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TIRED TENDER FEET comforted by Radox! : Making cTaims for Radox and letting other people make them are tyro different tilings. '"We have often said—and fay again, that, if you persevei'e - with Radox, you need never agaia drag around burning, corn-tortured feet. But, fov the moment, forget -what we say and let this lady s>peak for us:— . "My feet weye so very painful 1 could ' only potter about the house. My- feet were no swollen and tender that I had to geY big shoes. One day my daughter bought vie a packet of Iladox, and I promised to give it a^irial. I began to feel relief in my footbath every day ■until,at the end of a fortnight my feet were very much more comfortable. Now, after six weeks' perseverance, I feel a different woman." — Mrs. M.J. Tired, burning feet; crippling corns; ugly, bulging bunions. You'll soon find " joyous relief from all these, foot troubles if you take Radox footbaths faithfully for a-few nights»in succession. SALTS m Of all Chemists and Stores—2/3 per 41b. . packet; 4/- double'quantity. Stocked"by Fairbairn, Wright & Co., and by all wholesalers. Manufactured by E. Griffiths Hughes UA, Manchester. (Established 1.756.) /uks ■'■" - Life's Darkest Moments.—No. 16. - TDhen you accident* ally shorn uour rnosl intimate possessions v And the proverbial - peanut assumes gigantic proportions in comparison wilh most humble self. AiuKlike the peanut, an aching tooth seems to grow into a massive molar which completely fills your mouth. But why risk toothache! " Regular visits every three or four months to "The Care- • ful Dentist" will ensure immunity* from such miserable moments. . Ring 45-591 . to-day and make an appointment. Examination and advice"gratis. All work is ' guaranteed. Fees are reasonable. W. P. Sommennlle I.' "The Ca'rciul'Dentist."* '-* . MOLESWORTH ST. (over Barraud's Chemist) Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. Sat. 9 to l p.m. High Blood Pressure Causes Heart Failure, "I suffered terribly with High Blood Pressure. The dizziness, flushes and headache vere «» tad that I had to give ud business. Now after a. course of Itenthoids I feel so yen* younger - and go to the city every day. " Yonri, J. KeD." Xo sufferers from High Blood, Fretmid ■ thil Melbourne man's itory is interesting. Thousands of otherwise healthy people die prematurely from High Blood Pressure, and the frequent symptoms are duzinen, ' palpitation, headaches, failing eyesight and memory, flushes, sleeplessness and kidney and bladder 'disease. Dr. Mackenzie's Itenthoids are ■ the treat antidote for High Blood Pressure, and if you suffer v-SE^B 111 tUs vay get'<i flaisk^of'XenWj^SjnK tnoids from your -chemist and ■n«fl take them regularly .for SmonthiHXjSSvJC^I and then occasionally afterwards. ■nSJvH Menthoids purify the Hood stream of poisons, flush out kidneys and HbV\\<v9 la^Aer, relieving the terrific KH\VL wH J?ressur<> -which causes 'heart faaBBMM °I° and keeps the :tlbiid: pressure ■ERwifli at a safe level' Nenthoids are BvHJBfTI a Pure .'herlial remedy, and are RjBMdH safe for the' most •' delicate large flasks of .80 Henthoids are Hifluifl flasks of 36 are 3/9 (tax lncniiHpHf^H "")• ™ith th» Diot .Chart in HijjEj^H Demand Genuine - Kenthoids ia ■jj^Bk^H the green packet and xefnse snlstitutes of this" valuable medicine which is sold by, ALL;CHEJOSTS. If. üboV tamable from your chemist, •WTile 8. .W» V«t£* son & Co. Ltd., Box 874, Wellagtoo,' S.m. Distributors. " " \^ TARNISH ON SILVER quickly gjve3 place toa brilliant polish when GoddardV Plate' Powder'is used-. World-famous for 93 years. Goddards Plate Powder In Clive-green wrappers. Manufactured only - by J. Coddard & Sons. Leicecter* Englano. i Can't sleepY k DRINK J contains no caffein! I cannot drink tea at night and sleep. Postum has all the comforting quality without the after-effects. I can drink Postum late at night' —and sleep like a log!"

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Evening Post, Volume CXVII, Issue 76, 31 March 1934, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXVII, Issue 76, 31 March 1934, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXVII, Issue 76, 31 March 1934, Page 5