ■' ■•■• ■- ■ s ; Ifltlw O wlilililO examples-—there are hundreds more all equally 9/11 STRIPED TAFFETA POULT ■■ / worth while' Extra Special Bargain! Striped Taffeta Poult; a heavy ■■ XJ SUally 6/11 and 7/11 HH h-i ir ' p*rV I AriMA - A/O weight Silk in attractive Multicoloured stripes for Evening H 7 7 7 - H 13/6 - BACK LACING CORSET ■ */^ Wear, Scarves, .Blouses, etc. 36 inches wide. Usually 9/11. «/C ' HV Oddments in Men's Shirts; two collars, single W^M 2-5 on'y perfect fitting back lacing.Corsets, of richly embossed Brocne.. TO CLEAR fc© T and double cuffs; all sizes. Here are some J^B Short top, long over hips. Sirtin and elastic insets. Sizes 23 to 29. Also French Silk Velvet in Salmon and Gold Shades only. «/|J really, outstanding bargains in good hard- ■ Usually 13/6. HALF PRICE, 6/9. Usually .6/11. TO CLEAR * W ':^BL'-': wearin^ Shirts< hey were 6/11, and 7/11. fIM 14/11 ' - SIDE FASTENING CORSETS - 7/6 19/ A BDEM^U cUfVT Cll If I A&iFC -^^A AFTER SALE CLEARANCE 35 on j y j gj^ e p as 'tening Corset with elastic insets and side panel*. JX/ft PKENUI-I >nUI aiUR UAlViea ;^^, , i^ #■■ Four hose supports. Made in finest quality Coutil. Usually 14/11. For Evening Wear -Heavy weight French Shot Silk Lames. : : 7/1 I AFTER SALE CLEARANCE, 7/6. Moire and Brocaded effects, shot with gold and silver. Nine . "Vk/ ■ H Exquisite shades. 26' inches wide. Usually 9/11 to 12/6. O/ll *^ MM 21/6 • WRAP-AROUND CORSET - 10/9 CLEAR Made in plain, heavy quality Coutil; elastic inset, special strong control Usually 3/11 and 4/11. Novelty Taffetas, self brocaded and .^^^L^L^r front for stout figures. Well boned, elastic panels, strong, wide, flat, eyelet effects in a host of newest Evening shades, including -^^^^^^^^^ ■ Buck front, long hips.' Usuallj' 21/6. HALF PRICE 10/9. . h^ 1^,3. in^»^.*^Mi^u^ ( /||, /■■...,..;.^^^^^^^^^ _ 2yi wrap - AROUND CORSETS - 11/3 ; ~— = — —' ...-.:."' '"^^^^fl^^^Blm^m^mwf^^^^ Made in heavy figured Satin, these perfect fitting wrap-around, side m*.jm*.*.M\*m>m * **m ■■ m\ w* a^i«p " : fastening Corsets;well boned, double weave, elastic panels and hose DOWN QUILT CLEARANCE i,:• . ; . .■;• , — ■ — ——i supponi u. uo u y 22/6. half price n/ 3 . Cosy, warn, luxurious Down Quilts of Flora! Cambric with Silk ' MEN S SILK TIES 29/6 - EVENING CORSELETTJE FOR -• 14/9 panels. Full Single Bed size. A wonderful value. Usually «lE/C ' r7 ~ , , One' only-' For the slim figure. Lovely evening Corselcttc, lastex •29/6. TO CLEAR fcV W USllOliy 3/6 to 4/6 back and low cut. This is a dainty foundation perfectly designed. v i j /-- k • n n i*. "■■ -n ■i • c * i , • vi i ~ • , ", " Usually 29/6. HALF PRICE 14/9. bmbossed Cambric Down Quilts with plain Sateen panels. Only once in a blue moon do you get a tie value such Wonderful quality. Made in England. . l^ull Single Bed size. 44/ Cas this ! You'll never believe until you see for ypur- ■ / **^ 29/11 - BACK LACING CORSET " 14/11 Usually, 37/6. TO CLEAR «* D self that such smart, attractive ties could be sold for | / g? A ; erfect fltting CoPset for the larger figure. Made in finest quality Kapok Quilts in new, snuu-t Art Silk Bv.che Covering. Blue . R/g *£3I T —St I' O ' f mEo^ fiora^Coutil Elastic top well boned, with new abdominal .u-.d Gold shades only. Single Bed, si»c TO CLEAR,'each I*lo h .-.. ' ' : belt. Usually 29/11, HALF PRICE, 14/11. Four Only ! Double Bed super quality Art Silk Dpwn Quilts CT/IS . '"'' ' ■^m^tmWk^m^m^mL^ 42/- - FRONT FASTENING CORSET- 21/----in Pink and Blue only. Usually 67/6.. TO CLEAR *» i ™ Front fastening Corset with under-belt busks in front for control! ———*—- —< ■ —-—■ — , clastic insets. Made in double woven Coutii. A perfect fitting founda■PAlAJfl C> **mm*M C»UICCTe - .^m^m^B^^ tion. Usually -i 2/-. HALF PRICE 21/-. TOWELS and SHEETS «/, - satin corselette - 21/. . Large si»ed ] extra heavy weight. Jacquurd Towels. Sensational USUally to 17/6 One only J Gorgeous Satin Corselette for evening wear; lace uplift value~4o dozen only I Blue, Gold, Pink, Green. Usually 7/11 g/g V suauy 10 1//O brassiere and lace back, double mesh elastic side panels. Usually 42/-. to clear v w CCI T DCAHV half price 21/-. - t^^^^^^S^r^^n^tA/ix kW UU N=L' KCAUY- Vm 4?/6 - FRONT LACING CORSET - 24/9 TO CLEAR I 1! I I Trt \AIC A D U ATf Made in, heavy embossed Broche; front lacing, side favstening Corset. Coloured Border Tea Towels. Linen and Cotton. Size 22 * W/ft m^M I V'fT CMll TIM I J Well bone d Jor average figure. Perfect fitting foundation. Usually '\\\ ITe.ijllv % fnv «l/tl* TO Tl EAR—I! for 9m *P l^^H tf>/(i. HALF PRICJt., Z4/y. .30. Usually 3 foi J/11. TO CLEAR—3 for m,v ILyou want a smart hat to see you through ■ ■ CAXIU Large-sized Taped Pillow Cases; a great wearer. Usually 6 15/1 I season, here is your big opportunity, &&/ m EMBOSSED SATIN CORSELcTTE 32/6 for 8/U. TO CLEAR—6 for V I I To-morrow, in James Smith's famous One only 1 For the large figure. Model Corselette of lace embossed . Millinery Salon, there's a special At'ter-Sale . Satin; two way stretch, wide clastic panels. This is a beautiful foun- -" ■ IC~ " ~^ *""" ~ '■ " Clearance of .over 200 most attractive Ready- fl^H elation. Usually 65/-. HALF PRICE, 32/6. UACIEDV I*l CAOAjyirß ' V^aY to-Wear Felts. All the smartest shapes, tiUalCni tLCAIIAnVC shades and trimmings. All head ftttings. Kg 49/b - SURGICAL CORSET FOR - 24/9 '"'Corticelli" "Sub- Canadian Chiffon Dull finish Splash- Usually up to 17/6. ,^^M One only ! Wonderfully designed Surgical Corset for the larger figure. Stanard" Hosiery. Pure Silk Hosiery- proof Service Sheer AFTER SALE CLEARANCE Made in embossed Coutil. Adjustable belt, back lacing. Usually 49/6. Heavy Service Full fashioned, every "Medium" Hosiery. ill HALF PRICE, 24/9. weight, new lines. par perfect. Now is You can buy with .^^M_ /HI ■^^^m- • , - . / v*,» Slight imperfections your chance to se- confidence. Imper- - ■■' HI Other SurgicaJ Foundations. Usually 35/- to 52/-. HALF will not impair wear cure these hosiery al fections do not jm- I^^^ ' -^ .■■ J^L^V PRICE, 17/6 to 26/-. or appearance Sale Prices.! Usually pair wear or appearUsually 8/u. " 5/ii. ance. Usually 9/n. See the BRASSIERE ODDMENTS—ALL AT HALF PRICE TO CLEAR To CLEAR TO CLEAR. ' — I. 6** V" ANGORA WOOLLENS. ETC. «>>■■«»»■« a „, M—m fevf *»/»-• - : Angora Woollens and Flecked Jersey Lames. Just the ideal , 5/3 - CUP SAUCER « PLATE SETS - Z/Il Fabric for warm Winter Frocks. Available in smartest Q/1 I English Bone China. Fancy Cup, Saucer and Plate Sets; large selection I.«irge Size Butter Plates in Clear and Amber Glass. Usually sd. shades. 36 inches wide Usually up to 6/11. TO CLEAR Mil of good decorations. Usually 3/6 to 5/3. TO CLEAR, 2/11. TO CLEAR, 3d. i, ./,, i w,, or- ** i w * a ■ English Twenty-one Piece China Tea Sets. Usually 19/6. TO English Hand Cut Crystal. Large Sue' Footed Bowl. Usually 35/6. L-sually 4/11 and b/11. 36m Afgalames. m CLEAR, 14/11. TO"CLEAR, 1.9/6. ' attractive shades for Winter Frocks. TO CLEAR V V \..-■■ • ■ ■ . JAMES SMITH LIMITED, WELLING TON ' S B U SIEST AND M O.ST PROGRESS! V E STORE

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Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 5, 6 July 1939, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 5, 6 July 1939, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 5, 6 July 1939, Page 6