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Travel in a ... RELIABLE USED CAR OUR GOOD VALUES AND EASY TERMS PLACE THE PLEASURES OF MOTORING WITHIN YOUR REACH. , 1933 Austin 7 Dc Luxe Saloon— 1928 Clyno 4 Roadster; a 12 h.p. An economical car T4AC two-seater, with low tAS. for only TtW9 pressure tyres A***J* 1926 Buick Std. 6 Roadster fLC > 1934 Continental Beacon Sedan; —Newly painted *03 ' does 30 m.p.g.; has had f4 £.B 1934 Chevrolet 6Dc Luxe Sedan; "«tul owner ***** in first class mechanical ffCA 1931 over 10 Roadster; a good ■ condition Jtm*" car in first-class con- ff^C 1922 Dodge 4 Tourer; a re- r^C dki°" liable touring car , *X» 1934 Wolscley Sports; , £225 1933 Morris Isis Saloon; £><•*£ a, smart, fast car .... *mmJ> a quality car Mm J-P 1926 Morris Cowley Tourer; a 1934 Oldsmobile 6 Sedan (<JLC chca P car for the hol£" £45 —Complete with radio. MmV* days M-v* I CALL FOR A DEMONSTRATION! INDEPENDENT MOTOR SALES Ltd. 138 WAKEFIELD STREET, WELLINGTON. ' TELEPHONE 45-564. - After Hours: 17-289. Whatever the size or appearance of your ' home, you can afford to enjoy the exceptional beauty and comfort of a "Fairy Down" Quilt. By day its lovely colour and pattern enhances : Z^k the charm of a room—by night its healthy . , C^ , , warmth induces refreshing sleep.' See the new - . ■ ,■ 1937 designs in.Fairy Down" Quilts. - " ' ,' YOU IMEEC /% JmEK^f^L Obtainable Ludlnf Drapers & Furnishers.'-*^^^*~-^. / \ .^^^^^^^^^^H Arthur Ellis & Co. Ltd., nJ s .y. l^^^^^^^^^^H ' Whol«J»l« Manufacturers, Dunedln. 1 >*• • *^^^^^^^^^^^^ m Asthma Cause Dissolved in 1 Day Doctor's Prescription |jIMJUI T"~]fIHHH Acts 3 Ways pg^^i| I '^^^H To End Asthma T /^j(£\ I Do you wheeze, choke, strangle and / *?sal l^S^ \ gasp for breath —are you unable to sleep / Sjfp 1 flCl^* 1 \ at nights and find that your Mtallty is ' / I ffl 1 I I/I^C IEFT \ sapped and your health ruined by / \ t* ILL V^ I.UNS \ Asthma or Bronchitis? If you are a / \ right H^lJ\ I I victim of this dread disease, there is I V t.[ifiG /fIHHk / I ne'v hope of health and happiness for I V Vgiw.r.mX I you, in the prescription of a physician 1 / with 30 ■ years' experience. This new 1 ■ j prescription has brought freedom from I / Asthma to millions throughout ; the I / world -who had despaired of ever again I / living a normal life. \ / 3-Way Action Lw . _ ... .mml—m* DiSSolveS CaUSe London. EnskiiiO it-ccjjtly Etatcd:."l am ,-,;. ■^•••witw«i vuw«w happy to tell Asthma sufferers that the •' This physician's prescription, called new proscription called Mendaco disMendaco^is scientifically prepared- and solves and removes the"underlying cause comppunded to act directly in removing o f Asthma. Mendaco, through its 3-way the. true and underlying cause ,of chok- action, offers, real hope of health and ingr, gasping-, wheezing? Asthma. This is normal life to 1 those who are amicted accomplished by its 3-way action. First, with this dread-ailment; One of the mit liquefies and dissolves the mucus or predients in Mendaco starts circulating' phlegm that causes the choking and in the blood in 3 minutes and that is gasping. Second, it relaxes thousands w hy- this remarkable preparation so of tiny muscles in the bronchial tubes quickly brings freedom from those tcrso .that you can breathe freely and rib]e choking," gasping, strangling spells, deeply and thus get the benefits of The average patient breathes freely and health-restoring air and oxygen in your s i ee ps soundly the very first night, finds lungs.' Third, it promotes body vigour his appetite returning, and that he can and stimulates the building of rich, re- ea t normal food v,-ithin the nrst two vitalised blood. Thus Mendaco acts in days,, and a complete cessation of a. natural manner to overcome Asthma, asthmatic symptoms by the end of the restore sound, rcinvigorating. sleep, f irs t week. T can conscientiously bay and actually mates you feel five to ten that I consider Mendaco , a boon to years younger. • Asthma sufferers." Helps Millions f , nnA n Millions of former sufferers from fcZUUW Wliaranfee Asthma: and Bronchitis in all parts, of the world are' now enjoying vigorous There is no need to suffer another day health and sound sleep through the use from terrible choking, gasping Asthma, of Mendaco. Sufferers who formerly because Mendaco is offered under a writhed1 to!sit lip all night and others who ten guarantee that it must free you had to take hypodermic injections are from your Asthma, make you feel years now able-to .work and enjoy life. . Men- younger, stronger,,and youthfully alive, daco does not contain any'narcotics or or you merely return the'empty pack-habit-forming drugs, yet it brings age and the small purchase price is resound, restful'sleep the very first night, funded immediately without question or This is. because it acts to dissolve the argument. Tour word is final. This cause of those terrible choking, gasping guarantee is backed by a fund of f 2000 attacks of Asthma, Sufferers are high deposited with the leading banks of the m their praises of Stendaco. For in- .world,. such as: ' Bank of New South stance, Mr. W. G. D. Wilkinson, of Wales: Westminster Bank, London, Toronto; Canada, recently wrote: "I Eng.; Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ft. could hardly breathe and had to take Brie North, Ont., Canada.; and Bank of injections of Adrenalin about every America, Los. Angeles, Calif., U.S.A. ' three hours to keep going, I was down You can't afford to suffer another hour to about 90 pounds. At' last.. I-tried —you can't afford to waste time—you Mendaco and now feel better than' I can't afford to take chances with cheap, have for four years and have not lost inferior or drastic drugs. The longer X day's work since starting Mendaco." you.wait the more harm Asthma.will do 3' ■ '. .to your heart and body, and your life ■JMinutA Action may be endangered. Get the doctor's , ,""imui«s **VIIVII guaranteed prescription Mendaco from Dr. James -Rastelll,.: widely known; your,chemist today. ;The £2000 guaran■cicntist, 'physician, and surgeon, of tee; ; protects you. . :.■,-■■ 2378 mt\ iW _ .^ 11 A*£f\ )J '/steelite'PAlHT «_JF . Good .paint is always worth every 1 «••» \w // ■ penny of the price. Extravagance 1.. «St€Cl»* c Hj It starts when a low first cost lures you to I •iTttrlvaUcd ■ buy so-called "cheap" paint that can , 1 V»nr* — A «>c ■ m ruin your home and eventually prove ' I J?ot H™"* ■ M■,to be extremely expensive. Play safe 1 " , -_| 1 it . —use only "ANVIL" 3 Smiths Brand I Red l 8/ r * * I ff . and give your home real protection. I I ','.'.'•■ • 1 C*C2B/- sßl#l Made ,and Guaranteed by . 1

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 50, 1 March 1937, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 50, 1 March 1937, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 50, 1 March 1937, Page 16