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REGENT THEATRE. In "Drake of England," which is now at the Regent Theatre, all tin. romance and intrigue of the days ol Good Queen Bess" are presented in a most realistic manner. The story concerns the rise in power of the pirate" Drake, who was looked upon with a kindly eye by the queen. The at the Couit, and the Defraying of Drake by one whom he had 1 egarded as a friend, Thomas Doughty, and his brother, are skilfully interwoven with the romantic theme. The climax of the picture is the crushing of the invincible Armada by the English Fleet under the comJnand of Lord Howard of Effingham. _ Matheson Lang gives a' splendid performance as Lor Francis! Drake, and Athene Seylei- handles the part of Queen Elizabeth with a skilful understanding of her difficult lole. i There is an excellent suppoitmg programme, which includes an exceptionally humorous coloured cartoon, "Little Black Sambo," and several excellent newsreels. "Lady Tubbs." ■• One of the season's most hilauous comedies comes to the Regent Theatre next Friday, when the Homer Cioy story, Lady Tubbs," opens an engagement Alice Brady plays the title role and Douglass Montgomery and Anita Louise play the featured roles in this rollicking picture, which fiist depicts Miss Brady-as cook at a laihvay construction camp in Kansas, later to find her posing as an English noblewoman at a fashionable home on New Yoik's Long Island Here Montgomeiy is the son of snobbish parents who fawn on Lady Tubbs," only to have her finally bring their own skeleton out "of > the closet and complicate matters still further. June Clayworth, Alan Mowbray, Hedda Hopper, and Lumsden Hare aie other members of the great cast ,1, NEW OPERA HOUSE. • "Sanders of the River" can be, described as an epic rendering of the spirit of the Englishman in the outlying parts of the world. Its extended season at the New Opera House will be •welcomed by Wellington audiences, who will revel m Paul Robeson as Bosambo, ex-convict transfoimed to Government ally, Leslie Banks a^ Sanders, and Nina May McKmney as Lilongo, Bosambo's wife, and in the huge panorama of the jungles of the great rivers of the Dark Continent Sanders, by stern yet just measures, reinstates peace despite the eflorts of two Englishmen whom the climate has vitiated, whose supply of liquor inflames the Ochons. Rifles and gin are the allies of the illicit white tradeis, \tfho spread the story that Sandeis is dead, and m a twinkling the long peace of the river under Sanders's control is broken, and an orgy of slaughter commences. Sanders, operating by aeioplane, hops off to the centre of disturbance. The kidnapping of Lilongo by rival tribes has sent Bosambo in search of her, and the scenes m the last stronghold of the rebels are tremendously exciting. The climax is intensely thrilling. There is a special Walt Disney first half, including ' Birds m Spring." :"Kid Millions," Eddie Cantor's great musical extravaganza for Samuel Goldwyn, ,will be presented at the New Opera House on Friday. Cantor ap- , pears as a boy Cinderella of the Brooklyn waterfront who becomes the heir to a fortune in buried tieasure m the land of the Pyramids. Ann Solhern, Ethel Merman, Block and Sully. George Murphy, and this season's crop of Goldwyn girls prance along the Nile with Eddie in this fast-paced, tuneful tale of adventure in the haiem of the sheik and the tombs of his iatheis "Marldy," the Irving Berlin hit which , Eddie Cantor originally .ntioduced m the Ziegfeld-Follies of 1019, is levived in one of, the elaborate song and girl numbers staged aboard a liner en route, to jEgygt. , >\DE I.UXE THEATRE. .1 Seldom jrin the history of the 'films has there been so faithful a presentation of the spirit of a book as is to be seen* In "David Copperfield," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's production of the famous'novel of Charles Dickens which is to be seen at the De Luxe Theatre this ".week. * .The, Dickens toles have been carefully, allotted to a number 'of brillianfactors, an overwhelming pro* portion 1 of'them English, including Frank,' Lawton. Roland Young, AY "C. '^.Fields, Lionel Barry more, Basil v ßathbone, Lewis Stone, Hugh Williams, Madge Evans, ,Maureen O'Sullivan, and Elizabeth Allan Quaint settings and attractive dresses abound And in these settings the story of David Copperfield's rise through unhappmess to security and love is touchingly given, first by the brilliant young actor Freddie Bartholomew, and later by Frank Lawton. In. support are the latest newsreels and Barrie Brettoner, at the oigan,' playing Sullivan's'music and "Stars Fell , on Alabama " I sj PARAMOUNT THEATRE , The" love episodes and oi two manicurists are the outstanding features of the Warner Bros, pictuie "The- Kansas City Princess" now being j shown at the Paramount Theatre. - In- - a swift,series of incidents the picture takes the spectator from Kansas City to IJew York by- train and aeroplane, aboard<VFrencS vliner, on whi^h live-, ly scenes occur, and then to Paris,1 where the climax comes with,, a whirl-. wind-"of laughter. Joan Blonc?ell and ' Glenda ,Tan-ell are the manicurists,, Hugh Herbert Is the millionaire; and other leading parts are taken by RoJ>> crt Armstrong, Hobart Cavanagh. and T. Roy Barnes. An additional Teatuie of the programme is "No Escape," starring Jan Hunter and Binnie Barnes. It is an adventure romance full of life, and is most -attractively produced. There is a sensational climax which is totally unexpected. First National's new melodramatic thriller, "Red Hot Tires," opens at the Paramount Theatre on Thuisday. The 'picture is filled with breath-taking action and death-defying stunts which are performed by a score lof nationally famous racing drivers, although seveial Jof the cast participate in the races There also is a sensational court trial a gaol break, and a man hunt to add to the thrills, and a romance in which two crack drivers battle not only tor pacing honours but literally fight to the death for the love of a beautiful girl. Lyle Talbot, Mary Astor, and Gavin Gordon participate m a triangular love affair which ends in the death of one suitor and the success of the other. The second feature, "The Secret Bride,", features Barbara Stanwyck and Warren William. < KING'S THEATRE. A hne double feature programme is now being shown at the King's Theatre. "'Ladies Love Danger," starring Mona Barrie and Gilbert Roland, with a big supporting cast, is a thrilling murder mystery, with a delightful romance. A murder occurs and a minute later a beautiful'woman walks into the riexV door apartment of a handsome bachelor, what-happens thereafter iorrns the plot of >a most .unusual picture The second attraction stars Spencer Tracy and Wendy Barrie in a production full of comedy, romance,- and thrills, entitled "It's a Small World." •' • BOXY THEATRE. Shirley Temple is to be seen at the Roxy Theatre in her best Fox picture, "Bright Eyes." Once more James Dunn is cast as Shirley's leading man—a fact which is said to have enchanted the young star Jimmy appeared as her daddy in "Stand Up and Cheer" and "Baby Take -i Bow," and Shirley has eyes for no one else they say, when he is on th? set. Audiences everywhere are said to have greeted "Bright Eyes." as th 3 finest and most heart-warming picture in which Shirley has been seen A human and compelling story, that at moments brings the tears, is combined with many thrills. George O'Buen in , Zane- Grey's Western romance, "The Dude Ranger," is the suppoitmg feature.

::■Tliesi;S^^tl;l^igs;ipl<rture>■te^%rnel:ica's greatest?r!battlevK: against •-, crime.: is;;''G 'lyterij!^ which jisyhpw "snowing o at -the: Majestic ;;-Tlieatrei i.'.« G> 'Men .are speci.aUy^selep^edHmembiers:- op •; the • AmericanvFedeial .iSei-yice.'Who master gang-fSte^s,;i:Md;?:Fu-stiNatiohal:.haye.-'taken; ffieftcareer;c6frpne./of^Uiem%>d:;shown his: excitlfig j exploits/ "James Cagiiey,' one'^of .pAmericaisv best-known .'stage stars,;:;plays's^:Brick" ' Davis;, in "G Men.": He.throws up aimeagre 'law practice to', become1 a .secret service man, helps:'tb exterminate, the gang re-: Sponsible for: the untimely end of his college . chum, falls in love < with ;;. his chief's sister,: mixes -with "dames" so that :he \ can secure information about ■his preyi'andia ajthrillmg climax:rescues his'sweetheart from the gang during ai pitched -battle'; in : a garage. Robert Armstrong is "Brick's" chief, Margaret is a delightful Kay. and Ann' Dvorak is Jean, ;the; cabaret girl who pays .the penalty^for divulging gang-:plarisY The.'supports- incl&de two musicales—fone in;:which" Fifi-D'Orsay ;arid%s6me 'figure,' .the? other dance music by Fred. Martin's = orchesr :tra',J also with•'.;dance relief, a .cartoon; and' an interesting newsreeL ' r:v ; : = • 'Aihuman; down-to-earth and robustly humorousvstory. of • a,yself-made; Irishman; and :a:-Scotchman w.ho were vthe best- of enemies,' Pairampuht's ."McFadden's Flats" ; comes ■on .Friday to' the ; Ma}es.tib;'vTheatre,-:>;withV,'.;:.ivyalter-';..C.; Kelly;"? '.'The Virginia Judge"; of American .vaudeville' - and radio • fame, in', the leading role.'J, On the !supportiiig-prqr gramme;is?;a; particularly.;fine technicolour rbmancej -''Legong,"l a: story of the- South ~Seasv.which was filmed; on the.lsle of :Bali:; in, the. Dutch.: East :lndies;;-Br:V ; il::r\^/;;^v;:v-^^:W^-:'*i',;v'.;:' :■pe^sonaiity :ofv.-Di6k .Powell ;;& invest ;,; "Flirtation Wallc,"; at i the ; St.'"^^James Theatre, 'with an interest ithatneyer flags.; Together \yith>Ruby;;'Ke?l?r .!and i-Eat O'Brien, :Pbwell* makes of '^his latest: pictiir.e an ,ehtertaihing;shpw'! As Diek1 CJCanai-y"): .Dorcyihe : is:an -army.^ private::stationed at; theVHa'waiian "Islands.;;; When; the daughter-of-GeneralsFitts arrives ttiere D6rcxffihcuris,fi,the displeasured of her 'fiance.-iv Lieutenant "Biddle, "- A.D.G. , to the'igerieral.:'l;,Fuially;1a ?remark;."passed aboitt »Mmi by;;Hhe-:;aide .eats; into hisisoul, and1 from7;thenjonrhe;decides to" gq.i to tWest ■' Points arid :become; an :offlceri';> IJust"bef oreVDorcy receives commission.'.:.'sit ':'■:■ West.'Point, ;General Fitts; takes over :the>' training academy and, withVihim'" conies his . daughter. The; supporting",pi:ogramme' comprises .a -'i Paramqurit^British "i newsreel; j a;: Sim featTOingiS^R&Sac'sI'''-ißumba i Orchestra, and .a;;vaudevUleireel..wThe: St.? James sTrifepf ■ -mstrumentalists, '? under. ■: -the direction'lof s'Misst;M: A. Bryers, 'plays selected-: musical, nuiiibers: prior .to the qdnimendemeht ''•' of -the . ■ picture?! :pro-; grammej.and; alspiduringjthe interval.;; of Hearts"< at* the/Plaza • Theatre; v Ror berti''/; (CharlesK/Boyer) "is -a^worldfamous :■, conductor,,. : :.. and v Constance (Katherine \ Hepburn). J, is ■: a •'; composer who,.. '-:<■ without :V PPEortunities, ;: is struggling A 6" make; her; '• own; name famous. ;,-Roberti,;;.the-' spoiled ;darlirig 'p'f;"sp<aelyi-'ifa^si;iii;^6ye;:witii-rffie'X:-)Uii--■sdphisticated Uttle ■composer.: It: is a whirlwindrcourtshiif and ■ marriage, -and the :honeymobn~ over half Europe is a •dre^y("9f.Kd«^i^tiv-':ifi;lt'.:is'./wlien.";'bis geniusiisSiMilled:back.tojNew-York that tHe -h ;irieyitable*; happehs;;iy.;:Rpbertii raugh]tilns'an-im^arded::mom^ ing vth'at she;:wni;;;le^ra.:ffiat;heViSidiii-. , ingfwith*other women,?lies to. her; and, 6f:-course«;the,'Woiiien;-meet \yhileVhe-is still, prevaricating;' Constance,:;.wourid■Je'dvtp'.the cpfe/leaves-oim, and he takesup; therold^'me.'ißut -neither-can for-* dratriatic*?sll^'atibitfsVv arise",before^.r the' rrVemorable , cUmax; ■•■,;:'*A'.-V'V-Eumanian: scenw:«^iip^--tieaßurfl|4iunt'-iii)ia;Gafe I andnLoyelPck :inVAmerica;make up:a flue-programiiie;'.:^.;:-/':: •'.&':"->'.,.: rr mmmmmmmmmM imi&is'als^^^{Bble'^'an.d:%&'e'r /(no'st'':;pi^-. tedtiaus? <6x all'their^^ special Vprbductidris, is; s:np'j^^ho^m§:^vitb73s!:liene;^ famoqsjfstaigel'andfficreen^singihgstar. ihttheiiitlfcftrpJl^&t^the^Pnncessi Th^ : atr^^ieTpjcl^refi6(era^^e.a'with;;hila;ifi^sScp)^ep^^eUgKtful#^ance^arid 1 'stirringiJdrama.vJ inVia'dditipn^^^tp-its'-spe-:ci'alty ii.nuihbers,«s The S;: cast s Hugh^Herbertj^]^ydiaSV?esfmani;'Ne Sparks^jiandjlJdseph ?■ Cai wthrphv^Staiv .••Hijg;.j^t^f|^<in?mitable''^:-'VTOseICTi-i.and: Wdolsey^^VHiiJS^^Hips^i Hoprayi": =-ari RKpvßaoUp; musicaliextravaganza; \wjtn lotKpf^b'eawtiful|girls,;jhit" tunes,;: original ,daiiceß;a'anVl ■ is ' the' .ad.ditiphal-vvieaWrel-^iv^THelinav.'-.-T.od'l.-■Dorpthy-WiLee,vtand«Riith; Etting; are ?Sn the .;supp'6rtmg>',cast;y ,vThe;, prdgramme also; inclu*des; vseveral entertaining 'shpn ■■sub.7ects.c^i:^.f^vjif;i::!'/.;'.if^ iiU'tpeyii-sbpgsrj Of'^thevH^ri^^'starring 'J^es'i'eaghey;:'&d-iPat .O'Biien.r land ;theVriotouS'Cpmiedy;^'fJackjAhoy,n with Jack-:Hidbefi,'i\vJll -be ijscreeried,'finally. a^tthe,Kaßifnie^Kirieina? tonight^ -% The mairinattractlpii'i on ,',t6morrq>yts;. bill": is. iParampunt's c:;picturisatipn s. pf I'Zane Grey's/ tmTil^gaiWesterri' X romance I "Homeiptf^thei'Range/'i'starringi■: Raii^ dolp'h^.Scptt;''SJjcikie;.eppgani.',"/ Evelyn •Brent,:-;and isKnight.'' ' : . -The y picture, marksv.ttie?return '■■■■ to-fthe.v.screerf pf r. JaeWe.SGobganiynbwt'as->a;man, "and | thrbiighoiit"Jhe' theme ■■ song "Home"you ] ■the •' Bange^Sis t ■ '■' ;;;the; i supreme%,;fine--voice'. Pf; Joe ■ Morrison; ianious^for.'f^rhe'LastSßptind-up." -The "addlidprial'feature;:isf^he(thrilling mys-;! teryApictiUre^KarlieiGhan's.eoiirage,''; Fstarrnig^WarhefcOlahd,'i withDrue Ley-Ito^ana-'Ppnald^^^dS;;.;?-::^:'^: : -^l:]. : fascinating backgrounds,".:- : who; are ; much alive,' and--a. plot which bubbles ;bver with suspense all play theirs parts- in makirif?iUhiversal's "Bombay Mail," .whieh'*::i^,"''nowsT■; showing F: at ';.the Rex-'lTheatre,'Aiotie ';6f : the nipst gripping" screen-play mysteries seen in; a long-time..'l. More; than,a dozen! people are'suspected v'Pfrcrimes; ; which^^ ?are solved b^Edmtirid Lowe, who plays; the; part-of Inspector.'-Dyke.- A splendid'cast^^;priclUdes;Shirley Grey; Onslb\y Stevens, J^pKriSpayidsbh,'Ralph"; Forbes. Hedda ; Hopber^'sand Ferdinand Gotts^ chalkv;-■"ifEmbarrassirig Moments," staring Chester; MbrriS,; writhr Marion Nixon and a pfbmineM: cast pf film actors'sind actresses ..forms.".the :supportiiig tea.--jxn:e;.K; C ::.^of. f;;,;■;?■;» •;■;■>";■;;•:';. ;s4;-;^ '^}o\j&*rimAXßE, -newtown.^ h.\-': r^Captivating^ilittle '-'Shlrley:-: Temple, .whose : .-charming ; ;ahd -thoroughly.^natural ;■ ways have endeai:ed: her: to all who have seen her, and Lion cIV Barrymore; whose : list of successes defies memory, are enjoyed to the full again n "The Little Colonel," the big attraction showing at' Our "Theatre; The production' is a .charming- story of Southern America;. a : hitherto unknown grand-daughter . shows a man embittered: wjth his family what affection caii;do; and,;• it is • a child's' forcefulness that,>brlngsf about fa-happy -reconciliation in a. : family that has been torn with-.differences.;■■;■■ fLaddie," :based dn Gene Stratton Porter's famous novel, is being'screened^fp'r'an:.extended season. REGAL THEATOEi JKAKORLV ..Tonight:, at; the Regal Theatre, Karon,; May; Robson, will.-appear in her greatest triumph* "Grand- Old Girl ' This is the: story of;'an elderly/ school teacher and of. :her loye and regard for her; r pupilsv and -their morals. V powerful cast ■ supports Miss Robsorr Short subjects'; will also be. shown. DE LUXEiTHEATRE, LOWER HTJTT. - Tonight ,at the • be.-Luxe-Theatre, Lower Hutt,' the main feature will be Samuel Goldwyn's presentation of "We •Live, Again,". , starring1 Anna Sten and Predric' March: This adaptalion of Leo; Tolstoy's immortal novel. /'Resurrection,",-tells in vivid and dramatic fashion the powerful' and .beautif uMoye story, of the. little Russian peasant girl, .Katusha, who loved and\was;^betrayed,by. a Prince. Jane Baxter and C. Aubrey Smith are others in.;th,Q;Castr'-,

■; "' '■ ■.■"".^'STATE THEATRE., , :'■■'/ _ Warner - Oland's starring vehicle, ' Charlie Chan in Egypt," is now showj ing at the State Theatre. Oland's great ! natural ability is supported by the [glamour of age-old Egypt, his calm, ianalytical mind 'undaunted by the t suggestion • that he is pitted against ; the malignant: unseen forces of an i ancient Egyptian "god. /He is : employed : to; ; solve vj the ■./: mystery, of the •■'-■". disappearance i > of ■• • a • gold -: and jewelled.'treasure■ found/in the, tomb of a; priest .by a French expedition;: and his already;' difficult ;task>: is; 'cbmpli-' cated by -mysterious murders/ the suggestion being'that. Sekmet,-: the", catheaded,goddess of Vengeance, has been .at ,t work.;'; The' clever Chinese •■■ detec-tive.-is^'alwaysi-entertaining,, and-iii-this picture the?, enjoyment is 'heightened by the excellent acting of .the supporting characters,;ofr whom "Pat" Pater-! sou,' as the daughter of the leader of:! the expedition, and.: Stepin Fetchit, ras the native.who is enrolled as Charlie Chan's unwilling assistant, are:•■ outstanding. The supports include a series of newsreels and a comedy. :.' /:. ■:■■■] :/A/vRrvQiiTEffiATKE:.;, ■■■■■•■;■/. .;■ , ■ One :■ of the/;: strangest;-: and most I battling murder mystery dramas is to be, shown: at the Rivoli Theatre tonight under the title of "The Man /With; Two Faces.". • Edward G. Robinson has th.j role of a noted' Broadway actor; and director, .whije Mary - Astor;- plays' tha P.^VP* ;h*s slst<?r-one of the most••beautiful and talented actresses Of her time. Ricardo Cortez. usually, the villain, of the piece, has -the heroic role in this picture, being -the theatrical producer who is in love,with his star performer. Miss -Astorr-There- j s ■; a .large '■ and talented ■'..cast..; in > the ■ supporting -roles. A vividly-exciting, handsomely-mount-ed- and presented V film, Paramount:* "Crime: Without- Passion," .which '••: will be the second "feature, presents some :of the most, commendable acting,::astute direction, and <praiseworthy camera work, and. special effects that any picture■";has offered■;.in years.' features Claude Rains, \ and: two girls new to pictures ■\^\yhose' i 'p.erfdrmance,V.-:shpuld' spoh H earnvtljem!stardom: .They/.- are^ : Spanish-iAinerican'dancer, andrWhitney.! Bpurrieisocial'registrite and: stage actressy-There will be the usual entertaining supports making up a most .attractive^.programme. /:• : ; K;:i:;:^-^snpii^'srai^TRE,-;vr-:A-'- ;"• '■•> The' '-sensationally^successful - Columbia ■production, "One Night of .Love," which:serves:as;a. starring 'vehicle for the. glamorous Grace Moore* -stage and screen favourite, is now •■showing at Shprtt'S',,-.'Theatre.^-/.Ttie '"'film •■play presentsj ',- an"-. entraricingly ■ novel' blend of romance, comedy, music; drama, and exotic;:settmgs..: It concerns, an ambitious, carefree young girl ,who travels to Italy,'to "study voice culture. /There she-meets; agay-young American:blade with-a fortune in the "banlc. and romance in his ;heart,, and; also a charming; debonair, musics teacher, portrayed by.Tullio-Carmihati.; Miss Moore sings several of; .the.'vgreatest f arias 'written by the! "music masters for-the operatic! stage/ :;?The v. .second:- • feature ns ! "The : a tensei^excitirig: pic-ture;.-with';the-ever-popular-'Jack Hdit in the-starring- -role. • /The producers have surrounded'him/with a faultless cast ; including!'; Geneviever .Tobiri; Sidney'Blackmer,: George- E. Stone, ;andi Ward\Borid. i! r ;> \; s K-' '■; /■ •• V'.'fefiAStoE-ipic'G^ES/iY^tTßAYi!'.'! :.•; "Passport to; Fame," which., will be screened /.at ■:the;JSeaside .Pictures- tonight at B,'ifeatufes Edward G.:-Robin-son ma diial rpie;-as ah k inoffensive j clerki andf asfaikiller' who" is wanted 'by the police. THe remarkable resemblance of•: the:.two;'men -causes. much excitement and :is the basis of ia 'most; audacious plot.'l A : cploured rhapsody >of exceptional-beauty>and.V'bthervish6rts will be; screened;:;Th;e theatre has been .^V-'V-'i5:-^-'--'''/-. ■■ '; ; The; current at. the; Empiib Theatre" is '-'Eyensong/' starririg, Evelyn Laye. The, theme, of.this story/ishwys. hows a.' gifted t singer '^must: sacrifice^- for the/s4kei'bf«he'r--art,6im6stf6f rthef-things* contributmg to;the fulness and enjoyment of ltfe._,EvgJyn:.. :Laye :,f gives a brilffalit'rcliara"cta:isatl6n". "■■'■'Car]"'"Es^ mpiid and /Fritz /Kprtner - play? -the; main * supporting proles: :-tiTlier<;>';is ■ an' excell^t;prpgr'ari^6;bfjsh6rt' subjects. ;r/J:CAP^]^lmA^^ s6fcla.;--B&helbyi^Girl;". screenwg}Vat*''theVG9pit6l't:Theatxe'::itp;;! night,/ features /Ann Harding,* :Rober-t Montgomery,;1 Edward, EverettuHortpn, and Una/M^rkeL -The/ story,/Which--is; bf/avhiehly/aniusing '■ natiire; with spark-, ling/ *;dialogue i"and ?rapid-flfev?action;: concerns'a; youngfladyiportrait painter, and a magazine ; '.editor, both":down on their^^^ luck,^^ andfiwhen they; get 'their heads /to7 write a;biography -a niunber/of*r gay;<;old; men' ;"■•■■ of -toe"city; have;to do some quick thinking.;; (/ .\";.vi >AIiA^iTHEAI^Ei;>ET6OTv>:f f; Dolores-?Del--^Riornas.'attained/' star-dom-as the Cpuntess*Du Barry; fayourr ite of Kmg;;Louis;xy,-!in.''Maaame-.Du -Barry," /Iwhlch"comes /.to,: the 'i.-.Palace '■The.a^./t^orr6w^';h-'pja.;Bai^ : ~fe'''Hier.! ideal?rple^and*her;'adventures //have been careluUy';and'vaUthiehtically;vadapte ed to; the screen ■ by-tEdward' Chodoroy. Miss,pel!Ri6 •hagVa/superb/suppbrting cast;/1 including' V.Yictor^Jpry.X; /Verree Teasdalei-'Osgpod-PerkinsV/and'rße'giri-; aldvpwen^\.V/s|:;'>:/^/C-//-.i> : y i ,v7'::::vi; /;■;>; y: Charies pickehs,- .one; of 'th^greatest authors .of ,'all .time,';wh'ose::>yprks: have occupied an; ■ English' literature;:tbjr6ughqut;;the;:years,< wrote pyer";twenty ■ famous;-books,rand .there; has always? been > considerable 'speculation, as' to > which -is .the" best,' the^ most popular, :the funniest, and'so-on; 6f all his;works./ j, However, 'there. can- be no doubt -that the -great f Dickens 'himself favouredj; sThe / Old ■ Curiosity« Shop;" which coiries to.the/Grand Theatre tor morrow.; ' The, whole; picture::is/ etir hanced by. the; realistic, portrayals/ of the casfc^-Elaine Benson, a; superlative Little Nell, Ben Webster,' Hay -Petrie, Gibb :McLaughlm,\LUy -liong,;:;Aniy Veness, arid;Reginald-PurdelU :/;;/;:';;/ ;^EW:EMPJOiiE 'THEATREv;PET()NE^; 'A nautical comedy-thriiler,.with Clifford Mollisoh givirig^ai breezy portrayal as a ■ timid clerk who/ becomes 'a -naval ofScer entitled "Freedom:pf the ] Seas;" is; the principal feature *6n:,the'/:pror gramme of the Empire. Theatre' tomorrow.: 'Clifford Mollison's performance in- ;th'is'fihn,':as'Smith; is claimed- to bp his best to: date, while- Wendy Barrie is ■■■ delightful 'as Phyllis/ with H. - F. Maltby, s ■ Zelma' O'Neal, iTyrell Davis, Cecil Ramage, Frederick Peisley,1 James Carew, and Henry Wenmah"lending excellent support. v!^';/<;;: ./■.:.;:;;:•':.;;/: ;.,- '•' -'; z: ■fv.C.OMM^XSriSlN'd'..?''- :'£W-: 'This week's: singXwill -be held in; the Grand: Opera House, and'patrons, are particularly, advised --,to be 'in " their seats- early as the sing will- commence at/12.15 p.m. ./IThe sprig -leaders will be "Messrs. Harold Hindle and Charles Proctor with Mr. Frank Crbwther at the piano. The oX goods will take place at:the conclusion of the sing; : The proceeds will'be. in aid o£ the Mayor's Metropolitan Relief Fund.

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Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 4

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CURRENT ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 4

CURRENT ENTERTAINMENTS Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 4