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■;-: MISCELLANEOUS. WORMS,"; every .description;,quickly and ... safely 'removed, 2s. Health Supply, : 127. Willi3; Street, Wellington; .. '■ ■, . t -, RIVER'S Licence..guaranteed,- cqurte- .'.: bus-, instruction; any mate of car; . ladies and .gentlemen only.-' 773 Evg. Post. . ...TNDIGESTIUN. Relief. m 3 minutes and .'•-'■ ■■:'■*■■■■> 'i the-cause removed. Only 2s 6d; Health .V- Supply, -127 '.Willis Street. '-. ■ ■■'■ :» ■ pATARRH.\' We don't just relieve it, >-A -we remove the cause.' Complete treat- •- ment 10s. ~! Health; Supply.- 127 Willis St. ' ,'. XTtFRSING•■-.. -Mothers-rFor-■•: Abundant, ■ ..■■■■4-> ■;:Rich-Milk; and Lovely Babies, take ;,. Paecoe's:Slippery: Elm' Food. 2s 6d.'Health ; • :127.:Wi11i6-'Street/:V :■..- D' jANDRUFF,' lullingl flair, -definitely 11 stopped in' 7 days. One pot:usually . sufficient/.2s 6d.- -Health Supply, 127 Wil- • *" -Street.?'-.' :-', ' ''•.-■■■: f^ONSTIFATION.-, Vita-Herbs or . pills ' '-■' act' like a charm on 'Stomach,: Liver; Kidneys,'and Bowels. Only Is Cd. Health 1 -Supply; 127:. Willis-Street.-. ' '.-•"■ /' .'■ Hampers! Get'it at Barrett's. /••-.:.• --JGi-.-: --,-.- ••! --•-..- -s ■ i •-•-....»".■■;, '-; I-':---:..- ■;■■-'■:■■. . . RANDY--Wine;. 4s .quarts; just • the ~... ..'.thing for/Easter. .Get' it at'Barrett's. f\LD PORT,3s;quarts;';ls9d pints. "Get ■ ■-M-''-aV-Barrett's.'. ;■;'■ '~:- ■■'■ -~ ' "' .... • '-. V'LL .the; Best at Barrett's Bottle.Store. ADEIRA Special! ■'Quarts 3s. Get it .. ~ ... /at" Barrett's.' '." '■ ' FINE' Old Pale' Sherry,: 4s-6d quarts, 2s .6d -pints.:'< Get -it' at' Barrett s. . ;~\roU must- get.>.your, Brandy Wive at . -X'-;,'Ba'rrett'sV'4s quarts,'2s.:pints. ' . OEE it wash off!' Smith and Smiths Sun- .•■■'■ -^ -tested Washable,-English Wallpapers. -'~-;': Specia l Town.Hall:.;' ,;;vj. MILLIE'S Creme-o-Riee.'Simple to mix, iniuse.;: The children love it. "From all rgroeers. : r -.■■'- -■,'-■-•'■•■•.■ -T. OOKVSmarti buy/irour Suit, from• Hei- : ■ J^': 'mannas on easy terms;. Only address. .- ' ':J3a:Coiirt.enay. ;Place. '■;'? :■'-'■- -''_■' ;" ; '''■"in KEY- Hair!; .Uro^.true, naturaHcolour •-'-.'.. > V-v right'bapk'in3;w.eekswith Van-Grey. ':.' .oi fid.;- .P'a'rret^a;.-Chemists. ■ ' .'■ ; ' '." ./CYCLISTS OSiotei;v Knd March, last day, - ••: :-,V.inspection; -reflectors. .-Approved,- type - here. ■',;'C6uchman-.:.Cycle- Cp':,-. .42 ,Dixon ;. ■■ ~.-Strei e'ti'i-dpp.--:'.Rbyal:-'oakJ.a ' ■■:■■-.' ' ■■■'.' ■'■' '■■■ GYCLISTS Note! -.End-March, last day, inspectionl-reflectors/^Approved- type '.: ". : here:' -Qpuchman Cycle':Co.,, 42. Dixon ■-■'■ .y.'-Street.'' (bpp/:Royal;Oak). ':■' ' :.;'..' ■: . ■ ■■\V.EAH.-Huiiiit':Clothes, buy>them.on eaav ■: . :V»: termsifrbm'H^imJxn'p's: ..Onlv.address -.-:.-'' fo» .('"'irtenay Plat-e. ;,''■.". ; .v. '- ': ' ''.- ■■.'.' ; ''pYCLISTS :NoteK) End-March, :last day, ,V T .inspeetion "reflectors.," -Approved ■ type .■f-Miere. ./■-, Couch'man., 'Cycle .Co., ; 42.- Dixon ' ",TiStreet.''(gpp'.Vßpyal.Oak)v ■';■<■■'. ;>'.'■■.■ :..--.Tj INGAGEMENT-Ri.ngs,'.:.-latest1NGAGEMENT-Ri.ngs,'.:.-latest.designs, '■ • Hi. quality guaranteed; prices Tight. Slier-- "'/' :-wood's,^Jewellers; 103 Willis Street, Estab- -; ■■ : :;lishe'd^over'*4p::years:;;-' - ':-''-; ,-: '-,' '■ ■'-' ■'■' ■ 1" W^TJKA'NUIW.INE- radiates, happiness. ;i'he - ■ i-JD S'iciea! beverage," quarts ss, :Kalves 3s' .' Sittely; af' the Grand "Hotel Home Supply -• "-.'.':- fStnre..y'--.''..-'.-:-.■■•.■>.■-:-■•- ;: ' \" ■ :'-'':' :---'i:'. .'■"'■:-■ -.A" BUTTUii ot^'Golden.Grain" Whisky -.' J-/:.o'f\f- makes ideal -present forefather:- Quarts v '•:.• rjs'j;pints.6s.9d...Obtainabla"Grand Hotel ' - Supply -Store.: : :;. ' . .-. ■''■.-..' BRANDY .Sauce is best made by adding , . ...\ Ju!e«.> Racine's' Cognac;, guaranteed eduai-artd-'cuperior'to most brandies; ,vi ■ ! ;I^air pts./ 7s Grande Hotel..; ;: v, -* ."VrURSES' .-and,-Waitresses' rAprpns, Caps, . . '•■*■" ..Belts,- Overalls; 'to order. ;Mrs. Collins,' '.-' -90 Manners' Street (next Scott's Tearooms). '.; piEMSTIXCHING, Overlocking, Dress-. 1 "':•.■"'■;•*-■;.' makiiigjypur last Summer's' Coat Cos- . ' ' ture, Frock;- made" like; new; renovations. r-.- :Mrs.':Cpinns; -90 Manners. Street.-- V:: '. -.: J^KHA'IKS V'hourg trom 3a 6d.: 2 hourr Xi- risit» to: makt Set -Teeth. Frost, .odd .';'-:-:..'h tO: :-.•-'.'.•■ -'■■'. :-- :-':'v :'-: ■'■ ■■■' •■''■ '.',! "PENTAL Repairs in.-2 hours; "prices .-.'.'.■ ■[, +<' . from 3s. 6d, .with ; best,.- materials.. ■"■ ? 'Cooper's- Bidgs.,:''oppvt''Eyening ;Post," .eri- ••'■ .: -trance Mercer'Street'. *-':.;-'--'- .' "-.'-'. ... COSTUMES.' Coats Tor the holidays; you caD.get yours on easy-termf from V-'Hermann's. 13a Coiirtenay Place. •■"'.- , . Elx the Grand Hotel flpine,Supply Store fulfill your .requirements. Stock-. .' ..' ists. every Vbrth-while brand of' -Wines •;.' ■•■ iarirl:;Spintß. ; •£■::.:;■■■'■ ',■ "' .;';;v':.-' ;■; ->'-:'; k■• '-.'', B''-B;AN:Dl!! V rr2T;Qlv.'-^;':.> ...^..j.,..^ '.''.^' : -/ : ;:;.r.r-;'. t .'■'■What-IsVit?^; :-:'-; :. /r;V; rpHE Grand Hotel stocks finest selection ..-. L; of: Wines and Spirits. , :Free.-de-: • •-•'■'. !ivery;to any pa,rt.of .City, ■•^■ i Te1.,4ir024..-. a^Hl4, true ' Spirit--"Go|den ; "Grain," •:. gnaranteed^loo per' .'-'.cent. Scotch;' ~ " ' quarts ;12s,- pints 6s 9d. ; The jhduse whisky '-■?■''• "f ".■ih»'-.GfHTiil Bntel -: ,: ' '■ ■ . '■'"'■ ■>.'■■■':'.'. ;ITIN'O;;;n \?W:l ... , l ;. vA: v,-.- ; ,-r .-JJ'B;^:Df:.^'lN-.OV/'."::;-.;.--...1': V ■.'"•,-': '■/■ ■'■ :■ ; -Is.'the NEW/DRINK-: : ■':■■;!' i:- ---'• .'■■.-: '.X- ■■.'..'-"■ Replacingl COCKTAILS, \'p :•■'• ■ / OOD i'ort is an! essential part ot;; New ..Year fare. ''Gladiatorfis^the:best ■ ■ -money can. buy .t-Qrts; ss. pts 2s 9d.*Grand J-tHotel, .--:,':■-;- ■'.:,-' 7 :'". '■-:.: ■■-.T';;->^'^V BAILLiE'S: Oreme-o-Rice Custard'VUea- ( sefU.-l)elicipus'and Nourishing. Al! ' "'the' best:.grocera have it. ';:?..,/'. . .';'. :-' (^EORGE HOW .teaches Cake Decorat- ; ;• V.. '^y. ing;'j-Sugar' Flowers,. Rechefche ■ Cook-": ing;! Jces'.your'iCakes.' 55''Kent Terrace. ' •"> '■-' ■.-■'■v;iT>S-A^:D'X;V--l-N;o,'; • ■;.'• ■■. ■ '■• ■•-, -•'' , 'f ■,-. -J^-.R-l;-N.1'pi-yiN;.Q^-:'o ;i'.■■: ■-- ••?.-:;.- '--;>.-V CAn-Excellent TONIC- :.. [^' .-' - "'• ..:::With'a BRAKDY- Character.'! V ' COME; to;-Heimann'« for1 Smart Clothes .on easy.terms. Only : address. "13a ' <*o'irteri<y Place.''.;. ■'.- '■ . ■'.'y-:-yy ■■■ :: .' SUITS, Blaiers,-Sports roats.tShoes, oa easy : ,terms: large, stocks '■ yto choose from '.". ■■Hermann «. 13a'..Cpiirtena} -Place. A QUART "Bottle 'of' Golden-.Grain: . ." iWbisky;~is--'an 'ideal gift for the :Neyr , Year.",. Quarts ,12s, pints 6s'>?d.:, Solely -' '•, : ;-:".t-'.Gra.ildfHotel:v'-v-: .■■-. y :r "- -:.' :;■:■*■ - '■■ *''-■-' ■':■■;. B; RJA; N.D,I;yi:N:OV--■ :=,^v;r;'-:': --.. . ■-, < ..-,:R^!N'D.-TY:i-N;o ; W:V; y.^v ■■':'. ■■'■. ■■^A^.yiy^'WOT"- y.K^'V;;y-:-.; .'■ '.■'.' '' 5:V;' v ForVAll-pccaslons. f,:; Tj \. ''.'/" '?.;.. EAD;';Legs -'permanently, : healed:' with . . IVarex-metho'd..'".Free s booklet-: 'Varsx, : Ltd.,,"Box;: 1558 A.G..V'WellingtonI.'•. Local '. Representative: .Nuree: Spenc'e,- Courtenay . Chambers, Courtenay/'Place. :..'• - ■"..-'' •-: ■." - :- -■■.;, 'T-rrf, ' FROM,,;the• Shop .opposite: the,. Public ■■■■' Library :.areythe best '■ value- in' town. lAEEX- "AND CO^ .7-17 Allen.:Street, J ..■...'-.•>-. '■■ Wellingtoni'>;.'■■■ ;'; ■•' '"■'■-. -,; -. ■ ■~.■'■''-■: '■ Agents tor '•.'■■■ '■■■'•". '■'■ ■ -..'.-'' '■■''-.' ':•''■■. ' :'-'■'-. "■ .' •'' '■'■ '•■■■ '' -I ' THE GAMBLE ELECTRiC INCUBATOR ; Now.-en:-. View, at above Address.■:. Ail.-particalars 'and-prices'on application. Full Wpplies of.;PpT7LTRY and STOCK FOOD-always, on hand. ■ :/ I ;■'■■'" A. TRUL SOLICITED. ' ■

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 70, 24 March 1937, Page 5