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AUCTIONS. ARTISTIC HOME-HIGHLAND PARK GG. TOLHURST & SON have received instructions from the owner to sell by • PUBLIC AUCTION at their Rooms, Bank of Neiv Zealand Buildings,-Lambton Quay, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER' 27, at 2.30 p.m., THAT PARTICULARLY WELL-BUILT RESIDENCE, with a section over 30 pcrclws in area; adjoining the Queen's Park, known as j No. 18 ORCHARD STREET 1 This desirable residence comprises 8 rooms, and is a model of'convenience. There is a large living-room, 23ft x 14ft Oin, commanding a magnificent view of the harbour and city, .a,comfortable dining-roOm, and an up-to-date kitchen with gas cooker and other usual modern appointments. An easy stair leads from the hall to the upper floor, where there are 2 double bedrooms, 2 single bedrooms, dressing-room, and butiiroom. This residence, erected under the supervision of one of Wellington's leading 3 architects, affords an opportunity for intending purchasers to secure a well-built and • attractive home in one of the best residential situations in the city. j Pull Particulars and Conditions of Sale from the Auctioneers— G. G. TOLHURST & SON, ! , BANK OF N.Z. BUILDINGS, LAMBTON QUAY. DUNBAR SLOANE LTD., PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Auctioneers. AT WESTERN lIUTT ROAD. ■ 1? ' JOHNSTON & CO., Auctioneers. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Sh. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1937, Ot * Commencing at 12.45 p.m. MAGNIFICENT FREEHOLD IMPORTANT AND ATTRACTIVE AUCPROPERTY x of At ' EXPENSIVE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. TfTAHI BAY. 3 SUPER AXMINSTER CARPETS (all . „ large size and quite new), AX. STAIR ! IIfESSRS. DUNBAR SLOANE CARPETS AND RUNNERS, VALU--7 LIMITED, Auctioneers, under in- ABLE THREE-QUARTER BIL- , structions from the Receiver for the LIAD TABLE with heavy oak less ) Debenture Holders of the frtahi Goll and quite new, cost £120; UPRIGHT , Club. Company Limited (in liquidation) GRAND PIANO l>v John Brinsmead - will offer /or sale, by Public Auction on and gons, R.C.A. VICTOR COMBIN- > Wednesday, the'2oth day of October, -\TION RADIO AND GRAMO, E 1937, at 2.30 p.m., at their Rooms situate PHONE (cost £200), OAK DINING at Number 100, Lambton Quay, Welling- AND BEDROOM FURNISHINGS, ; ton, the undermentioned land:— CHIPPENDALE AND MAHOGFIRST All that parcef of land containing ANY' DRAWING-ROOM lUßNlx,approximately 93 acres' I rood 7.06 TUHE, solid i'KAAf- > perches situate in Block XI of the ED LOUNGE AND EASY CHAIRS f * Paekakariki Survey District aud being with.loose cushions, special MAHOG- ; parts of Subdivisions 6, 7, 8, and 9of ANI WRITING BUREAIJ AM) / the Koangaaumu Block and being all CHINA CABIN KT, SOCOLI) J tJie Iknd comprised in Certificate of FREEZER, TT(TOVER KLLC. VA *-• Title- Volume 439 Folio 160 Welling- CLEANER AND APPOINTMENTS. ! ' ton, Registry SUBJECT as to part of qaa LOTS. OA A Subdivision 7 to the provisions of Part 01/U 'J 1/u XIII of "The Land Act, 1924." At the Family Residence, SECONDLY All that parcel of land con- WAIRERE ROAD (off Western Hntt taining approximately 14 acres 3 roods Road, on hill just past gravel plant). 11.94 perches situate in the Town of Lower Hutt. Titahi Bay Extension Number 12 On account of Mr. J. Hill, who ia lcavBlock XI of the Paekakariki Survey i n g for Auckland. District being parts of Subdivisions \ most attractive catalogue of expeiiG, 7, and Bof the Koangaaumu Block g j vu furniture and carpets. and being Lots _1 to 5, 14, 20 to'3o. j- u jj details later. •33. to 35, ' 43, 45 to '47, 49 ■to 56, 08 This - wonderful home, which is situto 65, and 00 to 88 on Deposited Plan a j. e( j on j| le in one of the most beau--10464 being the -balance of the land t iful' positions in the Hutt Valley is TO • in Certificate of Title Volume 439 let .or for Sale. Folio 165 Wellington Registry SUB- j;. JOHNSTON & CO., Auctioneers. JECT to restriction of minimum front- 1_ ~O Tt xtVttw n<t v » age of ,40 feet required by ' The' Land i ' StJNN INGDALE, Act, 1924" SUBJECT ALSO as to AUCTION, on SAIURDAA, Novem- - part of Subdivision 7 to the provisions hav<! , bwn instructed to sell by ANP SUBJIyJT ALSo nt fls Tb- AUCTION ATUEDAY, K«22attractiveBUILBINGsections 1G9983, and . 170738. in this sunny locality. THIRDLY All that parcel of land con- r j'] lo property is -within easy reach of the ..... tauitog..approximately 1. acre 1 .rood Johnsonville - Station, whence electric 27.9 perches situate in Block XI >of trains will shortly be running to Wellingthe Paekakatiki Survey District being j on lin j e i» 20 minutes, and 2 bus serl.iartr<of Subdivisions $ and 9 hoanga- pass the site. aunni the said parcel of land p] ans available at this officc. Full pnr--18 more on De- Oculars vill be announced later by the ,"Wtf-d Plan 0478 being all the land Auclioneers _ 111 Certificate of Title Volume 419 Folio 133 Wellington Registry TO- WILLIAMSON & CO., GETHER WITH the Golf 2.j Panama Street. Telephone .42-647. Clnl> House situate thereon and to- —r™? gether with such of the fittings, fix- JJ-KIDAx NliAl, tures. and plant as is the property of COMMENCING AT 10.30 A.M. the; Titahi Golf Club Company GREAT AUCTION SALE OF Limited. UNREDEEMED PL KDGES, FOURTHLY All that parcel of land con- AT THE MART. 91 DIXON STREET, taliiing approximately 1 rood 2.perches UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, situate in. the Town of Titahi Exten- « W> PRICE AND CO., AUCeJ9II . Number ? bwug part ot Sub- t. TIONEERS, instructed by J. W. division 7 of the Koangaaumu Block B . TTK>I r™. . r , ' TO n and being also Lot 12 on Deposited htlect ' lull seil Plan 6709 and being all the land in Rooms a« aboveCertificate of .Title Volume 327 Folio 7f|A LOTS i^AA 278 Wellington Registry TOGETHER • "" i "U - . appurtenant .UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, (hereto over ot;Subdivisions «, i S. and 9 of the said* Koangaaumu Compiwng. Block coloured blue on the plan en- „„ 0 •' (iorsed on the said Certificate of Title machinM, 9617 ring, 96A2 stick, uniVolume 327 Folio 278 as created by brella, pen, letter case, 9640 ring, 9643 d. Transfer Number 170738 SUBJECT as wed - rll i& 9658 cas , e an(l co "- tu minimum frontage of 40 feet re- wed. ring, 9G74 case and cou., 9678 quired by "The Land Act, 1924" SUB- paper machine, 9682 e. heater, 9707 ring, ,'IKCT ALSO to the provisions of Part 9715 gold wrist watch, 9725 jewellery, 9740 XIII of "The Laud Act, 1924" AND case of cutlery, 9789 prisms, 9802 watcli SUBJECT ALSO to Fencing Agree- and chain, 9813 chain and medal, 9839 case ment contained in Transfer Number and contents, 9801 ring, 9871 brooch, pen--1 170738. dant, and chain, 9878 chain and medals, 'I 'I'HLY All that parcel of land con- 9i ® B %sov„ 9937 ring, 9965 boots in case, i Laining approximately 8 acres 1 rood 9919 ring, 9982 d. ring, 9986 ring, 9988 d. ' n perches situate in Block I Belmont cluster ling, 9999 wrist watch, 18 box of I Survey District - being parts of the paints, etc., 110 wrist watch, 154 ring, 162 i Block known as Tutaeparaikete 2B and watch. 216 camera, 217 op. glasses. : 2D2 and being the of the land , December.—273 ring, 281 cutlery, 302 comprised in Certificates of Title dia. ring, 329 cutlery, 360 ring, 393 suit iu I Volaihe 235 Folio 92 and- Volume 235 case, 420 watch, 450 watch, 467 clock, 526 Folio .93 SUBJECT to the provisions rowing machine, 557 bracelet, earrings, aud i of Part XIII of "The Land Act, 1924." fur, 593 tent, 605 coin and medal, 609 ring, SIXTHLY Five one-eighths undivided in- 644 sea boots, 664 wireless set, 705 trousers, tercet in all that parcel of land con- 747 ring, 786 two rings and brooch, 811 tailing approximately 7 acres 3 roods d. ring, 824 case and con., 830 suit, 883 17 perches situate in Block I of the suit, 896 g. chain and watch, 904 eca boots Belmont Survey District and being the and oilskin, 922 ring, 930 ring and brooch, Native Land Court Subdivision known 932 ring, 938 two rings, 941 g. wristlet, as Tutaeparaikete 20 and being part January, 1937.—967 two pins and ring, of the land comprised in Certificate 980 ring, 981 brooch, 995 watch and chain, of Title Volume 380 Folio 48 SUB- 1018 wrist watch, 1028 suit in case, 1035 . JECT to the imposed, by wristlet, 1057 ring, 1122 accordion, 1137 sea ' . Section 74 of l "The Native Land boots and oilskin, 1143 wristlet, 1160 ring,) Amendment Act, 1913" AND ALSO 1200 ring, 1216 ring, 1292 coin, 1319 wristftn undivided' interest jn.approximately let, 1388 ring, 1417 wrist watch. 1436 suit-orie-th'ird undivided interest in the said case and contents, 1459 wrist Watcli, 1484 land but the Transfers to the Vendor ring, 1522 wrist watch, .1558 parcel E.P., in respect of such one-third undivided JSOB E.P. ware, 1607 wristlet, 1611 ring, , interest are subject to the signature 1049 r j llg) 1677 ring, IG7B watch, 1704 mull' 1 of a Judge of the Native Land chain. j Court being obtained to the confirma- February.—l7ll coat, 1723 g. watch, 1731 tion of-sucli Transfers by the Native boots, 1748 ring, 1755 coat, 1779 ring,'lßl7 Land Court SUBJECT ALSO to the wrist watch, 1820 coat and vest, 1832 suit, restrictions imposed by Section /4 of etc., 1877 knives, 1881 ring, 1894 leather Native Land Amendment Act, coat> 1901 suit, 1916 jug, 1926 brush, comb. 1913. and mirror, 1953, e. iron, 1976 kit of tools, SEVENTHLY All that parcel of land con- 2001 wrist watch and ring, 2004 boots, taining approximately 4 acres 1 rood 2003 coat, 2015 jewellery, 2023 ring, 2025 35 perches situate in Block XI of the locket, chain, and brooch, 2045 ring, 2067 Paekakariki Survey District being the case and contents, 2088 coat, 2094 blanket, Native Land Court Subdivision known 2095 ring, 2105 two brooches, 2124 boots, as Onepoto 3C being all the land in 2125 blankets, 2137 books, 2148 g. chain, Certificate of ,Title volume 420 Folio 2162 case and contents, 2180 suit length, 148. 2181 watch,. 2241 ring, 2247 blankets, 2250 EIGHTHLY All that parcel of land con- ring, 2254 parcel, 2260 coat, 2296 leather taining approximately 3 acres 1' rood coat, ,2310 ring, 2346 parcel, 2359 parcel, 19 perches situate in Block XI of 2376 ring, 2379 coat, 2383 blankets. tJie.,Paekakariki. Survey. District .being . March— 2412. coat and vest, 2426 coat, the Native Land Court Subdivision 2465 fur coat, 2583 parcel,. 2590 suit, 2600 known as Onepoto 3D Number 1 and boots, 2618 suit, 2624 silk, 2638 parcel, 2672 • ■ being all the land in Certificate Of rug, 2678 suit, 2705 coat and scarf, 2858 1 Titlo Volume 405 Folio 276 Welling- coat, 2881 parcel, 2892 coat, 2898 parcel, j, ton Registry SUBJECT to the restric- 2900 suit, 2963 coat, 2966 coat, 2987 suit, tions imposed' by Section 74 of "The 2990 parcel, 3056 suit, 3061 coat. 1 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913." April.—3l24 shies, 3150 suit, 3165 suit, NINTHLY All that parcel of land con- 3182 boots, 3189 coat, 3190 parcel, 3230 suit, taining approximately 1 acre 1 rood 3280 suit, 3281 suit, 3333 suit, 3343 parcel, !) perches situate in Block XI of the 3362 suit, 3439 overalls, 3409 coat, 3192 Paekakariki Survey District and being parcel, 3493 parcel, 3558 suit, 3814 two the Native Land Court Subdivision ruirs, 3618 suit, 3624 suit, 3607 parcel, 36/6 known as Onepoto 3D Number 2A bu~c, 3730 blankets, 3749 parcel, 3772 suit, being part of the land in Certificate 3780 blankets, 3805 suit, 3822 parcel, 3893 of Title Volume 420 Folio 147 SUB- leather coat, 3907 parcel, 3909 suit, 3917 •II'CT to the provisions of Section 74 | suit, 3956 coat. of "The Native Land Amendment Act. I May.—39B4 suit, 3992 coat, 4084 parcel. 1913." 4086 parcel, 4104 suit, 4152 trousers, 4.167 TENTHLY. All that parcel of land con- shoes, 4178 parcel, 4192 ovcrcoat. 4194 overtiming approximately 3 acres 2 roods coat, 4209 sheets, 4237 suit, 4163 parce . 12 perches Block; XI Paekakariki Sur- 4266 blankets, 4310 coat, 4318 coat and vey-District being Native Land Court vest, 4321 suit, 4333 suit, 4379 parcel, 4448 Subdivision known as Onepoto Block blanket, 4453 blanket, 4466 parcel, 44/1 VIII Subdivision 3B and being all two suits, 4483 shoes, 4509 parcel, 4.i3S the land in Certificate of Title Volume coat, 4555 suit, 4577 trousers, 4598 suit, 304 Folio 89 SUBJECT to the pro- 4600 coat, 4615 snit, 4638 parcel, 4b96 vision's "of Section 74 of "The Native parcel, 4698 suit, 4720 coat, 4743 shoes. 4769 Land Amendment Act, - 1913." shoes, 4777 parcel, 4784 suit, 2 dog boxes, . .„ . , 2 motor-truck wheels etc. Thin magnificent property is known as LOTS CAN BE CLEARED LP TO the Titahi Golf Links, comprising links, -T-T-ytj? oj- SALE ON PAYMENT OF pavilion, furniture, machinery, and plant. - 1 INTEREST. Also 60 beautiful seaside sections, sub- No'RESERVE. divided, roaded, and dedicated, running yir. PRICE, round the fringe of the golf links. Auctioneer. This property extends from Titahi Bay . m ,„ OA to Pdrirua Harbour, and today is show- THURSDAY NEXT, AT 10.30 a.m. ing the fruits of years of intensive work AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING MAand expert application. TERIAL, PORCELAIN BATH, H.P. • RANGE, ETC. This land is sold upon and' subject to ON THE SECTION 118 AUSTIN ST. the conditions of sale, which may be inspected at the office of Messrs. Izard, COMPRISING 35.000 FT TIMBER, ecantWeeton, Stevenson, and Castle, No. 161 lings, 18 x 2, 16 x 2, 10 x 2,6 x 2, matai Featherston Street, City, or at the-Auc- rustic boarding, flooring, t. t and: g. lin-tioneera,-Mesßrs. Dunbar Sloanu Limited. ing, pore, bath, 2 reg. grates, porcelain basins, front door (complete in BAD Legs gone! Varex treatment per- glass frame), 2 staircases, piping, sarkmanent, safe, and inexpensive, tree "ig, moulding. totara ver. front, doorp booklet from Varex, Ltd., Box 1558 AG, windows. 2000 ft 5 x 2. 4 x 2 firewood Wellington. Local Representative: Nursf- :, . m ' building material ot e\ei,\ tlescnpSpence. Courtenay Chambers, Courtent. tion. C. W. PRICE. Auctioneer. VUE make Line or Half-tone Blocka for j all purposes and all Papers from the] " — ~ " 'Kvenuig Poet Printing Works. .I d. Mn supply liolli. Tel. M-040 for your ;44-MO. nfjt qnoUHoa.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 87, 9 October 1937, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 87, 9 October 1937, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 87, 9 October 1937, Page 16