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VANCE-VIVIAN LTD. Cr. CUBA and MANNERS STS.|| Vt fb ivilY %J . /* $Z f6 I Woollen *■ ■ n*x Ik i^ "LYNX" 11 Woollen BLAZERS need ll^R^^H^^ "^^H fl^H M ' X8 ® IS no praise from us, but we bS^^Hn»!^^^^^K2£^;"-^^^^B """ ' §8 would like to remind you ffl^^H'^Sß^^^H^^'^fl^^H A v5 that they fit, that the poc- |^Bf^"^^^^H"'- '^i^^^K 5° *"" L™X FLANNEL 5§S every strand of them has Trousers has gone .into these 5n been dyed in the wool, _ :;!i~''^^^HMP^i^!iy Flannels- Good shades .of "' w All sizes are here in every Ik \MB£^sWfcW Cambridge and Grey, plain or, . » goTot S Patt Fo nr m e ar niv .1/2 W^^^ ' s^WeVei^^X . | and° 35/- """flO/jj l^l^^HF 35' ' SALE FROM I STARTS TO-MORROW! 1 |§ There's never any junk in our stock—not even at' SALE TIME I The bargains we advertise are good goods at SALE prices. You know our standard—everything good. Every article has been bought with an eye to SS style, colour, workmanship, quality, and value; but •nainlv for STYLE. Style looms larger to-day than §S ever before in Wellington's history—in the world's history, in your experience. You may rely on STYLE §fc in the goods you buy at OUR Sale! Now (or some bargains: LYNX Suits and Overcoats, Flannels, 1§ - - Sports Wear, Hats, and Mercery. . II H I Every Item at a SALE PRICE, because l| We're Determined on a Big Clearance! II I ; , , _ II I HERE ARE LYNX SUITS FOR A START | LYNX SUITS have been our special hobby these ten years, so when we come to write them up for SALE « TIME we get stuck for words. Do you know how really good LYNX are? Do you know that the LYNX S> is pre-eminently a style garment? That its designers and cutters do nothing else but design and cut? Do §& " you know that some other makers say theirs are as good as LYNX? Da you know that we talk LYNX in S§ our sleep—after fobster salad? Well, we've some 350 LYNX SUITS now in stock in their 51 shape-keeping |> sizes, and every one of them has a reduced price SALE ticket on its sleeve. % LYNX SUITS—In English Flannels, plain or striped, with double-breasted » LYNX. SUITS, in English -Navy Serge, at 6 gns. for £.5/10/- are good buying. ': SS jacket as worn by the Duke; trousers to match, but no vest. Only £A fCL '< These Were always good, but we've made the good better by several .improve- ' to six of them, left over. Were 5 gns. SALE UJF/ W \. ments> l n dj go dye, pure virgin -wraol and London shrunk. With double LYNX SUITS—In brown checked worsted. As we've only one standard of bottomed trouser pockets and unbreakable fronts that assure " Q(f /of A/ §fc making, you can always rely on the. Lynx—even at a Sale OJ / of fiye or gix g , wear j^ gi2feg Were fi g SAL£ Jj/ IU/ m Sfc , Formerly SJ gns. SALE IT*/ ; ' ' ° ; SS LYNX SUITS—In. worsted pattern Tweeds; same good make and Oi / LYNX SUITS—In brown and grey Yorkshire Tweeds. These are the favoured fi^sh. Formerly 0} gns. SALE UTT/ herringbone patterns and grand wearing, as well as extra jPC/lA/ LYNX SUITS in New Zealand Worsteds give you the choice of good C GNS. ; Were £6/19/6 SALE *«>/ IU/ " §8 sstriped browns, blues, and blue-grey. Were 5 gns. SALE U ■ . - "« LYNX SUITS—In genuine hand-woven Donegal Tweeds, but only two o£ LYNX SUITS—In our very best English Navy Serge. Here's- a serge we've §S them, remember? This is the real peasant-dyed and woven tweed g GNS. , {n g a complaint> but with many a warm ,. / good patterns, too. were e gns. mi*, w , Jaii In pure Merino Wopl, (the sort that tops the mirket>,: ".; S, • • Were £6/10/-, and only three left. SALE Zof- IU/ - { made. All the sizes/ -•■■ ■■■ Were .-£7/15/- SALE' W/Wr ||. 300 OVERCOATS—some HALF-PRICE or LESS! 1 BURBERRY RAINCOATS— JThe genuine products of the Burberry woArooms,, England.?.. r LYNX OVERCOATS—Three small sizes in Navy Nap and Velour; These-represent In two good shades-the swanky light cream and the serviceable fawn-f - -C'CNS,.-;. exceptional values. Remember, for small men only, - gfi/ ». -.•,-, -■'■ ' Usually 8 gns.. SSALE V ~ >. .., ' , .' Were fo/IOA . SALE VU/ ;» LEATHERETTE ftAINCOATS-Ii» «" smooth brown finish, with tiger &tt lining- Let1 LYNX OVERCOATS-In that marvellous Hyde Park style of oa» .that lead* New Zea- » "id ?; a;J l« Sf* are not gMUine< t}f rskfns> but imitationg "%SL W6 • SStTeSS^It^ Enß Krcy hemngbonet as lT 4 ed g na: d< Tale:£S/19/6 ■ I ■ RAGLAN OVERCOAT-In grey check^is fuHy fined in smartly full cut; CA# ,'.J GABARDINE RAINCOATS-That ate English in weave, cut. and make; jolly wejf cut » sizes ": ' • '* ■■ Wm £4/9/6. SALE 3v/» and made, too.. Very good fawfls _ £r/ 15/ ' 'SALE 95/- «• - RAta^<^R€OAT^^rtt^-tefdlydlk ! ta^ B L«th. |^«: s2/S LY NX WEATHERPROOFS remain (to our mind) the rainU de luie. OfJoton. | ■KIISHRAINCOATS-Iu Gabardine, ,^Wn S are the^ntes, check Hned; wSJ Bd^f^-fS rj!^"&^ I popular shapes and sizes. / '~5,, ,< *■- , JTm 7 shoulder and at the bend of the arm that raincoats first leak. Any kin# of guarantee Sj ENGLISH OVERCOAT-In Ugly dark grey, a fitting model.fully lined"; size 4 OC/ tflat you like! In aIl si zcs . Splendid fawn shades. J?fi/1 0/C .only. :. ■ Was 4 gns, SALE •*•»' Usually f7/15A SALE*W/10/0 RAGLAN—In puce shade; a si« 4. given a-wayl 39/6 TWEEDON RAINCOATS—With rear tweed finish or with smooth imitation tweed face. SS- - • • Was 79/6. SALE •'*''*' These are a belted rubbered raincoat, very useful for holiday or every-day wear, QC /' §§ CHESTER OVERCOAT—With inset sleeves and semi-loose back, a flecked g?/ Brown and fawns in attractive checks. Were 59/6, SALE •?•>/" §S ass 'ov&S£- In >^m- '-r.u|ja: f |g| 55 ), <™o«h, .« -..-».-,. -^ h f»^|/. | OVERCOAT—In brick toned herringbone has inset> sleeve* Arid swing'back; CA/fi LYNX OVERCOAT—In Forbury style, a-plain grey vclour with half belted §S sice 5 only.' Was 84/-. SALE U«r/U back; size 7. - . . Wa/j 7 gns.-- .S_ALEyu-2.- ,--,( i KgSplendid Savings for You on All Sundries! | SPORTS COATS of Enclish make feature the tailoring CREAM.TROUSERS—In English wool gabardine. These ZIP SHIRTS—In cream cotton knit. ,A> resLnimmer sfc in which England Wds the world. The snug under-arn. are tlfe - very best in constant wear. They dry-clean and outing, shirt, splendid .wearing, with collar* C/fi » SSS SSSn-fiiS^'HWSri: • pe"ettl^nd: arep"'ealywL S2 /«s*L E ..26/6 &S2, wo* ~*JSl TiUSE3s2 I checked patterns, brown aind grey. . 00/C WHITE LUVISCA SHIRTS— With single cuffs and one you call them "derbies" or "buns" or "black flex''.' » Were4776 SALE 06/V collar. ■• The real Courtauld's weave, just about un- You taiow the hat we mean. These in black ar- |C/g SS m w«e«/- sale 22/6 . vmxmm ttl)pi , „„„„ , s*stt^Sjy l sr!S?is?a3St; I SPORTS COATS — Coop's English models in realJy . Wear aa Aertcx and let your skin breathe., If your skrn two reversible collars to give you s-dean, collar/every « ... Were 4»/6 . SALE Oi I V ZIP SHIRTS in cofoured silk suede. These are the last ROPESTITCH PULLOVERS—In 'cream wool. *t best SPORTS COATS—In genuine hand-woven Harris tweeda word in this kind of garment, the. most wonderful texture quality and in those good shapes for which we tA/C SS from the Island of Harris and Lewis. These are the and finish you have ever seen, and a K«™>n£, H/tl are famed; coloured borders, Were'2s/-; SALE. *W M SS "dinkmn" weaves as worn by. Royalty. In LYNX make, lockrrit. Were 12/6 SALE W/ll SUMMIT PYJAMAS— Iji broad stripes, are made-right S§ with real leather buttons. 70/IS WHITE SHIRTS for real men—no school boy« and half- up to this famous maker's standard. fi/11 §S Were 90/-. SALE I&/ V grown men need look up this bargain. . These are for Were 10/6 SALE-- V/ XX » FLANNEL'TROUSERS, in pure wool Cambridge shades, . 16* to 17J neck* only..- Perfectly good in every-woy,; but NUVOLO PYJAMAS-With roll collars, make a de- S§ si«*sratMr ""*w"" ""Wfi :."" tooniw. <". t"™iw m ..<,/( i sALE.6/ir —.■—.-«/•> „„.,„, SALE 7/n :| Were 25/- SALE ID/ IJ. COAT SHIRTS, with collar attached, in good blues and FUJI SILK SHIRTS —In Matsu quality. A heavy » _~._,„_.- , _ 4 . ~.„„ _„ h ., t Th .,, browns. Ideal for summer wear in office or "business. weight and perfectly made by Summit h/1 I Si FLANNELS of Sporl.«« m.k«, needing no belt 1 hese bej a Hftle lown . ye . Were g/u SALE Qf H » tske up on both sides, and are made in Cambridge a cooJer tjme Were 8/6 SALE 0/11 DRESSING GOWNS-ln light fawn silk. These are Sfc shades only; a very sp^cut.^ gALE 24/6 CANdE SHIRTS in white seem to be on the wane. We handy for travelling, and t-Je^jKU. sp-e Jg/g | FLANNEL TROUSERS-In mid and light greys, each ' "^rVs/n "sALe' S/6 DRBHMG GOWNS-ln « heavy weave of pure sijk; one is a pure wool with worsted finish that keep* m __„«.„_ «,„,«,.-«. T ..... n » i. »«. good colourings and sizes. • ■ }n*S IQL CSS shape perfecUv, holds it* crease, and will wash 97/fi TENNIS SHIRTS-In white; very well cut about the » Werc 45/-. for half, SALE'^^/D S§ like a piece of calico. Were 32/ff SALE Lll U neck and with shapely collars, making them J/1 J DRESSING GOWNS-ln heavy weave, with »6me 25 ,SS FLANNEL TROUSERS - Lvnx make in very good ideal for wear with a tie. Were fl/ll SALE #/ 11 f^ U ServlC eable fa^i «nd pleasing patterns Sfc FirrilTfwnnri^Sßdwi^M^DWnorrtripd INTERLOCK UNDERWEAR-In a real English fabric, . "vs and browns. - .' 77/ft English Flannels, Camtetdg^or Grey, pJunior s"'Pea- bll fm«de up in Kew Zealand.. Athletic. style of singlet "^d value from 32/6 to 49/«- FROM A'/O " SALE FROM 10/D without sleeves, >r athletic trunks with elastic 1/Q TIES—In Silk, Tweed and uncrushable fabrics; very 5* !i^n^T n RS R n K nw^ Interlock underwear^ UL^^ th« g"od shades and pßtt^ 2 /n to a/n. sale 1/6" | pe fX C ut^d maT*W«e 58* "sSEe 36/6 singlet* with h»lf sleeves; the trunk *-w.»*tth 2/6 SOCKS-1, Wool, Silk and(mixture . Greys blues, | PLUS FOURS for 29/0. Were 35A and 39/6; «nd golf- buttons and loops. Were 3/9 SALE LI U brown., pl«n or fancy. Were 2/6 lo 3/6 ,|.^J |.^ ing days will soon be here again. Ours «re only the well- WOOL FELT HATS—In good biscuit shades nnd light ; UNDERWEAR—6O sets winterweisht in « cut kind.. Browa in the lead, of course, but fawns and browns, all with snap brims and to-day's shapes. These ENGLISH UNDE,RWIMB W sets, winter*eighty, in », greys among the "also rt.rteds." All sixes here, and are light shades which you can afford to wear When ,■ Wool and Cotton, to be stronger than wm :, grand wear, longing to see the links. 90/fi soiled' stnff thcm under the copper at our sale A/R I real comfort AUrC 6/11 ,*/£■' 4/11 « Were 35/- and 89/6 SALE LWV I - price t Were 8/6 and 10/6 SALE */O } . SALE 1/ X X ». VANCE-VIVIAN Ltd.) One Central Shop: Cr. CUBA and MANNERS STS. |

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Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 25, 30 January 1935, Page 4