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| AUCTIONS., . i .V ; . :: |,::^ PUTNAM ESTATE..':':.,; t ~:■. .I; SALE OF 3 GOOD BUILDING SITES, i NORTHLAND, | I TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1937, ■ At 2.30 p.m.,...;-.- .: ... /.-■..." ■■'.■- ---AT OUR ROOMS—III CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY. , TITESSRS. S. GEORGE NATHAN & CO. are directed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, " 3—SPLENDID HOITE SITES—3 No. 1 has motor shed.. No. 3 has a court with a glorious panoramic view of harbour and city. ■ . ' . -. _" . ..,' ...... ■ '•"'■•'' - EASY TERMS: 10 per cent, down, 10 per cent; in 6 months, 10 per cent. in. 12 -months, balance within 5 years at 4% per cent..,. '..'■. ■■ : . -■ ~ '. Plans and further particulars from— - I , . ■ i S. GEORGE NATHAN & CO., 11l Customhouse Quay. [ SALE OF MR. A. H.;BURGESS'S ,:•' PICTURESQUE HOME-WAIKANAE ' On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1937, at 2.30 p.m. AT OUR ROOMS-111 CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY. MESSRS. S. GEORGE NATHAN & CO. are directed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above • this delightful home, comprising bungalow: residence of 9 rooms, with every convenience, including electric light, electric range, electric hot water septic tank pressure water system, and the outbuildings include combined garage .and store 40ft x 30ft, vinery 40ft x 20ft, glasshouse COftx 14ft, .' ;'•■>.. .: , /;-. .■...■. deposit, and the gardens, have become noted -tor'the, ,flual ,ty f^J^fAF^V] *»■«•<. Tt ii wirlelv known as one of the most:sheltered spots in,a distict noted tor its 2m dima"e, S aK'.Kfree'.and within 2,miles tf .of ; the finest beaches in the Dominion. This property has natural advantages; almost unrivalled. ,;:',. With the completion of the low-level road this place.will be within one ; hour's : inn from Wellington by a sealed, road. ■:..; ,^;>;? ■ . .-.: TERMS: 10 per cent, on: fall of hammen'ip.iper .cent.on possession being given, and the balance within' 3 years at ihi per cent..;:, : . . ■: " Full particulars and card to. view from the Auctioneers— . S. GEORGE NATHAN & CO., 11l Customhouse Quay. WEDNESDAYS MARCa 10, ,1937, WEDXESDAy; UARm 10, 1937. - At 2.30 p.m.^ . At 2.30 p.m. ■ AUCTION SALE,- PERFECT RESIDENTIAL SITES, . GENTLEMAN'S IDEAL HOME, ° ON THE SUNNY SLOPES OF WAIRERE ROAD; WESTERN. HUTT , WESTERN HUTT (between Melling and (Situated between.Melling and Belmont). . '• Belmont). .< •TIfESSES. HARCOURT AND CO. have rart o£ the ell-known ■"-L received instructions from Mr. J. G. VT T( -,_ AT _, _.__._„ HILL to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, at SUNMNGDALE ESTATE, the Real Estate Auction Room, Harcourt , fT ™ RS TURrOTIRT A\ TD CO have Chambers 41-43 Panama Street on the M^ceivedinstructions to sell, by Publi above-mentioned . date, the. abo^e pro- Anctit^ - &t the , R?(ll Estate: Auction Room, Pc -„ tut- mact httt Harcourt. Chambers, 41-43 Street,B^T% OdSg OP HOHAs" IOI SN ' AND on the .date^-,,, ,; . ABOUT WELLINGTON^ The pro- THESE UNEQUALLED HOME SITES, perty consists of 'a■'magnificent resi- i :EMBOpYING: ALL THE FEATURES dence, standing on 1% acres of gar- -'SO DIFFICULT- TO -OBTAIN; IN dens and lawns, and looking out over >;i.WELLINGTON.'".'■! :: ' '.V- :'■ •; the Hutt Valley River and Welling- ;An:esclusiye'jocality.:.::^.; ,; ■:.;; T- ' , "i': ton Harbour - ■ -■ Glbriousp'panoramic views over the Hutt The house is of 2 storeys, with abroad Valley,-Harbour,-and:.Wellingtqn.:,.:-. ,: : : mosaic tiled front verandah, reception hall, JSunsh'ine the entire. :,''-,; ,: ,'.. ; sitting-room, billiard-room, dining-room, The-tiuiet of.the country andi-the conkitchen, and all possible offices and con- veniences. of the City.: : • ,;.: ■ ' veniences. Up the two-way central stair- p ro ximity^.tb'-native,bush. !'-/. . ' •way in a large lounge landing, a broad bal- \pj sy l e yer riih to Wellingtpn.' :: cony, sun porch, .4 main bedrooms, maids .^ he g e ar6 only some/of tlieireasons why room, sewing-room, an ultra-modern bath- these sections are the best, room with eet-in bath and tjled -walls, and while .the tremendous development of the an abundance of wardrobes, cupboards, Hutt' Valley and bitumenising ■of the etc. The grounds, vnth extensive vege- Western Hutt Road make the enhaneetabla gardens,.'flower beds, broad lawns, men( . of tileir value "certain. and live hedges, together ..with a full- p]ang Rnd fl|]] detai]s;upon app ii ca tion to sized tennis court, have been : carefully the Auctioneers,. < laid out and are -m perfect order. _ I*ull . .-..-. ..;.-. particulars and arrangements to inspect HABCOURT AND CO ■'■'■" ;''■'. from „ ■ :MM3^anamit'i':Sti:ee-i.''''';'':'' '■'■'■•' HARCOURT AND CO., „ Telephone 44-017:..,. ■ . : ." I , ■■ Telephone '44-017. ■■■> i'--'>v '' ~ ' " : •: /vWEDNESDAY^AiT v'l. ■ p ; m .:c/ ■ : SPECIAL: INTERESTING AND' ATTUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1937/ . TRACTIVE AUCTION OF MODERN ' „ AND.iANTIQUE FURNITURE, ETC; At 2.30 p.m. ON:..T.H^,PREMISESAB9- ABEL-SMITH . AUCTION SALE. IT^GSW^iipVv^yi^lpN^p^ urnTTWT VTHTA'RTA PROPERTY .rv rvvillw, conduct;, the above ' MOUNT y™ii If n - PKUIJ!iiV±X ■• auction on'belialf of Dr'Schuch, who is UH>!£jl\iuu.- . ..- giving up residence. A few. of the prin•vt m TiATUT-p-D oTtJwtrT ' cipal. items comprise:' '; ■'■.:' - ' ... No. 59 HAWKER STREET. Expensive «-pie,ce beautifully-made oak _ _-,„_„ Tr^wnwn iv-n>n i y, dining suite in-perfect condition and TITEESRS. HARCOURT AND^CO. have jn nt g bed oak ; it l ai 3 v piece tioval mo . m f??^?n>TnS^wV^ i SvV»t Am-' Quette- chesterfield suite with loose LIO AUCTION, at the Real- Estate. Auc- kapok :'cushions fand in . new condition Room, .Harcourt l ".Chambers,: 41-W tion, 9x12 , supef'Slndian carpet in Panama Street, on the above-mentioned artistic.Resign, .very yaluible Chinese date— ■ .--.•. ■ ■ '■ . . - carved";, camphor chest with 3 draw- __-.. ™ TT ,,TT;TnTV oTrrTTATiwTi '•RWtJT ers and:'ass -finished, Victorian THIS SPLENDIDLY-SITUATED RESI- upholstered mah.: in splenDENCE. ' .did order, : : genuine hand-made Persian hall .. rug; - 8 x 4.ft, Standing on the west side of Hawker 12 x , 10%;. super ' Ax. carpet Street, this property consists of tt /-rd. in all-over, pattern and as new, mah. 2-storey Residence, in perfect order. Down- armchair, rosewood gateleg table, 9etairs are a drawing-room, dining-room, ' valve console .cabinet radio in good kitchen, and kitchenette,.and upstairs are '.order, Clark vacuum cleaner, inlaid 4 bedrooms. In addition. are • two sun occ. tables,, framed mirrors, 4'selected porches and all offices. - The section is .• paintings by "Neville Cayley" entitled dead level and delightfully-laid-out with the "Oyster Catcher," very old Royal ]awns, garden, and concrete paths, and Doulton rouge: flame bowl, valuable there is a detached workshop.. From all Chinese Ta' Ming Hsuan vase and the main rooms there is an unsurpassed guaranteed 521 years old, genuine view extending over the entire city and Crown Royal Derby tea set includharbour, and the property gets the maxi- j ng solid, silver forks and spoons, Geo. mum sunshine. If required, it could be 3rd sterling silver water jug,. Sheffield converted into two ideal flats. candelabrum, 2.'! Chinese vases 24 and ■ ' ,„„ Tct 30in, special, lot' of best quality ShefTO PURCHASE THIS PROPER -TV IS fiekl p i a te, silver, brass trays, lot of ALSO TO MAKE ONE OF THE SOUND- very good ornaments, all curtains EST INVESTMENTS PROCURABLE IN which, are all the best,: 4 pure, wool WELLINGTON TODAY. ■ ' " ~ h a nd-made rugs, imported. ' fireside ■'■"'■'':' ' ' ' . :chair, gentleman's compactum, ~2 Full details and'arrangements-to view single beds and wires, walnut. 3-mir-fm ro . ■ ■ . . -• rored ■ duchesse, ■ telephone' table and * HARCOURT AND CO.; stool, 9 x V/i -.carpet, Cutler roll-top ■■-•„■ , ■„,.,•■ aami desk in good order, :se.agrass chairs, 41-43 Panama. Street. • lei. M-IU/. showcase, pictures, 'oak 'chairs,, filing - '" , cabinet, Aladdin lamp, ,elee. jug, 3 * ~~~ . -■•• ■ verandah blinds, cane chairs, cup- / TUESDAY, MARCH 9,193Y,- . '^:^-^^^'^^ At 2.30 p.m., ■■ '-.'-: . mattresses,'k. table, chairs, scales, drop-::?:hea<i-:':sew'ing machine, .tea wagon, 'AUCTION SALE. ' i screens,:I.'.set : of;-Taylor's bowls, ;book-. . . ' . . ):c<ise, Cphgbleiim .square,, hospital bed, PROPEKTY AT SILVERSTREAM. Paiid^special^lofc of crpckery r crystal;, ■ ' cutlery, ornaments, and general apTIfESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO: have , pointments. _ TiAVTn^nW IVI received instructions to-sell by Public - . JAS. D. DAVIDSON, Auction at the Real Estate Auction Room, '.--,■ -,-, Auctioneer Harcourt Chambers, 41-43 Panama Street, Will be on"view from 11 a.m. on Tuesday on the abovementioned date— and, morning of sale. .. THIS MAIN ROAD PROPERTY.. ~ ~ ~~~ ~' ■'■ '' !" Situated on the east side of the Main TUESDAY MARCH 16, 1937. Hutt Road a little north of. St. Patrick's At 23Q SS^^.f^cTwS co^^nS . AUCTION SALE. aiS^^teVn'pffi!' eD^chef{i ij^lMfflm^LK . BUILDING 11 a greenhouse 16ft x 10ft with fireplace and 1±<J;:l:&- ■- ■~::. ollJib.. n SS^^^ai com! In^^tf^^HbHi^-^M prise a level section with about 100 feet : jireas,. maximum of sunshine. . frontage and a depth o£ about 2(50 foot, '^very^ .City ; convenience available... close to a permanent bus stop and handy .• ■ -.-'. •: •_ jrrl ,> to the station Unequalled City and Harbour views. suffl^r are! of Tnlide^e NICHOLSON ROAD, KHANDALLAH. re M, UdetaTs may bTXained from . QORDON HARCOURT, favoui.d with ■ • \-* instructions, will sell by PUBLIC HARCOURT AND CO., ; AUCTION at hia rooms, 153-155 FeatherAuctioneers, ston Street, on the above-mentioned date: ~,,„„■ o, . 11 ALLOTMENTS,' being a sub-division . Tel. 44-017. 41-43 Panama Street. . of Lot 1, D.P. 868, containing areas _^^ ... of from 25 perches up to almost half ...„„,, nvr „ , TT - : an acre, three of the lots being suitAUCIION &ALL. . ■ /able for f urt ij er R ub-division. Sitn-HALF-TON FORD TRUCK, ated on the Harbour side of KhandalAT THE FRUIT MARKET lah, adjoining the homes of some of . , ,v " -si- 1, r Wellington's leading business men, At 11 a.m. Monday. these lections have much to recomOEORGE THOMAS & CO., mend them. Splendid sites for homes FRUIT .MARKET, can be chosen, and the terms 'of sale Allen Street. • are in a buyer's favour. Each sec- " : ' . tion has a good road frontage, with CARPENTERS' TOOLS. - all city conveniences available. With E. JOHNSTON AND CO., Auctioneers. the opening of the new railway etaMONDAY MORNING, tion Khandallah is going to be one At 11 a.m. sharp. . of the most easily accessible suburbs SALE BY AUCTION.' of Wellington, and the wise buyer is 1 CHEST OF CABINETMAKER'S already turning to this locality for TOOLS, comprising Stanley (45) plane enhanced values, ■with 23 blades, Stanley circular plane, • stainless steel chisels, saws, new vice, For full particulars, apply— ■ hammers, screwdriver?, rafter square, GORDO N HARCOURT. Auctioneer, rabbit, moulding, and jack planes, etc., steel drill, Bd. clamps, heavy en- 153155 Featl]ersfon Street , Te] . 45.450, gmeer s hammer, steel rules, kauri tool chest, and sundry tools of every description (all in perfect order). . - On View Morning of- Sale". ' /QUALITY Printing ot Every DeßcnpSALE MONDAY "NEXT, at 11 a.m. tion. Place your next order with the E. JOHNSTON AND CO., "Evening Post." Auctioneers). .-.•;■■ . . .

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 55, 6 March 1937, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 55, 6 March 1937, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 55, 6 March 1937, Page 16