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It would bo difficult .to imagine a more brilliant -or delightfully arranged ball than that given at Government, House on Saturday evening by their Excellencies the Governor-Geueral and Lady Blcdisloe in honour of his Eoyal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. Apart from the honour and pleasure of meeting the Duke of Gloucester, a member of tho most popular Eoyal Family; in tho world, the brilliancy and pleasantness of all the surrounding circumstances made the night one long delight to tho large assemblage of guests. A foretaste of pleasure was given to the guests arriving by the charming "glowworm lights" arranged in the greenery surrounding the entrance doors. This, and the very complete arrangements being due to the thoughtful planning of Sir Cecil Day, who, with Lady Day and all members of Government House, carried the arrangements for the ball to a triumphant conclusion. BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS. The ballroom delighted the eye at once, for it was decorated with groupings of lovely flowers, gloxinias, petunias, foliage plants with wonderfully tinted leaves, maidenhair fern, and other rare plants, artistically .arranged. Feathery bamboo filled the corners, and pastel-tinted hydrangeas wero used in groupings, those round the dais being particularly effective. Tho conservatory was quite a dream of loveliness, for there were giant schizanthus, in delicato array, with pale rose lights behind them, making a fairylike effect. The great central palms, and hanging baskets ( of ferns (which were also effective in the ballroom), were interspersed with shaded lights, audit was a favourite sitting-put placo, perfect in comfort and beauty, for the dancers. Tho loggia at the entrance was equally charming, with many comfortable chairs and sofas, and tho advantage of watching the gay throng of dancers as they passed by. Tho drawing-rooms had high stands of Christmas lilies, mingled with pale yellow-tinted arums, and carnations were also used generously and effectively. Asparagus fern softened the vivid colouring of gladioli and petunias. Tho long corridors had groupings of bamboo,, and led to the. supper-rooms. The dining-room, where the official table was set, was especially finely decorated. The official table was centred by a beautiful silver cpergne filled with long-stemmed pink toned carnations and gypsopbija, maidenhair fern being used to introduce just the little tone of green which makes perfect every flower; crystal vases were used with matching flowers, and the tall silver candlesticks had dainty pink shades, completing a very charming picture.. The other round tables in the room were decorated to match, and the effect was excellent. Kefreshments were served all the evening in the billiardroom, where the table was also beautified with carnations, asparagus fern being added in the vases and in hanging baskets. There was also a buffet under the stairs, where delicious iced drinks and ices were served all the evening. Supper, which was of the "sit down" description . for all the guests, was set in the entrance hall, and at the end of the long corridor as well as the dining-room, tho decorations in each case being either of sweet peas or of carnations. Throughout tones of pink, from deepest rose to the most delicate, prevailed in the decorations, making a thoroughly artistic setting for a, delightful entertainment. A PUNCTUAL ENTRANCE. The Duke of Gloucester and their Excellencies arrived punctually in the ballroom at 9 o'clock, accompanied by the members of the staffs of his Koyal Highness and his Excellency the Gov-ernor-General, all wearing plain evening dress and orders. 7 Her Excellency's charming , frock was of white radium satin, the panels in leaf design in crystal and diamante. Her ornaments were pearls and diamonds, and she wore a white feather cape and carried a long feather fan. Lady Day wore an artistic model frock of peach-pink, with silver embossed georgette. The corsage was outlined with silver embroidery ; with touches of black. , Miss Sheila Hudson was in green crepe with silver embossed pattern. The Duke .of Gloucester danced five dances, the first with her Excellency, and the others with Mrs. T< C A. Hislop, Mrs. Bryan Trolove, Miss Jessie Forbes, and Miss Sheila Hudson. AMONG MANY GUESTS. Lady Myers wore sapphire blue French crepe with blue and silver metal roses, Mrs. G. W. Forbes (black georgette with cape effect of black net embroidered in silver), Lady Carncross (sapphire blue marocain), Mrs. 8. G Smith (red georgette with silver trimming), Lady Statham (black net and red flowers), Mrs. J. A. Young (pale blue lace), Mrs. Macmillan (black lace with shoulder posy of pink flowers), Mrs. Kansom (cream and black patterned georgette), Mrs. Tringham (blue metal-threaded crepe), Mrs. Arkwright (miduight-blue crepe), Mrs. W. Perry (cream patterned georgette), Mrs. Critchley, Blenheim (white satin), Madame Pao (pink embroidered satin), Madame Nihotte (silver lame), Mrs. Barrer (black lace), Mrs. Symon (red and black patterned satin), Mrs. Durman (black georgette patterned with white), Mrs. J. Hislop (mauv© crepe de chine), Mrs. Bucklin (pansy-purple and gold lame), Miss Buoklin (daffodil satin), Mrs. Olphert (midnight blue chiffon and silver cape effect), Mrs. Ardell (black satin with pink-lined sleeves), Mrs. T. C. A. Hislop (pale shrimp pink satin), Mrs. Leicester (pale blue and ivory georgette),, Mrs. Nesbit (beige lace with amethyst velvet trimming), Mrs.: K. Park (magnolia lace). Mrs. . Jervis (black taffetas), Lady Eobcrts (black satin and diamante trimming), Mrs. D. A. Ewen (puce metal-striped marocain), Mrs. Penseler (green striped georgette), Mrs. Andrew (Lido blue geoTgette), Mrs. Goss (black lace), Mrs. P. Cooke (pale blue georgette), Mrs. F. "V. Frazer (pale tdurquoise lace), Mrs. Lan Duncan (black satin with diamante lace bodice), Lady McGavin (black satin), Lady Pomare (black georgette with silver embroidery), Mrs. Reed (black georgette and lace), Mrs. Frank Dyer (black satin), Mrs. G. Pharazyn (pervenche marocain and silver lame), Mrs. Morice (black lace), Lady Bell (pale orchid embossed chiffon velvet), Mrs. Stedman (blue and white georgette), Mrs. Knox Gilmer (black satin and silver embroidery), Miss B. Forbes (blue and gold georgette), Miss J. Forbes (blue and crimson), Mrs. Morton Paterson (shell pink flowered silk), Mrs. Fenton (red georgette and gold embroidery), Mrs. Cunningham (figured, georgette), Mrs. Allan (white tinted lace), Mrs. C. W. Salmon (flowered taffetas), Mrs. Heal (cream satin), Mrs. Martin (pale blue lace), Miss Young (pink striped satin), Mis. McClurg (patterned georgette), Miss Sheila Coates (amethyst georgette), Miss Macmillan (green and gold tissue), Miss U. Macmillan (gold tissue and black velvet), Mrs. Colman (white patterned georgette), Mrs. B. B. Wood (white georgette), Miss Morice (amethyst ?ace), Mrs. Pa£ne (black chiffon velvet

and white- satin peaked bodice and Bash), Mrs. Stirling (pink ninon), Mrs. King (blue patterned crepe), Miss Stirling (pale blue ninon), Miss Sheila Tod'd' (turquoise blue georgette made with capo effect), Mrs. Allan Campbell (silver tissue), Miss M. Coleridge (pink net and georgette), Mrs; Alcock (white satin), Miss M. Paterson (pale blue figured chiffon), Mrs. Hofiman (white satin), Miss Dinah Sloman (silver lame), Miss Joan , Fonwick (green lace), Miss P. Blundell (black taffetas and net), Miss-Catherine Young (white georgette and silver lame), Miss Agnes Duncan (ivory ribbed silk), Mrs. Arthur Duncan (crushed strawberry satin and chiffon velvet), Miss Bell (green flowered • georgette), Miss Monica Malfroy (cream patterned georgette), Miss Ana Pomaro (blue gcorgotte and pink flowers), Miss Oriel Pollock (deep blue crepe), Miss Stccle (flame taffetas with organdie flowers from shoulder to waist),.Mts.,T. .Williams (deep bluo satin), Mrs. T. E. Y. Seddon (pink lace), Miss Alison Blair (blue striped taffetas), Mrs.R. G. Chatfield (pink georgette and lace),. Miss Jervis (black taffetas), Mrs. Morgan (black and steel lace), Miss Mary Campbell, Christchurch (white, taffetas), Miss Nan Mellor, Christchurch (white .and silver), Mrs. Bryan Trolove, Blenheim (white satin), Mrs. Brian Keiller (cream lace), Miss P. Lewis (pink georgette and red flower), Miss J. Knox Gilnier (floral French crepe do chine with high neckline and waterfall back), Miss Annette Harcourt (pink satin), Miss Luckie (flowered chiffon), Miss Jervis (white chiffon and black velvet J, Miss M. Knox Gilmer. (model frock in cascade taffetas), Miss E. Bennett (black satin with "black and silve,r net trimming), Miss Ardell (cream satin with shoulder posy-of pink roses), Miss Cecilia Pharazyn (pale .orchid organdie), Miss Joyce Nathan (shell pink i satin), Mrs. Lan Tringham (white satin), Mrs. R. S. McQuarrie (white georgette), Miss Ethel Handyside (deep cream taffetas cut on classic lines, posy of flowers), Miss Sheila Brodie (cream moire), Mrs. Sterling '(flame georgette trimmed with heavy_ lace), Mrs. W. Perry (green and white patterned crepe, with red poppies, niching of emerald taffeta at the hem), Mrs. J. S. Elliott (ice bluo satin gown, slightly trained1 with trimming of seed pearls), Mrs. Martin Tweed (rose and mauve floral chiffon with capelet to match), Mrs. Standish (trained frock of black taffeta, jade ornamonts), Mrs. Lance Moore (ice-blue crepe, made with cape effect), Miss G. Sterling (powder blue angelskin lace trimmed with white •f lir), Miss N. Horton (beige silk crepe, lavender bows at shoulder, slightly trained), Miss Standish (green georgette and silver ornaments), Miss Betty Reading (white and gold tissue lame, with halter neck), Miss P. Levin (bluo angelskin silk), Miss Mary White (lettuce green ninon), Misses M. Williams (pale bluo satin), M. Shepherd (pink crinkle crepe), D. Poison (white and gold organdie), P. Marshall (pink taffeta), M. Gilmer (cascade blu© taffeta), G. Frazer (floral crepe), D. Katz (maize lame), J. Steele (red taffeta). P. Hope-Gibbons (pink net), B. Coates (primrose taffeta), M. White (lime chiffon), J. Ostler (floral lame), J. Knight (floral crepe), N. Olphert (pink-satin), M. Peacock (daffodil satin), G. Booth (white chiffon), E. Chapman (mist blue chiffon), Margot Peacock . (oyster satin), A. Harcourt (apricot taffeta), M. Campbell (white lace), P. Mattin (apricot satin), P. Williams (pink moss crepe), M. McParland (pink crepe), S. Collins (cream satin), J. Ormond (blue and silver crepe), K. Cameron (blue ninon), M. Hempton (pale blue taffeta), N. Booth (blue satin), I. Digges Smith (floral marie-tte, C. Johnston (red crepe), Catherine Gibson, Marton (shell pink georgette, with seagreen sash), Mrs. Weir (black crepe gown with touches of silver), Mrs. Andrew (Lido blue marocain frock), Mrs. E. Puttick (black georgette), Miss Suzanne Hughes (trained gown of ivory lace). Major-General Sir William Sinclair-Bur-gess (C.8., C.M.G., D.5.0.), Vico-Ad-miral MeOram Campbell, Captain 'A. Le G. Campbell, Major D. A. Carty, Major G H. Crump, Colonel W. H. Cunningham Lieutenant-Colonel G. S. Douglas, Pay-Commander R. F. Durman, Lieuten-ant-Colonel N. S. Falla, Major R. W. Fenton, the Hon. Mr. Justice Frazer, Captain L. G. Goss, Pay-Lieutenant W. G. S. Hewson, the Mayor (Mr.. T. C. A. Hislop), Colonel H. C. Hurst (D.5.0., Hon. A.D.C.), Captain V. G. Jervis, the Hon. Mr. Justice H. Johnston, Major T J. King, Captain. L. V. Morgan, Captain E. G Morris (R.N., Rtd.), the Rt Hon the Chief Justice (Sir Michael Myers), Major D. W. McClurg* Sir Ronald McGavin, Lieutenant-Colonel R. b. McQuarrie, Flight-Lieutenant Nesbitt, Mons Arnaud Nihotte,-Commander ■Olphert, the Hon. Mr. Justice Ostler, Captain R. S. Park, Major E. Puttick, Lieutenant R. C. Queree, the Hon._Mr.Justice Reed, Sir Alex Roberts, Major K. A. Row, Lieutenant-Colonel J.L. Saunders, the Hon. Mr. Justice Smith, Lieu-tenant-Colonel I. T. Standish, SquadronLeader G. L. Stedman, Major W. h. Stevens (N.Z.S.C), Colonel F. Sympn, Maior N. N. MeD. Weir, Colonel J..H. mander A. H. Maxwell-Hyslop. Captain S. S. Bouliam-Carter (D.5.0.), . -Ur. Bowerbank, Dr. Morice^ Dr. Stpu V Dr. Elliott, Dr. Tweed, Messrs. Bueklin, Pao, Arkwright, Ardell, Duncan, Dyer, Gore Gray, Holmes, Chatfleld Stott, Kebbell, Kirkcaldie, Mitchell, McGrath, Keiller,' Nesbitt, McKelvie ; Tomare Biddiford, Sterling Turnbull Warden, Lieutenant-Commander A. St. A. Alcock, Captain S. F. Allen, Captain L. W. Andrew, Major A. de B. Brandon.

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Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 145, 17 December 1934, Page 17

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THE ROYAL BALL Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 145, 17 December 1934, Page 17

THE ROYAL BALL Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 145, 17 December 1934, Page 17