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NEW. ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ' FIRE. MARINE, AND ACCIDENT ■' : ,;. :- INSURANCE... •/-. Accepted at' Lowest Current Rates. The Company is empowered by Special : Act' of : Parliament :to .Transact TRUSTEE. EXECUTOR, Aid* AGENCY ;-:.'.■ - ••■ -■■, y business, .■•a- '-■;■,■/;■ ~' - N. v W. NELSON, 'Manager.. Office: • A'.M.P. ■Building, jv •/ ';..'.': ■ . ; ':.' :. f Telephone - 40-223.. : ■ '• . TRADE [PERSONALS. '~~~ SET Teeth from !£l;Vreiuodelling from i 15s; Repairs fro'm."3s6d.- Frost,: nearly;oppositeD.l.U..',Tel.: 42-967.., ; PERMANENT .Waving from 15s, Resets 2s- 6d; .Marcels :2s;6d, Shampoo and Set 35,6 d, Haircut;ls 3d:. Grace Potter, McDonald Bldg., 132 Willis St. Tel. 50-253. "TfiTWELL Teeth", have made Simpsou '■'*■ -Dentist; ; -VFitwell Teeth"; can make you. Tel. 50 : 783. ■'■■• '_ v • /,: ■:^'i' '. CAMBRIDGE TERRACE SPECIALsT PERMANENT, Waving, lOscfull Head; -■•' .Resets 2s 6d.-- ;Mayf air' Toilet Salon,' Cambridge Botel.Bldg- Tell .53-538. ■.";.:!' VIVIAN SPECIALS., CHURCHILL, 135 Vivian Street, for • Genuine ' Tailor-made Suits, fit and workmanship guaranteed; ;no prices,.. ',; ~:'■■ ';.■'/ ■■■■',■■ ■'■' .'.' ..." '-•'-.': ' \ LAiytBTON QUAY SPECIALS. RAVAGE'S Sale. We are • clearing ail S^. 'our surplus- Xmas.j Stocks;-. Drastic reductions. 'Savage's!;Sale,:B6.LambtdnJ Qy. T ADIES' Handbags in'every'.' variety or ■J-H .colour.and shape. Don't miss' tiiese; prices to1 suit.;* Savage's,■ 86 Lambtori Qy/'. •A-IT-ACHE .Cases,: Kit; Bags", :: Shopping ■**:..'.-Baga.-.'. .New.' : .vastly"reduced prices. •"•' Savage's, .86 Lanibtdn .Quay. ■!:-" ,-A LL our, bargains'-.are''distinctly;marked.; ■^■■..Genuine reductions.""' See our window display.:. Savagels," -86 :.Lanibton' Quay.: ■■•• : TRUNKS, and ~a]].;.- Travelling ARequire- ■*-.■■ '.'■'. ments.". New. -season's;.:'goods:-v Prices are .right.. Savage's,';B6^Lambtori 'Quay. . s SADDLES, -Bridles,- /..and;" Harness • ofi '•'•' every -description- at "Sale 'Prices/ Savage's,' 86:'*Lambtb'n Quay.*--';;;; \y:'-- ', cuba street; specials, r j R; EX' FUR,NITURE:'.Cq.,-.164 .Cuba- St.— "'The ■'lowest^, pricesvin'ito'wni. Latest' Square-arm. Chesterfield' Suite,"-£ 12 ■', EX FURNITURE CO.-, 164 Cuba St.— . -Second-hand, Chesterfield,. £3-:-10s'; Box Ottoman, 30s; Oak Dining-room Suite, £H'.ips;.:/ v. ■■:• 'U':-;-;.. v • ■...':-:. --:;':•■ REX FURNITURE .CO;, -164 .Cuba St.— /-Latest Oak:-3-mirror-: Bedroom-'Sttite, usual price'.£27.ios;!nowi£22> 10s, cash or terms.; '• .'■' '■'.:■.■ ■•■■'■■<.■ -'.- .:'..'. - '". .■' - "■-';.•',■.■•■ EX.FURNITURE .CO., 164.Cuba St.— -. Rosewood 'f'China-^Cabinet,', £3.. 10s; rjatest: Rimu 'Bedroom Suite, £14, cash: or terms;';''...■;:lvV.-: '-'vj':.i''''-''.'- '■'"■''-.■■: ■■■"' 'i;' •':''■ iCqURTENAY.PLACE SPECIALS. ERVES," Neuritis, *. Lumbago, ■ Sprains,1 .. .;and .Stiff. Joints .successfully- trea(ed.; Ji'i-Sy.isMl*^-Harrison, . Medical. Masseur■.(tram--'terminus)."'Tel. '51-69K" » >/ g HQt.l DAY ACCOMMODATJON. ' I V^ANTED'-Rentifßmall'F.uruished. Bach,; ~;'v.Pa^akariki' cpastii:for. Easter.'-.-Ap-; plyv'.6s.'.;'yictoyia:|/.Stregt I ''v,Lbw.erl./Hutt.'::.','.::;; . •.*r'-Pij&A.B'ANT-vHbiiiaay--.'^in-;>,>Keneputji':-1 ■^n;S6und;v.;,TelrJCfi'E^3dwron*^''C.- : I--.-.''' ■ rO;LET,\ Furnished v84ch,.4:-bunks;.- good- ; . :weekeMer,''bn farm.* Appl y: William's;;'] Akatar.awaj'.:''':V-. '>V??' >H-;-''. ::'.MS: .'.;::-V ■; - FyADY, ;,with,'/well-recommended '■; country; *-^-h6me,iiaS/'v racaiicieß:for-Paying.Guests.!.. Ring ,179M■'■Levin,' or; write :Mrs*: IV.- Jen- : ien,;Oliaii;::-.- -y;:-'^"J;;'J-- -..■'-■'•.-'.■■' ■'.- ':. ■■ ; AEKAKARlKfcSuperior..'.accoiTiniodg- ; ■i-tion ; weekenders and lioli- . iaymakersT-^t'-'reasonable.; rates',!'' tiaridy : 3eabh,'gblfc tennis, ;bowls. :Tel.: 53^040. , rpiTAHl:'!BAY—Enjoy your ...vEaster; ■ -*■? Holidays;; at-,The! Club Hotel good, aq- ■ •ommpdationi':close; to !golf-;links' and; ten- , iisycourts'..;'■;;..■■'•' •'-',"- :'/.'■-'■''; :-j'- : '■ ■'■'" ■ '■'■'■''■ ] 'COME TOvQUEEN, CHARLOTTE i ■ ■■-.•; -,-;-,,;■>■;.;:-^SOUNDS.-■>..-■■ -'■:-.: -v--a--; i FIRST-CLASS. - .Accommodation," moder r ' ] . .;..atevtariffi' (weekly,;.arrangement), I ixcellent,fishing,..launching,!tennis/'.bowls, ■ ;olf. -Hotel, Terminus,'-rPicton.;'. ; ;F.. Roy iarber^Pfopriet6r'.:i .;':''---.' '-.'. '■■■'•, ■'■ ■:, \ ■ ■'-■■: ■••■■'■.-.•-.'"; t SYDNEY/ '-v -■''; 'Vfi^"' ' tTISITQRSJ toVSy-dney.-read-vAdvertise-' ( y■■ . .ments-'.for;, St;:. James' ;Kats ■• ••this; < :oliimn^nekt:iSatiirday.;---.vv,-0 '..■■.". ,: ~'-;/' | :o'-\ :";'; .;jvijscel! laneouS;'; - -':-.-^:': ] CXTANTED,"-- Pupils"'for *■ Bridge t Lessons,: < i' no objection) beginners,- Auction V.or ■ Contract.'. 283'j:vg.; Post. r-;--.v '; '^ ;V'.;-; ] F OR^HIRE.^Smallr.Electric : Concrete' •" > Mixer,; works'.off-hotpoirit...-. Write' 915 ; ;- -3vg.,Post,iPetone/'-',....;. .- \:r '■..-. '." ".•' ■■■■ fT>ASTBOURNE;;Lady.'., Telephone -': ■ Sub-' i-H -.'•. scriber Avish'es another Person! Share . vine:. Write''3B2;Evg'.-:P6st;::;v/;..:; '.-■ '.■ '■' f ADY,•'.musicaljiwith,,.own■ home, f wishes' ■ M r ■■ use *of 'piano if or .storing"; same; s-care-; iil.f'36sEvg^J'6stV ./■.'■■:■ .-.i , ■:■:■■:.:-■ ) ENTAL Repairs in 2.. .hours;,; prices from ' 3s'6d, "with, best- materials. ■ - looper's BldgSvPpp.;."Evening Post," en- < ranee. Mercer:' Street.' ,""■':: •-■■.'■ .■"-*■■ i k/TRS. ARNOLD,- Psychometrist, inter- ' IL.viewsllo.a.m.rto -& pJm..dapy.:Eyen- ,- igs'by appointment. 26a-Hawkestoner.St. i DRANDI WINE - radiates. happiness;\The I D ideal beverage, quarts ss, halves 3s. Solely- at- the Grand Hotel Home Supply - Stored. :■ ;' •/ '■■ ■' ■-.':'"•-.■■-' "-■ ' ' ITRS. COLLINS, ',90. Manners Street, M.; for everything in Children's Wool- I ■n and Silk Sets,;' Frocks, "Rompers,'ln- ' ints' Outfits,- etc. '■■ Moderate prices. ' - BAILLIE'S"~Cr,eme-o:Rice Custard rDes- « . .'sert.-: Delicious'.and'Nourishing. All 1 he'best V' : :' ? OAILLIE'S Creme-o-Ri.ce. Simple to mix,. - O -.econon?ical'in'use'.;The children love t t. From', all'grocers. ■:" ■-'-. ' :: ■• " f r ET the 'Grand > Hotel ; Home,; Supply i LJ Store fulfill your requirementa. Stock- j its every.worth-while fbrand of Wines x nd . Spirits.'- -.. :■-■'■■'A ■■'■ • -■> 1; pHE true ' Spirit—"Golden ; Grain," - : L : guaranteed ■ 100 per: cent. Scotch; uarts 12s,'pints 6s;^9d. The housa whisky J f: the.Grand Hotel. ■ ..'.-■:■ 1: ..-'. ■ : j L> EPAIRB 3- hours • trom. 3s 6d. 2 1 tours' f L*» visit to make Set Teeth. Frost, opo -; U-.0.;--""-; '-' •■ '.-'" "■ '"■ •'' ''•■ ■■' .' J \ QUART Bottle of Grain r .Whisky is an ideal gift for the 'New ( 'ear. • Quarts' I2s,' pints 6s Bd. Solely ./ t Grand Hotel.'v ■'■ :■ - - 3UANDY Sauce is best made,by adding J > Jules Racine's,' Cognac, guaranteed tiual and superior to most brandies; qrts o 3s; pts.. 7a.-Grand Hotel. . ° "^OODPort is an essential part ot New i y Year fare. "Gladiator" is the best .] ioriey can buy. ■'• Qrts ss, pts 2s 9d. Grand -I lotel. ■' '■ : ' ' ■ '■:'' 'v :..'•'■■•'" 1 t^OME to Heimann's for. Smart Clothes n ■J on easy terms.' Only address. 13a s !ourtenav. Place. ■' ';■ - : .-."•; ■■'■'..' 1 "^REYNESS 'banished! Look' younger. \ X • Van-Grey grows natural'colour back t ■> hair. Obtainable; Perrett's and C. " mith. .'.■.■■■-" .- - . .. ■■■ ■ a A BOTTLE ot "Golden Grain" Whisky C makes ideal present for father. Quarts n 2s, pints 6s 9d,' Obtainable' Grand Hotel upply Store.'.-' .; .-.. ■ '; '-, ' [T7EAR Smart Clothes, buy them on eaiv T '• terms from-Heimann's.. Only address. - 3a Conrtenay Pldfe J JUITS, Blazers, Sports Coats. Shoes,, on _ 3 easy; terms; large stocks to. choose ' rom. Ue'imann s. 13a Courtenay Place - CHE Grand Hotel stocks finest selection 1 !of Wines and " Spirits. ■ Free devery to any part of City. Tel. 41-024. c BUSINESSES FOP SALE. - AIRY, Grocery, and, General,' City, J ~ turnover £86 : a' week';' good, dwelling; j, ilO a. week; net profit in';this;.-£630. A. „ '. - Jauncey, > 23 -Farisb.' Street. °

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1