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.:■___ MOTORS AND CYCLES. '..;'' | "THE CAR aiAßT's^fleFirLittie~^B ■ ■■-*-: Mannoii-4 : door Sedan, 20 m.p.g., at £125; equal to"mew. 7-U .Vivian .'Street: .Upen. touight:-■-■.■'..',■. . ■•' ..'■•- ,' . ...■■■ '■ A'L/HXJlln Jbeven Kaloou, 1031, fitted -with -c^- i low- pressure :tir'es; £1UO; a bargain. lerms arranged. Tel:'■ 37^28. .'"■'•. '. ■■-'■■ r^ASH "waiting., for ;Used Alotor-cycles." Vr-.; Kend, particulars-. Sutlierla'ucl,.. .VVilkrnson, 45. Cuba.', Street,' Wellington. ' -'■ ', . (JAR;IIAKX" oifer: a~Chrysler.oß : -f- :. Tourer, in, good order' /and very smart, for; £65;; , L 7-t) Vivian Street. '/JiALAiNJJIA MUI'UKiS. (opposite Lauib- ■*-*\:. ton.:; Station)..-. Tel.. 4u-al7, Wanted Purchase* Used 'Cars,- urgent, cash waiting. MOKiilß,;.l'J3s, 15/0 :Saloon, ,£2BO. .This ■..X '•'.-car^has^ouly clone"tOOO ltiiles,,arid:'is perfect-irisfcle'ancToiit.,;Dominion Motors, Xtd.v:6s v Kent. Terrace. '..'"■"'..' '■'.■•.,■■•'. "'" ,;■'■■; .'•'' pilE CAH : a\IAiiT" : offer X-Very Smai-t , ,-r-, .Grahamsi'aige,. 5-passenger Ooupe irt the. ;lo;\vypricq;;of-.,£.145; looks and runs like, ne^y.-;, Open --fevery flight.; ', "" \"' ."■;■'■■ ■" . OUYS" Holiday;;^Cycles. .Small; deposit, >•-" balance 2si.6dhreetdy.- >.. See Couchmauls New. 'Model's^■'. :95 Courteiiay..- i'lace.l ■pHKVKULJiT National* Sedan;..-last';- A;Vf''.'cylinder: mgcfel':- These -popular uiodels are hard td; get; '£S5; '•independent-Motor Sarlea;--'-'i3B Wakeji'eia''Street,-Wellington.! THE-:CAR. :SIART"-; offer; ,a - 192G-27 . .• :';Chev:'".4\'.^fi-ifoiii'yan; v.suitable any biisinfes's;;.for:,.'£ss.!. .This; .isi'a* good .van. 'Open/every,-night.;; 7 'Vivian- Street.' - BO.YS'' Holiday. Cycles. ■ , Small, deposit, , :baiance^s r 6ci':i.weekly. ' See ' Couch-. inan'svKewi Models; ~'i)s ■ Courteriay'. Place. AUSTINS, /Austins,'/Austins.':■ ."The ;Gar. yMart": are dealers ;f or )£ul range .of :cafs. ; See the- new Seven at :.£2u5,-ahdYthe: new Ten ;at ;£278. '■' Onlyaddress;, 7-9-iV:iyianvStreet.: .. •' ■'.■';•';'. ■'■ THE CAR-MART" . ofier. an A:J:S. T\vin>Pbrt Motorcycle, as brand-new, Cor'^'eo.'.'T-O-yiviaiv Street.:Open'tonight.' HEVKOLKT .-.1032 Sedan, oppearancfe. ■ and mechanical condition like new. £155.! independent Motor '■ Sales'; 13S :- Wake-. /field; Street, 'Wellington.' -■ '> - ■';"■ '.-v ■■'■:■"•.-.: HUDSON,tI929,; : 5-passenger Sedan,' '£200 ... ;-^ThVcheapest transport;procurable, .'and-'l>i^keji~.b"y;.the:'.ftudMtf^name;'.--;This car 'is 'iay'ap' new" ;> cbnditibn' 'ihroughbut, arid 'caiTies?b.ur -;''' Dominion Motors, )!&$., 65: Kent-Terrace. *•» ■,'':■. . :\ '-.USTINS/"Austins, • Austin^ Best prices ■£*-" given,, f or;'.y'6ur l - old. car. on ,"a: New Austin. r'.Only^addfess,. ."The'Car Mart," ,7-9 Yivian.'Street.,:Tel.i,sCKßso.:, ..•.:.';;;. T->ISMANTbED,-fo.r. Spare- Parts—Com V:merce, Cont S4rDodge." 1926, .Willys 6i: .New ;.Used Parts. -Auto-Wreckers. 100 Taranaki Street.^;■"Try 53:077 .First.";.";'. ; v r>ATTKßlES"frbm*'39s'6d. fully charged. ■*-*, -12. month's'::guarantee...L. Alexander, Battery: :Serviee'> Station; S9/.Kent iTerrace Tel ,54-37?. '■ A:-;.- v •>' ■: ■■:<:'■"-'■',■■■ .'■ "rrHBJCAR vSIART", Whippet 4 irrr t;T6ujer,."ih:^perfect: order,, for-.-.£65; terms.f.Ohly.addressj'7-9'Vivian' Streets ■ .T7ORI) Sports' Coupe,-1930, complete with '■*•}■■ .'■ dickey.sea't,-bumpers,'c:.''-This car. lias been' privately-pwried,.'.and;is-, in .very •giJod''coridition.!: £35, deposit./ ;Dpminipn Motors,--.Kent':.Terrace.1 • -.; <~ '. -. ; '". , •• ■; ftVAUXHAEL. -B4" ; DE ; LUXE.,.' : ::'j> ■■ -; ■;, ■".- 3Q00.; miles i only. ...•.- - -i .. ■WRIGHT, 'STEPHENSON'S GARAGE; . T'■: 97 Taranaki;Street.: Tel.-55-126. ,/^- ---"■ """'Vy:'';'-'''-'"..'. Open "Evenings: ■.■t-."V-'-'.-' - HUDSON ; 1929. Fivejpasse'nger Sedan.: ex-; ' cellepf "condition .•'■':tbron'Rliout: £50 deposit*vAn'tp.Sales'. 92:TaraTiaki' Street. , '■;. STrDKBAKERv l Director'. (1931)::. 6-cvl ' Sedan;1 one* ownisr,'enia 11 "milage;,:£23s Auto Sales; 02-Taranaki'Street.^ -V-; ;';■'-' .'• ~-!' CHEVROLET^"?''vSEDIN.' [%;■ A car you\proud to own. : WEIGHT, i STEPHENSPN'S. GARAGE. ':-TT:';:?T Taranaki;Street, ;,Tel; 55-126.' v,. ;, AB..C ■'GAK-AGE::- .127 .Umbton yuay- • :Casb\ayailab!e,,.tcp prices Second hand Cars-sold ,for.clients.- Driving taught..^.-,,":^.;'^ ;'V-:.;. ; ■■'"■ .■:■■; '■;■;■•" ';■: ;:LFdRD':8:b.pv- saloon. \:- ■ :C;' /:A V:xr^- ;'lo33:Model:' ' ■ .■■;-■ : ■'" WRIGHT,^ STEPriENSON'S'GARAGE, "*;;;:-97^Taranaki>Street::Tel. 55-126..,- ;;.' FORD^i"ROjiDSTER::;..;.V.;,:... :^95 CHRYSLER- 60:GOUPBw'.;'..'.;.'.'.. £85 AUSTIN?. BABYa: SALOON: .;.. :'■:'. ■'. : £85 TXTKIiLiNGTONi- • u^W.-i; [yJ- MOTORS, . ; y,~cTerms':>arrahged.,,:i ! ,l3 ; Tory. Street:. ;?!■• ,'i<>;?A;USTJN i a"lO;t rSALOONi:;....' ■■;■',•■'. * t.v4934i-F6«rr.Speed;'.';■■■•:•.■■"■>"' ~'o WRIPHT,-,.ST,E| >HENSON)S: GARAGE; -■■V .^..Taranakrstree^ 'fel.-55-126'. :X: !; .. . . .■...., ■..' ■Qpe n -,"E.venings.''. •'■'■■ "■'■'■■:■': '.i h;-?Vi CA-R^iiVVANTED^CARS.;:;:;;;^;!' V.i ' Begt Cash jPrices for Modern Cars, . V tWR-IGH'Si; STEPHEN.SON1S GARAGE •;"" W.TaranaW Street, ;:.Te1.,'55-126. vl ::V;^EILEY:}MO;NACpVSALqON..:'--■•'.v-'.^r.-s1. ,;;•: Practically ■ new: ■;."■■•/.:■■; ":■ :'•.- :• 'WRIGHI, •STEPHENSON'S.GABiAGE,. ** ;;97';TaranakicStre'et,; Tel. 55-12 G. ■.■{;. ■. '••' -;-; ■! ''•• ■■'■ ■t-^ivOpen^vEvenings-.i, ~,.i.:•:■":-.:': : / \-WOR-BaiEDIATE..SALE. ;./•■; -Seven-seater ; Saloon,'.: leather..up-' ■■^■'.t'vholstery.^'.car Recently:.renovated':'and, invperfeefc^conditipn.^yell. shod, ;'spares/and. luggage' .rack*.; '....>..; ;-V:,.'.''.; ..:",:.:.; ... •' ].;;' ■'■' ■'. i .Low;.pricedio'r.guick;,sale.}-. Apjly:'/ ";.: ;■' •■ .• *■.•'■"-.'!'""■..:-'■'■ "Owner,"':.,-!--.-';; ;■■ '•*}'■':- ;■; /:i 7:'.;'ICare'!CHARIiES HAINES^ : ■"•^-/:' . ApVERTISJKG :AGENCY, rWellington.:; ■;^ ,:".;2/ ' {{?--: npßV^s. •■;'■;)■ y ;-;'';. ■■;'; : ; ; ■ Owing-t6":large rshiprnents: of 'stock,land-: tng.' we. require- more;-flobr jspace and, the followingitrucks: must,be,sold:-r/: ■...,, : \<:■--*-.■.■■■f.:-. ' V. ;,'■•.;■..,.-,■. ..-.■;'"-"-"•■■. '. ,- "r£> MORRIS;-i3-6'tf.ewt. ■..■....'..V..;.;,.;.250 MORRIS.3Ocwt-w........>..;:...'...;... .'7O AUTOCAR. "4pcivt:.;.....'.;;;;...."...;; 90 g.m,c; ' •:.>;.v...;.....■.'.■;...:'.: so MORRIS:.2Oewt. '.: ...ii,..'..-.';..;....'.;' 95 FORD'^A/.'-aOcwt^fpelwery)^.'.-."...'.".'::'^' .' All the. abpvetrucks ha^o been shod. No reasonable offer-will berefusedr ' " "':'.<:■' ;-;-~;'---. ■>■ ;, dominipn::; motors. Lm,: /■' ''■*■:■■■::''', : ' 65:-Kerit Terrace; ■';. ■' ■• •■'•■," '.: ..^ij.^^^/iO^eriCEy.ery^Eyenipg....... ; ~ : ': ':• •HiLLMAN>MINX SALOON, r , ; . : . We.'welconie aDy esamjriation.l. . .- -WRIGHT;': STEPHBNSON'S • GARAGE, :"» ';;97-Taranaki;Street./Tel. 554264 .. :. v '■; v; ;CMPRRISXRPAr)STER.;;; ;.' 7 I;-.. CPLENjblDicpnditipn, .recent nipdel;^•'■•'a' ~ ..veryjsmartLear,--,£7o';. easy:: terms'. '■-. ' H;OAiKLANp / SED^N^^ell;:sho)i;',larid:- in good/.in'echariical icondition; £45. :i.:. ''if'COW&ERCS- SOCWT. TRUCK;: 3 This Truck*.is:.'in. very good order, £7o;;.terms; - ■ -PROGRESS ;:MPTbRS, 'LTD!,; : . ': 'LTD., "' "fcvV V-*3':Y^bria-Street:'.., '1 V; /'..'■■; \ Mo^or^Trucki'.Specialists.';:":' '..'•' TODI3 i '>:fMOTPRS «: :;: LIMITED ODD/ v //; \ MOTORS { .'v.^ LIMITED.. ,i\ : :% 'y.; ■V,>..... ;■; '■'} >■■■'• ';:f ?:::'':-V^>'. :'"'i..v :"-'■:'.:;-''.: ■• :£ ■ 1931 :Aus'tm'1-Salobn 7....-.'..■. 'J.\:. :..... 225 1933 Hillmah ;Mmx-'5edan..;.'.'.'...'.."..••: i'oo 1929: Dei Sojp'-.Sedan'.- :■.':>:■!.-:.:, ..'.:..■'.'• ISS 1932:Hillm4n?Minx .Van .; ..:;■;..'...;..;• 175 1923 Chrysler^,"72'.':-Towii: Sedan-;..'..: 365 1929 De;:.§otb.-Sed'an-..'.'.::;.': .V.v.-. .;i 165 1930 Essex v5edantV;;;;....;...".;..;..;;. 100 1931 Wol&ley/Hornet' Sports: V.'i...;. 105 1927.Hupmopile.'^dopr'iSedan V..;..'.-. 155 1928 CheyfoletSSedan :;..:.■....;:.;..... 135 1929 vHupmobile (■ SeHlin.-:. .■.....■'...:.... 125 ■1928 B'uick: Sedan^;V.-. ; -.......;-..-.'...;.. ■>: 125 1928: Morris; Cpkvleyi Coupe .....:.... 100 1927Siriger..;Rpadster;i:.;:...'.-.-V»...:.; 95 1928 Standard:"Saloon'-*;.''..'..'.. .1 ;.:-.■'.'... ;9o 192b;Tfiumph"Sal66h; ';.-..':... '.'.-.■.';...-. 95 192S :Essext4-apor .Sedan .... A :...'...:' C9O '.;.■'..:poMge'J3ocwtjTr'uick;.. '.:'.. /;.. '.-. (io ..,: :Crpssley' vTr:nck,v:v;f.:;.,....,;;. 45 ld24oldsmpbile.:vTourer:v;.'.;.........'l-t0nJ.Truck........... 25 1928 B.S:A::iMotorHcycle',: ...V.>...i;v. -':-]5 1924 Ford Tourer,! ......:'............ ,'.-15 All -■ vebiclek, o.y ; er';..£7s. carry our ■ written ' .... . '.* ' ...'.' "guarantee. -:t '.- ■.' '■ ,'. , . \H, TELEPHONE ;51-OoJlf.(s;;Linesj' .:■ ' '■■ ~ '~. OPEN- EACH, : EVENKd:;'■■'"■'',

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Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 50, 27 August 1935, Page 3