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'-:xx'x :... ;ffi;B;s'; 19/8 MEN'S FAWN'TEXTURE RAINCOATS—DoubIe-breasted. V, Full ?1:1 /O :; belt. ■~■; ■■' ... - -1- -.. :-v '■■'■■> '■: EASTERSPKICE,; XA/ -U-. 95/-' MEN'S .FANCY i WORSTED AND SERGE SUITS—New patterns,! W /R Latest, Cut; ,: -v ::;:.; .' : <. ~ . .'?■ EASTER iPßiieE?;:':^o^ 59/6 MEN'S FANCY TWEED OVERCOATS—This season's latest patterns. ./fOV/i -: : ,:.V -';::■. V : ; v::. ;■ ; EASTER^RICE , 12/6 MEN'S PURE WOOL SLIPONS—Latest patterns, in Ore'ys" Fawij; '-'■■ Q"',/i Tj ■.... and Brown. , ~ ,-' .; \: ■> '.. EASTER\.PRICE.rv/- 1--11----10/6 MEN'S' BEMBERG SILK SHIRTS—Smart stripes. Two 'collars' to'"/»71 ;T : match.- -.■■.: ..■■■-.:. .-. .| ' : -.'■: •■:■. . V.; EASTER^PRICE -■ "/i: 1"1"'---8/11 MEN'S "DURO" COAT SHIRTS—With tie to match.: Fast 'colours C 7-1 1 : i- *"• ' ■■■•■■'■:■ r- .-■■ ;- ;. v; :; ~: :';..FASTER: ■;-JfRIUE-"/-L^-: ; A NEW STOCK OF BOYS' JERSEYS AND PULLOVERS-With tie'to O/O ,■■:.. match.'.i '■ .■..-,, ■- : : . :'. . ':■:■■ \ ' .-^/:■'.■'.-}, ;.;;.:::LtIXIIB^I>ISW^ "SHOP S WITH THE; CROWDSr;T^ FUR-TRIMMED .COATS—In the'LLast: Wor^W' 1937 "itei^:;S&fi£m& ::'---s<^: Coatings. - Luxuriously; Trimmed; : : ; . ■ • ; ;• : . : :i V~ WQ in i.,■: : -;.i ■: ■.. ':■. ;■ ;;, Easter-festive; bargain.price^fromil^^/:": UNTRIMMED COATS-Beaiitifully Styled in :the'very Latest Coatings KQ /(* ■■;■•■•■', :: : :,' ;:,;.; - iEASTER FESTIVE BARGAIN PBICE--FRbM>«^^A^P MAN-TAILORED COSTUMES—There's no -comparison -.with o,ur'Man--- 1 "^- '" tailored Costumes in Wellington today. -SEE OUR LATEST:'RANGE.:^ OTGN3• ■ i :. : ■; EASTER FESTIVE BARGAIN PRICE-FROM::^'2;., v .,: ';■:' ;■ '.; ■'; ■ ;' ■■ ■; i ALL ORDERS 'AND DEPOSITS; ACCiE^TEp/ :v.-■ J>^:-S:":' I'/: '[':i' I ■ .■:■':■ Vy:': '■::.': .;yL' ■:■'*■ • : t VNOTE: THEfADDRESS—; :,;';! v : ; '*]■'; ''-fl*-VX£i-:^::- -- --17 MANNERS/STllEET^nexCCHas,;;^^g^v^fia^ ;:'ySTILL: ;BIGGER y AND;';BETTEg ; : ;c?;x '.TOM.ORROm ? (TOT China Cups and Saucers, 1/6. Sale Price Brilliant Evening -Bracelets^ 7/ii-:i:'SaJe ■ ? '.3d;set y'y, ■,::"'•■■■ ■y.;, ; V-y -::ry ■■■'■':■ :' ; ;Price:2/6Y:.-.::4i- V:--;/ \ ,y: '.YY .Y-U-vy. ■■:■■ Dainty Chrome Hair Bands, Yl/6. YSale: Chrome Bedroom1 Clocks, froin'7/6^'YGuar-' ..;: Price 3d ; . ■-: ■ .■.'■■. '-.':■ -.■•■ '•"■ : '.anteed.--- '.. V ; "■'-■■ V- -.:■.■'■-■•"*';-:J; Smelling Salts, in Crystal, Jar, 3/6. 'Sale Hand-cut ; Crystal: Salad' Bowls -27/6 -Sale ■..-.■" Price 9d .■ . -■/. ~ ■■■V: : - ./]..■' \ : YPrice" 12/6 ,V;yy; ■..., yY-^-- -r^r,:^:::" Sheflield Stainless...Steek Table and Dcs- China, Sandwich Trays, 4/6. Sale Price 1/8 , ..sert Knives, '2/o.'. Sale Price 6d yy Crystal Scent .80tt1e5,,,3/6;¥Sale; Price 1/China Honey Jarsj 2/6.' Sale Trice 6d Martin: Hall 3-piece"E;P.'VTea ■ Service " China ButterDishes, 1/6. Salb; Price: 3d ~ '£i/ 15/-. 'Sale "Price. £2/17/6 y-''' Antique Brbpches;\ 1/6.'.:..• Sale Price' 3d. ?; •-■";■■■■•.■■.;'■ ;.Y.v::";y,;-!-: Y v*A''AYS::;::v';' Sterling Silver : Plated '■■ Sandwich: Traysi ■.. ■■' ~' '■ <~ ,■■„■ ■ .'■',■'.-" ■' ■ 'rp y~'i;:> r y J'W-'-pS*l*^* 2/? „ -i, Vr, '■■ '■ SW Gents' Pocket, Watches,,9/6 ■YSale-Priced Dainty).Chma I*igures,.4/6; .' Sale Price 1/3 - . 'from 3/11 •'; .i ,:■,,.:: -;"^-. .- Pure. Bristle- Shaving Brushes^ 2/6.. : Sale Gents' Chrome Wrist-:Watches, 17/6. : SaW 'V...: Price. .1/- ■■■' ■.;■•-,- •■■■.....■■ -. ,:, :...-',-- •■ .': . ' Yprice~-8/6 .-V'> ;; ;..-:•'■•■/ ■:')■::■■■■■. ■ ■-■ YY- r" ■■ '■,'•. China Egg Cups,Vl/3. Bale. Price W, Y; ,; Gents':JewelledLevetWristVWatchei,;3sAi' China Teapots, 5/6;. SalePriee.-l/- ■• --Sale ■Price 15/- rV::' ': !': '■ :' French.Pearr Earrings, 2/6.^ Sale Price: 6d Ladies' Gold-rilled 'Wrist Watches;£2/2/-/ Crystal Clocks, 25/-. Sale Pace 10/6 v , -Sale 'Priced/-Y-Y:'.....--.."!:■:■,■.■> y" : ::.!</''- ' ; . Crj'stal Butter Dishes, 5/6. Sale.Price 1/11 Ladies' Chrome Wrist Watches,:2s/-' Sale ChinaV'Salad 80w15,:4/6; Y : Sale Price Yl/6 y ■■, hand-cut,; 7/6. ; SalevTrice S^Sa^^^'^--wY4/6■;-•, y _'• •, '-X ■X : „.>■• „ ,f: Solid Oak; Spiking: Clock's,^:£4/15/-.liale Dainty China Butter Dishes,. 2/-. . Sale . ;-Price- £2/10/-, :I:Y,!:Yi':"?-•' :Y: . "•■ Price 5d V . ...■ ,° : : : ,V .; Diamond Engagement Kings,;from: £4/10,A

Vy-;:: •' V LAST TWO/DAYS.:. ; -< */ \. CHARLIE RUGGL;ES-MARY BOLAND CHARLIE RUGGLES—MARY BOLAND ... -. :■■■..-. •:• -.-:.-.ln— .. x:^ ■ ■■ ■■■■7 ;:V '-" EARLY ■TO BED." : !: ■ l:-" EARLY ■■TOrBED.'^ ■~■: '^ ■;■■ .-.. ■ ■ q.: ; , r-And— ;■.. ;': .../•■;■. f , ■'.- .'^ThejlßETUßNofv/.■-;' " -.-, . .".The RETURN of. ..; .C T- .,;::,, :s6phie LANa.";,''^:v: /.; / Sy^. Sophie ;lang.'^: :;;•:; -i:, Prog.■recommen'deii;by Censor:. for Adults.) .• ::' 3-EASTER1 SPEdIALS-3 "V.'. i{ .. 3—EASTER SPECIALS-3 ' : . .;. ■' : . .Gommeiicing" Saturday. '■; Ist SPECIAL—;:;'■ '■:: r\:'yr, ■'•; ; :-:v'';H.;'..;-' \%i ■ 1937's Happiest,. Snappiest Entertain- ; ■'.'.ment,'-. the sparkling, breezy comedy ' ■ that' sent, London. into hysterics. : ,: ■. 4 GEORGE FORMBY— ■• "■[-^'4 -' :: "■■:" ;■•:■ GEORGE FORMBY- -¥\ ■■■ . : i"': ■'■.. ■ FLORENCE DESMOND, ',■■■ : .FLORENCE DESMOND. .■■■■-•;-; '•'■ :-..: ■'■■— In— :;■•: :.'":':';: ■''■:'■:'■■■'■■ ■> :"KEEP YOUR SEATS: PLEASE.'VV ■'■: '% EEP , YOUR^ SEATS;::PLEASE.";: '(Approved for Universal; Exhibition.) , : ' 2nd: SPECIAL- ; / - : ;,:;;;:.' : The Most Exciting and Entertaining : .}■. . ■:■■/'.; . -Picture of the|year: ;..:; ;l v : ■■'• EDMUND :LOWE,. ~-: ■:] >'i4\ : :;'- ■■'~ ; EDMUND-:LOWE,-: V : ; •/.: ■ ~•"■ Gloria; Stuart —-——^: Reginald penny ■-:'.. -.•■■.■"■ .:;';■-:,/■■'—ln—, I '/-:''■■ ;. :■■'■■: ;■'■''■■ i "GIRL ON THE FRONT, PAGE.'Vy j, ."GIRL ON THEFRONTPAGE." : : . ■■ (Recommended by. Censor for^ Adults.) :?, 3rd-SPECIAL—- :< V /'^K ', -Vv. >:■;. -, \:\m:'<' ■■■" ■ : :GEORGE: WALLACE:..:-. v ;■ . : -■'•■: GEORGE WALLACE ; :-■•■■•;■ y j : ■' '■■■'■ GEORGE-; WALLACE, ■■'.:!'■ .:,i:> •! :' GEORGE -WALLACE •• ■•:": ,•> GEORGE : WALLACE. :,:■ y (Australia's Most Popular Comedian), . ■■•■ ',:" -In a Special. Short Subject. . '■ Singingt '■'• - -;'Dancing:. .'; Joking. - ( ;:. : ; ... At; ;his-Best !-yy, v ■■'„.. ;: :'. Front Stalls Is, -Bac^Stall^and .Back Circle Is 6d, Lounge and Front ■bircle/s. M.. - : :• '■''■■■ No Extra" for' Reserves.; ;-. .;•■', ' Plan at DJ.C vand Theatre v Tel. • 53-OSO. TONIGHT -—8 o'clock —— TONIGHT A' Superb Musical Entertainment Hvitli a ' P " Real All-Star Cast. .'• ■ DICK-POWELL, ■:'-'iiUBY;KEELER ) - JO 4N BLONDELL, , JACK OAKIE, llii'.'h Herbert. Louise I 1 azonda. .- ■:■■.':"■...':■ ■ ■-.''.•■ In/'/..';' , ■■'.- '/■;" : '.-■ ■'•. ■■"■■-■ /■• ■'■■ "COLLEEN." ■.--■'' / ■'-'■' ■.'■ ' "COLLEEN." . •.'/.■' , ; ■■"/ .:'■;'■'.... / "colleen.",: '■..■y;, •.;■-. To make: this one of the greatest DoubleFeature Programmes offered our; patrons • .-:■•' we .'present.;'':. :■■. ;/: v:-METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER'S;;' ■' story of three comrades,- the screen's newest and most remarkable team in '■ "TOUGH GUY." / ■■-■■: ■:■■ "TOUGH GUY." : : • ;: ■, : '-.••■ Featuring: JACKIE COOPER, JEAN HERSHOLT, ' Joseph Calleia, Rin Tin Tin, junior. : (Programme Approved Universal.-. ,/.". Exhibition.) i \. . . y Telephone 51-770. ..%; Reserve Early for : . / CRICKET NIGHT/ - v.- / TOMORROW NIGHT (THURSDAY). Monibfirs of the English and New Zealand Cricket Teams will be Present. Double. . 10s. Evening '.Dress Essential ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS. I^OR beat value—E. A. Josliug. Ring ■ : Specialist (opposite Public Library). Tel, 47-472. y . y ' y

:'- • COLONEL--DE';BASIi/S^ - ,__ : •- ■:';.; -;k: ■ ... MONTE CARLO ; .V MONTE CARLO ~■-■•-- --'-'■ • MONTE CARLO- ; • MONTE CARLO' .. , MONTE CARLO . ;■ MONTE CARLO . F RUSSIAN " BALLET. ' ' RUSSIAN"' BALLET. ' RUSSIAN BALLET. '. . ■ • RUSSIAN . BALLET. RUSSIAN BALLET. ■ RUSSIAN BALLET.- ■• : i..-,'.. 110 ' v ARTISTS ■ 110 OPENING GALA. PERFORMANCES. OPENING GALA PERFORMANCES, GREAT THEATRICAL AND,., ■ SOCIAL EVENT. ' - '■ ■' NEXT SATURDAY, / NEXT' SATURDAY, \ NEXT SATURDAY, : ' ''' At 2 and 8. ■ • FOR A BRIEF-SEAS,ON. SECOND MATINEE NEXT MONDAY. Seats in central positions for every performance up to and including Saturday, April 3, may be selected at the D.I.C. EVENING PRICES':. Reserved Stalls 'and Dress Circle— 7s 6d, 10s 6d, and 12s 6d (plus tax).- ' ' 7a Gd, 10s 6d, and'l2s (3d (phis tax). . 7s 6d, 10s 6d, and 12s fid (plus tax). •■ Unreserved Stalls, ss; Gallery 2s, Earlj door 6d extra. ' (Plus tax). ■ MATINEE PRICES: Reserved Stalls and Dress Circle— 7s 6d and 10s 6d (plus tax). 7s fid and 103 6d (plus- tax). Unreserved Stalls., oa; Gallery 2s, Early door 6d extra. - ■ ■ (plus tax.) GRAND OPERA , ■ HOUSE. RAND ' OPERA HOUSE. . J. C. WILLIAMSON, .LTD.'S \ Greatest and Most • Expensive Attraction, MONTE CARLO. MONTE CARLO - : . ■ . MONTE.CARLO ' MONTIS CARLO MONTE CARLO ■ MONTE CARLO RUSSIAN BALLET. ' RUSSIAN .BALLET. RUSSIAN BALLET. ■ RUSSIAN BALLET. ■ '. RUSSIAN BALLET. RUSSIAN BALLET. ] .' ■ All details concerning: the season' ' are available at the D.T.C. B6x Officef including programmes of ballet to be presented. i NOTICE TO "EVENING i'osf ■ ■ SUBSCRIBERS. ' /. ". CUBSCRIBER3 whose delivery of the "Evening Post" is unsatisfactory aie particularly requested to communicate DIRECT ■ with the PUBLISHER instead of complaining to the runner- boys. 1 ; This course ensures first-hand" • knowledge, ot irregularities and prompt attention. . BLUNDELIj BROS., LTD.. •'" Telephone «-OJO. ", ' ~ WHITE WRAPPING PAPEK ' '■ - WKCAN SUl'l'Lt"

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 2