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As I talked to officials of some of the ministries in Home, corporativism seemed a reality, writes John Brown in the London "Journal." But to the workers whose lodgings I .was sharing in the Piazza Cavour the corporative State . remained a platform phrase. They worked as labourers pn a building scheme near the baths of Caracalla, going out at eight in the morning and returning about nine p.m./and were members of the building-, workers' syndicate. Contributions were twopence ,a .week, but that vros all they knew about the union, for no meetings. were held. Wages approximated to. fifteen shillings a week, and some : employers were paying less. Their friends knew nothing about these corporations, they said, and as for the 40-hour week, about which there was ,so much talk—that had not yet appeared in Rome. . ... In.Milan, however, I found that several big undertakings have reduced hours; and have made staff increases. But as the reductions of hours were always accompanied by drastic paycuts, the reform, was not popular. The wives of. some of the factory workers had some pungent comments ,to make on these" developments, while it was clear that the general level of wages had been lowered since the beginning of reorganisation. Outside the larger plants.there is no control over the length of time worked, and the big employers ' feel with some j ustificatioh that they are receiving more than their share of attention. Wage-rates in Lorn. bardy were considerably below those of Britain. The basic rate for labourers, for example, is equivalent to half-a-croWn. a day. Rents are very low, of course, but-prices were steadily rising as. a -result of Italy's retention of the gold standard, and there is a noticeable tendency to cut labour costs everywhere. SIXPENCE AN HOUR. Skilled-workers in the textile factories are earning only sixpence per hour, and there are thousands who do hot earn the, equivalent of £1 a week in, England. Unemployment benefit is. paid for three months only, after which" applicants must go to the relief offices. The'niaximum rate of unemployment ;pay is only five shillings a . weekjV although this may be supplemented by-a grant in kind from -the local Fascio if a man is a party member. The mass of the working popula-'tion,*-however,, is ■outside the unemployment insurance scheme, and men an,d women alike...are thrown upon relief and charity funds as soon as they become unemployed: If wages in Lom-bardy-;and. Piedmont were below the British, .level, those paid in Calabria and- Sicily. did not stand comparison. I lived/among-the peasants in Sicily, and. took the 'opportunity of seeing how they eked; out their tiny incomes. In.niany,ways the south of Italy has not yet; abandoned conceptions of preindustrialism. Women were paid half-a-crown for. a week of 100 hours in some villages, and men rarely earned as-much'as ten .'shillings. The exploitation of the; women, who are patient; hard-working, and intelligent, -was the most deplorable feature, but they were quite unconscious of this, for the pre- . sent conditions have prevailed for generations.' -. . "'"i't-^MX In';some Sicilian villages ho hot meals are cooked ..for more than half ■ th&^year, the people surviving on a very low diet, which would drive the average-British worker into rebellion within a 'few days. Some families could' not even afford the cheap communal-- winc-and-relied- upon orchard raids tor. fruit supplies. .;;.,,. ABSENTEE LANDLORDS. : ■:. The ; problem of absentee landlord-;ism-was again emerging,- after'a- dormant >peri6d, and this.was causing a 'certain.;amduht.of discontent, v .But-'.I felt that it would not go very -far .beyond;the; stage of "grumblings in cafes, and party meetings. For the severe examples made last' year, when : "malcontents" were whisked away to : the '• Liparr Islands concentration '■ camps,-: have" not been forgotten.. In :the quarries hear Taormina;- I' heard jcomplaints about the representatives appointed by the syndicates to meet ■the employers, andrthese were duplicated in the north. ';Each industry 'is organised in regional, coun:cilsof : employers and workers, the lower grades' of .councils, including -.delegates directly nominated by the syndicates.' The more- important' positions are. reserved' for those appointed by the' Government. Whoever is ap^ pointed-must also have all the .qualifications required of a. parliamentary deputy (i.e., must be" approved by the ;Fascist.;Party). In the, last few years, ;more'and more, employers and clerks ■have been appointed to "represent" manual workers on these councils,- and tthis has caused considerable murmurang. The disgust of the miners at.being compelled to. approach a clerk notorious, for his "time-serving" attitude to the employers can be well imagined. In' Lombardy the business, leaders' I met knew'nothing of the "planned production" which was so much on the lips of,the, Rome. Paperswere continually\being sent to them from tb^e. Corporations Ministry, they admitted, but' if they answered them all there would be no time left for work! I was given damning evidence of' foreign, orders being lost.through the interference of the' bureaucrats with foreign currency reserves and raw material orders, -and formed the impression -4hat the. employers .were being needlessly harassed by a horde of inemcients. NO REAL POLICY. That the Ministry has no real policy is obvious! from its continued retreats whenever a number of employers combine to refuse assent to some plan. But the officials have always returned to the attack This meddling with the employers is an aspect of Fascist policy that is rarely stressed. But. its importance may be gathered from the fact that the business men are turning their thoughts more and more in the direction of military adventure as' a way out ot their difficulties. One employer, speaking of the gravity of the economic crisis, said, "There have been so many false alarms, but there must be something really wrong this time. A war would.atler everything." Employers admitted quite frankly that Fascist syndicates were much easier .to deal with than the old unions. Some of the new organisations had been founded by the employers themselves. The principle of syndicate organisation in practice is that there should be some responsible official, whether called a president or a secretary, with whom the employer can deal directly in the event of a dispute. In this way any attempt at mass action or demonstration is forestalled. Factory meetings are almost unknown, and it has become an unwritten rule for workers to complain only to the shop leader, who deals with all matters as he thinks fit, and has easy access to the manager. If a really serious dispute

arises, it is settled by party officials through the Labour Court. Lock-outs and strikes are, of course, prohibited, strike leaders being liable to two years' detention and a fine of a . thousand lire. , THEIR "FREEDOM." How.far the workers are free to combine may be gathered from the fact that in Bologna I was told by a shop foreman that any group of three or more employees who plan >to leave work, or; restrict production, or even to make a, protest.! which threatens to affect other people, are liable to a minimum sentence of twelve months in a concentration camp. :- Needless to say, such cases are rare, for in a country honeycombed with secret police correspondents, a man with a grievance has no easy task. I discovered that the steady, hard-working, selfeducated type, of man with which I had grown familiar in the British trade union movenient was concentrating on the recreational work ■■ of the Dopolavoro in Italy. :. Discontent,is spread in patches, but nowhere is it of any. immediate importance, and.' the "underground opposition" story,'of the Paris exiles is much more of a hope than a description. The national leaders have no. qualms about political revolt, believing that in | thirteen years they have completely destroyed the:roots of Socialism and Communism. Since December last they have been bringing their weapons to bear against pacifism—so far with complete success, for ;so much economic and social pressure' 'can be brought to bear on "internationalists" that only the very resolute can make a ,stand.

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Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 104, 29 October 1935, Page 5

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SIXPENCE AN HOUR Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 104, 29 October 1935, Page 5

SIXPENCE AN HOUR Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 104, 29 October 1935, Page 5