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(By "Elevation.")

Fixtures. New Zealand Championships—July 28 to August 10. ■ Wltcombo • and Caldwell Cup—August 20 to September 7. Osmond and Ladies Shields—September 2 to 7. Entries close as uncler.Kew Zealand Championships—July 24. Wltcombe and Caldwell Cup -August 17. MATCHES FOR NEXT WEEK. Intermediate.—Fifth round: Hutt v. fW.EC, Monday, July !!9; "Evening Post v. Petone Central, July 20. . B Grade.—Section 1: Brooklyn v. Public Service, Monday, July 29; South v. Hutt, July 30; Petone Central v. Municipal, August 1; P.VOI.C. Ladles v. Hutt Ladies. August 1- B Grade.—Section 2: "Evening Post" v. W.W.M.C., Monday, July 29; P.W.M.C. v. QnBlow, July 29; Aotea v. Hutt Valley Ladles, July SI: Petone Ladles, a bye. INTERMEDIATE, FOURTH ROUND. Hutt 478, "Evening Post" 470. Petoue Central 474, P.W.M.C. 473. The defeat of P.W.M.C. by Petone Central makes these teams level in. the championship, with six points each, and with but two rounds to go Hutt are only two points further back, so still have a chance of success. The shooting in tho round was aga n or a high standard, the aggregate being 18D5givlng an individual avonige of b7.bß, which compares very favourably with 67.46 in the same round last year but 'is 0.07 below the third round ngure. For the third time this year 478 was tho highest team score, Hutt being successful in this round. The best combined toam score was Hutt- Evening Post" 948, seven points below the record establlsned In tho previous round. The mean average to date is 67.62, showing an Improvement of 0.15 over the 67.47 of last year. Of tho twenty-eight riflemen in the grade twenty-three made scores of 67 or over. There wera two possibles (4 in round 3), seven 60s (5), six 683 (6), and eleht 67's (8). There wero also two scdres of under 66 (2). Xho possible were secured by F. Cropp (Hutt) and K. MacDowall ("Ev'ennig Post"). Tha details are as follows: — Hutt.—F Cropp 70, N. E. Solomon 69, H. Whlteman 69, D. Purvis 68, A. J. McHolm 68, J. Hall 67, A. D. Brown 67; total, 478. "Evening Post."—X. MacDowall iO, w. Stevens 69, H. Nlckless 68, R. Whltton 67, G. Oldham 67, V. Barnes 6a, V. Gini 6o; tOpe'tone 'Central.—A. Hobbs 69, A. E. Ffrost 69, S. Jones 67, W. Clewer 66, W: Stephenson 69, H. May 67. J. Devlne 67; total, 474 P.W.M.C—P. Kershaw 69, W. Hogg 68, L. Wales 68, S. Dawson 68, R. Dixon 67, L. Myrs *67, H. Petherlck 66; total, 473. POSITION OF .EAMS. M. W. L. D. Pts. Agg. Avg. PWMC ...... 4 3 1 0 6 1903 67.96 Petone' Central .43X06 1903 67.96 Hutt 4 2 2 0 4 1897 67.70 "Evening Post" .. 4 0 4 0 0 1880 67.14 B GRADE— RECORD AVERAGE. Potono Central 480, Brooklyn 469. Aotea 473, 'Evening Post" 466. Hutt 473, Hutt Ladles 463. Municipal 469, P.W.M.C. Ladles 440. South 467, Public Service 461. W.W.M.C. 466,. P.W.M.C. 455. Hutt1 Valley Ladles 462, Petone Ladies 406. Onslow/a bye. Tha record round average of 66.13 estaDlished last year has been raised 'in this round to the very fine figure of 66.38, notwithstanding the rather low scores of one or two teams. Section 1 obtained an aggregato of 3727 points (11 below their best performance this season) for an Individual average of 66.55, while section 2 excelled themselves in obtaining 2778, an. Improvement of 28 on their previous best, for an average of 66.14. Petone Central mado the highest team score, 480 equalling tho previous best performance this season; in section 2 Aotea headed the list with 473. The best combined scoro was Brooklyn-Petono Central, 949, four points below tho season's best performance. The highest ladies' team score was a 463 by Hutt Ladles; tho ladies' Individual average was 65.21, which, by the way, is 1.00. below their first round performance of 66.21. Of tho 98 riflemen no fewer than 58 obtained scores of 07 or over. This is an improvement of 13; even then there were 17 scores under 86, tho second greatest number this season. On this it appears there is still room for improvement in the grade. The scores of 67 and over were made up of three possibles (2 in round 3), twelve 69's (9), twenty-one 68's (IS), and twenty-two 67's (16). The possibles were secured by J . Flnlay and J. Ashman (Petone Central), and L. Anderson (Municipal). The highest ladies' scores were 69's by Miss B. Calder (Hutt Ladies) and Mrs. Fuiler (P.W.M.C. Ladles). Petorie Central, by defeating Brooklyn in thi3 round, lead in the championship in section J with 8 points, being undefeated. Brooklyn, Hutt, and Municipal, all with 6 points, share second place. With three rounds to go it looks as though the competition in this section will be very keen. Petone Central sltll have to meet Municipal and Hutt. In section 2 Aotea, as yet undefeated, lead with 6 points. Onslow and Hutt Valley Ladies with ons loss each fill second place. Aotea still have to meet both these teams. Tbo following are the details of tho round:— SECTION I. Petono Central.—J. Flnlay. 70, 1. Ashman 70, D. Jones 69, J. Colquhoun 69, N. Scarle 68, L. Wilkinson 68. W. Johnson 66; total, 480. Brooklyn.—C. HoDJcns CB,, D. Trotter 68, R. Skilton 68/ G. Boddy 67, B. Keys 67, R. Leckle 66; M. Hofflens 65; total, 469. Hutt.—H. Y. Caldwell 69, A. E. Lambert 69, B. Griffith 68, G. Barnard 68, F. Goldfinch 67, J. W. McHolm 67, H. E. Brown 85; total, 473. Hutt Ladies.—Miss B. Calder 69, Mrs. Nightingale 68 Mrs. Maitland 67, Mrs. McHolm 67, Miss M. Calder 66, Mrs. Rushton 64, Mrs. Johnson 62; total, 463. Municipal.—L. Anderson 70, R. S. Walshaw 68, F. Williams 67, S. Owen 67, W. i. Jenkins 66, Miss M. Murray 66; total, 469. P.W.M.C. Ladles.—Mrs. Fuller 69, Mrs. Warner 68, Mrs. Emmett 65, Mrs. F. Wales 62, Mrs. L. Wales 61, Mrs. Ward 61, Mrs. Verrall 59; total, 445. South.—B. McWhinney 69, M. Evans 68, H. Lane 68, J. S. Priestly 6S, A. Stevenson 66, E. Edmunds 64, A. Withers 64; total, 467 Publlo Service—D. A. Rosle 69, J. H. Croxton 69, A. S. Ballinfcer 67, Mrs. H. V. Croxton 67, R. D. Potts 66, A. V. G.. Wilson 66, Miss F. Martin 67; total, 461.

SECTION 2. Aotea.—F. Harris 68, J. Stephens 68, B. J. Leydon 68, L. McKeefry 68, R. Dawson 67, M.O'Grady 67, J. P. Corder 67; total, 473. "Evening Post."—W. Stevens 69, It. Jen-kins-67, R. Otton 67, Miss. N. McXicol 66, Miss D. Vlolich 66, J. Gapes 66, Miss J. McNtcol 65; total, 466. ' W.W.M.C—A. H. Collins 69, L. Cathro 63, J. Walrasley 67, W. Cherry 67; J. Hatch 65, N. Rooney 64; total, 460. P.W.M.C.—N. Meldrum 67, A. Moore 67, C. Lusty 66, A. Douglas 65; G. Rodda .04. A. Fisher 64, S. Carter 62; total, 455. Hutt Valley Ladie3.—Mrs. Greenfield 68, Mr 3. May 68, Miss Davles 67, Mrs. Nicholas •66, Mrs. Ffrost 66, Mrs. McDowell 65, Mrs. Barnden 62; total, 462. Petone Ladles.—Mrs. Johnstone 68, Miss N. Gregory 67, Miss E. Gregory . 65, Miss V. Pratley 65, Miss V. Scales 65, Mrs. Porter 64, Miss B. Scott 62; total, 456.

•Avorage based on number who actually shot. SEASON'S AGGREGATE. The names of those riflemen who have scored 495 or over In the season's aggregate appear below. There are still two shoots to go (another 400), so there will be many changes before the final result Is known. It will be observed that there is one possible (W. Birch), one 499 (L. Hare), threo 498's, four 4975, eight 4965, and twelve 4955, a total' of 29 scores of 495 or over.. Tho leaders are:—

LADIES' POSTAL MATCH. The postal match Christclmrch r. Wellington resulted in a win for Chrlstchureh by a narrow margin. The scores were:— ' Christchurch.—Mrs. E. Caldwell 09, Mrs. A. Harper 68, Mrs. A. Nlcholls 67. Miss H. Wheller 67, Mrs. H. A. Bishop 66, Miss N. Dick 63, Mrs. I! Smith 67, Miss B. Best 67, Mrs. IS. Whittaker 67, Mrs. A. B. L. Smith (19; total 675. Wellington.—Mrs. B. Maitland 68, Mis 3 B.

Calder 60. Mrs. ■H. Nlckless 68, Miss Cockroft 68, Miss Till 67, Miss L. Harper 08, Miss Martin G7, Mrs. Fullor 06, Miss B. Scott 68, Mrs.' Johnston 66; total 672. Mrs. Rushton also scored 66, but as only ten scores counted her score was cut out. LOWER HUTT LADIES' CLUB. The June monthly competition resulted in a win In the B grade for Miss B. Calder (Lady Roberta's trophy). Mrs. Rushton was runnerup (Mrs. Nightingale's trophy). The C grade club trophy for June was won'by Miss M. Gray, with Miss M. Fraser runner-up (Mrs. Nightingale's trophy). Miss B. Calder (B grade) and Miss Cray (C grade) obtained the most number of bulls during June; they hold tho O. M. Ching Memorial Buttons for a month. MIS 3 Calder obtained the only possible recorded last month. She will defend her New Zealand Indies' championship title at the Now .Zealand championships. ONSLOW CLUB. The' following scores have been recorded during the past few weeks:—X. Bradshaw (a first-year shot) 89, Freeman 90, Jlattingly 86, Pederson 88, Potts 88, Small 89. The first winner of the H.M.S. Sussex spoon is O. Pederson. This trophy is shot for on tho last shooting night of each month and is n handicap event. Pederson had a possible off the rifle. Miss I'leld hns been elecled to the committee vice Mrs. Pullen. SOUTH CLUB. The South Club 'held the usual competition shoot lnst Tuesday. The best scores were 69's by R. Congreve, P. W. Congreve, R. T. Boddy, A. Mcßobie, and A. MacDowall. R. Congreve won the shoot-off for the July competition ,for the Congreve Jug. The. following tied In the July competition for the'Costcllo Clip: R. Congreve, P. W. Congrevo, R. T. Boddy, A. MacDowall, A. Mcltobie, A. Withers, B. McWulnney, J. Farmer, J. Culling, E. Edmunds, Miss Strathford, A. Creed, W. Miners, and J. T. Priestley. The weekly challenge shields are at present held by Miss Strathford, J. Farmer, and R. House, their combined score being 206 ex 210 points. WELLINGTON W.M. CLUB. W. Connlbear's trophy resulted in a win for R. H. Stewart, with L. Cathro and D. Alabaster second and third respectively, the shoot-off resulting: R. J. Stewart 70, L. Cathro 68, D. Alabaster 68. The count back gave Cathro second place. H. Leishart's trophy resulted In a win for C. Aamodt. The best scores were as follows: C. Aamodt 203 (210), R. Pattison 299 (210 , A Roberts 206 (210), H. Roberts 208 (210)', N' Rooney 199 (210), J. Walmsley 204 (210). The shoot-off resulted: Aamodt 70, Pattison 69 Rooney OS.. Possibles were gained by Pattison, H. Roberts, R. J. Stewart, R. H. Stewart, J. Walmsley, and F. J. Watenvorth. ' "EVENING POST" CLUB. The final of the July ■ competition shoot, which takes place next week, is keenly awaited, as several are very close. Last night K. MacDowall and H. Nlckless got possibles, and 69's were obtained by Miss J. >icol, R. Jenkins, J. Rodder, and J. Tindle. J. Bradley, R. Whltton, and R. Allen each got 68. Miss V. Vlolich (68) and H. Nlckless (69) are the holders of the buttons with a combined handicap score of 138.64, closely followed by R. Otton and G. Olriham, 137.74.

FU5IIIUN Uf ifc«mo. JL W. I>. D. Pts. Agg. Avg. Petone Central .44008 1892 67.57 Brooklyn 4 3 1 0 6 1898 67.79 Jiutt 4 3 10 6 1886 67.36 Municipal 4 3 1 0 6 1861 66.46 South 4 2 2 0 4 1865 66.61 Hutt Ladles ... 4 1 3 0 2 1841 65.75 Public Service .40400 1852 06.14 P.W.M.C. Ladles ,4 0 4 0 0 1815 65.18

1-USIIIUN Uf ItMIYIO. jr. w. l. d. rts. Aee. Avg. Aotca 3 3 0 0 6 1410 67.14 Onslow 3 2 1 0 4 1383 65.86 'Butt Val. Ladles 3 2 10 4 1313 65.65 Pctona Ladles ..42204 1854 66.21 W.W.M.C 4 2 2 0 4 1829 65.33 F.W.M.C 3 1 2 0 2 1337 63.61 "Evening Post" . 4 0 4 0 0 1820 65.00

\y, liircn ii/onguurn/ •.» iuu avu uuu h. Hare (Hiitt) 99 200 200 499 W. Webb (Cromwell Rlys.) 00 199 200 408 C. Blackwood (West End) 99 200 109 49S T. Graham (Ch'ch. W.JI.C.) 100 199 199 49S G. W. Heslop (West End) 99 ' 199 190 49T J. D. Edmonds (Sumner) . 99 199 109 497 C. Thoreau (Pleasant Ft.) '98 190 200 497 W. Bradshaw (Timaru) .. 08 200 199 407 R. Davidson (Ch'ch. YV.M.C.) 09 109 108 400 C. Jessop (Sydenham) ... 100 198 108 496 J. McCarthy (JIarist O.B.) 99 109 198 40C H. Nickless ("Evg. Post") 98 199 199 406 K. Williams (United) 09 200 197 400 N. Torklns (Westport) ... 97 200 190 496 H. Smith (Ch'ch. W.JI.C.) 09 107 200 490 J. Hull (West End) 100 197 198-495 R. J. Boddy (Wgtn. Sth.) . 100 109 196 495 H. Lane (Wgtn. Sth.) ... 100 107 108 495 H. Barker (Sydenham) .. 08 198 190 495 3. Ritchie (Feathcrston) .. 98 108 100 405 T. Prlchard (Brooklyn) . 00 197 199 405 E. E. Taylor (Cashmere) . 90 197 199 495 H. B. Roberts (Pleasant Pt.) 99 107 190 493 T. Hpdgo (United) 07 108 200 495 B. Crocker (Auckland) .. 09 199. 197 405 G. Crump (Ch'ch. W.JI.C.) 100 196 109 495 TT. Trnmnn IHhVh WAiri !lfl 197 109 4!).".

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Evening Post, Issue 20, 23 July 1935, Page 16

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SMALL-BORE RIFLE SHOOTING Evening Post, Issue 20, 23 July 1935, Page 16

SMALL-BORE RIFLE SHOOTING Evening Post, Issue 20, 23 July 1935, Page 16