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The fixtures urul srutimla f«i tmnurrow's outdoor guinea are uiveu below. Inquiries by icldPQon* a» to tin) (Jl<i>>uni oi (jiwsipuu»iu«Mi Jf fixtures shoulu u» umile tij dUIIIUK Ui« following numbers ipeclHll) provided «lUi • dew latstallatloo for dealing with fttiuuu tor itituriaailun regarding Hit day's local tporu Sxturas; Rugby. "lii-OIS, Guskettiall ncul Uuckej. 13-IIIS: Assqiilntliin fndtliajt dud ntlmr «tinr'ii H-00S. Inforuiatlon nlll also bo posted on Uie uutiuu iiuanj in me iviinimt vi itie 'Kvuruuii I'ost" frout olttce.' but canuot t)f g\«ea over Telephone 44 ■0-IU, wliloli Is resected for Ou»l ness calls Not 41-tm «nd 44-018 ar« oo nmnei atallaljl*. rnr 6ulunla;'« tuuilirle' resardina thf plnyln|> of Incnl spnr'a t)jttir>"» inquiries should not be mado before U a.m. .Results'Of events for publication In the "Sports Post" should bo clvou without delay by telephoning No. 44-010. RUGBY, Rcpresentatlvs Matshcs. Otajo v. Welllueton, Athletic I'art, 3 p.m.; Mr. J. Wilson.' Marlborough v. Wellington, at Bl»"lfeim. Senior B. Onslow v. llutt B (Army), WaHoßeld Part No. 3, 3 p.m, i Mr. .A, X, Jlorlco. ' Junior, Second Division. Onslow v. Kalwarra, Athletic Park, 1.30 p,m.; JU'. J. Troy. TEAMS. Onslow.—Senior U: Knox, B?nttcy, Miller, Grlffitlii, Brlnenns, Hooper, Fine, 8011, Gibbons. Phillips, McHugh, Morriss, Thomas (3), Levestuni, Kendall, Mitchell. Junior: Mttlo (2), Findlay, Munro, Webb, Slmmoodjs, Gentry, Xool, Todd, Williams, Price, Gosden, McKay. Marks, Wrigluson, JlacDonald, istephens, KUGBY LEAGUE. Senior. Atldlngtou (Clirlstcliurch) v. Combmod Petoiie and Itaiidwlcli Ujam, Bnudwlck School, 3 p.m., Mr, I'cttcrson. St. Georsre v. Central, Ncwtowu Tark, 3 p.m., Mr. G. 8011. Xewtown v. Hutt Valley team. Winter Show Ground,, S l>.m., Mr. O'Grady, Rwerve, Grade. Addlnston (Chrlstchurch) v. Bandwlefe, at Randwick School, 1.30 p.m..-Mr. Findlay. tit. Gcorse v. Eastern Suburbs, Newtown Park, I.SO p.m.. Mr, McCnsklll. Newtown v, Fetone, Winter Show Grounds, 1.43 p.m.; refehio to be . arranjed. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. First A Division Crumolonship—2-45 p.m. Hospital v. ilarlst, Basin Ileserve No. 1, Mr. G. Jackson; linesmen, Messrs. Callaghan and Mitchell. - ■ I'etoue v. Technical Old Boys, Basin Reserve No. 2, Mr. J. Graham, First B Division—First Round Victory Cup. 2.45 p.m. Lower Hutt r. Koro Koro, Hutt Recreation, Mr. J. Sanderson. , Swifts v. Odslow, Nalrnvllle Reserre. Mr. J. Houston. !• ' Scottish Wandsrers p. Wadcstown. Wakcfleld Park >'o. 1, Mr, H, W. Smith. Mlramar 'Rangers v. Nada, Crawford Green, Mr. F. Dean. : Second A Dlvill»n Championship—2.43- p.m. Murist r. Waterside, Wakefleld Tark No. 2, Xlr. S. Bradford. Second A Division—First Round Cup, 2.45 p.m, Institute Old Boys v. Technical Old Boys, Te Aro Park. Mr. J. Dewar. . Watorslde* Marist, and Beatoun byes; Diamond win by derault from Fetone. ■■■ Second B Division Ch»mplonihlp—2.4s p.m. Lower Hutt v^ Stop Out, Anderson Park No. 2 Mr. I,. Cralls Onslow v. Swifts, Anderson Park No. 1. Mr. R, Parfltt: ScotUsli. Wanderers v. Mlrnmar Bangera, Seatoun Park, Mr. ,1. Gueht; Wadestown v. Nada, Kilninilo Koscr\e, Mr. J, Jamieson. • . • Third Division. Chailenje Matcli—2.4s p.m. jrarlst (Chrlstchurch): v. Marist (Welling, ton), Kelburn Park, Mr. T. Chapman. Third Division Championship—2,4s p.m. Waterside: v. Institute Old Boya, Anderson Park No. 2, 1.15 p.m.. Mr. A. Bell S Lower Hutt v. Petone, Bell Park (Woburn), Mr. V. Wheeler; Koro Koro v. Onslow, North Park (Petone), Mr. J. McMilllan. Third Division—First Round Cup, 1.15 p.m. Technical Old Boys v. Diamond, Te Aro Park, Mr. J. Moore: Byes: Waterside, Institute Old Boys, Lower Hutt. Marist, Koro Koro, Onslow, {'etone. :-.■■■■ Fourth Division—Third Round Cup. I.IS p.m. Moera Stop Out v. Upper Hutt United, Potone Recreation, Mr. h. Jones'! Marist T. Institute Lovers, Wakefleld -Park .No, 1, Mr. E. Guise; byea, Seatoun and Technical Old Boys. Fourth Dlvlilpn Ch«mpl«nshlp—A 8«e«l»n, 1.15" p.m. Technical Old Boys v. Seatoun, Basin Reservo No. 1, Mr, W. Cailagan. Fourth Division Championship—B Section, I.IS p.m. . Boys' Institute Wanderer* v. Mlramar Rangers, Crawford Green, Mr. S, Etford; Swifts v. Scottish Wanderer*. Stadium, 3 p.m., Mr. A. Read: Diamond v. Petone, Nortli Park (Petoa«), Mr. J. McMUUan. Fifth Division Champltnshlp— I,IS p.m. Technical College A v. Onslow, Basin Reserve No. 8, Mr. W. Mitchell; Stop Out v. Waterside, Kelbuxn. Park,: Mr, iß.Barbtr. Fifth Dlvlilon—Flnt Round Cup, 1,15 p,m, Seatoun v. Scottish Wanderers, Seatoun Park, Mr. J, Guest; Boys' Institute Hovers v, Toclinical College B, Wakafield Park No. 2. Mr. Jf. Guise; 8053' Institute Wanderers v. Marist, Kilblrnie Reserve, Mr. A. Smith; Technical College C v. Swifta, Anderson Park No. 1, Mr, K. O'Connor. Byes: Technical College. A, Qu* slow, Stop Out, Waterside. . Sixth OivUioit —First Round Cup. Boys' Institute c. Miramar Rangers, Stadium No. 1, 12 noon; Seatoun v. Diamond, Stadium No, 2, 12 noon; Technical College A v. Technical College B, Stadium No. 1, 11 a.m. Seventh Division—Fint Round Cup. Diamond v. Onslow/ Nalrnville Reserve, Mr, S. Senior; Scottish Wanderers t. Seatoun, Stadium, No. 1, 10 a.m.; Swifts v. Boys' Institute, Stadium No. 2, IX a.m. Note.—ln the event of a draw in tho cup matches an extra ten minutes each way is to be played. Hutt Valley Lsafu* Championship. Technical College A v. Technical College B, Petone Recreation, 12,15 p.m., Mr, h- Jones; Upper Hutt United v. Lower Hutt. Hutt Ber creation, 1,15 p.m., Mr. 3. Sanderson; Anglican Boys' Home v. Petone, North Park (Petone), 18.15 p.m., Mr. jr. MoMilllan j Stop Out v. Bcottisq Rovers, Bell Park (Woburn), 1.15 p.m., Mr. V. Wheeler. Inter-noute Aswoiation—lo a.m. Wellsteel ». Neeeo, Wakefleld Park No. 1, Mr. W. Csllaian j Bergew v. Colbeale, W»kefleW Park No. 2, Mr. J. Dewar; Canister v. Hlbberds, Kelburn Park, Mr. J. Moore; Brymay v. Levy, Kllbinle Reserve, Mr. W. Greathead. TEAMS. Petone.—Wickliffe, Dewar, Halnes, White, McLaggan, Graham, McLepd, Patterson, Leslie, R. Cullen, Craig; reserve, T. Cullen. Neeeo Ranjers.—Barbery, McKlnley, Walker. Amos, Dear. Newport, Ootehardc Toplls, Hyam, Rodger, Watson; reserves, Pomeroy, Orr. Lower Hutt—Senior: Moyes, Moore, Rutland, JlcSloy, Butland, Murphy, Haley, Glover, Brown, Cross, 6tobbs. Junior: Newton, Fools, Harding, Bryant, Mclellan, Adam, Batchelor, Costley, Salt, Chandler, Greigs, Specdle (eraer^ gency). Third: Jar vie, Kells, Scott, Gardner, Phllps, Howie, Murray, Haiaeg, McKensie. MeCrae, Bevan. Waterside,—Junior: Turner, Barrlts, Hendry,' Cox, Jordan, Watts, McCarthy, Michallainy, Sraytho, Robb, riett; reserves, Woymess, Flnall. Canister (Inter-house). —Norrls, Mlnot, Caylws, Bowsey, Berry, Cgngrevc, Duncan . (3). Looner, Baxter, Woods. Mariit—Senior A: Turkinston, J. Lara«y, J. Duffy, T. Hlndle, L. Foley, Traynor, K. Eagar, T. Ker*haw, W. Quirke, M, Qulrke, Leonard. Junior A: Swain, JJunra, TarraiH,: T. Foote, Darrash, J. Taylor, V, Footc, M. Huffy, J, Reid, H. Smythe. B. McXamara, H"■feohntoal Old Boys.—Junior A: Totntpn, Renolds, Fraaer, iStevenson, Melvor, Stone. Hayward, Stanford (2), Green, McLean. Hospital.—Wsfitt, Salisbury, MUcs, Todd, Jeffcry, Simon, Standbridga, Webster. W. Woods, Shankle, Dpchiirch; emergency, T, R. Webb. Onslow.—Senior; Brurona, Webster. HUShes, Davy (3), Stevens, Cook, Rudroan, Butts, Cuttis, Suton, Robinson, Rowe, JJlaUa. r Intermed - ate! Heatherwlok. Dallls, Cowan, Mcltnyre (£), Smith, Henderson, Gorardine, Btewart, Dollsro, UmViM. Fifth; L,Stoke« Ross, Maotann, Howth, Renal, Tr»W (2 -, »»?»>»»•■ Heittherwlck, Lawrence, Okelby, Hansby. ™eventhTltokes"j). Gerardine HI, Houston, McHugh, Flaws, Bower, Nolan, Glonrt. Robertr?erßoUKoyroZ|r,n.or B; H. McNeil., r. Taylor, K. LonKbottom, B. Reedy, b. Dobson, E. Ilalnis,' V, Wand, R. Williams, A, Irvlnp, A. McVhce, J. Middleton, S3, Homes. ' • Ha<«.~Senlor B: Giippy. Walton. T. Swinbijrno. Hardle, Rolls, Corrln, Gay, Swjnhurne. Jame», Quickc, Macdonuld, Mcrlvale, Vomton. ■■..'.■' MEN'S HOCKEY. Senior A.—Karort A v. Wellington, Karori No, 2 3,45 p,m,, Mr, H. H*tch; Hutt t, Mvi», Hutt Recreation, 2.45 p.m., Mr. C. Gardiner; Wesley v. University, Kurort No. T, 2-43 P-m., Messrs. W, Purre* and R. Watchman; Karori B T. Technical, N»enao No. 1, 2.15 p.m., Mr. Senior B "(First Division).—Huia Ay. Karqri B Karori No. 8, 2.45 p.m., Mr. C. P. McKenzie; Woliiiißtoh v, Wesley, Crawford Grcon, Kllbirnle. 2.45 p.m.. Mr. R. Rolle; Tmibmans v putt, Niena* No. 2, 2,45 P.m., Mr. H. Martin. Second Division: Tetone v. Huia B, Petone, 5.13 p.m., Mr, ,T, T, McCaw; Karori A V. Technical, Karori No. 6, 2.45 p.m., Mr. W. A. Campbell; Training College default to UniTerpity. ; ■ . ' • Junior (First. Division).—Wesley B v. Technical B, Ksrqri, No. 3, 1.43 p.m,, Mr. W. Jonklnson; Knrorl v. Iliitl, Ntienae No. 1, 1.43 nm., Jlr. W, Kers; Wellington v. Wesley A. Mcßwan Park, 2.45 p.m.. Mr. D. tlognn. Second Dlrlslon; Island Biy r, lluin, Karori No. 5 2.>!•■>' P.m.. Mr. 11. Uolle"; University v. Pqtone B, Nacnae Ko.. 2,-. 1.15 p.m., Mr. H. Kelly;

Pctono A V. Technical A, Nacnao No. 3, 1.15 p.m., 3lr. H, Jfurtln. . . Third (First Dlvisiyn).—Warriors A v. Hum, Hutt Park, 2-45 p.m., Mr. W. .Drcdgo; K;«ori v. University, McEwun X'urk, 1.4 V p.m., Wr. 1). itosari: liitllnnK win by.default frow TriiiiiiiiK OolicEO! Divisions wurriovs U vI'etono, : llutr. 'I'arlv, 1.45 p.m-i Mr. W. DrcOge; Timbinana v. Wesley, Nacnae No. a, -2.43 p.m., Mr. H. Kelly; Hutt, a b.vo. Fourth.—Technical A. v. Wellington .College, Karori No. 5, 1.45 p.m., Air. G. Barr; TJnivcralty v. Welliiiston, Knrorl Np. 0;-1:43 p.m., Mr. 0. Wliltham; technical X '». Karori, Karorl No. 7,.1.46 I*.m., Mr, C. P. SlcKeiwie; Wesley v. Hutt, Hint itecreatlon, 1.45 p.m., Mr. C. Gardiner Fifth.—Wellington College A v. Technical, Karori No. 2. 1.43 p.m., Mr. W. A. Campbell ; Wesley v. Wellington Colleso C, Karori No. 3, 2.45 p.m., Mr. W, Jenklnwu; Hula v. Wellington College U. Crawford fireen, Kilblrnlo, 1.43 p.m., Mr. R. Itolle; Wellington Colleiso I), a bye. Jnterniediato.—WolHngton College v. Hula, Kilpirnie, 1.43 p.m., Mr. S, T. I'aylori WclllnHlouv. -Technical B. Xorthliind, 1.45 p.m., Mr. T. llawson ; Wesley v. /Cnrorl,- Northland,'- 2.<!5 1 P.m., Mr. T. Dnvrson: Technical A v. I'etono, I'atoue, 1.43 p.m., Jlr. J. T. AlcCaw. : TEAMS,. Wolllnston,—Scuior A: ••Shlirralt,- Osbornu, Mason, Newport, Coombe, Norling, Wellum, Xeate, Koks, FerguaoH, Bucliam. Senior B: Hoyd. Cohen, Strickland, Potton, F. Coleman, Weller, J. 15. Stevenson, Garder^ Molyneaux, Otton, Brown? Junior A.:.Stott, Wick, J. Dawson, O'Sbca, Beirue, Johns, (Juiolaii, ,\. Stevenson, G. Coleman, Santi, Johnson. Junior B: Hellou, Ivany, Oeale, Walsh, Ciunther, Glmblett,- Carlisle, Train-Ambler, I. Dawson, Krleto, Ilazlett. Junior C: W. I'rain-AmWer, Allen, Wilde, McKcnzle. Ensor, Hewitt, Cool(, Ilamil," Moody, Elliott, It. Hazlett, Kemp, Bidgood. • . ■ University.—Senior A: Benjamin. Bank.?, Plxon, Newcombe, Johnston, Ecsleton, Shaw, Strutbers; Innes, Cole. Senior B: Win by Sofault from Traininß College. Junior-A: Ollvo. Stewart, Walters, I'urdie, Goorl, Patterson, Instone. Tlenouf, Willianis. Junior B: James, Saxton, Bennett, Topp, Fleming, JlcWilllams. Loslie, Duncan, Gallagher, Evans, Button.- Junior C: O'Donenll, Lomas, Klddiford, Howarth, n^vv-or, Morlce. Bowyer, Jbliannesson, M^eUae, Blacli, Wallace. WOMEN'S HOCKEY. Senior 8.. "WairSrapa V.-AVelHrigon,'N'ewto<vn "No. 1, 3.15 Pirn.; ■•„•• ■>' :■. '■.,?. -i :; .!: ,'..:■....:■■ •'"'.. Junior. *Wairarapa .'v.'SYelliiigtOtt, NeWtoWa':N6.: 1, . 2 p.m.. .■ ~'•".'.■"■.■' '■'■■ '■ ' "•r ■ : ... Intormcdiate ii ' Thirds, Newtown No. S, 2 p.m. < •; Member's.'of tha senior B team are asked to ' wear blaqk. Skirts. .'Tunics will bo provided . at .the park: '' " . .'..'..:. TEAMS. '. ".-.'•, ' .*■' |: ■ The junior team to meet Walriirapa is :-nr :,- Goal. D. Strickland (Hula); full-backs, S. Stroud (YIW.C.A.), E. Gilmour (T.O.G;) ; half j- '. backs, R. Bramley (Karori West), U. : Clemente , (P.T.0.G.), D: Hatcher (C.0.G.) ; forwards, B, ..' Brownloe (Karori), 0. Skipper (Huial, R, 1 Flnlay (P.T.0.G.), P. Needham (Karori). N, 1 Pointon (P.T.0.G.). Emergencies: Forward, D, < Hill (C.0.G.) ; back, I. Burley (Karori). ' The senior B team to play at Newtown to» ' morrow is as follows: — " : 1 Goal, Miss 1). Strickland (Huia) ; full-backs, j Misses S. Stroud (Y.W.C.A.), vice-captain, and , E. Gilmour (T.0.G.) ; half-backs, Misses K. Bramley (Karori West). D. Clements (P.T.- 1 0.G.), D. Hatcher (C.0.G.) ; forwards, Misses ] B. Brownlee (Karori), 0. Skipper (Huia), K. Finlay (P.T.0.G.), captain, Jlrs. A. Laurie ' (Karori), Miss N. Pointon (P.T.0.G.). ' Emergencies: Forward, Miss D. Hill i (C.0.G.); back, Mrs. I. Burley (Karori). ■,

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 50, 27 August 1937, Page 15

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OUTDOOR GAMES Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 50, 27 August 1937, Page 15

OUTDOOR GAMES Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 50, 27 August 1937, Page 15