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"■ •• '■'■■■, '■; :■ '. ; EEGENT-.THEATRE.'. '..; \:\ That ■ excellent'aatress. Miriam Hop^ kins -hits-a new• high• level- in "Men .Are Not-Gods," at the Regent. ■ She •■'makes the; pictur6,",and that is a-big . -thing to say when the second lady Us of the.high quality of Gertrude Lawrence. Yet it is.-a fact—MiriamiHopT 1 kins, lias already:made the picture a ■'comedy success before, the tragic vein (involving Gertrude V and . Sebastian Shaw inithe usual triangle), is reached; anddt is quite reasonable to ,add;that Miss Hopkins, holds up- the tragedy end of the.picture as well as she holds lip the opening comedy.-The. comedy centres; in a newspaper office, the tragedy.::, in': a" -theatre ' ; where. "Othello1! is being played. The distirictiyely English character'of this picture' . is:.shown in the'contrast between its newspaper atmosphere? (which,, within * the bounds of: caricature, : is correct) and the quite . un-riewspaperly newsr paper ."atmosphere" of the1 Hollywood Press plots j'pf a couple'of years-agp,. with their, gangs ,of;foyer-smart., : re-. porters. ?'Meh Are Not-Gods", is worth seeing.not only because it "is a Miriam. Hopkins success-but because every bit .•-. of acting in it is sound and English.' : - '■■'.' ■'•'•.'..MAJESTICVTHEATRE. ',\"[,% : ' ' !'This7l'Make^vYpuw'Whistie,'V:.the main feature■j.atrtheiMajestic--Theatre, certainl lives lip to jits' title;- even . witlibut thej .sing :hits that ,Jack Buchanan" sings ;;inhlsv,own iriimit^ : able style the vfjlni, would be an outstanding success?': The. dialogue is hilarious, and the situations in which Jack finds himself throughout make the audience rock., with laughter. "This'll Make You Whistle" presents : Jack Buchanan as:^'- young;man in.the ernbarrassirig p»sitioti;of> being,, engaged ( . to ."two girls a"tthe\ same ; time,'., and whose attempts ■; to extricate himself from, .the.dilemma land him in further difficulties;-Scenes? switch from London tpv aVFrericln seaside '■•" resort,"for which a iashiohable hotel was reconstructed, complete h with. .-ice-skating- . Tirik, exotic gardens, and: a magnificent, swimming Epplr: Buchanan: is given admirable support by Marj orie Brooks, Jean Gillie, Elsie Randolph, (who sings arid dances with' the star in many catchy numbers), and Anthony. IHOI-; ';-. lies;:-' ; . :^:::' ;::--:: ": X ; : ,;■'.;.:;;";,.;;v'-'^- .:■■£■: ...:;;ST;.JAMES;TOTATRE.g-'V^:- ;- ---■ • iWith all the boisterbusness and fresh--ness of youth, "Three; Smart' Girls,", in its third week at the St.; James: Theatre, provides some novel and humorous situations'in. its .original, arid comical story. Deanna Durbm, , : Universal's new discovery, is a distinct success in the heading role, her .rich ' ringing being outstandingly remarkable for; afourteen-year-pld.girl,, While: her •' frank' arid impetuous manner,delights •all:, She is heard :in 'seyeral -varied songs ranging from romantic, numbers ■to-grarid'opera, "andI.: gives-the same effortless .performance; in; each; assuring her', a: front place in. the1 ranks'of. . •'• the -stars.,'. Binnie Barries as the gilded "shake in' the grass,!'and; her .schentfng mother .(Alice:'Brady)'.•;:giveafealistic .performances.wMch.are evenlyfbalanc- ; . ed-'by the. effoftsibf^Charles vWinnin"ger; Johri^King^Ray::. MillandfcJNan "■•■■"■ 'Grey^an^'Barbara', Read. ■; An" excellent . supporting is screened and ~. ; 'includes ::gazettes':;pf^tHe:--; : latest world. ,'■: ■" news;;: ::'ry'':y ,:'-^T'i,;. '?;*'•'*■??: '?'.:..• V.-'■"'■ •"'-.■•'.■'.'.■ ■'•■' ■••'.■'■' ''■■'. ';-'..'.-:: : :,:^NEWi'OPERA( HOTJSE.".:-';'; > '.'.'.-''.■ ■•-■■■ : There-'fs^no^hm^-V'like1: a.racc1 crowd for engerideririg; thei : good fellowship '■■' of mahr arid- it' carii be said 'that "the Sport" of Kings: levels 'humanity more: than': :any^:' other.v:=i In ;.'"Down . ;the Stretch" at the1 New.Opera House, the truth of ;.this is brought out remarkably in the'story of a fine youngster who is .„ -under, a 'cloud.' ..■', The-story is . staged ; on the famous Santa-. Anita .track;. in California, and there are strong, inter- ■ ests -for other than racegoers in a' fine story.'■■'. The stars are; Mickey Rooney, Patricia.: Ellis, and ;Dennisr "Moore. "Hollywood Boulevard," the'associate . picture^ will delight,: if only: for; the, pluck of' the rqld.silent film-actor who; : determines to get back into the talkies, as;; shown •by John.:. Halliday in 1, a < stirring- tale; pf,the :jealousies,; emulations, :: ,arid psychology; of-those who are ; the ,idols.:;of the,screen..::^: ; ->, ■■'. '.■/-. ■_{ :■''■■■'. . :. ,'• -' ■:^;; : ;.'par^6unt;theatee; .',,<,.'■/•' . Motibri: pictures that draw large audi- ' encesmsuallyVdo so because:of .two rea- ■'■ sons-^good; acting ;,and the; praise':of those'who havei'"already-'observed'and been, favourably^;iriipfesse'd. "Ruggles of :Red' Gap,"; the '"current feature at the Paramount (Theatre, has».. both' s 'of these .advantages. .> .Charles . Laughtori draws, because ;he ,is riot only a godd actor, but .also different Irom the usual ■ run. of: actors,sand '■ "Ruggles of',:Red Gap"-made a-good impression when it ■ \yas: in WelUngton "previously. . The . pictureTdoes '"not;: show";Laughtori: in his' usual role;' but that does riot detract in Jany way Irpm'tKe entertainment. 1 If anything, it rhakes "Ruggles of; Red Gap",-. Laughton's:;.best'.-picture. , iThe supporting featuresr'iriclude a' Popeye the' Sailor cartoon arid a•■ fishing Sport- ., .light.:;.;. •■: ..■;.-\.:';;;.y;;;;0'- :■- :•:■..• ■';';'•:•; • '..' /'';' : -:;: i;;':-KING'S THiEATRE. ' "■-': '.'] The> romanceiol a-pair of scatter-" brained Chicago reportersv.who were sure, of -everything .'except the "obvious fact.that, they .wanted to; get married * is told in "Wedding; Present," which iS'Shbwing. at.'-the?.-.; King's; Theatre. Joan Bennett'and' Cary Grant.: are;{costarred irithis comedy-romance ■.which has,:-as',iits• climax; a.:scene, in /which Grant -sends Miss Bennett all\of New York's mobile city {equipment;'as 'a gift when she' is;.l 'abput' to marry': another,f; man. The j spectacular round-up and.subsequent stampede-.of a maddeni ed'herd, gun duels-between i racketeers -. : and ranchers, a;;freeifpE-'aUJ,fight ..that climaxes in: awildSchase. -across', roof-' tops,: hair-raising stunts and hair-- ■'. breadth-escapes—all these thrills and ' many.'more enliven-the action of Harold Bell Wright's story of the New West, "Secret Valley," a.Twentieth Century-Fox release, which: is on the bill. Richard Arlen is starred. ( PRINCESS THEATRE. The .chief feature at -the' Princess Theatre, Paramount's • "Champagne Waltz," starring Gladys Swarthout and . Fred Mac Murray , ;. is set in Vienria, Where the ' Strauss; waltz1 is the only dance known, until Fred Mac Murray brings his hot American swing band to Vienna arid the. «ity goes swing crazy. Others prominently cast are Jack Oakie, Veloz arid Yolanda, a: new sensational, dancing team, Herman Bing, Fritz Leiber, and Vivienne Osbprne. Douglas Fairbanks, Jun., and Dolores Del Rio, "Accused,? the additional attraction, is a dramatic story.of Bohemian Paris, a. mystery: thriller, in which a young wife is? accused of the murder of a suspected rival in her husband's affections. . h -~; K ILBiRNIEsi^EMA;\' ' ••".. "Kelly the Second," which "opens at the ■■Kilbirnfe. Kinema tonight, Vis a refreshing and delightful comedyfeature .with; a. bit of f. an Irish flavour administered by such- popular sons and daughters of old Erin as Patsy Kelly, Charley Chase, Guinn "Big Boy" Williams,. Edward Brophy. 'Pert Kelton; and others. "Rembrandt" will be the other big attraction. In ■ the title part Charles Laughtqn gives by ■ far his;- iriost searching and sensitive performance, presenting a sympathetic picture of a man from lusty youth to decrepit, old age. It is impossible to imagine a better piece of acting. He is magnificently supported by Elsa Lanchester and Gertrude Lawrence, while John Bryning and Gertrude Musgrove are two brilliant newcomers to the screen.BROOKLYN THEATRE. , The attractions at Brooklyn tonight are "Devil's Squadron," a' thrilling ' drama of the air, and "And So They Were. Married," a-delightful comedy drama. • Good supports are also on the programme. . .


'-■ ■ 'M: :;:'flaza-theAxre._-/ . ' ■': Will Hay,' the well-beloved ■ star of many radio, screen, and stage' successes, is once more in his element in the hilarious farce, "Where There's a Will."-the film from Gaumont British studios now': showing at the. Plaza Theatre. In' the role of an impecunious but( super-optimistic lawyer, Will Hay, falling in with a band of crooks from across the Atlantic, gets into .and out of an incredible number of tight corners, and -proyides much amusement in doing so. 'The story 'concerns a gang from .America who conceive the idea of- breaking into a bank, which happens to : be >under , the., lawyers office. Unwittingly, Will-is led.-fur-ther and further into the schemes of the scoundrels. Laugh succeeds laugh, ending with a smashing and, dramatic denouement,'twith reconciliations and rejoicing for" everyone' exceptvthe unfortunate unmasked. ".:■;Will Hay lives up to his reputation: as , a-comedian with great vigour and he is nobly .supj tported by GinaMaio and an excellent .cast. There is/a good.supporting, programme.-. ■■' '■'''.:;.' '■'■ ;• .-; ..;■,' *; • ■•-' £;■ ' ■'' ../■'■;,' . DE LUXE.THEATRE;;.'.;';'■. > ■ -. ••.v;:,"The: Return of. Sophie Lang" land '.'Early'to Bed'-V conclude at the '-De. Luxe Theatre tomorrow evening. ;,.__■ . The programme commencing on Eas-. ter < Saturday-,- will .'feature.,'. _Geprge Formby; In "Keep ;Y6ur Seats,-Please, the- funniest treasure -hunt ever filmed. The picture is full of hilarious episodes. Formby is.said to be in his element, and puts over.-several saucy songs. inhis naive manner to the accompaniment of his'ukulele, while Florence.' Desmond -ably partners him.,;, Inheriting a large newspaper may. seem ,to_ be a great dial of goofl fortune,:t>ut it has its drawbacks, as : '!The . Girl .-.on. the. Front Page" discovers in the other turn. A"blackmaii;ring ;; tries to set its claws on her and her/wealth, threatening -her happiness and^reputation; Another tn-- ; bujation of ,the; front pagei lady;=is^ier hardboiled :. managing/, editor,;.with whomishe.'Js always-squabbling,._: The editor is; portrayed by Edmund • Low? arid,the 'society heiress; is played, by Gloria Stuart. '-, The third -, attraction win liow George Wallace, the popular comedian,\ in :a'typical ofiering.v;, ■ >■:&. C; STATE .THEATRE.-; r/: An entertaining-comedy of domestic life- in ? Topeka^ Kansas,: is .'.'Wives Never' Know," the Paramount film now Sning at the State Thf tre^.ln.the 'peaceful 1- of-a beautiful home with.a husband who is a paragon, of- virtue;;; Garcia; : Bigelow Bolarid) is' perfectly contented.; ■ until the arrival' of James Ramsay, .novelist gnd-author. of ."Marriage, the Living Death " Eager to win over her -fellow riub-membefs, she invites the ;famous man ta dinner, and to her amazement nTr husband (Charles. Ruggles)..duus him;"Slickface".:and is in turn called ''Squidgy:" ; -They . arex,old : ,college. Mends; so the dinner > invitation is somewhat 'extended. : But "SUckface" (Adolphe Menjou) .is the; serpent the' Eden' of Topeka, for he persuades the happily-married Marcia to believe that" she-is vegetating and; also",: persuades^'Squidgy," muchi* against^, his :will,:;t6'kick/over :the:.lxaces.>:.;jThere rs-ian.exicellent •supporting: programme. ■;::;>'fc-/.i shIorTT'S THEATRE- ■ ;■:';;;:;/."' '■; ThcK pccult ;powers r of mediums'.prove .'fto match-.: for .War^ her Chinese:detective "tracks; down- 'a 'killer: and. uncovers 1 in the -most jthrilline and adventure-filled of, ihis,; jnctures, "Charlie; Chan's Secret," screening- at Shortt's,Theatre.:.The leading ;;romantic:i'-r^esSv are: iJplayed by Rosiha Lawrence^, and/; Charles Quigley. Teamed /withsi Lois ;-,Wilson,, Edward. Everett Horton:,is.' the.-Fox ,*|YduEiUncle. ; Dudley/v which will also ;be ;.shqwn. ; ij He eri'actsithe'.role of:a,small T t6wn,:bboster who1 continually exasperated;/his*' girl until he woke'up and ceased being a-.public'hero.;--;.'.-:;-:- •■.':■•,:.;:' . , . "■'■. '■ The new features * commencing at Shortt's Theatre on Saturday will be "Meet:Nero:Wolfe>arid '-'And Sp.They Were,Married/y^; 1 * ',;•-,";', -. : ".;■ -.: '.;, .)/: ■ :V:;;:!':^-R((OT-'*nEAiiR£.-; - ' "■■■ -■■/■:■[ VThe'iPubiic "Menace,".;: co-featuring ; Jean ■ Arthur.!arid:"George.Murphy, is ■showing: :..atV\;the>';s;R6xy '^Theatre. The"-.: thrilling;;i/.adyentures;:;:-.;;6f-.;■:; the pair commence '.■■''' when '■•■', Jean ' inveigles. Murphy, ■'&, starreporter, ■ in to marrying'get aiiimport-. ant .news story.: What "follows makes the picture one ,of the: fastest; ,::most thrilling .-screen .%dramas.v;;>Romance, comedy, mystery/':and "suspense are blended iri an /absorbing storyiof .mur-, der. by'telegraph in:"Shakedown,... the. supporting^ feature, starring Lew. Ayres and Joan Perry. A delightful love.story is";tpld.against;a thrilling background of ■ fast action -in- a great telegraph '-company.-;;*,; ■;;-;;;:.:. ■-.;-^". \v- : ;{.;-i. Y^^'-^"'^ 'i o|;;?;: 'j'ouk ■■theatee.^';;':■;;. .■■■■■• :. :Reduced. : price .i night patrons of Our Theatre tonight .will:be treated; to. asplendid:double programme. The.mam attraction,'-' The Passing'!of ; the: Third Floor Back," is a: remarkable picturisatiori of Jerome K." Jerome's •-. famous story of a stranger's coming, haloed by the soft light ofs'a divine goodness, gently -smoothing over /the! 'despair of unfortunate .lives,: leaving ' happiness and.:joy where: only. sin and meanness reigned. Conrad Veidt triumphs ■■• in a wonderful ' characterisation ■ of., the Stranger; andis supported-by'a strong cast. The, second attraction, starring Will Rogers, is "In , Old Kentucky,", .a highly-amusing-arid thrilling tale of' the Turf. With.bright entertainment as its - keynoter, VjThe' supporting programme; is of-.1 the usual- high ; standard., SEASIDE THEATRE, XYAIX BAY. "Laburnum 'Grove," J. B. Priestley's famous comedy, success,'has now been brought to the'screen with all its irrer sistible'. mirth. ':•■■• Edmund Gwenn, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke are co-starred in . their,. original -' sta'|e ; :.roles. >Theaccompanying attraction!; is Zane Grey's great story of the Nbrth-West, "King of the Royal Mounted,", starring. Robert Kent, Rosalind- Keith, and Alan Dinehart.1-? ■' -' ;■', •'" v . > ' . '.' ■ : STATE THEATRE,'.PETONE. .:,-■ Proclaimed 'the greatest of all sea dramas, "Mutiny on the Bounty" opens tonight at ' the State : Theatre r after being 'more .than a. year;, in . production. Aside from entertainment, it presents an authentic visual document of one'of the most notable chapters ofi •maritime history;- Three of-the greatest actors either on. the stage or screen,. Charles Lattghton, Clark Gable, and Franchot Tone, head the cast.':. - GRAND THEATRE, PETONE. ■ - A high-spirited, fast-movirig romance, Paramount's "Spendthrift,'' comes to the Grand Theatre tonight; With Henry Fonda, Mary Brian, and Pat . Paterson in 'leading role's, "Spendthrift" relates the story of a wealthy youth'who lets a fortune slip through his fingers and marries a gold digger, then-loses his. last cent when his fast filly fails him in the Kentucky Derby. Starring Lawrence Tibbett, America's foremost baritone, the second feature will be* "Under Your Spell," a riotous romance studded with hit songs. - PALACE THEATRE, PETONE. ■ Baby Le Roy and .W. C. Fields are together again in Fields's. newest starring picture, "It's a Gift," which comes to the Palace ' Theatre tonight. Fields, 'in "It's. a Gift," is head of a thriving family who eat him out of house;and home,..plague his ; days and torment his 'nights.- He is;'also the proprietor of;:' the • town's '' leading grocery store./ ... .. -\': "'■ ' CAPITOL THEATRE, MIRAMAR. .'A beautiful girl, from "outside" pits her love against the pitiless code of the wild in Jack London's "White Fang," now showing at • the Capitol Theatre, with' Michaei Whalen and Jean Muir in the leading roles. "White Fang" is a sequel to London's "Call of the Wild." Romance, thrills,' and a colourful sidelight on modern commercial aviation are combined in the associate picture, "Without Orders," with Robert Armstrong, ■ Sally Ellers. Frances Sage, Charley Grapewin, and Vinton Haworth heading the cast.

TIVOLI THEATRE. Carole Lombard and William. Powell prove that they .'are two of the finest comedy stars' in Hollywoodjri "My Man Godfrey," which shows -tonight at the Tivoli Theatre..' The cleverly-writ-ten story concerns' one of the richest, and at the same time,, maddest, families in ;Nety York—the Bullocks. During a-."scavenger"hunt" in which everyone has to find something that'is "forgotten," Irene Bullock (Carole Lombard) andCorriellia Bullock (Gail Patrick)'set out for a city dump, where they find a "forgotten", -man—William Powell as Godfrey... He', is taken into the Bullock household as butler, and encounters many- strange situations. .Those in the supporting cast are' Alice Brady, Gail /Patrick, and Alan Mowbray. 'Making her first appearance in a dramatic role, since she has appeared 01 the screen,-Mary Boland is the star of the associate feature, "A Son Comes Home," a powerful drama laid on the waterfront of a Californian town. Others in the cast,are Julie Haydon, Donald Woods; Wallace Ford,- .Roger Imhof, and: Anthony.Nace. ; . '■'"'. 1 ':.... RIVOLi.THEATRE.' '.'.-■; ' "Mr.-Deeds,I'Goes to Town," Frank Capra's newest romantic comedy for Columbia, starirng Gary Cooper, and featuring Jean Arthur, is showing at the Rivoli .Theatre. . The story, of .Mr. Deeds and his ;;20,000,000-dollar spending spree has ibeen acclaimed: by the critics as theVfas'test/'funniest entertainment in yearsi' ■ George;- Bancroft, Lionel Stahder, Douglass \ :Dumbrille, and H: B." Warner are prominently cast in', supporting roles. ■ .Robert; Riskin, academy-award winner for his screen version of "It Happened OHe, Night," wrote the screen play from a story by ■Clarence-'Budington Kelland..;.' Clark Gable and:vClaudette. .Colbert" are costarred for-the. first time in the sparkling.: Columbia production; , "It Happened One. Night," which is also on the bill.;■ ■■: Also featured in the cast are Walter Connolly, Jameson Thomas, and Roscqe: Karns. Frank Capra, who. recently -made -"Lady. For. a Day," directed from a screen play;:by Robert Riskin;? which'lwaa:.based ■ on?thei Samuel 'Hopkins'Adams/novelette, which ran in .the;,Anierican: '"Cosmopolitan"'.: maga-. zine?'::ojyXy) '.■;.:':'.1' ■ •"• 'J;'••■'--';!;6'*-::'. ' - "': ' ■^H-'-^yi /rex'theatee'.;,'■;,■■,. ••■■.; '■■■ "Victor McLagien and Edmund Lowe engage in a brand, of rivalry • different from / their i'past screen. ' disputes iri "The Great Hotel Murder," the ■ Fox Film attraction 1 now at the ; Rex Theatre.'^'1 Lowe:, is. a sophisticated writer: ■■.who: solves .real- murder mysteries'as■■ a'sideline..-; McLaglen impersonates a dumb ' house detective ■whp:;has..ideas'.about..himself.' . James Dunn'and. Mac Clarke/are:; featured- in /The-'Daring/Young- Man",as -a pair of-, xival:--:: hewspaper. reporters, '■ •- whoae romance -is .interrupted ■ when Dunn .is sent^to:Gaol by his 'City, editor ;to, get ■first-hand ."information.' "on ■ conditions there.: He' creates a riot-'of-"fun- arid furious excitement while risking his neck: .tb':',raise the. price of a ..• honeymoori. '■: ''■■;.■':. ■'■ ' ,' ' '" •:. ■■.'. •' >■ (CIRCUS OPENS ON SATURDAY. . When/ Sole ' Bros.' circus, begins its season, in Wellington the-SWinter. Show buildings on- Saturday afternoon all children will be given' free rides on the elephants.' The big- attraction will- be ;Captain Andrew's performing lions and tigers, the:, "greatest act of its kind.ever brought: to the Do'minioni" Another star performer; will be "La BellevMarie^'swingirigi balancing: trapeze.artist. • : Other's ; ,'include Storey-, and Lindsay,l .-I'adde'rXstontists,-' the Charlbertf Bros., knock-about>.aero-: bats; .the Lenten": Sisters, flying' trapeze artists, the Manhattan Sisters, four Silvesters; Franchetti: troupe, posing .oil L unsnppprted'ladde'i'.s;..the;.Seven>Deicos, tumbling maniacs; and Sole Biros.'-per-forming elephants; .^horses, ponies, and

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 6

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CURRENT ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 6

CURRENT ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 6