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. ■ AUDIOLA RMJIO : ,: a WILLIS STREET (next Empire Hotel); ' i t AUDIOLA RADIO. EXCELS IN; I QUALITY.: TO^and PERFORMANCE '■'' ' ■■'-' 1937;M6r>EL;S FROM £12 JOsJ' "• is ■' .■ -..'.,.'-.:: ; '■■ ■■;. ■.-■;■• '. ■ J . . '..'■ .•. . 0 EASY. TERJIS-10a::Deposit;;and.:on]y:,i5' c v -.; . . '.-.■■. per 'cent; "interest^- ..;■.".*'■. <:\''.',. ■.■',.. .;. :. , . 'j^uviola 'radio.-..'■'!• • .: \ ' ."■ ...... ■. . - .•'■..■••;.■■-■' -.'■ •• . ■ '■•'■' ■ '■■ - SirUAnoMS VACANT. tj W Ai?vk■D>- a Message ;86y."5 'Apply ihk'"''■'■ 1 IVJ^ublisher. '-Eyenirij;;:post.v ' .-■ ■ "'" . S WANTED, First-class. Machinists; -also '. '■ >■■' •.^AA'TEp,.,-iAvq.;.; .Boys to learn plait . - n, • ba/, ket b ' sJi° Bs.:, Apply' ■ 141?Lanibtou f- ,Q»ay alter ,8,30.; tomorrow: .. : v . -. , ,■. .: •.--'■ '• WANTED immediately,: Young Lady, do ■ -■■ • i-J g f "nouse\vork and cook lunch lor ~ mvahd.; 'hoiirs; 9;a;m.;.,tp.;2..3Q : ;p:m.-.; Applyi ' 3a rant ivoad, .evenings, between 7 and 8. ' i ; "WANTED,. Ladyhelp to relieve for ona i, ■' M^t^^ages,"* 1.3 Apply ■17:;i i udlam ■ v otreet, Seatoun. ... ~ ,'. ■' •. .. ' ... ■ 1 ,WA^EO: l .,^Wle-?ged<,Woman look ;,: i- 'T ,■ after; child, of ;2and do. light house- • !" r '^nf:?vto^ f 30, MondayiillvSatur. ■ it °ay- 12pL.Evg.,.P06t.,.;..0x .:,.:-. -. .■■■■....... : • ■ WANTED, Kmart.Boy and Girl Jfor our s, . clothing department; good wages and ' t- conditions;; i..>rmanent \■positions; ■ '.. J. J; ' ;. McCas«ey;.anai:Bony.litd.,;Clayt6n Avenue. ■''■•-■ •;. WANTED, -Refined-Girl 'to assist small •r: - tearoom. ;vl3o2'Evg: - :Eost. -~;:;. :-/>} ~. .'■'- 5 * T^ D' En -^r2p.tJc Canvassers/ either '■'■ :•, ,dpmesti c ..nbvelties;aiberal-com- "■■■■ T- n"SSI0"-'- Write 1303 Evg.: Post..^--;■:■,:.;;;' -, n WANTED, •, ■ Capable,, ■-■:, Clean „■; Woman; - * ■ t- _. . general .■; housework, :2, hours ■ daily. ; >i a WA^™ 3.. .Capable jYqung Lady;, for -: c ■'■ . v. rheumatoid; case/- from (March ;'2O-r:----4 W-^NTEA:Youth for.dairy farpv Mar- ' .. , tmborpugh; ■;, award vwages and 4good " . home. ~Reply ,1336?Evg;;Poit: V■:;/ , """.; :; : ■'\\/;ANTEp,,ypung, lu:' :■. -; ■: sire lingerie.- :A\'rite-:l3oß"JEvg.^Post. ■:■ ' 'V .W^^^>'-' il"m'edi!ltely' ra-V= First-clasi "^-, i ' J..ailoress;;and Finisher, private' work- " ■ ', room; -■.constant, employment, s- Teh. 42-629. [I _r ---:P'y airs. .Sh;ailer;::Westori;;.Herefaungk:,:i . " W^i STT? D'rJ>ar'F- h' anger' price -per roll. ,: '. ~ TT -Appiy after 5:y.m.,M Webb Street.J> ■\V A.^TTEPv';-YpUng. Girl,':, with,■ experi-' '•■ EvV ip<^:;^>r;.::C°°fei!ti°n'3ry;:'shop; ' 3?f ; ■ : WANTED, rFirstrclass Painter, and ;' i ■•; ■ Apply Ministerial Res& :':"'r.-. 3 dence, Tinakon;;RoadT. :'-' ■ ■;;■;;,;-/f■ ■■; ■p.:■ -^: !'. ;-.. -TX^ANTED.-^iOy-Ladies-.-tq.;, augment their : ; : \ •»■: income by, introducing'exclusive toilet1 '■ 3 hne to Mends.,; Apply: 182 .Evg'.,Post,;;-, ,; .-:. " :W A / -NTED,. Message :Bby,: Grocery Store. ; . -, ;/ Ti Crmckshank,; Oriental,-Bay'..-; ; ...-. ; '^i.:. '' '.' WANTED, i an .Experienced ..-Waitress. -: y ' ■'■ APP^.-H6tel;; : -Selwyh,:s2-222.... :■>;;■/.(' ■ '• \V^TED''-:' ExPwlwced\ Waitress,1 ■■.g6pd'i^:-i:' 1 T' T ..ivages.- Appiy;'2s4 LambtojivQuay.'' ■■: "WANTED, Canvasser.j CmaleV <!female);' - J T-quickrsellirig ;-]ine,^ffact6ries;'!'ware- ".- ---r fe? use?;v.;<>^!" 3pft:vWellnigtoiK;;cust6merE, iiberal. commission..r {A-pply:;Eoom:'3, 212 ■; Lambton;Quay. ..?^s^.:A;v;.:-;^-: "-...'iir ■:■.■,■.■ ■' 5 \^ANTED,,.immediiately;;^'ull-timei.'an(i; i ' '.. ■ *;";:3lidday,; J Waitresses,';topiwages'"td-th9 vl- -• right ;.appJicants:i;;^pp]y,<Mr.-Carry--New??;;.. .- Jlajestic:7;-v...ilr;-t;-.^"v1 j:.'- 1%.v."-f:1s'1v; "/•■'.-' ■^•v;^-; '■ ' \X7AN:TED, Several. Smart -:Youths .aa .;-: ' "r" ■'.Tr.-Night Waiters.- 'ApplyI. Mr." Cany New I. -Majestici1 ;'-'.■■■.■•; ; :i-..n:.'-:'.-'-..'"'-'■■■'-•;„■>/■■■'■■: ' ::.:■.-.■■'■. •-. TV'AKTED,' Girl, for-Bindery ;.departI. :■-.'■'-.:'. nient, to learn the trade; a little ex: , ' perience preferable;.."Apply The..Commer-'v .-: cial iPrinting. C0.,-Boulcott Averiue. - '.. : ' • VyANTED, Girl for House Duties, -morn- ..- •■■* ' ings only; -'Apply 26 Salek '■- Street, £ Kilbirnie.;..'.-■>.'•. ;.-..: ■'(; ■- >:\ r.-.-■V;--'w ..■■ . TTTANTED; a Housemaid-Waitress. Ap» • ply National Gliib. / *.-■<■■ ■-■-'-■•. -.:; .-. •-■.' ; CENTRAL vREGiS'TRYTTTeI. ■ 42-413— . . . v;. Waiting Night:.Porters,",Gardener, 3rd ■: Cook, Pantryman; -Cook-. .. I General.** • <: : '-.--:.':':'-' i '•'■' ■'.■■:■ "'■■. '>■'■'■■;<' '■ 'i-'i'.''- ■ . Applications -for Position, ..sheep - -tX .Station, ■Wairarapa. (768' EVg. Post) , .; r arejnotjfied;'Position--, filled. . ; ;Addresse» ;. . : have teen;;,keptv ind'-willvbe :advised!>if ; : . I vacancies occur locally: ,' .';.'■ "' ■"'■> ': : .. . ! Tlf ACHrNISXS. ■; and-.; r-Apprenti.ces -.V.-for-,; . • -"•'--Table;, 'constant?employment.-. Estelle ' ' Manufacturing"Co.,,2nd Floor, .Thprnton'a .:'., • Building, nexti Princess ■ Theatre:. .'. V •.. WO'1 Smai*. Kxperienced .:■ Waitresses;•;'. : ' Apply: Tivoli Cafe> 1.17 Cuba .Street. : . WE ji'equir.e the Services.pfi a Capable ;, V and -Experienced Mechanic, A grade ' preferred:.': ■Apply^personally, ;Workshop . ! Foreman,"Magnus-Motors,•Limited,'-:W|ake-field Street, Wellington.: . .:':.':.■;', ;' .. CHART Junior- Girl for Tobacconisfh .■;,..■ ■ P.;:;/..■Shb;p.n.;-':-Hej)ly,-.'.-'.busmess hours,- 43 / ■ Dix6ri Street.n ~/ - "■.■ .'■-'.''-J.'..:.:'- ■}:■"' .-*■ '. ■;■ • CMART Boy, 15 or 16. ■. Apply One Price ■: ,P.' Tailors, 70 Manners. Street.,■ ;-.. .; ' HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted,1 Housekeep- ~ .:. ci;, .take..charge 2 ;girls,;age;:7 ..and'4; : : live' in; 'child not.objected to, Apply. 1280. . Evg., Post..;. .; •-:;-.', , -V -'-' : : -:■ : .'■; ' ; VACANCY occurs which -offers oppqr : ;. , ' tunity: for. ' superior ..Youth, to gain intimate m'edianical' ikhbwledge, 'of.': cars .- and'parts. 'Age, school,, etc.,: write1 -1162 . Evs'/ Post;1 ; ; 'i'-.' ■ -;/-.-'--'." -■- . ";■'■ ■'~: SCOTTISH ;•; REGISTRY, :; 20S -Quay- ■ p' 'Cooks,'4os,'private residences; Mar- ; ried Indoor.' Couples.;.' Maids, institutions; Waitresses;- .Housemaids, colleges; . ,Mar- ■;. ried Couples,;'stations;, 60s; .■■Ploughman; - Cowboys; General, "41s, country- hotel; ;. ; Mother andADaughter; .Housekeepers; ; 'nnnk^GeheraiV..House-Parlourmaids.; 355. .. ... Otim advertisements unoer thtt clas.lfioatloil ' ■f ■ ■.■■;..' .-^ appearjnn pap»:3.. .:. ','-■'■■.-.'*:■■ .; ; ■ MISCELOVNEOUS WORK WANTED; BALDNESS definitely'cured :and^ pre- /':■' ) i vented;- -Alopecia Patches,? Dandruff, Scalp Irritation, Scaly "or" Inflamed-Hair. P W ;-Galviri, Specialist, 37 Courtenay Place. -Tftl' S3-421. ■ Advice;free.i • :\ LL kinds. of.Garpentering, Alterati^s,■cV. :al id Repairs.. G. .W. Booth, SO, Wtison Street, Newtown./ 'Phone, 25-Ow. ■- TEETH- Repaired in 2. Hqui-b; ,<>atisfae--i- tion■ at bedrock ■■ price. Dental-Repair Rooms, 13a Courtenay Place (next Martin a Bootshop).7.; *: ' ■ ___ : TTPHOLSTERER will. Re-cover, Repair, ■•J- or Renovate1 Furniture; any.condi-tion;-reasonable, reliable; .estimates; and cartage free. Tel. ■ 16-815. BUILDER; will- give bedrock pricss^.fpr -. Garages,;; Alterations,; Vete. ■ Write 1348 Evg'.. Post. :'•.':. .■■'■' ' ■"■ T>,USTY : Watches made like..-new; TomXV lin'Gleed, and Co., Watch Material Dealer^,: 123. Willis f Street. (5-doors above,. Eer.rctt's). .- ■ ". •' ' -'■- ■■■■''■ : . • ■ OAINTING^-Bathrooms. Kitchenettes. ■t ■ Furniture, ■ latest spray-painting methods. ■ Let us .call and quote. • Industrial Spray Co.' Tel. 51-244. .V- ' ■■-■-'-.■ f . TTPHOLSTERER, Chesterfield -Suites '■; t W Re-covered; reasonable prices. Lander (lite Ed Collie) and: Farr,:62 Moxham Avenue. Hataitai. ■ Tal. 24-214. v^ KEYS Cut, Locks Fitted, expert atte'n- ;. tibn, • all wprkiguaranteed and confidfe'ntial; ■ McLean-iiid Archibald,' Ltd, 29 .-.-.: Willis Street.--"'- :::.-::"::.' : ; ..,.:.;- ■;, LEATING, Hemstitching, Overlooking/ Buttonholes. ..Eyelets, Smocking, ; Shirring, Em broidery, Jetc. Miss NichoH, 40 MercerLStreet;.typ|>)n'rs).'Tel. 43-704. , pARPET- SE^JMplfcO.—Carpeta Made, '-/; Altered. :J^eij»ied,::Cleaned; reasonable charges.7ißjpf' vFfipte, 71 Victoria St H over "Bates's -China Shop. '.' Tel 43-631. C WAN: ■-.<, UPHOLSTERING CO., 10a •^ Lower- Tory Street. Let us quote you to re-covet1 your Old Suite id latest cover- : ings. Riflg; 53403.: Save money. ; jnARPENTERING—If you require • --Good■ Carpenter and.a satisfactory job done promptly, Tel. 53-751. C. Ricfr ardson, 6 Ebor Street. P.K.XeI. 25403.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 59, 11 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 59, 11 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 59, 11 March 1937, Page 1