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tappp^MM||^MH^^^^^^MHMMppHpHaaHMHH^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi ■ Yrf g g L tf 4 %^^^& *M 0 * ■ iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ifHß^ I / I • V if I flkk " i * f X U/m Locknit Pyjamas - 7/11 ■^■^ M - S fl flk Lustre Locknit Pyjamas. Tunic style, with deep lace .volte and girdle at waist; Nil, Sky, Shell and. Peach. BBBBBHBj((B((((((|(|(((HJ|B(BHIM|l^BHBBiHBMHBHHIIMHBHMBBHfl*BBBB S.W. and W. Usual Price IS/C. Sale Price 7/11. ♦ the Biggest News in the Paper! a Sale for everybody! "KSj^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II ' BtMHifcJ!^si^^\ll^W^ y^ I Manchester Hosiery <etc* 1 D ., My « sllPSi J^ PSMmeuctltlßmed , lIBKWBSfc^^. jßMbd_T^t^yQ^ xi^JM^^Mli^W II iHiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiifiHiiimiiiii;iiiiiiiiHiiiHiiii Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniii I ti^un^^i/ii^^e.^'rtiJ:Siiy ii Av' lRr i_ I Unbld. Sheets, 6/6 pair Hosiery Mediums, 4/11 Interlock Vests - 1/11 day of the. Sale! We could ffft A JI*A AMAW A J I Double-bed, 80in. x2} yards. Usual Price 13/6 pair., ««/-.-.<. ..^Jn T 1 1 **#-.-■ lake several more pages and •"* w *"" «F "I. Sale Price 10/11 pair. , - Mai.Lit'c« Q/ll £**»• C/ll I h flfvlicli I AltlL of Q/ll cramlheM iust as full of just ItlMlllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllMllllllUll j|- j . P* • 1 T/Z' • itlOriCY SO' XI 10l ft' XI I ' Cillglloll LIOIIIOS* Hi O' XX lime viw 1ve 8*Iread through ' T £\£k Fl 1' » li 7 - d A/T I Ij1I1CI1"I1I11SI1 " 4^o DiUT Morley's Selected "Substandards" in Ladies' Pure Silk I English Wool Combs., also Wool and Cotton. Short 1l U I.J . I»l,hL I III! K A9nV.TA.iI/ P9N // It Mil ' ' 1 Hose; fully fashioned; no seam under foot? all the latest I sleeves, long sleeves, and no sleeves. Sizes W. and O.S, triese, :ma naa a iook at me • _|_VV lAv-tlll ¥ "HJ FT Vd*S3 +d V 1111 l 50 0 pairs Superior Quality Linen-finish Sheets; guaran- ' shades; very slight imperfection. Usual Price 8/11 pair. I Usual Price 12/6 to 32/6. Sale Price 8/11 to S/U. windows, you 11 have a pretty , ' J .- I teed pure and retommended for hard wear. Single bed Sale Price 5/11 pair. ' I v good Hea that this is going to 100 only Ready-to-Wear Straws in good assortment of I 54in. x2* yards. Usual Price 8/11 pair. Sale Price __. ~ «»-.-.„ ~„ I' fl . I ' O • O • t "3% Vti, B.» s?«^" I !S.C Das«. tSiVS Us""Ptit° Mediums, 9/11 for 6/11 Canterbury Swim Suits . ■ Tu'e*y! "■ Ready-to-Wears for 5/-. I Twill Sheets-9/6 pair saiSrs^ffi.'SSiSTasss^'ffi I 11111111111111111 lllllllllUinillUnillllllllllimilllllinmillNl l- J . . I *^*w v |#%»* 9/U pair. Sale Price 6/11 pair. I Usual Price 9/11. Sale Price 4/11. ■'. ' , ■, Ready-to-Wear Straws in all the latest:btyto. E"™- • ||. 960 pain Superior Quality "Osman" White Twill Sheets.. ' ■ ' / I _ ShOWrOOttl 'f*^ J7% c sKH l3SrtiSf3£s£ Bemberg Hose only 2/6 Brassieres clear at 6d. i^^ ,^^ • . - ' Slilllltlf^r rPItS iilPflr. •>/'- HI" Sale Price I' ll/11 pair- ' 'I 1 ' Bemberg fully-fashioned Hose; sizes Si to 10 ins.; all I «0 only Brassieres, in Swami, Broche and Lace. Siws IllimillllllllimilllimillllllUnillllllllimilllllimiimfllllliU UIUUUIW IWW \«l-IM« « ■ m fj«|| /^1 (f /ll good shades. Usual Price 2/11 pair. S«le Price 2/6 pr. 11l 30in- to 3iin. Usual Price 1/U to 4/6. Sale Price 6d. Summer Weight Felt Ready-to-Wears, in Fawn,-Beige, I f% FIIiOW I iRSCS " * *%■' XX 1177 1 • SW // n I « , V _ _ lmm , 30 Ensembles - 29/6 up ssfvsv- -.-" rrt"11/"" u/0- •" „!!„,,„„ «,„, ," Washing Gloves - 6/11 Corset Qearancc 12/11. s^^»&s^a?=fJCsis!a Sports Hats go for 4/11 S; *"-sw . f~€KKSf3 Baby Blankets at 9/11 Kid Gloves go at 5/11 Samples, at Half Price!* 9 Evening Frocks' 25 English Models 15/6 • f^3EßS:S%£^s. H±S«=^s XA^^'^tf.^. s/oL^tiS^'^^r^So^: I Qi aper i2yd s . f or 9/11 Brown Nappas for 4/111; umßnnMn ™ lftninHMunNlinillllllllllllll , 11l , 11B)1HHBI . Apricot, Pink, i3/lack, Persimmon, baxe. Originally ~ % ■* * « • ■ 1 C\ I f 1111 l \ J '' * * 1111 l ' 69/6, 84/-, £6/6/^to £9/19/6. Sale Prices 29/6, 29/6, . f lf ,| c 7 Uam Amng plfaOl* V-/ fl I ' 4(hpicces 27in. Super Quality Nursery Diaper. Guaran- Indies' 2-dome Brown Nappa Gloves; hard wearing. I ' A 35/6 to 99/6. , . ~ - V"*V * dlldlllda tlCttl Li ' U 111 teed pure, splendid faring. Usual ,Prjcc 11 Id. yard. Usual Price 6/11. vSale Price 4/1,1. I, » 4%*9 MM A#% '" ' n ' ' >IA f^^JrC '"gW- Cream 'and Beige Ready-to-Wear Panamas.. I Sale Price 9/11 dozen yards.' , p| Art^ ' 1/Q I "••"» ffStPU^ - I .IP^rmi^'P Ol 411 frOCKS Large head fittings only. Price 8/11. Sale I m HP 'IT T / i\llK ItIOVPS Cl£g}T -±' J I " ' - " VilCal OUI^C vx ,-iv nvvno Price 2/6. * I 163 10W6lS lOr J/" Ca# tJlin vTXVYt-o a. nn iHiiiHiiiiiiiiimHiHiimii(riimi(riiiiimHiiiiimfiiHifii!|iiiff 40 only Frocks, self colours, of excellent cut and „„„„. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I * "''' '- ' ladies 1 Pull-on Silk Gloves, in Fuwn, Brown, Beige and I I . . r, , ~<, .* """ ' fitting in latest Tstyles; all with long sleeves. Colours, ;lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllim II 25 ozcn '^en and Cotton Tea Towels. ' Hard Vear'ing ' White. Usual Price 2/11. Sale Price 1/9. I -^ ¥lf „ ps . Prices M3a / S to 105/.., ■ j|f .6FIBIS, * -*■' >*^*«*. ■ •, ■ luiit. mete Woyes, Z/0 80 Z 7^^ ** MH .t.^ W , P «., Imptd--ModelFrock,7s/- — ••"•••" »•"»» »»"»» »»•»»»«» Pillow Shams/4/11 pair S!tl^ I«^?Ma«!^? Mlt dshades- ~«-^ «.w-«^ 1 only Imposed Model Silk Frock .in Hunter's Green; ttf AC p A " f^nttnflC HA Vll I 250 pairs Superior Quality Hand,made Chinese Pillow |^1J C» M «U«J AC i Q/ll I StraW-F ©1 Hat& 5' 11 * Satin Back Crepe, bodice handsomely trimmed with IjCotU \jUHUIfS UU» VU. I Shams. Showing Richelieu, with scalloped • edge; also , 1,010. O'JLI I" * **«M? 9 V J-J----self applique^ the long sleeves with same treatment; J I embroidered in assorted designs, with^Cluny Lace edge; v*v*w . , ; . American "Straw-Felt" HaU, with anap 30 Model Frocks Clear ?I:a/Hl LomoV tfs"' pWe 1/8 yari "* '"et ets i 0 1" 1'- set „ , „,„ „„„„„„„„„„ «. , 9 r-n 4/^. , /->ll tpp f t »| All 1 1111 150 dozen Honey Colour, Hand-made Chinese Grapevine a, . , 111 I OIIjII I Ctllil M VIU JJLCII a jtf V 30 only il»del Frocks, American and li-nghsh produc- l-hirTnil WAIIPW X^ll Vfl I .Filet Dressing Table Sets. Comprising one Centre with ,^kj **> m* I . , ~ „,,-,. tions, .of Tfich silk and crepes, delightfully styled. All VtlllllUll f UilCO U2U* ▼ il* | 'iwo Mats to muted In obonit or oval style. Special W^M jli* Wm. W* SM'mT | Men's Neglige Shirts, with .two collars; 60 only of each of different types, self colours and'contrasts, with short, . . . ■ J I ' Sale p rice ]/. per s " c i " J^^^P^^JBm ▼▼ W0 ••• 111 line—b'/ll for 4/6; 8/6 for 5/11; 10/6 for 6/11. elbow and; three-quarter sleeves. Suitable for day and 361n Ki ora i chiffon Voiles in light grounds with Smart . I U ' ■ " ' II ' , semi-even»ng wear. Colours: Saxe, Dahlia, Navy, designs. Splendid, quality and fast to washing. Usual INT w | O m . n/11 llllllllllllllllllltllltlllllllllllUllllllllUlllltllllllllllKllllltlllllt |U . w~y -w-m -m a ,|» C% t S ■w"*"^ Gar^V^A/l^/^^ wees I/a, 3/ 6. , S aiepriced.yard. , . Luncheon ISets at I' XX . ..,,- 1 fancY Han Hose - 2/6Sale Prices 95/-, 99/6, 105/-, £6/6/. Flllhll llUlt ijlieilS 1/- I Superior Quality Luncheon Set, Containing one cloth, lieCKWeaF gOCS 31 X7XX I o 0 do.en Men's FancvH.lf Hose ported de^n. «rf If 1^1? 1 ' iTO/i: IJIIIIIU*- lllllia UlllCll9* X I 501n. x 501n. with four napkins. Showing overcheck de- , O . I r'^f n,^" ]^ S^fg 1} 1'1/ H;| C> Safe Price 2/6 In ATI IV l^rnPKC at 1.2/h ■ ' ■ v- ■:-. T - ,-,-. , ■« I *»gn on Cream ground. Pink only. Usual Price S/U Ladies' Neckwear, in Organdie, Satin,' Art. Silk, and I sha«es' Usual Prices 3/11, 4/6. Sale Price 2/6, XV Ulliy 1 IUV»i3 at ±Tid' V 36in. Embroidered Imitation Linen; light grounds; with II g( *_ S ale Price 2/11 set. Crepe Suede. Majority with jabot fronts; White and I I 4 - 16 only; Frocks of Crepe Floral, smartly cut; with long pieces' on" to clear. Fast colours. Usual Price 3/11. I n If, i^l -1 1/1 1 Be»ge > etc- SU<l F'ccs - o cac ■a c »cc I SWIITI SllltS I jlPtfir • «l/ I I sleeves!' Colours: Saxc, Brown, Green, Navy. Siies: Sale Price 1/-yard. . . I KrPslKT2l<it I Jftt IIS - |/|| 111 ' A - 1 1/11 1 UfTU|l JUIW LUCOI Vll S.W., :w., O.S. Originally ,27/6. Sale Price 12/6. ¥•"1 T* " l/^> I Mlil«&l XXJ BloUSettCS CWar "\'ll I 60 only Men's Pure Wool "Ros.yn" and Pacific" Swim' •\c% rt •■ JA// , A^ / r 111*1* 'IFIQII I iltil^Tid ■ I' il 1111 l Coloured Bordered Damask Breakfast Cloths. Showing | Suits. Bacer-back style. Royalßlue, Maroon and Black. I / NIHTC l|iM/ ffl Ift 111/" * I*l v» AEiOlt A-4J.»*\/**CJ J- *J I neat dice design VitH'Blue, Green or Gold borders. Sisie Organdie' Blousettes; plain white, also white ground with | S.M., M., ,0.5., X.O.S. Usual Price 12/6. Sale Price S/11. ■J-« kJUJ-t-O^ T!-^ V. W S*M. ■ ;-. ". nfl i j • <l SOin. x 50in. Usual: Price 2/6. each. ; Sale Price 1/11 Tartan striped effect, and lemon with sprigged design. 1 ■ ■ 361n- Pure Irish L>nens; printed in small floral designs, I . . . . . .- TT, lia ) p r ieM 6/6 6/11 7/6 Sale Price 4/11 each I Tfct - ' fXI -* m t 12 onSy Ladies' Tailored Suits, of high-class Worsteds, Light grounds with bright colourings. All fast colour I each- . >. \, - Usual Prices 6/6, 6/11, 7/t>. bale Wice 4/U eacli. R|« W AI»CJ f A I^laQl* ' 1t / in light, medium, and dark colours, including small and excellent quality. Usual Prices 3/6, 3/11. Sale Jill! » 1 m 1 C% I «% ' T\l ■ * "O fI f . \\\l UldZCt d Itl VtlCctl " LO f m checks an 4 stripes. Sizes: S.sV., 5.W.,. W-, W.X. Price l/»: yard? " ■ ' I 'vIQP/fllfirfi I AIVPIC 2/5 P?k KIAIIGAttPG P>\o m ■ S/fl ' ' Origimally 79/6, 105/- to £7/7/-. Sale Prices 49/6, , ._,_-. — # ~% IS I JttCUUCII^U IUTTVUJ A',M C»»« OXUUoCiiCS) XjW>* m *3 r \3 12 only Men's Plain Grey and Striped Blaeers. Usual' 63/- to 95/-. A^| Wl|||| |.lt|AtiC . I/O- I L 300 dozenxSuperior.Quality Jacquard Rowels. Featuring Blousettes and Fronts, in Georgette an 4 Crepe Suede, in Prices 25/-, 29/6. Sale Price 15/-. C> {\ n -4-nZnA Ci«*O ri AO « IU" k/*t**J AJl*m\y**O .*. V ■ new designs on Pinki Blue, Green-and Gold grounds, ■ White and Beige. Usual Price 8/11 to, 10/6. Sale Price W'r* TWI A l-a "■ .Z Uutsize Suits year 2SW^ew^,o£ffiS - fl -- Sia j |,r5 / sff.WS?A.-BS»tfRJ?^ ' ■ ■ Sports Trousers - 9/11. 2 only Brown Suits; English tailored high-grade Lemon, saxe, Greens, Beige, Brown. Fast colours," | . ' ' \\\ A«7al'|-|7' I OAOC <«mC! I / * Worsted. Size X.O.S. Originally £7/7/- and £8/8/-. washes well British-made. Usual Prices 1/11, 2/11. I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllllUHllllllliyilll .1 1 OVCJL.IV JudCCtS tIVU&» X ' " 13 only Men's Pure Wool, Grey, Flannel Sports Trousers. ■Sale Price 79/6 and 99/6. Sa l e Pr ; cc i/ e yar d. . r I ' J ' J . - Usual Price 18/6. Sale Price 9/U. 3-piece Suits for - 55/6 Plain Suede 'Rayon, V- || Flirtlishittg ' %E^-^^^"^^..- >s ports j^g 11/5 up \Bsß^%~^^ EH%SS?%iii£¥^S "I ~ — 7 Lace Flouncings 2/6 yd. g^'ans^KK in Ivory, Navy, Brown. Colours:- shades, of Beige, Price 1/- yard. , I lipfrdin Vi^l lAC I /~£ 17"fl Lace Flouncing, 3 tin. to 36in. wide? in Beige, Red, Pink, X^f-° y ' s Tf^tffi: ssy'-%- °"m' n■" c-ii p • 7IJ v j tiUrwin vouch-x'oyu. o^l^^^^ u»ipj«v«.^./u.- „„„,„„ „■„„ „„„„„ ,-, , Tweed' Coats from 39/6 . A "^.J, i;,. "PL L 'JL* Is^^SSo^s^^ 6in. Ribbon, 3vds. 1/- Juveniles T d f■• 11 t l"t 'fl -k d ' Big range oflislit iind dark shades. Perfect goods! w^« 1/^l' "■/•"' - * J ' ▼ '•• •► •• l^F S c Sh:yle,^ii?iiii;f JS^ ffi.^""1 UMlnl Price 1/1U sale price Printed Cretonnes - l/o K£XAS.SS^s» ~.i».,u.,«m,! . ..m.HmM,... ......m«..............m......i' ?/ X"4«,/? igln"lly 75/"' 81lA; 89/<i- ' Sillc, rri«ls3!)/6> -CV « ri J Fnrti mjllr 17 Q 20 pieces 3Bi.» M J'rlnted Cretonne, in check effects. VBrlcty 111| 11111111111111111111111111 ■ 11111111111111111111111111 11 11111111111111 11 ■ I^.. , , , t, ,' rt#^ 4-/-'4!}/6- : rUgl OllK -X' D of colourings.. .Usual Price 1/U. Sale Price 1/fi yard. . Pirls Tllb' FrOCKS 8 Coats - 45,/- to 55/- 'sspsass.Si- Cotton- Nets go., at 1/9 - Halycon Knitting-at 9d a . onlyGlrh . BlM!M ..d..TubFroc k . s chcct.nd«o™L 8 only Coats of fine quality Wool Coating;' in shades of s^Pri^l/^vurd'"1' PyiUniM' -^ *'* '**' " o n o v- r Vu M m pi i" 'mm red Cotton Net Shades -I™™'" "Halcyon" non-shrink Knlttlng^Yarn, in While, | i?: cs to 43in. Usual Price 4/6 and 4/11. Sale Beige and Putty, fancy diagonals; latest styles; some ialc JJntc 1/3 yuld- I fW >U rcls4^nPhn. Coloured Co on.Net. bhadts pjn Gfecn and Blue Usuo ,« Price 1/2 skejn Price 3/6. , -' finished pin tucking, tuckingf and self-stitching. Sizes: fl C ' m.m I I/O Jl ■-' ?/« J \* S ' ' Sale Price «)d. skein. ' ( «,,-. s.w t w, r «« «, -- «- Crepe Satin for 1/8 yd. —- - R P^nrM( l< Go? Traced Nkhties at 2/9 Canton Frocks at 4/11 /\ - • r< X 9ft//: Our special quality high-grade 36in. Crepe Satin in 35 I . mnieQ DeOSPre<ia» UU . 11 (ttCil iIIHIUIC^ dl £i' 7 ».,„„.„'..., /', . „ I Illf'GlTA I AQTC M "^M/ll lltl hp/iitifiii\h-iflps liirht and dark shades- wears and II ■ »•«*'■» ■* 36 only "Canton" Frocks, in stripes and checks; all. \/UIBI6C VfUdlO " *JS' UUU washes well- Uwal Price" l/ 11. Sale Price 1/8 yard. I Clearance of Printed Cotton Bedspreads. Single Bed WHite Traced "RRyoMsia" Nightdresses; hem&titclied qplouro. Sues 24in. to 83ln, Usual Price fi/6 Sale * - < I size Usual Price 3/11 each. Sale Price 3/3 each. neck und sleeves for crochet; pimple designs. Usual Price 4/6; 36in. to 42in., Usual Price 5/11. Sale Price Lr^nt; S C f •„ J Q mn Qtlh 1 /f. I Bed si.c. Usual Price 5/9, Sa.e Price 4/9. Price 3/6. Sa,e Price 2/0. • y 4/11. , and X.O.S. Originally 79/6, 95/-. Sale- Prices OIFIpCU pJUUII OlitV '1' V f( , C D * W? * H i^l 1 / In 1' fl 1 «1 /I 1 r,:i , ; tt.-£fS3*jaf!irs*j=a£ Car P et SV"" 5 Bfg ffll! Evening Bags Clear, 1/- Frock Sets - only 3/11 obtainable. C»ll Cla S. • G% I£L ~ ~ n • llllllllMlllllllllll|||||||||||||||i|||ll||l|||||||||||l||||||||||||||||||| '*.__-„ ~ - # 4-Plv Fingering Wool Sllk ?„""?„ *?! E_ Carpet Square Bargain . ma.l order notes 10 Toddler Coats, 12/6 \ J O O nf 1%i s "n< O nula"r"liara1-wcaring, n good 'laundering, Sillc." 1 only Heavy Quality Asminster Carpet Square; two- Mail Orders POST FREE on Drapery und Apparel, but 10 only Toddlers' Coats, in assorted novelty Tweeds j * Q • 1 . Bottle Pink Saxe Brown Gold Hose, Red Lemon, tone- Fawn ground, with medallion centre. In colourings FREIGHT EXTRA on Hea\y Furnishings, Toiletries, fully lined. Chrrry, Almond, Rose. Sizes 18in. to 22in. ■ .^llPPlill ill /fl Nil NTitnril'uiul Navy U^ual Price 4/11 yard. Sale of rust and brown. Size 12fi x 9ft.- Usual Price Fancy Goods, and articles of a fragile nature. Please Usual Price J9/11 to 24/6. vSalc Price 12/6. ! ' k^jpV/Vi«X Ut • \Mm price 2/6 'yard. "' ' £9/15/6. Sale Price £7/19/6. enclose remittance to cover full cost of goods ordered. i ■1-plv "Ce.sco" Kingerine Wool. TVlade specially for C — ' : " "~ ;: ' ~"' ' ' ~~ Oft T^.irA^xJ f Anf-o ft* EHBSH?SSK Goods Purchased at Sale Prices Cannot be Exchanged, or Sent on Approval! f^^i^i™ Green, I'alc Pink, Jade, Heliotrope, Fawn, and Misl — v ~ k i IfLJ I TT\ . Ol ID A CTD CCT / \A/CI I X (ZTIIM .lined. Sizes 24in. to ,33in. Usual Price-32/S'to shades, in tones of Red, Wine, Blue, Fawn and Green. f~* SMIIM LIU. - - V-/UDA O I IxCC I ' - - W CLLIINV7 I WIN Sale Price. 24/6. Sale Price 7d. skein. • **■▼■» _ _ ______^__^__^_^__—^—^__

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Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 19, 24 January 1938, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 19, 24 January 1938, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 19, 24 January 1938, Page 6