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Halls (except parrel tnalll wtll oe nosed •I C.P.0.. Wellington. Cl, and (between 9.30 «.m. «nd 5 p.m.) at Post Offices, Te Aro, "2, »nd Weliiueton East CD n under 'except '«te fee ' "'■'"■.'•■ Farkfi and newspaper malls are closed half »itri malls -..-..-. ', ,- . ..;. Best dispatch for Great Britain, Mariposi (from Auckland), May 29, 8 p.m. . Late fe«, 6 p.m. Sunday. 'Due-London June 25. THURSDAY, 'MAT 20.' '■'"''.'. New Caledonia and Japan,'per'Mahju Mam, 10 a.m. -C.P.O. late fee, 11 a.m. . j SATURDAY, MAY, 22. - : Victoria, Western 'anil .South. Australia, <jfnd Tasmania, via Melbourne, per Waitakl* (from Bluff), per AVahlne, 3 .p.m. C.P.O.- :UU fee, t> p.m. At Ferry. Wharf, 7.30 j>.m. Parcel mail,, 10- a.m. ■ ' ': • .-'..' ■•■■',,-•' SUNDAY,'MAYi;23,:. . ''J ''/,', ' •■, Victoria. Western andrSouthjAustralla, and Tasmania, via- Melbourne, nerWaitaki (from Bluff) t per inland air mall (Id per" oz' extra), 8: a.m. ■•■ .' ■"..:. ■■' !. .'■.■■..-..,:. ... '-, ... "i- ---. ■~-.:..; MONDAY, ■ MAY. 24. ■. ■,-. , ,-, . , Great: Britain, lrelaud,: annXEurope.-for c,otrespondence' specially addressed "per Afcarba" J also'Pltcairn [aland, Central America, Jamaica, British, French, and Dutch Guiana,. Venezuela, Republic- of Colombia, Peru, - Ecuador, |rl» Cristobal, per Akaroa. 3 p.m. CiP.O. late fee, 4 p.m.' Parcel nail 1 p.m.' Malls'reach. London approximately, June • 28.■•■.; Corertpondenc* will be accepted for dispatch by air-mail services In North, South,: and .Central America, also West Indies.' '.' ■':'■ : ' ""' ■"■> ■ - , , .. ~. TUESDAY. MAY .23. , ; /'!X; , Philippine Islands, China, and Japan, per Sydney Maru (from .Auckland), 4.30. ■ p.m. C.P.O. .late fee 6 p.mi At Thorndon Station 7 p.m. Parcel m<fll for China, noon. . WEDNESDAY," MAI 2U. Australian States, Ceyion, India,' ;Chlrle, Straits Settlements, Egypt, South. Africa, anil Italy, per Wanganella (from Auckland) (letters only), 4.30 p.m.; C.P.O. late fee 6 p.m. Farcer mail noon. Second-class matter 1 p.m. Late-fee box outside Thorndon -Station -7 p.m; Air-mall correspondence -for Great Britain, Ireland, .and Europe, via Australia-Singapore-England air mail (due London June ~13),., per Wanganella (from Auckland). 5 p.m.'; C.P O. late fee G «i.m. Late-fee box outside .Thorndo« Station 7 p.m. - '• '.-' -....-:..- ---(jreat Britain, Ireland, and Europe, tor correspondence specially addressed s "per .Doric Star," also Central America,.Jamaica, British, French, and Dutch Guiana, Venezuela, Republic of -Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, rta Cristobal, per Doric Star • (from Auckland) -(letteri only), 4.30 p.m.i C.P.O. late fee 6 p.m.; Latefee box outside Thorndon Station 7 p.m. Parcel mail noon. Second-class matter 1 "p.«. Mails reach London approximately-July 5. ... i Correspondence will be accepted for dispatch by alr-mall services in North,. Souw, and Central America, also" West Indies.. SATURDAY, MAY 29.; ' :. ~' Parcel malls for Fiji. Pago Pago, Hawaiian Islands, and America, per Monterey ("<>■ Auckland), noon. . .'■•,. . . . r, ,', rf Great Britain, Ireland, and .Europe, Dnited States of America, Canada, Mexico, «,«» Indies, via San Pedro; also -Fiji,- Apia; Paso Pago Japan, and Hawaiian Islands, per Marlposa- (from Auckland) ' (letters:, only) ■;■». P.m.; C.P.O. late fee 6 p.m.. Sunday. -■ Second-class matter 1 • D.m. Saturday. Money-orders musi be obtained by noon. Mall closes a . *uck, land 3 p.m. Monday, due London Junt_ -a. Note—Newspaper rate ,of, postage to-United. States of America is %d for each two ounces Correspondence will be «c?'«V n ?,,h P «S by" air-mail services in North, South. ano Central America, also: West Indies. ... ■.. ■■.-■ '■■ . inwako ■ : ~• _ ;'"■. (ArrlTil «ate» «nDroilmit»'only:» May 20 —S.S. Waltaki,' from Melbourne, -Til Blutt; Australian parcel mail for WellrnnUm. B ''Kemuera, 'from i%fe&«* Auckland. English, mail for Aew Zealand.- li I!^^ S^rom' London,^ Auckland' English mail for New Zealand: 22J ""Si/SSIS.^ Wau^llt from Sydney, v* A^-8 -sK." irom - Kobe, ->lm Auckland Eastern mail for. Wellington, 6 bags, June 2--K J S. Aorang./ irom- Vancouver, tii Auckland. English and. American mall. AIR-MAIL BfcRVI«». Great Britain. Ireland, Europe, Egypt, South Afriia and in "mediate countries- served by ?3 For information regarding postage, _and other particulars, Inquire,, at' any] Post Air mail which left Wellington April it, .m Austrana. Slnsapore.- England:< arrived Londo. May 12- inlaot mails. .'■;';. (Unless otherwise. Indicated, malls elosedaily.l Bt AIKHAIL/ > Southern Offices of W jf.f'" d v '"CcrJ Nelson -district).— Daily Includlns bunday. s Monday to Saturday! 8 ajn.. 9.* i ».m.. ais*'a.m» X PJn.;:«.2o'p.m. Sunday: I -to Saturday,: U. 15 a-» r . 2"Nelso^ K«ftdn, Greymouth, ;mnd Westport.----""o-r^omn 1. 5 Hokitlka-Monday.. Tuesday.. 5»loK lo^rlday. * p.m.. 6 "•Paicefsio?" disp'ch"b, Wmail will .» accepted'up to the Mlime;of closinj letter maiU, '.■.'"■/ "■■■ BIT STEAMER.' '■" ,- '■ , - I'icton Uatelock. and Blenneim. rla Pictpn. per Tamahlne (Mon., wed., Fri : ), 1.30 ._p.a. CPO late fee 1.45 p.m.. Steamer 2.30 p.m. ■ Nelsoni Westurirt, and Havelock letter malls foe Blenheim and Reef ton; letter malls for trreymouih Tuesdays and Thursdays; letter mails for Picton (Mon, Wed.. Fri.),- also all mails for offices in Peloru, Sound, (Wed. and B.U. Mon, Wed Fri., per Arahura. 5 p.m. C.P.O. .law fee 6 p.m.! steamer.-7.15 p.m. Tues.',■ Thura., SaC Per'Maiangt. 5 p.m.; - ttP.O. latefes..l "•Souther^Offlces ot'°: ew Zealand '<««{•* Marlho.ough and Nelson districts)/Mon., wed., Frl.. per Rangatira, 6 p.m. CP.O.^late fee. 6.45 p.m.. Tues., Thura.,'Sat,. ..per jyahine. : 8 nrn-■C.P.O. late fee, 6.45 p.m. Late-fee bol »t gates to Ferry Wharf 7.30 p.m. ' ■■ . ' -,' bi train. ■;■,.•■..';.•. ■;;.' Auckland and District.— Monday tO LSaturday malls are closed C.P.O. 1.3.0. p.m.! lat» fee C.P.O. 2 p.m.. late fee Railway 2.50 p:m. Sunday to Friday (letters only). Mails art closed C.P.O. 5 p.m. i UU te«, C.P.O. • p.m.; tate fee Railway, 7 p.m.- .;- .'■■■.' '_ Thames, Barallton, ana Main Trunk Districts.— Malls close C.P.O. 1.30 p.m.. 8 p.m.: late fee C.P.O. 2 p.m., 6 p.m. ,Late fee Railway Station. 2.50 p.m., I p.m. ' i- ;■•, Hawke'» Bay District-—Malls" are closed C.P.O. a a.m., S p.m., 6 p.m.; late fee C.P.0., 8.30 a.m.; late fee Railway Station 9.10. a.m: Gisborne and Dlsirict.—B a.m. C.P.O. latt fee 8.30 a.m. Late fee Railway 9.10 a.m..' Js'apier.—Malls are closed C.P:O. S a.m., » p.m., 6 p.m.; late fee C.P.O. 8.30 a.m.; lam fee.Railway 8.10 a.m.- ,' New Plymouth and'TaranaM-Districts.—Mail* are closed C.P.O: 8.30.a.m., 1.30 p.m., 5 P.M. (letters only) ; late fee C.P.O. 8 a.m., 2 p.m., a p.m.: late fee Railway 9.45 a.m., 2.50 p.m., 7 p.m. N- . ■ . Waaganul and District.—Mali* are closed C.P.O. BSO a.m., 1.30 p.m., 5 p.m., « p.m.; late fee C.P.O 9 a.m., 2 p.m, i p.m.; late fee Railway 9.45 a.m., 2.50 p.m., 7 p.m. Rangitlkei District.—Malls are closed C.P.0., 8.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 6 p.m.; late fee C.P.O. 9 a.m., 2 p.m.; late fee Railway 9.45 a.m., i 50 p.m. ••■"■-■■'■■■' '■■'■■.■ Palmerston North.—Malls are closed C.P.O. J a.m., 8.30 a.m.,' 1.30 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. J late fee C.P.O. » a.m.. 2 p.m., 6 p.m.; late. f«« Railway 8.10 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 2.50 p.m., 7 p.m. Manawatu District.—Mails . are closed C.P,O. 7 a.m., 4 p.m., « pirn., late fee C.P.O. .4.15 p.m.; late fee Railway 8.10 a.m. - '..__.k Walrarapa District.—Malls are closed C.P.O. B a m., 2.30 p.m., 4 p.m.. 6 p.m.; ;late fe» C.P.O. 2.45 p.m., 4.15 p.m.! late fee Railway 7.45 a.m, ' - ... ' ' \ Inland parcel mails are closed dally -at C.P.O. at 1 p.m., 2.30 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 5 p.m., 5.30 p.m.. 6 p.m., 8 p.m (For-particulars .of districts served, etc. ring 44-165 or 44-iO2, or call at counter). Express transit'parcels received up to time ,of 'dosing" letter, mails. Xote.—Express transit parcels .cannot ■be forwarded to Auckland: by'"Limited "Express. The »dvertlsed times-for closing malls by steamer* are liable to alteration.. - The public are earnestly requested to register all letters containing money or valuables intended to be sent by post.. Unless otherwise specified .registered .letters must be handed In and money-orders obtained ONE HOUR before the time of closing ordinary mails. , . ' .-.- . .All books, sample packets, -and newspapers must be posted at this office HALF A.\ HOUR before the time of closing 'ordinary- lettermails. Books, sample packets- and newspaper mails are closed at Te Aro and Wellington East post offices, at 11 a.m.., 1 p.m., 1.30 p.m., 4 p.m., and 5 p.m. daily. ' 1. SUDDEN, , Chief Postmaster. Wednesday, May 19, 1937*^ . ' . ■. ;, Mr. J. S, Haskell, chairman of-the Eastern Bank, Ltd., in referring to the improvement in, remarked that imports into the United Kingdom had increased largely and, with rising prices, tended to increase still further in value, but exports showed only moderate improvement. The, gap between imports and exports had widened to £370.000,000;- and that had to be made good by invisible" exports or the export of capital. ,There were few better ways of. rectifying balance ,of trade than by producing> rhdre foodstuffs .in', our own" country. .Furthermore, in case of war,.;an adequate home production Jwas as essential ai the provision of battleships, "aeroplane's, and tanks.' " ' ' "

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 117, 19 May 1937, Page 14

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MAIL NOTICE Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 117, 19 May 1937, Page 14

MAIL NOTICE Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 117, 19 May 1937, Page 14