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WATT CUP, TITAHI BEAT WAIWETUIn a Watt Cup engagement on the Titahi links on Saturday, Titahi beat Waiwetu by eight games to two, with two games halved. Following are the results, the Titahi player being mentioned first:— ■ ~ „ D. A. Dacre lost to R. G. Holland, 8 and 6; N. W. Parker beat D. J. Oliver, ' 4 and 2; F. B. Carr beat J. J. Cheevers, 2 up; C. G. Swinburne beat L. L. Mitchell, 6 and 4; H. C. Boon beat L. Quin, 1 up; T. Maguire lost, to T. P. Davis, by default; H. D. Gyles and C. Walker, all square; P. Th}>mpson and W. T. Wilson, all square; S. A. Crichton beat J. B. Crawford, 6 and 5; C. H. S. Gyles beat D. Barclay, 6 and 4; C. D. Hankin beat W. R. Chambers, 1 up; H. D. Smith beat R. G. Millward, 5 and 4. MANOR PARK V. PAEKAKARIKI The Watt Cup match between Paekakariki and Manor Park on the Paekakariki links on Saturday was won by Manor Park by nine three. Following are the results, the Manor Park player being mentioned first:— J. L. Black beat F.. H. Kember, 3 and 2; F. W. Page beat J. Kember, 2 and 1; J. Logan beat J. Craighead, 2 and 1; J- Ogilvis beat N. McKenzie, 1 up; E. Butler lost to A. Smith, 6 and 5; D. Butler beat W. Gollop, 4 and 3; E. J. Moriarty beat N. Ewart, 5 and 4; W. Marchant lost to F. Smith, 1 down; E. W. Brockett beat P. Wheeler, 6 and 4; A. Radford beat A. Gollop, 7 1 and 6; E. C. Swinson beat J. Bringans, 2 ahd 1; J. Hennessy lost to I. McDonald, 4 and 3. . RANISH CUP TITAHI V, WAIWETU The Ranish Cup match between Titahi and Waiwetu, on the Titahi links on Saturday, resulted in a draw, both teams scoring five wins. Following are the results, the Titahi player - being mentioned first: — D.VA.,F. Crombie beat Sherwood, 2 up; Hewitt lost to Johnston, 5 and 4; Neale beat Hendry; 2 fend 1; Bradley beat: Gill, 4 and 3; Anderson lost to Rogers, 2 down; Gault lost to Neuiall. 5 and 3; Watkinson beat Taylor, 8 and 7; Macduff beat Christison, 2 and 1; Smith lost to Lewis, 3 and 1; Rout lost to Wilton, 3 and 2. BUSTIN CUP MANOR PARK V. TUI GLEN A- Bustin Cup match played at Manor Park on Saturday between Manor Park and Tui Glen resulted, as follows'' (Manor Park players being mentioned first):— . . „ Singles.—R. Bullen teat J. Hansen; J. R. Wilson drew with U Pjlcher; F. Gruar beat E. O'Connell; A. Cockburn beat J. . Morgan; M. Hennessey drew with C. E. Peterson; J. L. Barnard beat J. B. Y6ung; E. Edwards drew with i H. Dimond; C. Quinnell beat R. Swain; B. Trewby beat B. StichburV; H. J. Smith biat A, Pope; T. S. Baker beat B. Young; W. Packer beat P. Henn. FourbSls.—Bullen and Wilson beat Hansen and Pilcher; Gruar and Cockburn beat O'Connell and Morgan; Hennessey and Barnard beat Peterson and Young; Edwards and Quinnell beat Dimond and Swain: Trewby and Smith beat Stichbury and Pope; Baker and Packer beat Young ana Henn. Results:—Fourballs: Manor Park 6 games. Singles: Manor Park 10J garftes, Tui'Glen 1J games. . FRIENDLY MATCH KARORI V. TE MARUA * In an inter-club match played at Ka» rori yesterday Karori beat Te Marua in the singles iby 8 matches to 1, with 3 games halved, and in the fourballs by 5 matches to 0, with 1 match halved. Details are as follows (Karori players mentioned first):—■ Singles.—Simmiss beat Austad, 1 up; Craighead beat Cooper, 2 and 1; McKenzie and Paul, all square; Rogers and Leighton, all square; Cooper beat Alderton, 1 up; Younie beat Lackey, 1 up; Barron beat Loader, 3 and 2; McGavin beat Cornaga, 1 up; Newton lost to Gotz, 7 and 5; Dykes beat Denniston, 5- and 4;- Hutchings and Pope, all square; Willis beat Atchley, 1 up. / Fourballs. —Simmiss and Craighead beat Austad and Cooper, 3 and 2; McKenzie and Rogers beat Paul and Leighton, 2 and 1; C6oper and Younie beat Alderton and Lackey, 1 up; Barron and McGavin beat Loader and Cornaga, 1 up; Newton and Hutchings beat Gotz and Pope, 2 and 1; J. Dykes and Willis and Denniston and Atchley, all square. BELMONT V. JUDGEFORD . A friendly match between Belmont and Judgeford, played on the Judge- - fard links yesterday, was won by Judgeford by 16 games to 7, with one f;ame halved. In the singles Judgeord won by.' 10 games to 5, with one game halved, and in the fourballs Judgeford won by 6 games to 2. Following are the results, Judgeford players being mentioned first:— Singles.—W. Martin beat R. Shannon, ' 7 and 6; D. Duncan lost to E. Taylor, 5 and 3; P. Couchman and K. Drummond, all square; W. Barnard beat J. Corson, 3 and 2; J. Scheming lost to A. Farquhar, 1 down; R. Rattray beat M. K. Fleet, 7 and 5; J. C. Redward beat E. C. Awdry, 7 and 6; C. Carylon lost to R. J. Homersham, 3. and 2; R. Hill lost to W. Jarvie, 2 and 1; J. Lawson beat S. Evans, 2 and 1; M. R. Jacobsen lost to T. Harkins, 3 and 2; D. Hennessey beat R. H. Kilmister, 3 and 2; T Hill beat A. Paine, 6 and 5; C. H. Cathie beat G. C. Smith, 5 and 3; J. Allpress beat N. Denton, 2 up; J. C« Harrison beat C. J. Mac Gibbon, 1 up. Fourballs.—Martin and Barnard beat Shannon and D. Taylor r 2 and 1; Couchman and Redward beat Drummond and Corson, 4 and 3; Rattray and Scheming beat Farquhar and Fleet, 7 and 6; Selman and Lawson beat Awdry and Homersham, 5 and 3; Duncan and R. Hill beat Evans and Jarvie, 2 and 1; Jacobsen and Hennessey lost to Harkins and Kilmister, 2 and 1; T. Hill, and Cathie beat Paine and Smith, 4 and 3; Allpress and Harrison lost to Mac Gibbon and Denton, 1 down. . MIRAMAR CLUB The second round of the Mabin Cup competition, with a foursome bogey handicap event, in which senior and Junior players partner each other, was played on the Miramar links on Saturday, and resulted in W. Flanagan (2) and J. M. Mackenzie (14) taking the cup with 15 up for the two rounds. They finished 6 up in the first round, and 9 up on Saturday. Next came M. R. Moore (scr) and J. McDermont (12), with 11 up, 7 up in

A largejnumber of inter-club golf matches were played' in Wellington over the weekend in good golfing weather. Titahi and Manor Park had wins over Waiwetu and Paekakariki respectively in Watt Cup matches, while the Ranish Cup matches between die same sides resulted in. a win for Manor Park over Paekakariki, with Titahi and Waiwetu drawing. / Manor Park-beat Paekakariki in a ■ Mary AJward Cup match, and Karori beat Te Marua and the Judgeford Ladies beat the Belmont Ladies in friendly games.

the first round and 4 up in the second round; D. S. Halley (3) and D. Reid (14), 10 up; G. S. Rees (2) and A. H. Hornblow (18), 7 up; C. M. Bowden (10) and A. G. Barnett (16), 6 up; A. Marsden (10) and W. H. Cunningham (14), 5 up; D. A. Smith (12) and F. R. Combes (14), 5 up; L. A. Notley (12) and J. B. Reid (18), 5 up; J. H. Drake (1) and P. J. Townley (18), 5 up; S. Gambrill (7) and G. P. Thompson (16). 4 up. . In the first round of the Prince of Wales Cup competition, H. G. Didsbury (12) beat W. S. Barr (10), 3 and 2; F. M. Lockwood (14) beat A. G. McClure (8), 1 up. In the second round, K. V. Jeffrey (1) beat C. V. Sutherland (9), 4 and 2. In the second round of the Mel. Crombie Remembrance Cup competition, T. G. Roberts (12) and A. M. Tartakover (16) beat J. P. Colwill (7) and W. H. Long (24), 1 up In the play-off yesterday of the tie for the best medal score in the qualifying round for the Prince of Wales Cup competition, A. A. Moore beat L. D. Hurst by a stroke. BOULCOTT V. GLENSIDE

On Saturday a visiting team from Glenside played a friendly game with Boulcott and the results, Boulcott mentioned first, are:— . Singles: Mrs. Prince beat Miss E. Tomlinson, 4 and 3; Miss Thorns lost to Miss V. Louie, 6 and 4; Mrs. Webley beat Mrs. Carnell, 5 and 3; Miss Marshall beat Miss Stevens, 6 and 5; Miss M. Dix beat Mrs. MacLachlan, 4 and 2; Miss" I. King beat Mrs. Peryman, 4 and 2; Miss Witcombe beat Mrs. Brown, 8 ana 6; Miss Snow beat Miss Ensbury, 4 and 2\ Church beat L, Bramby, 5 and 4; Clements beat MacLachlan, 6 and 5; Silson beat Carnell, 7 and 5; Collinge beat Green, 3andl; Hamer beat A. Bramby, 2 and 1; New lost to Edgecombe, 8 and 6; Te Punj beat Favel, 3 and 1; H. Mudgway lost to Nielson, 2 and 1; Pegler beat Goddard, 4 and 3; Robert lost to Brown, < and 3; Prince beat Shann, 5 and 3 Lovelock beat McEwan, 3 and 2. Fourballs: Mrs. Prince and Miss Thorns lost to Misses Tomlinson anc Louie, 4 and 2; Mrs. Webley and Mis.< Marshall beat Mrs. Carnell and Miss Stevens, 6 and 5; Miss M. Dix and Mis! I. King squared with Mrs. MacLachlar and Mrs. Peryman; - Church ant Clements beat L. Bramby and Mac L'achlan, 7 and 5; Silson and Colling< beat Carnell and Green, 2 and 1 Hamer and New lost to A, Bramby anc Edgecombe, 5 and 4; Te Puni and H Mudgway beat Favel and Neilson, 2 up Pegler and Robert beat Goddard ant Brown, 2 and 1; Prince and Lovelocl beat Shann and McEwan, 5 and 3. The hidden-hole competition playec by other members was won by F Mudgway. . _ . 5

The flag competition played by the ladies on Sunday was won by Miss M. Dix (36), who planted. :the flag on the 18th green. r . The men's foursome resulted in a tie "between S. Wilson (17) and H. Mudgway (22) and Mouat (20) and New (22) with a net 60. The stroke competition was won by J. Te Puni (22) with a net 58. • ! ■"* HUTTCLUB I v The second round for the Oswald Chesney trophy was on the Hutt course on Saturday, R. D. Chandler winning the A grade stroke, and A. J. Coleman the B grade. Following are the scores:—R. D.; Chandler, 75, 5—70; A. J. Coleman, 87, 16—71; L. V. Browne, 91, 20—71; W. G. Home, 72. scr—72; B. Vickerman, 82, 8—74; J. A. Jackson, 87; 13—74: -W. A. Bryden, 92, 18—74; E. W. R. Haldane, 09, 24— 75; G. Y. Berry, 82, 7—75; R. F. Jollands, 86, 10—76; W. H. Lees, sen., 90, 14—76; N. W. Porter, 87. 11—76; M. T. McLean. 95, 19—76: H. B. Craighead, 90, 13—77; L. Monkman, 93, 16 —77; K; E. Leighton, : 87, 10—77; P. Ellerm, 89, 12—77; J. H. Turner, 87, 9— 78; F. J. Ansell, 94, 15—79. Home took bogey ft,gures for the outward journey, and came home in 35. A stableford competition played yesterday morning was won by I. A. Ewen with 37, scr—37. He covered the course in 73. Next came> W. H.- Lees, sen.,- 23, 10—33; A. J. Coleman, 21, 12—33; L.' Monkman, 21, 12—33; M. T. McLean, 18, 14—32; I. A. Macallan, 26, 6—32; J. V. Stevens, 25, 6—31; D. F. Porter, 22, 8—30; P. Ellerm, 21, 9—30. A fourball best-ball bogey event yesterday afternoon was won by W. G. Home (scr) and I A. Macallan (6), with 7 up on a count back from G. P. Roberts (scr) and R. T. Malyon (14), 7 up. Then came N. W. Porter (8) and H. J. Porter (11), 4 up; D. 'A. F. Crombie (10) and R. Adams (5). 4. up; F. J. Ansell (11) and J. F. McLean (12), 3 up; D. F. Porter (8) and R. Adams (5), 1 up; W. K. Cook (2) and A. J. Hyams (6), 1 up. MORNINGTON CLUB A stableford competition on the Mornington links on Saturday-resulted in. a tie between A. E. Watkins (5), W. Taylor (6), and K. Venimore (14), with 32 points each. The F. A. Wells trophy, played for in conjunction with the second round of the Brett Cup; was won by W. H. Kelly, 71. 10—61. Next came W. Charles, 78, 16—62; P. Kennedy, 79, 16 —63; A. G. Minifie, 75, 11—64; A. Thomson. 78, 13—65; W. Shilling, 88, 23 —65; J. Elton, 88, A. E. Watkins. 73, 7—66; J. C. Blakely, 82, 1666; H. Carruthers, 83, 17—66; W. Taylor, 74, 8—66; L. Cocker,- 81, 14—67; C. iB. Eversleigh, 74, 6—68; A. Charles, 84, 16—68; .J. McElligott, 78, 10—68. ' A bogey competition was won by C. B. Eversleigh with 2 idowrt. Next came W. Wheeler, 3 down; R. T. McElligott, H. R. Baigent, G. Estall, .'A. Thomson, R. W. Williams, P. J. Doogan, W. H. Kelly, L. W. McGirr, W. Taylor, J. D. Wilson, each 4 down. MANOR PARK CLUB In the absence of the Watt and Ranish Cup teams, the 18-hole stableford ; competition at the Manor Park links was played in two sections only; In the first, for Bustin Cup players, E. Trewby won with 36 points, from F. H. Gruar 34, C. Quinnell 33, and C. Peterson (Tui Glen) 32. In the other section, G. H. Fulton won with 32 points. H. Marshall and R. Andrews also scored 32, but lost on the count

Yesterday the second of the monthly medal rounds ■ was played. C. E. Wynne won the trophy for the best net score, with. 90, 22 —68. Both H. J. Smith and E. Trewby had net 69's, but the former won the runners-up trophy, on a count back. The winners of the stroke competition, run in conjunction with the medal round were:—Senior, J. Mills, 71 net; intermediate; E. Trewby, 69 net; and junior, C. E. Wynne, 68 net. An 18-hole bogey in the afternoon, was played in three sections, and the following cards were received;— Senior: W. Marchant, 1 down; K. Stephen, 3 down. Intermediate: C. Quinnell. 4 up; W Kincaid, 1 down. Junior; S. Hcillobon, all square; G. Dymond, 1 down. The third round of the senior and junior two-life competition was completed during the weekend, and results of the matches are:—Armstrong and M. Hennessy beat Trewby and Fulton; Woodhouse and Ninnes beat Barker and Edwards; Barnard and Law beat Boon and Campbell; Hennessv and Ogilvie beat Whetton and Moriarty; Swinson and McKay, beat

I Stephen and Virtue; Page and Radford beat Cochrane and Stanley; Maixhant and Marshall beat A. S. T. Butler and *D, Butler; Harrower and Quinnell beat R Junior.—L. and Dawson beat Hough and Weenick; T. S. Baker and Elsmore beat Livingston and Douglas, Hood and Linley beat Foster and Wilson; H. J. Smith and Bnckman beat Corleison and Wynne; Marshall and Bilderbeck beat J. V. T. Baker D fhe r 'draw for the fourth round will b6 ln the U competitioii for the president's trophy, run in conjunction .with the monthly medal rounds, H. J. amitn nas \ comfortable leadfrom.the field with i net aggregate of 135 for the yYiJ 0 rounds. Next are E, Trewby and L. J. Smith, both 142. • MARY ALWARD CUP MANOR PARK V. PAEKAKARIKI In a Mary Alward Cup match on the Manor Park links on Saturday Manor Park proved too strong for Paekak«. riki the margin being 9 games to 1. Following are the results, the Manor Park players being mentioned first. Miss McColl beat Miss R. Smith, 7 and 5; Miss Davidson lost to Miss J. Smith 2 and 1; Miss Fairbrother beat Mies Tames 5 and 4; Miss Murphy beat Mrs. dunn, 8 and ew beat Miss Robinson, 7 and 5, Mrs. Elsmore beat Miss Wilmot, 2 and 1- Miss Jones beat Miss Grimstone, 6 and 5, Miss Taylor beat Mrs. White, 9 and 7; Mrs. H. Marshall beat Mrs. F. Mar: stall, 5 and 3; Miss McGratk beat Miss Lyndon', 5 and 4. WOMEN'S MATCH JUDGEFORD V. BELMONT

Following are the results of the friendly matches played at Judgeford on Sunday between the Belmont and Judgeford ladies: — . Singles (Belmont ladies mentioned flrtt).—Miss Stringfellow beat Mrs. Carlyon, 2 and 1; Miss Hepburn lost to Mrs. Barnard, 4 and 3; Mp. Spence won from Miss Pinner by default; Miss Farquhar lost to Mrs. Cossins, 3 and 1- Mrs. J. Clark- beat Mrs. Selman, 3 and 1; Miss I. Mason lost to Miss Murphy, 4 and 3; Miss Ryan lost to Mrs. Horwood, 10 and 8; Miss Downing lost to Miss Ward, 5 and 3. Fourballs.—Misses Stringfellow and Hepburn beat Miss Gardner and Mrs. Barnard, 2 up; Mrs. Spence and Miss Farquhar lost to Miss Pinner, and Mrs. Cossins, 3 and 2; Mrs. Clark and Miss Mason lost to Mrs. Selman and Miss Murphy, 3 up; Misses Ryan and Downing lost to Mrs. Horwood and Miss Ward, 3 up. HUfT LADIES' CLUB The flag match which was to have been played last week by the Hutt Ladies' Club will be played on Wednesday. PAREMATA LADIES' CLUB A bogey competition played by Ihe Paremata Ladies' Club yesterday was won, in the A grade, by Miss Stephen, Miss M- von Keisehberg coming next. In the B grade, Miss Fredric was the winner, Miss Osborne being close up. STRATHMORE PARK LADIES' CLUB

The Strathmore Park Ladies' Midweek Club will play the second round for Mrs. Millier's trophies on Wednesday In conjunction with this, the A grade will play a stableford bogey and the B grade a hidden holes competition. In the event of wet weather, the competitions will be played on Thursday. WELLINGTON LADIES' CLUB Following is the draw for the bogey match to be played on Wednesday by the Wellington Ladies' Club:— Seniors.—, Mrs. Hunter and Miss Wylie; 12.0, Mrs. Blackley and Mrs. Masßae; 12.5, Mrs. Weston and Miss N. .Blundell; 12.10, Miss C. Young and Miss Wheeler; 12.15, Mrs. Stout and Mrs. Brodie; 12.20, Mrs. Spiers and Mrs. Peacock; 12.25, Miss J. Brodie and Mrs. Crombie; 12.30, Mrs. R. Whyte and Mrs. Williams; 12.35, Mrs. Treadwell and Miss Mcintosh: 12.40, Mrs. H. Nathan and Mrs. Seddon; 12.45, Miss Ward and Mrs; Welton Hogg. Juniors.—Mrs. Milne and Mrs. Malcolm; 12.5, Mrs. Riddle and Mrs. Howden: 12.10. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Ilott; 12,15, Mrs. Tweed and Mrs. T. Reid; 12.20, Mrs. E. Nathan and Miss I. Young: 12.25. Miss M; Savage and Miss B. Blundell; 12.30. Miss Reading and Miss Peacock; 12.35, Miss Duthie and Mrs. R. T. Peacock: 12.40. Mrc. A. T. Young and Miss V. Robertson; 12.45, Mrs. S. Paterson and Miss D. Brodie; 12.50, Miss Moodie and Mrs. Whitnombe; 12.55, Mrs. Francis and Mrs. V. Ward; 1.0. Mrs. G. Webster and Miss Hempton; 1.5, Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Turnbull; LlO, Miss V. Richardson and Miss Tanner: 1.15. Mrs. Webster and Miss-Wheeler; 1.20, Miss Pa?" and Miss R. Wheeler; 1.25, Miss S. Whyte and Miss P. Blundell. Seniors start at eighth tee; juniors start at first tee.


In the first round of match play for Mrs. Sawyer's Cup, played by the Manor Park Ladies on Saturday, Miss Yorston beat Miss Brunton, 4 and 2. In the second round, Mrs. Marshall beat Miss George, 1 up, and Miss Slee beat Miss Howe, 2 and 1.

In the semi-final of the Forbar Cup, Mrs. Elsmore and Miss Jones beat Miss Murphy and Miss R. Walker, 2 and 1. A stableford bogey yesterday morning was won by Mrs. Smith, with 16, 14—30.

In the Yankee fourball competition, Miss Necly and Miss Wilson beat Miss Kerr and Miss Mulholland, 2 up; Miss McGrath and Mrs. Elsmore beat Miss Munro and Miss Jenkins, 5 and 4; Miss Fairbrother and Mrs. Paul beat Miss Brunton and Mrs. McNabb, 2 and 1.

A bogey competition over 10 holes yesterday afternoon was won by Miss Fairbrother, who finished 2 down,

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Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 149, 27 June 1938, Page 20

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INTER-CLUB GOLF MATCHES Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 149, 27 June 1938, Page 20

INTER-CLUB GOLF MATCHES Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 149, 27 June 1938, Page 20