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Malls lex'cepi parcel • mail) will -ne '. ctoscil at C.P.0.. Wellington. Cl, and .(between 9.39 a.m. and 5 p.mj ai -Post Offices, .Te Aro, C 2. and Wellington East. Ca as tinder, except late fee ■■''.-■" Packei and newspaper malls are closed half an hour befnre the. time of closing ordinary ielter mails ' ' . ' ' . , . ; , Best dispatch for Great Britain, Monterey (from Auckland), May. 1,-8 p.m. Late fee. 6 p.m. Sunday. Due London May 27, ■ ,-.. " SATURDAY. MA? 1. ■'•'.■■'■.! Great Britain, Ireland, and Europe,, for .corUeuison," also Central America, Jamaica,-Brit-ish. French, and Dutch Guiana, Venezuela, Re--I'iilillc or Columbia Peru. Ecuador, via Cristobal, per Port Denison. 4 p.m. C.P.O. late fe», 5 p.m. Parcel mail,..noon. Malls .reach London approximately June 14.- ■ ■-. ' ' Cuneapiiuutuct .will tie. accepted rpr : dispatch -by alr-n)all;services in North,' South, and Central America., also West '■ Indies. .. Victoria, Western and. South Australia, ■ and Tasmania, via Melbourne', per Waitaki ,(froa Bluff), per-Wahine, "5 p.m. C.P.O. late fee; I p.m.. Parcel mail, 10 a.m. Late-fee box »t gates .to Ferry Wharf. 7.30 p.m.- ■ ■ . Parcel' mailsfor Fiji, i;agu;." t'ago, ..Hawaiian Islands,' and America,• per -Monterey (front Auckland), 'noun. .' . ' . ."■ ' Great Britain, Ireland, -alioi Europe, -.United Stales, of America. .. Ca&aila. Mexico, ■ West Indies, via San' Pedro"; also Fiji, Japan, Apia, Pago Pago, and Hawaiian-Islands, -per Monterey (from Auckland) ■ (letters only), 8 pirn. C.P.O. late . fee, 6. p.m.' Sunday. Late-fee, bo* nutside Thorndon Station 7 p.m., Sunday. Sec-und-class matter. 1 p.m. "(Saturday).- Moneyorders must be obtained by. noon. Mail closes at Auckland 3 p.m. Monday: due London May, .27. '.Vote.—Newspaper rate. of postage to United States of America Is. Vi'd for each two ounces. Correspondence will be accepted for dispatcH by. alrrmall-services In North, South, and Central America, -also" West .Indies . '~-.;., .;; ':.:.'■ SUNDAY; matV2.--: ■ ■■'■■. ■/■ : | Victoria, Western and South Australia,1 and Tasmania,- via Melbourne, per Waitaki,. (from Bluff), per inland air.'mail (Id per oz extra). I%'ESDAY, MAY:4.. . .:■/- Air-mail correspondence for Great Britain, Ireland, and Europe, via Australia-Singapore-England air mail (due Lgndou, May 19), per Awatea, 3 p.m. C.P.O. late fee, 4 p.m..-; ; Australian States,' Ceylon, India,, China, Japan,- Straits Settlements, Egypt, South Africa, and Italy,, per Awatea, 3 p.m. • C.F.O. late-fee, 4 p.m;. At steamer, 4.45 p.m. Parcel mail, 11 a.m. ' . , '. " ' v., . .. wkdnesday, iM^f ».' ; :■>-'■''.■. Great Britain,. Ireland, and. Europe,"'for correspondence, specially addressed "per Ruahine," also Central America, Jamaica,' British, French, and Dutch Guiana, Venezuela. Republic ■of Colombia, Peru, : Ecuador,', via "■ Cristobal .per Ruahine, 2 p.m C.P.Oi late fee 3 plm." Parcel mail, 11 a.m. .Mails.reach London.approximately June 14. Correspondence will be accepted for dispatch 'by air-mail services, in North, South, .and Central America, also West Indie's. I'uugu, Apia, Pago Pago.., Fiji, and Tallin, per Matua (from Auckland). 5 .p.m. C.P.O. late fee 6 p.m. At Thorndon Station 7 p.m; Parcel mail noon. . !_. ; INWARD. ...'.' . . . . ' (Arrival dates approximate only.) . May 3.—S.S.'-Awatea. from. Sydney.. .Australian mall. ' - ':..-'.'.• ■■'. .May 4.—X.M.S. Maaara. rrom Vancouver.v,a Auckland; English ■-. and American , : mail. : For Wellington: 384 bags, 299.. parcel .re.ceptacles. May r.'.—S.S. Westmoreland, from . Lonaoa.. Englishman. '•' • •■" *' ' ~ '„ .Stalls, which ' left Wellington -. on April .-2, via San Pedro, arrived at. London on .vApnl 2G. .V . ■■.'.''■■■".-.'::'■ -.-' ~■■ AIR-MAIL SERVICES. . Great Britain; Ireland, Europe, Egypt,"South Africa and intermediate countries served- by the Australia-Singapore-England air mail.' Next dispatch, per Awatea, Tuesday,. May. 4, 3 p.m. Due London May 19. F.or Information/regarding postage and other particulars,^inquire at'any Post Office.- '-'■■ „" "'■';'" "''";■ ~- „ •Air mail which left Wellington. April' S, via Australia, Singapore, England, arrived London April 21..; , .-., ;. ■'; ;■'■, .-;-,:;-• .''?■•"'.■■' INLAND MAILS.. . , :.; (Unless otherwise Indicated, malls..close dally.l '. ' -BY. AIR MAIL. ■■■">' - ■ Southern '; of ' New" Zealand ~i (except Nelson district).— Dally, Including Sunday, I Blenheim. Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 11.13 a.m., 1 p.m., 2.20 p.m...Sunday:; I a.m.. 11.15 n'.m* '■/*" •.''■■ '■ '. ■- Nelson.— Monday .- to ■ Saturday,-. H.lo. a.m., 2^20 p.m. : • .-'"■ " . '■'. '.Nelsui.. Keetl'un. Uieymouth. and: Westpon.— Sunday. 11.15 a.m. Greymouth, . Hokltika.— Mondays,-.;.-Tiiesdayi. Thursdays,; 5 p.m. . .-. V ''-,'. :!-f' h~i-- m ■'■Gisborriali "Monday .- to ■Friday.>;6"-,p.m.',-- • p.m.; .Sunday, 5 p.m. ' '■-' :• Parcels fur dispatcß Dy-ilr mail, ■■ will b« Vccepied up to the time of-closing letter mailv 1 ' BY.;STEAMER. '' , '"' '.. Hictnn Havelnrk. and Blenheim. Ha Hlcton, per Tamahine (Mon., Wed., Fri.), 1.30 p:nu C.P.O. late fee 1.45 p.m. Steamer 2.30 kelson. Westpurt; ami HaveiucK; letter mails (or Blenheim and Reefton s letter /nails, for Greymouth Tuesdays and Thursdays;,. letter .mails for Picton (Mon., Wed.,- Fri.) i also all mails for offices In Ptloriifl Sound (Wed. and Sat;), Mon.. Wed., Frl., pet Arahura, C.P.O. lat» Tee. 8 p.m.: steamer, 7.15 p.m.- Tue»., Thurs., Sat., per Matangi, 5 p.m.; C.P.O. late fee, 6 p.m.! steamer,' 7.15 p.m.: ■ ••'- ! ' ; ' Southern Offices of New•-, Zealand" • lexcept Marlborough and Nelson districts),-Mon.,; Wed., Frl.; per Kangatira.,6 p.m: i C.P.O -late .fee, 6.45 p.m., Tues., Thurs.-, Sat., ;per'.Wahine,-» p.m.' C.P.O. late fee, 6;45 p.m.. Late-fee.'/boi at gates to Ferry Wharf; 7.30 B.m. . ..;-■. : bx train: >■■ Auckland and District.—Monday to Saturday malls are. closed C.P.O. 1.30 plm.; -;lat» fee C.P.O. 2 p.m.; late fee Railway -2.50 :p,m. Sunday to Friday (letters only) : Mails. ar« dosed C.PiO: 5- p.m."; late-fee' C.P.O; 8 .p.m.; late'fee Railway'? p.m.: '"■■ "", - ... ;• Thames, Hamilton, and Main-, -Trunk Districts.— Malls : close C.P.O.', L3O. p.m., 5. p.m.; late fee C.P.O: 2 p.m., 6 p:m. ■'■ • Late fee Railway Station, 2.50- p.m., 7 p.m... . flawke's Bay District.—Mails ,-are closed C.P.O. 8 a.m.. 5 p.m.; 6 p.m.; late 'fee, C.P.O, 8 30 am.; late' fee , Railway Station f9.10a.m , Gisborne and District.—B -a".m.';* tee 8.30 a.m. Late fee Raiteay-9.10 a.m.;., :■ Napier.—Mails are' closed ,aP-O. 8 a.m:,:- i p.m., 6 p.m.; late fee C.P.O. 8.30 a.m;: flat* fee Railway 9.10; a'.m; ; •■. - ■ -.:-.'■ New Plymouth'and Taranakl Districts.—Mail! are closed C.P.O. 8.30 a.m.,. 1.30 p.m., s<p.m. (letters only); late fee C.P.0.-9 a.m., 2 p.m;, 8 p.m.; late fee Railway 9:45 a;m.. ; 2.50p:m., 7 p;m. .■■■■■'■■ ' ■■' >:' \' \-'- J.-. ■■ Wangarinl and District.—Mails-; :are closed C.P O. 5.30 "a.m., 1.30. p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.mi i late fee C.P.O. 9 a.m., 2 p.m., 6: p.m.:, lat» fee Railway 9.45 a.m., 2.50 p.m., ,7 . p.m. ■ ~-■ Rangiiikei District.—Malls: are; closed C.P^p. 530 a.m.. 1.30 p.m.. 6. p.m.; late: fee C.P.O. 9 a.m., 2 p.m:: . late fee. Railway -9,45, a.m., ""palmTrston''- Malls "are "closed C.P.O. 1 a.m., 8.30 ■tm.Y 1.30 p.m., 5 p.m.-. .6, P m.: late fee C.P.O 9 a.m.; 2 p.m., .'6 p.m.; late fe» Railway B.lo' a.m.,9:45 a.m., 2.50 p.m.; 7 ;pm. 7VlaSatu:Dikrlvct.4MaflsVari,cinsed^C:P.(». J a.m.. 4 p.m., 6. p,m.; lale fee C.P.O: 4.1S p.m.; late fee Railway..B.lo .a.m.". ■'■ -.. Walrarapa'' -District.—Mail! are- closed C.P.O. 6 a.m.. 2.30 p.m.,. 4 'p.m., .6 ;P,m:: ; laje. ,fe» CPO i 45... n.m', 4JR o m': JntP fee,. Raljwav Inland parcel malls' "irt" <-'"sed dallj C.P 0 at 1 p.m.. 2.30 p.m., 3.30. p.m., 5 p.m., 5.30 p.m.; «. P.m.. 8 p.m. (For particulars.: of districts served etc.' ring 44-lfia "'i 4-'^' or call ai counter.) F.xpress transit /parcels received no. W lime .of closing letter,.malls. Note.-Eipress. transit -parcels, cannot be forwarded to Auckland'by. "Limited .Express, " The advortlse* times .for- .clnsine mails b>. steamers" are liable lo alteration. .:•.„- The public are earnestly requested to register -all letters contalnins m.onev or taluaOlet ""tin'lew 'otherwUe speclfle'd. ■reßl«ered...letteri must be handed In. and- money-orders, obtained ONE HOl'R- before.the time'nf clusinE.or.dmary mails. - - ■ 1..--. • • .. ■••■ ■■■■■■;■ ■;,-"•,■■-. ( 4. MADDEN •■'<:; . . ..." ..".' ..' "..' ", Chief',Postmaster. Thursday, April 29,^ 1937. ' • ; ;'. ': r

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 100, 29 April 1937, Page 12

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MAIL NOTICE Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 100, 29 April 1937, Page 12

MAIL NOTICE Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 100, 29 April 1937, Page 12