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The King has approved of the issue of a silver medal to be known as the Coronation Medal; in commemoration of his Majesty's Coronation. Some 90,000 medals struck for issue as a personal souvenir from .the King to persons^ in the Crown'services'and'others in the United Kingdom and in other parts of the Empire. The list below consists of those in Wellington, Marlborough, and Nelson. "From this list," states the official announcement issued yesterday, "it will be observed that, apart from those in the servicd of the Crown, the ladies and gentlemen -who have received recognition have, with a few exceptions, been selected from among the many deserving residents who were not recognised on the occasion of the issue of the Jubilee Medal of King George V." Individuals selected for the award will not receive the medal for several weeks after the Coronation.

The following Is a description of the medal, which has been designed by Mr. Percy Metcalfe: — Obverse. —Conjoint busts of their Majesties the King and Queen, crowned and robed, and looking to the left. Reverse.—The Royal Cypher G.R.I, surmounted by Crown; below the Cypher the inscription, "Crowned 12 May, 1937"; the whole surmounted by the inscription, "George VI and Queen Elizabeth." The medal will be worn suspended by a ring from a ribbon ljin wide with a blue centre stripe :]in wide and two white stripes and one red stripe on either side. Diameter of medal, ljin. The ICing's Coronation . Medal is classified as an official medal, to be worn on all occasions on which decorations and medals are worn', on the left breast after war medals and all Jubilee, Coronation, and Durbar medals, which follow war medals, in the order of precedence. Ladies who have no other, decorations or medals will wear the. Coronation Medal on the left shoulder of the dress, the ribbon in this case being in the lonn of a bow. Ladies who are already in possession of official medals worn on a bar may, if they wish, add the Coronation Medal to the bar instead of wearing it separately on a bow. It is notified that any medals manufactured commercially for sale on the occasion of the Coronation should not be worn in such a manner that they might be confused with the official medal awarded by the King. The following names, in alphabetical order, do not include Ministers of the Crown or members of Parliament, all of whom are included in the list. It includes, however, certain names of i residents further afield or abroad:— Abel, Joseph, Major, V.D., Wellington. Adams, Frederick Horrex, Mr., WeiAdams, Howard Dartrey Charles, Mr., Wellington. N TT Adams, Jessie, Mrs. (Senior), HereAffleck" Annie Constance, Miss, Wellington. Agar, Sydney Havelock, Mr., Khandallah. Aickin, Thomas-Reginald, Mr., Wellington. Aitchison, Map' Anne, Mrs., J.P., Pal- ' merston North. Aitkin, Francis William, Mr., Wades- . town. Allan, David Taylor, Mr., Wanganui. Anderson, Harry Evelyn, Mr., Wellington. Angus, Percy Roy, Mr., Wadestown. Appleton, Will., Mr., Wellington. Armstrong, Alice, Mrs., Wellington. Armstrong, .William Irvine, Mr., Masterton. ■ ■ ■ P&rnold, William Eric, Mr., Kelburn. Ashwin, Bernard Carl, Mr., Kilbirnie. Atkinson, Harry Temple, Mr., Karori. ' Atkinson, William, Mr., Wellington. Averill, Alfred Walter, The Most Reverend, D.D,, -Howick. Ayson, Hugh Fraser, Mr., C.M.G., J.P., Lower Hutt. Baird, William George, Mr., Wellington. Baker, Alfred James, Mr., Wellington. Baker, William James, Mr., Lower Hutt. Baldwin, Ernest Smith, Mr., Welling- : ton. Balneavis, Henry Raumoa Hautahi, • Mr., M.V.0., Wellington. Barker, Thomas Lynford, Mr,, Wellington. Barnes, Edwin William, Mr., Kaiwarra. Barnett, Arthur George, Mr., J.P., Wellington. Barnett, Louis Edward, Sir, C.M.G., Hampden.' -' ' Barr, William McLean, Mr., Wades- - town. Barry, John William, Captain, Wanganui. ; '■■' ■■■■' Barry, -William-Christopher, Mr.,' Wellington. •'■-.'•";,.' , : : Bary, Edward, Mr., Palmerston North. Basten, Ida Elvina, Miss, Nelson., , Batham, Alithea, Miss.: Wellington.' Batten. Jean, Miss. Auckland. Beaglehole, John Cawte, Mr., Karori. Beckingsale, Stanley,1 Mr., York Bay, !• Eastbourne, . .■■'■■■'■' Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd,: Dr.; Eastbourne. ■ Bennett, William Harry George, Mr., . - Eastbourne. Benton, William, Mr., Featherston. Berendsen, Carl August, Mr., C.M.G., Kelburn. , , Berry, Raymond Victor, Leading Se,a- ---; man, Wellington. ' , . Bertinshaw, George James, Mr., Lower Hutt. ■ •-■:'■' ■ ■ ■ Bishop, William, Mr., Seatoun. Black, Adam, Mr., Wellington. ' Black, Duncan, Mr., Palmerston North. Blackburn, Alfred Francis, Mr., Wellington. • • • ■- '•■ Bolt, George Thomas; Mr., Island Bay. Bothamley, Charles Mildmay, Mr., Wellington. '.'• ~ , ; ~ Bowerbank, Fred. Thompson, Dr., 0.8. E., Wellington.: Boyes, John Henry,1 Mr.,;Kilbirnie; Brash, Thomas Cuddie, Mr., Wellington. ■ ■;,,... , Broadbelt, Sam Atkinson, Mr.,. J-P., Levin. ; ',■'...■ Burke,. James Joseph Leander, Mr., Wellington.' . ~ ~! '. Burn, Benjamirt George. Henry, Mr., ' J.P., Karori. - ' , '•- ■ Burns, John, Mr., J.P., Wellirigtoh. Butcher, James. William, Mr.,: Karori. Butler, Margaret; Miss, Wellington.. Butler, Peter Michael, Mr., Brooklyn. Cachemaille, Eugene Desire, Mr., Wellington. '.■ ri■ ■■■ :. : Gallaghan, Francis Raymond, .'Mr., Karori. •■ * ' : . Cameron, Alfred Robin White; Mr., Karori. ■ ' "• '; ' ' •■: - .. Campbell, Archibald, Mr.,:Feilding. Cajnpboll. Cedric Gordon' Noble-, Mr,-, Karori. ■ ' ■ ' Campbell, James Angus, Mr., Wellington. ■■ ' Cam'pbell, Lachland Bain, Mr., Wellington. ' : ' Campbell, Owen Neil, Mr;,; Kelburn. Canham, Ernest Edward, Mr., Miramar. Card* Harriet, Miss, Fealherston. CnEelfferg, Beatrice. Mrs.. Masterton. Casey, Eugene, Mr., Hataitai. Cashmore, Herbert, Mr., Petone. Chappell, Fred Evans, Mr., Wellington. Christie, James, Mr., Wellington. Churches, Nora Trepas, Mrs., Wellington. . ■ ' Clapcott, Hilda Vera, Miss, Wellington. Clark, George, Mr., Palmerston North. Coad, Arthur Reginald, Mr., Hataitai. Coad, Nellie Euphemia, Miss, Hataitai. Cocks, Harry. Mr., Wanganui. Collett, Stratford John, Mr,, , Lyall Bay. ■;.'■■; ' . Collins,, Andrew, Mr., J.P,, Island Bay. . ..'' . , Collins, Cyril George, Mr., Lower Hutt.; ■■ ■■- ■.■■■■••■ Collins, James • Henry, Mr.,-, Wellington. Combs, Frank Livingstone, Mr., Wellington. Cook, Arthur, Mr.. Miramnr. Cook, Olivia1 May, Miss. Wanganui. Cooke, Philip Brunskill, Mr., K.C., i Wellington. (Cooley, Albert. Mr.. Wellington. Copefand, Frederick,: Rev., ,New Plymouth. .. ' hCorkill.. Thomas Frederick, Dr., Wcl- .' . linston.- ■ - '■■■■-

Cornish, Henry Haveloclc, Mr., K.C., Kbandallah. Cornwell. Frederick Daniel, Mr., J.P., Wellington. Colterill. Joseph Bernard Francis, Mr., M.P., Wanganui East. Cowan, James, Mr., Brooklyn. Croskery, Alexander Wellington, Mr., Wellington. .„ ~. , Cruickshanks, John. Mr.. Wellington. Cummins, James, Mr., Petone. Cutforth,•' Percy, Mr., Wellington. Dallard, Berkley Lionel, Mr., Kelburn. Dalrymple, Kenneth Waring, Mr. Dalton, Ezra Hill, Mr., Wellington. Daniell, Charles Edward, Mr.', Masterton, Darroch, Kobcrt, Mr., Wellington. Davey, Arthur Henry, Captain, R.M.S. Awatea.. Wellington.. . Davis, Geoffrey Harold, Mr., Seatoun. De Mauny, Leon Jules. Mr,. WellingDighton, John Lyell, Captain, WellingDixon, George Finley. Mr.. M.8.E.. KelDonovan! William. Mr., Brooklyn., Dowland, Charles Edwin James, Mr., Lower Hutt. Dowse, Percy, Mr., Lower Hutt Drake, Charles John., Mr., Kelburn. Dv Chateau, Leon Leopold, Mr.. WelDuffield,°Frank William. Mr.. Palmerston North. Duigan, Herbert James, Mr., WangaDuncan, George Andrew, Mr., J.P., Lower Hutt. Duncan, John Gavin, Mr., Wellington. Dunn, James Hamilton, Lieutenant, Wellington. Earnshaw, Vincent Recs, Mr.. WellingEason, Charles Thomas, Mr., WellingEaston." Janet Alice; Mrs., Shannon. Edney. Alfred John, Captain, WellingElliott, 'David Thomas, Master-at-Arms, H.M.S." Achilles. Evers. John William. Staff SergeantMajor (W. 0.1.). Wellington. Ewart, John, Dr., Karori. Ewart, John. Mr., Wellington. , Falconer, Charles Stuart, Mr., KhanFenkm. Ronaia Wallace, LieutenantColonel, Wellington. Ferguson. Alexander Herbert, Lieutenant. Palmerston North. Field, William Hughes, Mr., WelhngFindlay', James Lloyd, SquadronLeader. M.C., Christchurch. Finnane. Kathleen Marguerita, Miss, .. Porirua. Fisher, Selina, Miss, Wellington. . Fitzpatrick, James, Inspector, Napier. Fogelberg, Norma Emmehne, Miss, Wellington. Fordham. Cedriq Victor. Mr., Northland, Wellington. . Foss, Reginald John, Mr., Lcvm. Fouhy, David , Emmet. Mr., Government House. ■ ' " ,„,„•, Fowler. James Henry, Mr., J.P., WelFrancis, Reverend Mother, Seatoun. Fraser. Donald Charles. Superintendent, Wellington. ■ • ' „. . Fraser. Janet, Mrs., J.P., Wellington. French. Alfred James, Mr., Wellington. French. Elizabeth Mary, Mrs., WellingFrench,' Robert Fitzroy Hamilton Pascoe Stuart-, Captain, A.D.C, Government House. . Friedrich, Percy Thomas, Chief Yeoman of Signals, H.M.S. Achilles. Galloway, William Beckett. Mr., PalmGard, Reginald John, Mr.. Wellington. Gaudin, William James, Mr., Wellingi George," Arthur Leonard, Major, WelGibbs, Harry Edward, Dr., Wellington. Gibson, John William, Mr., Levin. GillonV Mauriae D'Ouseley, Mr., WelGlennie, Irvine Gordon, Captain, H.M.S. Achilles. Glover,'-Rebecca, Mrs., Kilbirnie. Goldsmith, Philip' Wharton, Mr., J.P., Good; Edwin Dudley, Mr., Northland, ■ 'Wellington.Gbwer,,; Robert Albert,, Mr,, J.P., Grant'Cecil'George, Mr,, Wellington. Grapes', 'William Harvey Hugh, "Mr., Gray, Theodore Grant, Dr., J.P., KhanGreen, Ernest Hedley Roy, Mr., Weilington. Green,. William John, Mr., Karori. . Greenbergi'Leon Joseph* Mr., Karon. Greening, Robert Joseph, Commissioned Gunner (TO, H.M.S. PhiloGriffin, John Leslie, Mr., Wellington. Grover, Donald Morgan, Mr., WellingiGuthrie, Edward James, Mr., WellingHales"" Everett Olive, Mr., JJf\, Weilington.- , ■ ■' 'Hall, Thomas Donald Horn,' Mr., WeiHamilton,, John McCausland, Mr., Wei- :' .. lington.: ' . : . Harrimond, Francis Charles, LieutenantColonel, E.D., Blenheim. . Hahcox, George Albert, Major; E.D*, Wanganui. Hanjds.JSric Charles, Mr., Wellington. Hapi Love Witako, Petone. ' . ' , Harding,' Robert, Mr,. Raukawa, Hast- !: : ings. ;.-._, • ■, ■ , Hari Wl Katene, Johnsonville. Harris, Margaret Mary, Miss, Welling- : ■■ ton. -.- ■ •■'.-. •' ■ •■ ■' '■■ ' : '■■■. .Harrison, • Sidney John, Mr., Wellington. , Harvey, ;William Osborne, Mr., Welling- : ton. •Harrison, Sidney John, Mr., Wellington. Harvey, William Osborne, Mr., Wellington. Haslam, Agnes Minnie, Mrs., Wellington. Hawthorne, Maurice William, Mr., Wellington. Heenan, Joseph William Allen, Mr., C.8.E., Eastbourne. Hefiford, Alfred Ernest, Mr., Khandallah. Henderson. John, Dr., Hataitai. Hewsoh, Wilfred Graham, Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander, Wellington. Hildreth, William Thomas, Mr., J.P., Karori. Hills, Lancelot Lewis, Mr., Wellington. Hind, Florence Mary, Miss, Karori. Hislop, Thomas Charles Atkinson, Mr, C.M.G., Wellington. Hoffmeister, Albert Herman Theodor, Mr ...Lyall Bay. Hogg, Robert, Mr. (senior), Johnsonville. Hoggard, Dudley Reginald, Mr., Days Bay. Hildebrand, Colonel, Hast--1 ings. Holland, Henry George, Mr., Welling- • ■■-, ton. Holland, Herbert St Barbe, the Rigat Reverend, Wellington. ; Hood, Frances Clara, Mrs., Blenheim. Hooper, Archie Joseph, Mr., Kelburn. Hornig, George Gordon Campbell, Captain, E.D., Wellington. Hoskins. Paul Donnellan, Mr., J.P., Wellington. HounseJl, Harold Reginald, Mr., Lower Hutt. . . Howc'll, Irwin 'Joseph, Mr,, "Wanganui.

Hutt. O'Leary,

Hunt, Arthur Leigh, Mr., J.P., Wellington. ■ Hunter, James Stanley, Mr., Lower Hutt. Hunter, Thomas Alexander, Mr., Wellington. Ivor 're Puni, Picton. Jarvis, William George, Mr., J.P., Taradale. Jeflery, Cecil Albert, Mr., C.M.G., Wellington. Jenkins, Arthur Vincent, Major, Wellington. Jenkinson, Sydney Hartley, Mr., Muritai. Johnson, Frederick, Mr., Ngaio. Johnson, John Oldham, Mr., York Bay, Eastbourne. Johnston, Henry Gordon, Mr., Napier. Joll, Elizabeth Caroline, Mrs., -Havelock North. Jones, Jessie Agnes, Mrs., Wellington. Jones, Sydney Yates, Mr., Wellington. Jordan, Edith Miriam, Mrs., Masterton. Jordan, John Bathurst, Mr., Karori. Joyce, John Patrick, Lieutenant, D.C.M., Wellington. Judd, Robert, Mr., J.P., Masterton. Kane, Robert McKinnon, Captain, s.s. Wahine, Wellington. Katz, Solomon, Rabbi, Wellington. Keisenberg, Arthur Otto, Mr., Berhampore. Keita Pepere, Mrs., Te Horo. Kelly, Johanna Julia, Miss, Porirua. Kemp, Raymond Edward, Mr., Brooklyn. Kenny, John Patrick, Mr., Port Ahuriri. Kidson, Edward, Dr., 0.8. E., Kelburn. King, Emma Ethel Maud Forde, Miss, M.BiE., Napier. King, Henry Seymour, Mr., Hataitai. King, Thomas Joseph, Major, Wellington. King, William Ronaldson, Mr., Ngaio. Kirk, Harry Borrer, Mr., Wellington. Kirk, James Robert, Major, M.8.E., J.P., Upper Hutt. Kirkcaldic, Sydney, Mr., Karori. Kittq, Adolph Charles, Mr., J.P., WclLambie, Mai-y Isabel, Miss, Wadestown. Lambourne, Nelson Thomas, Mr., Khandallah. t „ Lange, Ernest Heinrich Ezart, Mr., Langford! Ernest Harold, Mr., WellingLangstone, Agnes, Mrs., Wellington. La Trobe, William Sanderson, Mr., Laumison," George Lyttelton, Mr., Kelburn. Lawn, Edmund Henry, Mr., Karon. Ledger, Catherine, Mrs., Wellington. Lee, Walter Bernard, Mr, Kilbirnie. Levick, Alfred John, Mr., Karori. Undsay, Frederick, Mr Wellington. Lock, William, Mr. J.P.. Nelson Lodder, William George Mr., Petone. Loney George Henry, Mr., Kelburn. Lopdeil, Francis CecU Mr.. Wellington. Lovatt, Cyrus James, Mr,.Hataitai. Lovelock, John Edward, Mr., London. Luke Kenneth Ewart, Mr., Wellington. Lusty, Charles Frank, Mr., Petone. . Lusty, Horace Campbell, Mr., Karori. McCaskill, Donald, Mr., Kelburn. McCaul. Malcolm Graeme Cox, Mi., McCOTkindale?" Margaret. Mrs., FeildMcD^rmott, James. Mr., Kelbuvn Mac Donald, Beauchamp Ronald, Mr., J.P., Geraldine. . Mac Donald, John William, Mr., KelMeGa Uvo nek, Alexander- Douglas, Mr., .-• Wellington. . _ Mcllraith, James Wordsworth, Dr., Mclntosh,nAlister Donald, Mr., WcllinsMacKenzie, Hugh, Professor, C.M.G., McKenzic""jamcs Hector, Mr., Island McKenz'ie, Leonard Stuart Wilmore, Mr., J.P., Wellington. Mackintosh, Donald Alexander, Mr., Wellington. McLeod, Alexander, Mr., Miramar. ■ McLeod, Alexander Donald; the Honourable, Maryborough. McLeod, James, the Honourable, M.L.C., New Plymouth. McNamara, George, Mr., C.8.E., Lower McQueen, Barbara Rose, Miss, WelMcVilly,°Richard William, Mr., M.V.0., J.P., Wellington. Mackley, Garnet Hercules, Mr., Lower Hutt. Madden, John,.Mr... Karon..: Madden, Richard Francis, Mr., WelMageef James Dowdell, Mr., WellingMaginre. James Richard, Mr., Lower Mair, UJohn Thomas, Mr., Khandallah. Malcon, Patrick James, Mr., Gisborne. Mander, Alfred Ernest, Mr., WellingManson, Alexander John McKay, - Lieutenant-Colonel, M.C., E.D., Mark,aThomas, Mr., J.P., Kelburn, Marks. Rowland Oswald Colin, Major, D.C.M., Wanganui. Marris, Charles Allan Mr., Kelburn. Marsden, Ernest, Dr., C.8.E., J.P., Kelburn. Marshall. Arthur. Mr., Lower Hutt Martin, Harriet Wilhemina, Mrs., Wellington. ' ' "'„'."'■' Masefield. John, Mr., Nelson. . Maslen, Elsie. May, ,;Mrs., Wellington. Mason, Dulcia Martina, Mrs.; WellingMathews, Royaen Charles, Mr., WelMawteie^'Rangi, .The ' Honourable, M.L.C:, Palmerston North. ■ Mawhinney, Marion, Miss, Wellington. Miles Percy Vincent Richard Charles,, Mr,.' Wellington. ' „ Millar,"' Marguerite Helen, Mrs., NewMiller; V William Patrick, Mr., WangaBertram William, Mr., SeaMillington, Sydney Smith, Mr., Lower Mitahell," Elsie, Mrs., Lower Hutt. . Mitchell, John AlfredT Mr., WelhngMorik, George Alexander, Mr., J.P., Waikanae. Monteith, Alexander Lamont, Mr., Moore, Florence Matilda, Mrs., John- : Morris nVEdwiri Grave, Captain, WadesMorrison," .Hugh,"Mr., Masterton. _ . Mountjoy, William Joseph, Mr., WelWUlig'an, 0 Arthur William, Mr., Northland,' Wellington. . Murdoch, Alfred James, Mr., Wha•ngarei. Murison, Athol- Huntly, Mr., Welling.:Nash?nLottie May, Mrs., Wellington. Naulls, Albert • Edward, Mr., Govern- ■• ment House. ... Nelson, George, Mr., Wanganui. Newall, Walter Richard, Mr., Brooklyn. Newcombe, Mildred Annie, Miss, J.P., Castlecliff, Wanganui. Newell,.Herbert William, Reverend, Wellington. , _, _ Newson, Henry Hargood, Mr., Palmerston North. Nicholls, Charles Henry, Mr., WellingNimmo! Robert Hamilton, Mr., J.P., Nixon? Roland Elliott, Mr., Wellington. Nosworhty,: William, the Honourable Sir, K.C.M.G., Ash burton. O'Donnell, John Henry, Mr., WcllmgO'Donn'ell, William, Mr., Palmerston North. Ogilvie, Sidney Alexander, Mr., Lower Hutt. . ... O'Leary, Humphrey Frapcis, Mr. K.C., Wellington. Olphert, Wybrants, Captain, D.5.0.; D.S.C., R.D., Lower Hutt. O'Malley, Harry, Mr., Wellington. O'Regan, Patrick Joseph Burke, Mr., Island Bay. Ocborn. Louis Herbert. Mr., Karori. O'Shea, Mary, Miss, Wellington. O'Shea, Thomas, The Most Reverend, D.D-, Wellington. Ostler, Henry Hubert, The Honourable. Wellington. Page, Frank, Mr., J.P., Takaka, Nelson. Page, John George, Mr., Takaka, Nelson. Page. Edward; The Honourable, Wellington. Page, William Meek, Mr., Karon. Palmer, Alice May, Miss, Wellington. Paraire Paikea, Wanganui. Park,' Alexander Dallas, Mr., C.M.G., J.P., Hataitai. Park, James Miller, Mr., Seatoun. Park, Jean Gladys, Miss, Wellington. Park, Ron Stewart, Major, Wellington. Parlane, Andrew, Mr., J.P., Wellington. ....

Parr, Christopher James, The Honourable Sir, G.C.M.G., Auckland. Parr, Edward James, Mr., Kelburn. Parr, Oliven Morva, Mrs., Wanganui. Parry, Georgina, Mrs., Wellington. Paterson, Ada Gertrude, Dr., Kelburn. Pearce, Philip George, Mr., Kelburn. Peren, Geoffrey Sylvester, Mr., Palmerston North. Perreau, Mark Edwin, Mr., J.P., Foxton. Peterson, Peter Stanley, Captain, Kelburn. Phillips, James Thomas, Mr., Wellington. Picot, Francis Raymond, Mr., Karon. Piper, Charles Albert, Mr., Wanganui. Pitts, Charles Edward, Mr., Wellington. Potter, John Forsyth, Major, Nelson. Pottinger, George Morrison, Mr., Khandallah. Pound, Thomas, Mr., Wellington. Poulton, Elhar Nathaniel George, Mr., J.P., Wellington. Pow. James, Colonel, D.5.0., Wellington. Preslney, Albert, Battery SergeantMajor (W.O. .II), Wellington. Ramsay, Peter Scott, Mr., Ngaio. Reed, John Ranken, The Honourable Sir, C.8.E., V.D., K.C., Wellington. Reid, John Stanhope, Mr., Wellington. Rennie, Anne Derby, Miss, Wellington. Richardson, Charles Thomas, Mr., Eketahuna. Richardson, Harry Linley, Mr., Palmerston North. Rickard,'Herbert'James Stanley, Mr., Wellington. Riddell, Gerard Joseph, Mr., Picton. Riddet, William, Professor, Palmerston Ridling, Randolph Gordon, Mr., Wellington:" ' ' ■"■ " ' Riley, Robert Paterson, Mr., WellingRilchi?,' Thomas Russell, Dr., WellingRoach, Charles Edward, Sub-inspector, Wellington. ■■■■ „. Robb, Elsie Mary, Miss, Wellington. Robbie, Arthur David, • Mr., WellingRobertson, Donald, Mr., 1.5.0., Wellington. . ; Robertson, John, Mr., Wanganui. Robertson! John, Mr:, M.P.,: Welhng- ; ton. Robertson, Peter, Mr., Upper Hult Robson, Heriry," Major, E.D.V Blen- ■ heim. - . ■ ■ . ■ Rose, George Gauld, Mr., Lyall Bay.Ross, Allan Barnard Washington, 'Mi-., Khandallah; ■■..■•'• Ross,' Frank Leslie, Mr., Plimmerton, Row, Robert Amos, Lieutenant-Colonel, ■"D.'S.O:, 'Wellington.'1 ' * ",' , Rowllings, Edwai'dJTalbot, Major, We}-: lington. " ■ ■ "■'_■ Russell, George Warren, the Honourable, Eastbourne. Russe)], John, Dr., Wadestown. . Rutherfurd, James Willoughby, Mr., Palmerston North. . Sanderson, Ernest Valentine, Captain, Paekakariki.: "' r . Saunders, Alice Marion, Miss, Eastbourne. '•'' ■' _ ' '.'■' . Schierning, Waldemar, Mr., Karon. Schmitt; Louis John:' Mn, Hataitai. Scholefield, Albert, Mr.,' F.etoneI.' _ Scott, Thomas Millar, Lieutenant, Palmerston North. ■' '■ Scrimgeour, Colin Graham, Reverend, Auckland. : Seagar, Frederick, Mr., Wellington. Seddon. Thomas Edward Youd, Mr., Wellington. ' '.' ■ ' ' ' Seed Arthur James, -Mr., Wellington. Semple, Margaret, Mrs., Kilbmiie.. Sewell, 'Ada ■■Elsie,- Miss,' Point' Hals-. :\vell.■-.-. '■; ■ " . Shanks, Franc js Joseph, Mr., Lower Shanly, William" Johnston, .Mr., Wei-; Shelled James, Professor, Wellington. : Sherrard, Thomas James, Mr., Welling--Sherwood, Frederick Millet, Mr., KilSher'wo'ot,' Thomas Henry, Mr., Lower Shore" Robert Alexander, Dr., HalaiSindair. George, Mr., Johnsonville. Sinel, Roy, Mr., Island Bay. - • , Skoglu.nd, John Philip Oscar,-Mr., WelSleight^Kenneth: Mathison, Mr., Lower Slim^Tliomas William, Mr., Lower Smaiiwood;. Thomas Nonrian, Mr,, Highland Park, Wellington. SmiS- Alfred Smith, ,Mr.,-Wellmgtan.,., Smith,' David Stanley, the Honourable. Smith Ernest James, Mr., Island Bay. Smith; Harold Digby, Mr., Wadestown. Smith, Harry Louis Percy, Mr. KeL Smtth! n Henry Hardwick-, Dr., WelSmitS gPatrick Joseph George, Mr.. SmirShea John. Mr., WellingSmith^Victor Emmanuel, Mr., FeildSnow, gSarah Ellen Oliver, Mrs., .Wei-■ Spencef John, Mr., Wellington. Spencer, Frederick Montgomery, Lieu-tenant-Colonel, E.D., M.D., F.R.C.b., . Spidyr, e.Ed I|ar n Thomas Ling, Mr., KaSpriggens, George, Mr., Wanganui. Stace Eyerard Maunsell, Ma]or, E.D., Steveils, James ■ Hopkins, Mr., J.P., Palmerston North. ■ . Stevens, William George, Major, Wellington. .'•..- Stewart, -William,. Mr., Wellington, Strachan,. Peter Donald Wallace, Lieu-tehant-Colopel, .E.D., Palmerston Sullivan^Daisy, Ethel, Mrs., WellingSullivan, Margaret Mary, Miss, WelSutch? gWiliiam Ball,' Dr., Welliiigton. Sykes, George Robert, Mr., Masterton. Taite Te Tomo, Kakariki, Halcombe. Takarangi Ariki, Putiki. Wanganui. Tanginot Tapa, Ranana; Wanganui. Tanner, George Harold Augustus, Mr., Tanner, Thomas Henry Musgrave, Mr,, Taylor, Lionel John, Mr., Masterton. Temm, Francis Gordon Johnston, Mr., Highland Park, Wellington. Tennant, Robert Brown, Mr., Karon. Thomason/ Herbert Henry. Major, M.M., Nelson. ■ Thomson, Andrew Duncan, Mr., Lower Thornton, Jack Hiliary, Mr., Nelson. Thorp, John Hubert, Mr., Nelson. Toten, Arthur Thomas, Captain, s.s. ■ Marama, Wellington. Travers, Albert William Oates, Mr., ■■■ Hataitai. .Trcadweli; Charles Archibald Lawrence.- Mr.,. 0.8. E., Wellington. Tremain, : Geoffrey. Mr., Palmerston Tripe, Mary Elizabeth, Mrs., WellingTucker." John. Mr., J.P., Miramar. Turner, Bruce Robert, Mr.. Wellington. Turner. Henry, Mr., Highland Park, Wellington. . Tyndall, Arthur, Mr., Wellington Urquhart, Angus, Mr., Khandallan. Valentine, Henry, Mr.. Kelburn. Varnham, Frederick Stuart, Lieuten-ant-Colonel. M.C., E.D-., New Plymouth. . • Vass, Howard, Mi\. Wellington. Vcltclv William Andrew, Mr., WangaVickery. Herbert Douglas, Mr., WelWalker, Le'titia, Agnes, Miss, Wellington. . > Walsh, Fintan Patrick. Mr., Wellington. Wansborough, Alexander Smillie, Mr., Eastbourne. Waters, Barnum Fred., Mr., Northland, -Wellington. . _ Watt,. Michael Herbert. -,Dr., C.8.E., Wellington. Wauchop, William Simon. Mr., Wellington. Waugh, John Thomson, Mr., Wellington. Wellsted, Arthur Wansey, Mr., Lower Whiteford, William, Captain, Island Bay. Whiting. Edward Harold, Captain, Wanganui. Whyto, Mary Eulalie,' Mrs., Karon. Wilder. Alan Standish, Colonel, D.5.0., M.C., V.D., A.D.C., Wellington. Wilford, Thomas Mason, The Honourable Sir., K.C.M.G., K.C., Heretaunga. . Williams, David Owen, Mr., Wellington. Williams, William Perkin, Mr., Lower Hutt. ' Willis, Ida Grace, Miss, Wellington. Wilson, Charles Gardiner. Mr., Karon. Wilson, ..Dpvid,, Mr., Wellington. Wilson, • George Thomas, Mr., Kelburn.

Wilson, " Ivan Stuart, LieutenantColonel, M.C., M.D., F.R.C.S., Palmerston North. Wilson. Robert Stephen, Mr., Baring Head, Wellington. Wilson, William Wanlockhcad, Mr., Brooklyn. Wiltshire, Helen Sophia, Miss, Island Bay. Windley, Ernest, Mr., Porirua. Wise, Edward Wcllesley, Mr., Eastbourne. Wogan, Rupert Samuel, Mr,, Kilbirnie. Wood, Andrew, Honorary Lieutenant, Gisborne. Wood, John, Mr.. Hataitai. Woodward, Donald Walter, Mr., Roseneath, Wellington. Wyles, Guy Wilfred, Mr., Wellington. Yates, Vida Borrie, Miss, Wellington. Yerex, George Franklin, Captain, Lower Hutt.' ~ Young, John George, Mr., Lower Hutt. Young, William, Dr., Wellington. Young, William Hugh Taylor, Commander (E>, H.M.S, Achilles. And one officer and forty-nine ratings from H.M.S. Leander.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 111, 12 May 1937, Page 17

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CORONATION MEDALS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 111, 12 May 1937, Page 17

CORONATION MEDALS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 111, 12 May 1937, Page 17