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/&/j^m^:JsMßß^ ■ /fsf/y fit wfolA lIP/1 77 UfaSmcvztmHatL |\ g ' Now on display .• w r. the firit collection of tht I\. %i*3f^ f new Hals for Autumn, 1935, in James Smith's /! * ■' jsmk I Famous Millinery Salon, on the first floor. So $4% ' l 'riwj many captivating styles—so many piquant notions Jt*wk ' v - <$MP^mk. ' —s0 many c^c interpretations—and last, but not i jM^jM\ ' * jf"'.^^^^mtK^^^^ least, such a marvellous price range!' You must' " > \ J^']^^W^^^^^% K/ ' ' * see this display of new millinery! : There's-a'host '•• 't * Wmms*' " f '^^l^^^^r * "-'„''/' i of smart little inexpensive hats, so new and refresh-■• P^^^^^^'l''"'-:'^ *ng ' •'•■■ a colleclion of'ovrfy imported models ;' i ' ?> 1 ; '"'-y' 1 authentic in every detail .•-.-. a really outstanding . * , I^&iL:' h'Wsm "■'""''' ' array of youthful Matrons'HaU. Unquestionably ; ' W^^^^^^^^mjj^ff - • James Smith's 1935 Millinery will enhance their :\ V , ' , \ „ j^gj^mM< *■'" / ■ reputation for presenting Wellington's, smartest : ■ To-day, probably the most talked-of hat in the . lj||||||||| , ____—_■___ • r new fashions — The New Tyrolese Felt! PRICE ' MBJnMBBBWBBBHBnInM^ " ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ■ '" ■"^ James Smith's Famous Millinery Salon presents ' ' ' , ' this piquant version in Faggot Brown, with a - . " ' ' " ' ' '" ~" dashing multi-coloured .quill. It's the perfect / > b^b^b^b^L^^bSE^lPkm ' ' **,*—s*-dc—. • J7'o YOUR HAIR AND THE - ■ , , I'HhMB The arrival of the new Hats means a reB^B^H^a^a^alßtaiinA '■*m/Kf*i^m arrangement of your coiffure 1 And that DON'T HAVE GREY HAIR UNLESS „ :iK| » where the specialists in James Smith's „.... . a ,am-t -rr\ i ' Beauty Parlour can help you. There's YOU WANT TO! . i^^^^B^ jM&i*t* dd^l not a new style of hairdressing mooted in _ ... _ n n i it . a ''^sVHBBi^iI London, Paris and New:York but the The Experts in James Smith's Famous Beauty Parlour will restore the -Jli^^^^B experts in James Smith's Beauty Salon '. tone and lustre to your hair in the cleverest way imaginable. Staining v iflP^^^H arfaware of it. All phases of hairand restoring hair to its natural colour is a very special feature for which W \^|9^^^^H dressing are available. Permanent Wav- • James Smiths Beauty Parlour is noted. ~ - vVßfj ing,'priced full head from 20/-. ' -' ' . 1;- i TOr I ____^_^.^■——■ i • - '," \ ' •, r '.-.'.• ■~■,*: mJ■*' ' - ■' I Scoullar's I ANNUAL SALE Commences 9 a.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY lit _ 1 I ■ HOME-LOVERS have not had such an opportunity for years to secure GOOD I «/NCtSf L furniture and furnishings at remarkably low prices, kWe are still overstocked in |ll r*ZIL aii iL, certain departments, and are making huge reductions to effect a clearance. Hi 7 ScouUar's Sale is the biggest furniture Sale in Wellii^on,:aiid it will pay you to | :^ mmmmmm come in early and inspect the bargains offering. . I I NEW CURTAINS I ««croill T AP'S" VO,\t rARPFTS I >°^^ ver *? 1 AND COVERINGS SCOULLARS FOR CARPfcTb reductions m the 1 is the best advice to those who want quality and rear value. -Study , ,;*• ' Wt —that make your house«home. Every- ? '*' these prices. > i^VTnmff'rimT* CC/^TIAII II thing reduced/ Prices cut to the bone. ' , U.u.l Pri« S.I. Pric. hIIKNIIUKL OLLIIUPi II Utual Sale ';' «• d. •.,, A, '» .-V***.»• ,*-7/ *m** ■*»«w«»w » u« Price Price 27in. wide, Stair Carpet ..' '. 16 6 , 13 6 < __ , ~' i r« •«- ilil . £ ..* Body .'...: ' i i6 s 14 6 Upholstered Furniture 1 I ■ sOin. PUin Filet Ecru Net 2 6 111 Border ::.: 12 6 10.6. ; |||1 36in. Ecrn Curtain Net, Body .....'.. 16 6 '"'••.. r.: ' ; Usually Sal*Price HI art. nlk and cotton, Bady .. „ - •.:. 12 6 11 6 * > '..,... £ ... d. £•. d. II 1 «MirJ«EWKi; 2" 2 3 »«r ::::::::::::::■::::::::::::::::::::::::; ! ; . "S*??T[*£t* » . .... I "Sundour" Cotton Net 4 9 2 6 27in. Haircord 6 6 * 5 9 .ii 1^ "" f uijj M 6436~50in. Fine Quality M.u« 27 n. Haircord, Gr^n 6 6 5 9 18 Cretan..«d .. . I Art. Silk and Cotton Net 7 9 3 a 36in. Haircord, Brown 86 76 Ch«r» ... '..|. ■ 4 Each 310 0 Z5 0 U| 6182—50in. Blue Silk Net, heary „„.„_,, Hawock, 6/- . . .. 1 3-Piece Modern Grey Ml quality 911 3 6 SQUARES— £ i.d. .*■«. A; Suite, in Mo«iu«tte ... 23 10 0 15 10 0 HI 50in. Plain Mesh Rote 12ft «fc * 9ft. Oin 85 .0 7.S 0, , U,C«n<Ml Cne«t«rfield ... 13 IS 6 910 0 I «c lln j_ ur » A,t Silt 10ft. 6in. x 9ft. Oin. .i 7 5,0'. 6.5 0., '■•*--!?.'• e i~j ;jiri.v' • ' 1011 Sundour Art. 5 .4 SO, I f^^Mf «d »Ch*ir i4 j- -lelo O Hi S7S6_SO^G«v Cotton Nei 9ft. Oin. x 6ft. Oin 45 0 312«' . J-1 Mwquette ~... 24 17 6 16 10 0 fl| 1 5756-50m.Grey^ Cotton Net, 12ft. Oin. x 10ft. 6in. 11 0 0 976 1 3-Piece,El^ar Suit, in • -. V-/ ■- . Hi 1 6873-50*n Old Rose and Gold 13ft. 6in. x 10ft. 6in. , 12 10 0 10 15,0. ;.. .ape, Woquett. ...... 57 10 0 «0 0 Hi Art. Silk and Cotton Net 7 6 3 3 AX J?&r« RuftJ?* ' ° 9 ' VFimja. Ch«r, »oq«rt».t |l 6609—40in. Blue and Gold Net 6 6 3 6 AXMINSTER RUGS— . - , / .pringwiat; , 3 17'f Zls 0 fIM 5427-50in. Fine Quality White *{J- «! n' * |ft. 3.n 017 6 015,0 _ 3 ;pi.oe Moil«rn Uphold , I Swii. Curtain Net ... 14 6 5 6 i,t% Vrl* "" ."••.•.•••. lit 2J! 2 .Urea Salt*, Scushlwii 22 10 0 1110 0 HHI 5659—50in. Fine Qu.lity White 6ft« 3lß* x 4"' Oln .••••.•", 3° ° ?. ** >*• -' '^^ , Fireiidi Chair., W1 ?» 6 112 ,6 l|| ■-EftStf^" \VI LINOLEUM BARGAINS r ~. 1 sS7^crun, d-L.^et B!'::25. < . 'NLr° LSt? M- : •. „.'' r 9 . '?STtSSrss ■. - o I 50in. Heavy Cream and FotlTth """ 12 6 110 gold 28= 10 O; *> 00 |l EcruMidmMusiui third .;;;;;;::::;';:;;v:;;;;;;:-;:;;:;;;::;;;;:r w e u o y. || 7/11 to 8. 6 2 6 ' ■ _ , . q <rf . •• . m|| coloured madras muslins— , Dining Kooni runiiture n jjlj: 5829—Mauve and Silk Trelli* 10 6 4 6 ammmmmmm^m^mmmmmmmmmml^mmmmmmtm^mmmmmmt^mmmtmmm^mmmmmA ffll II 5378—Silver Ground, Gold Roses 22 6711- ' , \ 6-Piece Oak Pembroke' . ' UHI 6081—Silver Ground, Blue Roses 22 6 711 D AnlT* A tMC fM Ann niCTTC Suite 32 10 .0. 22 10 0 HHI 6483-Mauve, Gold and Black 18 6 6 6 DARCiAIINO lIN UiJU rltLK^tab 1 Oak N.1.0n ; - . 12 10 0 || 6693—Rose and Blue 15 6 6 6 ! . ' **™ .., -. DHI 583tBlue Vand nOran * Foli*ge 18 1 511 -tho»e Kttle things that make life so much more comfortable * gjj". ._;." f._ 25 lfr 0 le'lO, o || 5837-Blue and Go'd ge .'.■.■.':: IS 6 511 Usual Price Sale Price 1 Oak Dinln» 0 . (flpl 011 lIIJ SOin. FADELESS CASEMENT—„ 2 Mahogany Occasional Fret. Tables 99 0* 65 0 1 6-Piece Oak Dinmg 7- ~- r HI I Brown, Orange, Rose and Blue 1 only Blackwood Hall Chair 610 0 44 0 Suite, bow front sida- . iS 1111l Specially Priced 1 6 1 only Oak Hall Chair ~ 7 7 0 415 0 board, cane back dining , , ~ HI 50in. FIGURED CASEMENT— 1 only Oak Folding Occasional Table 25 0 110 0 N chairs ...48 0 0 35 00; |H Gold, Brown, Rust, Orange, Fawn 3 Modern Oak Bookcases each 119 6 113 6 . " HII Specially Priced 1 6 1 Oak Envelope Bridge Table J 515 0 410 0 O J 17 •*- ' Mil SUNDOUR ARRAN CASEMENT CLOTH- *^ io. T«D'« ■■•■ ■ • • each \I « «" • DedrOOHl T UmitUTe || Mauve, Blue. Fawn, Green (cancelled) 1 Kf^f *X^ T*"*, '•" > i! ?« 2 ?'? 2 ' ■■•"'' 4' II 6378-50in. Blue and Wine f X"?°ff u W'M &""Viy" '. •>? ?a n , , 1 Panel Oak 4ft. 6in. Bed 4100.2 15 0 ffll Striped Taffeta .... 15 0 66 L°i^ij^ ffW P" j'^'S"^'• C iJS c 15 2 2 Panel and Splat Oak ii SOin. Striped "Pasha" Qoth- 50 Upholstered Br.dg. Cha.r. each 017 6, 014 6 4ft . 6 in. Beds, each... 55 0 212 « || -jti-cojoured striped (mauve » g^^TlVay.-." \ \ '!' ['. \ ! '. [ .'! i":;: .-.V '^ Sif 6 ii " ,« ; 4.P|«.G^W.I^ | Li^"^l^ 20 Card Tables, wood top. ■ .each 013 6 012 6 , 55%.S 5 %. Suite/ 2^ Wt. " V^, T I l|| Tissue 3 6 211 fcs«s«s«aws»SMS»s*a»BißWa«aes«B«sMawawßis^s«»aws«s««^^™a^Ba«™ia™«a»™«a«s«J beds, . eheval mirror , - - ' .WL 50 in. Hand Block Shadow— (tide wings), tallboy ■ ' : MM range assorted designs 22 6 7 6 SCOULLAR'S NEW LOW PRICES place good furniture within reach of all. The an d stool J 48 0.0" 33 00 s lIU 111! 12 ASSORTED DESIGNS prices marked are for CASH, but if terms are desired, these can be arranged. Goods 15- Piece Suite, twin ' : UjH Ilil 31in. Linen (small dcisigns) wiH be itored fr** if p*id for durinf the Sale Period- . beds, dressing table, ■ ' ,: ; .', M I||K Specially Priced " 2 11 • wardrobe and pedestal, '' ' '' MB 36in. FIGURED SUNDOUR CRETONNE- f|T| Q 11 ft f m I' rt£ R^'"&* -° '" U Green, Blue, Gold and Rose |La V#»4\1111 •% lr» I £X I ¥*% 4ft. 6in. Bed, wardrobe. il 1 Specdly Pr.«d 1 6 ■ |lfl ill 11111 I/I I 1 I.Til dretting table an4 P«i- < r ■ \II 100 BALL CUSHIONS-Kapoc filled 1 lIV UVUIIIIUI I^^%l# estal 37 10 0 22 10 0 : |[J| Hill . To Clear, each 16 , ... 1 3-Piece Modern Oak ... - tapestry CUSHIONS-. 88-89 LAMBTON QUAY :: :: :: :: :: WELLINGTON- ilri l wsrdK;be'VMt"«ii''iW:'Tol--1111- c.,i. rl , ._j r._i_ p__i:.l ' 6in. bed, dressing table 28 18 9■- IB To inn I .uSct. ..... . f."h .7 6 5 6 Branches at Hastings and Blenheim. Folding Wardrobe' 019 8 0186 j|

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Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 6