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SUFFERING from the ravages of mßm*mmmmmKmm^^^^^ mmm L | fe Con g V i C tj m ... no relief for Charles Black .• • /'- y r - \ expensive treatment failed . . . Harley St. (London) 'p; — d..fn... L*£\g^*^\ Specialist and winter in Egypt of no avail — then $£™iJ^]M^ lllw"'^ I Amazing Relief -no more thick headaches - remarkJ" 1' / i^r^ til^W'* \ able hearinS improvement - better sight - head clearer —^.v \ than since early childhood. |£S'^-r^^^i Jw%A No Matter What Else Has Failed l^kß^mj) teM&ut 'B' Will Make You Well . "SfrMhT O^^y^^of 'ffi / Catarrh is caused by germs. Here are photo-micrographs showing pictures of the l-thr.nd'/crTJ'HBn l^s^FJm&k' actual organisms themselves. I . ~r^T I Juf:*'i-\ These germs attack all parts of the body and breed literally in billions, causing all £— -^J^BmLjgttK,^ . A. sorts of troubles, which the average person does not associate with Catarrh. fk ■! The diagram at left above shows the organs which are attacked and the symptoms mm fck I I ■ I which indicate that Catarrh is present. IMMUNISATION i^M F:|^l P|§l] Everybody knows the great work of Louis Pasteur, |^^Hh^J™^^a^^H X™crU IJ aio CriO' OSiStl Ue Pr°Ved that the M. CATARBHALIS. "b."PNEUMONIAE?" TeSuCCL is to destroy the Kerms musing the disease. In many jfA*^T^H ** V*^BB --'**^%?'*S^H cases it is not only (he liest waj—but the & *S?L, - !■ Mr iff '^ * ; "* -i'Bi Br "'!-*'■^J'i*^*V^H The living germs are collected, cultured in incubators, l^fei *£»^ ■ ■■' **$*\ w v .s'■ I' ~> * iv^\ '* x ."* % m and nnally killed by a dissolving agent which turns K^SL I" '. >"* 7 ■ IS *%*■ W--J "1 them into a lifeless liquid. In this way the germs & *■(£»- X: ,■ ■' " ' B^-V<- **'" ?*■}'■. are destroyed, but in doing this the a&P %A ".ifi Hk. '^'>^ ""'^ " "^H ■k^#*''%*R*-'^B arc released —in oilier ■aHHtos»«M«saHBMI MBk^^Lajßj' HHHMMtfMHHi , , the a ( ._ (1 SEPTUS. B. IXKLUENZAE. STREPTOCOCCI. -*flntL~.a^jfe: i';v -s'« *'? "Ifl'; particular ,j«j|^^eß*^^^fe^'> s'n disease is no\v ready m t »■"»« T /• f _^_____^_ /^. **<.*■ to be swallowed in a A//IQ#» hiVQf" inTO^CUI /x ■ , Wm leaspoonful of water JL IV/OC A LI Ol I/(/CL(CU 4f / 'and commence its ■ , > J£, ™~", ,„ work or combating Usually Catarrh starts with the nohe, which is first "T Uorn Piff"III"PC i'-^ff^fc. V "1!l'; s.l )cc'"(l disease infected Hhcri a sini|)le cold is neglected. " • "~'~ ■ '*"*iUI v« 'X^^mM''^^t^L JW^ The cold becomes stubborn and protracted, and the in- ■* m??r -'/i DESTROYING fection sjireads rapidly as the local irritation develops '\ir W "'"< ~ -'4\i the nr'"inic fnnrlinns ' '"lo a ('lir<"litl inflammation; mucus dislodged from the QUr\«A# Umut i%6*HW..« i* of >?,u-r internal or- »'XC.'?''-.»"» "le '"T''..''^^ 118 '"? «•"»%■•"? fi"aJf >' DIIOW MOW «»TpTf ''fcflll/'1 o g-ms The Antigen "ie '"f''l'l' oll spreads to the stomach and intestines. rnw^i'*' Tm whole system catarrh can be TnntiriAn ■P,V '- J^f create" its o^^n natun.l ATTACKED BANISHED JaIIUPGIi ■MSlfcv »<"'"' s r^ist.incc, wliidi in Kvcn the kidncjs, howcK, bind- i* „,,„.,„ ,li.fiiiit,.lv (lnf * O' * wkV lllnl destroys the dor and IKcr may be attacked , !»«•"« fltftiiitcl* Hiat §/M&fc3M^dWsiSi (lis(":!'' c K(" r"ls' P'vill« hs the iiois.oiK.iKi catarrh germs Catarrh can be banished. PerffifiW&M)&rrWul§i B"lilt r(' li(' f and ml' are carried to all parts of the Imps your Catarrh may not be >jjl^ nil"."V' f"r ( var-\'"ff hody by thu blood stream. Tlie serious af present. But .you OOBFRtCS ™ * JSSrffi"™' periods up to ».. tissues are poisoned, destroyed, must remcnber th . v c . ltarr |, WpCI Ol«a jears. If taken period- ilIU | n, e | )o ,i>- i b capped of , l reracnluer lll'» L.llarru LOUIS r.VSTKL'II. ii'ally the disease will vitality. <'()< ;s "o( fict I'etter without bacnot return. LANTIGEN ■ Attacks Each tcriological treatment. It grad- —^ DOCTORS Gl' rln lil™^.'- v; „. ually grows worse until it be- /£ 9 6g\ will tell you the nboAC story is true according to n " v^.'iL/'-prnifc iiitr^ihl rontcs a beastly and nithy ail- A& a A, _~ ... . their knowledge as it applies to vac, ines.v, Inch arc , ,v' : "" " ' mont itself, and it may lead lo F $%\ *f , I'cltl^Zl injcited. Ordinary h:ue to be injec eel in ,; M c'ntarrlialis. one or other of a group of Ufl „ft « J -fr«. Ilvi »s -* the arm and ~>nr sjstem dissolira Kifit is a I.e. f 2 „ ~n (, u moni. l e. serious, almost incurable di- VI& 8 \ 6 j ,i gocous . >our sjstem cannot dissohe them the result is s! J'neuimxocci. seases. \f 8 9 ff> 8J ' nrinnvr tuc nntiDT 4. K. .Seplus. The Catarrh sufferer can V^ **/ REMOVE THE DOUBT 5. B. Intiuen/ae. r,e\er be popular with his conby dissolvitiK them first—all you have to do is lo *'• Streptococci. tiimal spitting and coughing >«^;;;:>^\ ■ swallow the dose. We siimi jou pain, incoiuenience i""^ Illustration. phlegm, his unpleasant breath, /7l (jVpTlflV 2- Th«« a(e tfle and e.\fiPiise from unpleasant injections. We have Unless each of these organ- n))( |y odour and belching of jrt/T^Fsi Mf(\ vil. l:,~ smalL *u. <:t" gi\eu great relief and immunity from Colds, Catarrh, ls '''■«" with effectively ~-md from a diseased, catarrhal fflil/H lvlnlu Uln • • . protu'*r' Bronchitis, Klieunialisni..AßT]lKlTlS, and other ail- and separately, it is impossible Momach. UaL^rjSJSfiaKa ««« m tw »pp« ments when ordinary injections have failed. There- '" Bd a complete reined) for ijiMKnr VTF nFNFFIT P^^^^^^^ iorfa 'LANTIGEN fore w-l-lm we can get better res.Uts an,, we , )EnNITKLY You have tried U, obta^ .t! e^t I ANY AUTHORITY ;- m . thß blood A*IH ■ A^^^ I nwni I E TinVY I'AC'I'T IVV'I- They cannot cure it! It is neeI to prove otherwise, ,md will batk our claims with < i/v ' sets" OUT TO AT- cssar >' to use lllpm a" tlie time A n >"v ft. ■ r-v *r~ *i*± tu'l- \vn ivi/tit 'PMTrssi? '" get e^en a small measure of //§Ps3i£>v BOND OF £500 I^^™&™^ SK /Jmm\ LJt.&f MHMHHMnnnMMm LANTIGKN actual!, pro- '^ B.vcs immediate bene- /^)^g^ \ LanVigen 3"'! vides antidotes lo each one of ','• I)llf '" a few ilses f he. K^l /^K ««tes anti-bodies O\K of Hie most a,,Ki/in C /.v successful ca-rs »! "'*-c bacterial organisms in ~.",."" forTfeivwwk? but this \ /!^^> / wWch "^ .him in «hlrh LANTKSKX has ended long-stand- {'« »"™ »» •» '^.." C'V'K >" only due to the process of V S™"?. <«^" me Catarrh is that of Air. C. Hla.k, «ho suffered nrJ-v thib lv U nor . hnr^' eliminating the mucus poisoning V *^V lustration) «nd Snlnor. J2/4/37. l^kri'hriivu^'/ntc^r'on^: i-« 7»f B apccij , „„„ „, Sn, — W hen lANTIGKN is taken in "P f" <wo >'Ci; rs' Nevertheless, t f e eff<:(:t3 ol LANTIGEN arc permanent! I h,i\e been n Me Imij; «uflcrer from Ca- uater by the mouth into the "^ recommend >ou to alwajs lanliml trouble, and tiied inanv oxjiensive stomach and to the blood J^P . a bottle of LAMU.I^ "Cuies" indudiiiK n convo of treatmmU by n stream, it begins immediately to , h ,'" >'««r Home ami lane a - - Harley Stront spefinli^r. ■ohicli iiidudnd .1 luiitpr create antibodies which attack f<-»' doses each month until you "ill!1!llll™*™"™~™~"~~ in Egypt. Xone brought me nnv relief until I and light the catarrhal germs. «llall- v "aclicale the «liseas ? . .-nmmenced takin B LAXTIGCX "LV , lx weeks ( - RE . XT AU TIIOHITY VIGFN w^'iTio Mosk ai f> T| ' X aK°- Wh... i, N too «„,„ to «,„« ,h. po-n, a nen,e PROVK?, »J^7 ICKVS I".°'^^ " In' ""height f) Q JH IS 10-DaY nf the cure, 1 h.ue been delighted its early Tlle ,^,,,.^1 o ' t ora | im- ' , .^"rrv k sirri lesnlls. munis-ition against Cat-irrh is LANIIdhX IS SAl'fcl . , Sincp tiikiiiK this couisp my head lias been not new. One'of the most fam- It contains XO DRUGS or Go to your chemist and get « Honrer than it. has been since my childhood. Mv m , s s|)ociaJis t s in the «orld anything which is harmful or 1 AWTirCN n > •■U'lil and hen.iiiK i.m« imi.irovPd In n rpm.irkahle writes in the British Medical habit-forming. It may be given bottle of LANTIGEN. Do not <le K ree. and ihiivL'bpe.iennielj tree of the -thick' Journal of February 15th, in approved doses to children ~.-nAnntii. lipari.iclips, which 1 h,ui i-onic to rop.-nd as an 111- Ji):?( ;. .., n)v c^,,,,r i enrc the «.r adults. In appearance it is a put u p With CATARRH for one eutnhlo and nicmablp pail of my lite. ora , ; ill(1 g PIls i iave been mostly clear, crystalline liouid. and it !>» ''^(: ."'"IW J.1. 0" ., J. u\Z''\]\-,7}'r° employed for cases of is without a doubt the pleasant- unnecessary minute. If your -ANI IGKN r. iii.l sinceiely tiiistir ■nill brins- infections rheumatic conditions est and most convenient treatnn,nl .n'rifr'nV-r wTnh n , M Uvf e Wn.: and Mtarrhnl cnterocolitis. ment. and medically sound for chemigt has not supplies avail-eiu-pil m the past lew weeks fiom the fir«t half ( ~ ixH'AL KESPOXSK H\S Catarrh ever developed, whilst r»nr. f-«thr,,n,. M^'uKr'n »Tl' " DEIl' IxITISLY able, mail the Coupon below. (Sgd.) CITAKLES IiLACK. T |',j s considered and jirofessjon- The course of LAXTIGKN "B" Thus if is cle.r lh?t CKirrl.- even nt Inn,, a".'1 yarded statement, how- comprises two Mtles for the PRICE ft 4 14 /_ per bottl* lluis it is ( that l ,itarrli, tvtn of long- • heralds the dawn of a average case. Thousands can XiX /i / landing, can be positive!} eradicated by the use of croa ; rc ]e.»sc for Catarrh suffer- now testify to the above state- «• / «»# LAXTIUEN "B". ers . ment. FOR CATARRH, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, ANTRUM, SINUS, AND ALL OTHER RESPIRATORY TRACT TROUBLES Frinhopn "A" r"r preipiilion and treat- I Q-TOL-FLUENZOL LABORATORIES, i ISiLJQhLL H. "lent of Colds A Influenza. - DISTRIBUTORS OF LANTIGEN, f TanMenr' minimalism, Arthritis, • ' , P.O. BOX 1018, WELLINGTON. 12L I±!C£*± t r Spond.Mitis, Ac. «DC3rS' r! ppease| easeS end m£ . bo«l. of L^, s , tt for the ( « atm «nt ~ RECOMMENDED AND J-c vi^-iPJi^^-cwiy^-i....: I Mfey for i,av kkvkr. STOCKED BY THE , namh^..■;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:; | r ... ,_, FOLLOWING * ' j<inUoeil 'I? for AVUOOIMNG COUGH. I Th« name of my usual chcmUt Is W.A.14/36 I j^__O- r CHEMISTS: ._.. KARORI.—F. Rcirdnn, Re R al Phnrmac>. HATAlTAL—niinlhorn'i Pharmacy. KILBIRNIE.—C. Arthur. RONGOTAI.—F. Muted, Oppose Airport. WELLINGTON CITY.—Gow« Pharmacy, Lamblon Quay; tddic Fletcher Phannacj, Lambtnn Qua), O. W. J. Simpson Ltd., Feathcrston Stiect; Opera House Pharmacy, Manners Street; H. Brittain, Manners Street; M. O. Davi«, Manners St.cct: Claude Prrrett, M.inncrs Street; Boots, 'I he Chemists (N.Z.), Ltd., 58 WitHs StrceC; Burlinglon Pharmacy, Cuba Street: Robt. Johmton, Cuba Sticct; Paramount Pharmacy, Courtenay Place; U.F.S. Dispensary, Courtenay Place; E. T. Saundcrs Ltd., opp. Tram Terminus, Courtenay Place; C. B. McDougall, Newtown; John Castle, Newtou-n. Cecil Pharmacy, 6 Lamb.on Quay: Staple1.. Pharmacy Ltd., Lambton Quay: W. M. Sunley Ltd., Lambton Quay; H. J. S. Rickard, Willis Street; W. S. Wallace, Willeston Street; A. H. Young Ltd., Upper Willis Street; Fred Castle Ltd, D.xon Street; B. C. O'Connor, 25A Courtenay Place; H. H. Furneaux, Kent Terrace; "Urgent" Pharmacy, Cambridge Terrace;-Farqu-harson Ltd., Kelvin Chambers, The Terrace. LOWER HUTT. R. F. A. Jcnncss, V.I.C. Pharmacy; O. W. J. Simpson, Ltd. PETONE.—U.F.S. Dispensary, Jackson Street; X.' Toomath, Jackson Street; C. A, Wfiam.son. . : . AND ALL OTHER' LEADING CHE MISTS THR OU G H OUT ME W ZEALAND

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1937, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1937, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1937, Page 5