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The school year of the Wellington Technical College was brought to a close yesterday afternoon when the presentation of awards for distinction in classroom and sports field .was made in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall. The chairman of the Board of Governors (Mr. : W. H. Bennett) presided, and among those f resent were the Mayor (Air. T. C. A. Eislop), members of the college board and staff, and parents and friends of the students. Interspersed with the speeches there was singing by the boys' and girls' choirs, and by the whole school. In wishing those students who were leaving school the best of luck, the Mayor appealed to them to do their best to uphold the high tradition of their school. 11l his third annual report the principal (Mr. E. G. Eidling) said that at the beginning of the year the accommodation was fully taxed by an enrolment of 1124 fulltime students and 50' part-time, and art students during the day. The roll number in the evening school was lower than! last year, but the total number of day and evening students was 2272. Mr. Ridling expressed appreciation of the continued cooperation of botli the full-time and parttime staffs who had done a great deal to bring the work of the students as nearly as was possible to the experiences common to life. The results of-the year's work; had not been spectacular, but there had; been steady progress. Good results had been achieved in examinations, but the best results were the satisfaction of parents and employers. Other evidence of the work done during the year was pro* vided by the fact that in the engineering section the boys had designed and manufactured most of the new equipment required, including two lathes and a standard drfll. The students of the electrical section had fitted out their own workshops, repaired all equipment, and were now installing a public address radio system throughout the college. In the building section the boys had made the patterns for casting required by the .engineers, built or repaired all furniture required, made most of the joinery work for. a sports pavilion to be erected next year, and had erected a shelter shed in the grounds. PROGRESS IN ART. Some very definite progress had been made in the art school. The students had applied much of their work to the industrial activities and had set' on foot a Dominion-wide scheme for stimulating interest in New Zealand art and applying it to New Zealand industries. The home science section still cared for the health and 'well-being o£ all the students. Meals were provided daily for a large proportion of the students, and the dressmaking and millinery classes made garments for themselves and others. l Had it not been for the help received from the Mayor and City Council the physical culture activities would have had to be restricted, and he thanked the council for making reasonable success in all branches of sports possible for the college. The organisation of the work in the evening school presented some difficulties early in the year owing to the necessary amalgamation of certain industrial classes, 'but the students had quickly settled down to steady work. He stressed the importance of students, enrolling early and attending regularly. A course for radio servicemen had been introduced, and had proved very popular. An effort to establish a course in salesmanship had failed for lack of students. Mr. Ridling paid a tribute to the assistance received 'from the members of his advisory committees and to all others who had helped the college, particularly Mr. Bennett and the rest of the Board of Governors. All had combined to make the college an efficient instrument of educational progress. Mr. Bennett congratulated tile principal on his very fine report, and said it was an immense satisfaction to the Board of Governors to see so many ex-pupils of the college absorbed in industry. On the other hand it had been a disappointment that so many of the first-year students had left the college before their education had been completed. The system that had been adopted by the principal and his staff of enumerating, the qualifications and characteristics of pupils for their prospective employers had been of great service. He also paid a tribute to the work of the advisory committees. He appealed to the boys and girls to stick to their work so that they could derive the greatest advantage from their training, and reminded them that the future of the world lay to a great extent in the hands of thengeneration. The completion of their school training was really only the commencement of their education, and the older they got the more valuable would the knowledge they had received in the college become to them. The following prices were then presented by the two lady members of the board, Mesdames C. J. B. Norwood and A. McVicar:— SPECIAL AWARDS. Award for Kindliness nml Helpfulness made by their Schoolfellows.—Medals, Alan Woodward and Betty Cook. <;irla' Physical Culture Competition Shield. (Oil), 2). Seniors: Home Science 3rd and 4th your classes and commercial general third year. Arts Shield Competition.—Seddon House. 487 points. Sports House Shield Competition.—Wilding House, 342 iioints. Herbert Smith Trust Cups—Houso Competition, under 15 years.—Cricket: Boys and Girls, not yet awarded. Hockey: Boys, Wakefleld House- girls. Wilding House. Basketball: Wilding House. Life-saving and Swimming: Boys, Bowen House; girls, Wakefleld House. Olympic Harrier Cup.—Seddon House. Public Speaking Championship Medal.—H. P. M. Henderson. Athletic Championship Medals.—Senior: Boys, J. D. Freeman; intermediate, J. L. Boeson; junior, A. Abbott. Senior, girls, Ivy M. Connor and Korah M. Hogitn, equal; junior, Gladys Home. Swimming Championship Medals.—Senior, boys, M. Hopping i intermediate, no award; junior, N. Tarrant. Senior, girls, Janet Muck; junior, Gladys Home. Homo Science Class Trophy.—H.ll,2. Henry Disston and Sons' Prize for Building Classes. —Panel Saw: Richard L. Darkc. Charles Taylors, Sheffield, Tools, Ltd., Prize for Buildins,' Class.—Chisels: Cyril P. Holland. Canada Foundry and Forglngs, Ltd., Prize for Building Classes.—Claw Hammer: Lloyd Wales. Messrs. Ward and Payne, Sheffield, England, Prize for Building Classes.—Chisels: David J. Hill. Girls' Choir Awards—Wellington Competitions Festival, 1933.—Chas. Begg Challenge Shield: Juvenile Choir. "A." Stewart Dawson Challenge Shield—Chorus, under 14. — Choir "A." DAY SCHOOL. Caliander Memorial Scholarship—Awarded 103H.—Engineering: A. R. Abbott, H. Fluey, E. Lyster, J. Milroy, K. Stcphenson. Building: \). J. Hill. H. B. Howe. Home Science: Brenda Dust, E. Duniblctou, H. M. Lehany, M. Mclvcr, B. Wright Jtecommended for Extension, 1934.—Engineering: H. Furey, J. Milroy. Building: D. J. Hill. Home Science: Brenda Dust, M. Mclvcr. llecommonded for 1934. —Engineering: D. Black, W. H. Brown, W. G. Cooper, K. G. Flemmlng, L. Hitchlns, F. Kerslako, M. A. Lane, J. S. Love, K. K. Culton, T. F. Southee, I. Staub, K. W. Shingloton. Building: H. ,T. Barley, K. L. Darku, P. McN. Hcdgeland, C. 1". S. Holland, H. W. lteesby, G. L. Stark. Home Science: M. K. Anthony, ,T. Bark, G. K. Barnsird, 0. Y. Flett, L. S. Jackson, S. ltain--Imm, 1). 0. Tolluy. Art: Joan Browne, F. K. ,T. Di'iui, «. Gimlers, W. 1". Gibson, Joan Jacobscn. U. (!. Niinkivell, ,T. Stevenson. Special' Art Scholarship.—Zcliln Bedell. Victoria Bowlling Club Peace Commemoration Bursaries, I«:;:i.—Coiimierdnl Special: H. S. J. Tilly and Jean Harvey. PRIZE CERTIFICATES. S.I Uppcr.-^-Clarence Schlup, General Excellence. 5.4 Lower:—Ala a Woodward, 1; Jack Bocson, 2; Jack Halnes, 3. 5.4 Girls.—Gwendoline Giuley and Jane Burdctt, General Excellence. 5.3 Upper.—Charles Sievwriglit, 1; Phyllis Olson, 2; Alfred ' Wilkinson, 3. 5.3 Lower.—Lloyd Hadley, 1; Dorothy Simpson, 2; Henry Bowen, 3. E.S.2.—Henry J. Furey, 1; John ON. Creagh, 2; Hugh H. Alexander, 3. C.S.2a—Horace S. Tilly, 1; AUeyn C. McCarthy, 2; Lawrence G. Carr, 3.' E.S.I. —Terence Southee, 1; Lawrence HitchIns, 2; Frederick Staub, 3; Noel Moon, 4.—Jack Mclnnes, 1; Keith Melbourne, 2; Kcuneth Bowc and Kenneth Allan, 3, equal. P.S.—Geoffrey Shaw, 1; Allan Bell, 2; John G. Wilson, 3. C.S.2b. —Jean Harvey, 1; Marjorle Masters, 2; Ada Jorgensen, 3; Margaret Lane, 4. C.S.lh.—Jean Clewer, 1: Clare Keating, 2 ; Esma Taylor and Joyce. Edlln, 3, equal. E.".—Alfred Churchill, Special Certificate, 1. EA—Albert E. Hancox, 1: Philip Boyd, 2. E. 3 l/pper-—John Sligo, 1; Alex. Staintou, 2; Alex. Hunter, 3.

8.3 Lower.—John L. King, 1; John P. Smith, 2; Martin D, Burns, 3. E. 2 (1). —William Brown, 1; Alexander Abbott, 2; Vuuglum Flttall. 3. E. 2. (2).—Jnraos .Milroy, 1; Maurice Lane, 2; George Hathaway, 3. E.I (I).—Edward Fleming, lj William Cooper, 2; Jack Dallow, 3. E.I (2).—Donald Black, 1; John S. Love, 2.; Lawrence Jamieson, 3; Charles A. Irous, 4; Bruce Hart, 5. < ' ' E.l.3.—Ronald Oulton, 1; Keith ShliiKlcton, 2; Allan Richardson and Walter ■ Thlrkell, 3, equal. ' . B.3.—Percy Meek, 1. 8.2 Upper.—David Hill, 1. 8.2 Lower.—Richard Darko, 1; Cyril Holland, 2. „ 8.1.1.— H. J. E. Barley, 1; B. Duncan, 2. 8.1.2.— H. IV. Reesb.v, 1; G. L. Stark, 2. : C.S.Ma.—Arthur M. Plank, 1; Derek- Wriglitson, 2. C. 2a.—William A. Taylor, 1; James H. ■ Blair, 2. Clad). —John Bcnseman, 1; George Io;v- ---: C.fa (2).—Norman Smith, 1; -Arthur Mileatone, 2. ': C4b.—Peggy Stevens, 1; Edna Barratt, 2; '. Lucy Jones, 3. , C.3b.—'Marls Buckley, 1; Rubina Buckland, 1 2; Agnes Dahl, 3. C.2b(l).— Gladys Anderson, 1; Lenore Jones, , 2; Eileen MeSweenoy, 3. C.2b(2).—Rose Rochester, 1; Dorothy Roch- ' ester, 2; Esther Carlssou, 3. (I).—Kathleen Henly, 1; Lilian Hart, 2; Catherine Holt,. 3; Betty Green, 4.—Jcun Pratt, 1; NataHe Whiteman, . 2; Marjorlo Penman, 3. H.3.—Helen Lehany, 1; Ruth Domb, 2; Beryl ' -Wright, 3. H.2.l.—Brcnda Dust, 1; Miriam Mclver, 2; Eileen Dumbleton, 3. H.2.2.—Marguerite Stuart, 1; Olga Flett, I 2; Dorothy Thompson, 3. H.l.l.—Gwen Barnard, 1; Joan Howe, 2; Joan Bark. 3; Margaret Anthony, 4. i H.l.2.—Laura Jackson, .1; Daisy Tolley, 2 ; Sylvia Ralnham, 3. • H.l.3.—Trixie Taylor, 1; Nola Williams, ; 2; Joyce Havlll, 3.' A.4.—George Moore, 1. A.3.—Joe Combs, 1; Selwyn Park, 2; Marie i! Everton, 3. ' ' • . i A.2 Girls.—Kola Jacobsen, 1; Joyce Grlnir mett, 2. ' A.2 Boys.—Francis Dean, 1; Lloyd Elliott, 2; Colin Bruce, 3. A.l.l.—Bruce Glnders, 1; William Gibson, 1 2; Edward Guise, 3. ■ A.l.2.—Xorma Creagli,. 1; Ronald McCarty, SENIOR FREE PLACES. ' ; The following students have been awarded ' Senior Tree Places;— - ' Engineering Special.—Hush H. Alexander, Alf- ; red L. Allon, Douglas G. Beck, Colin Clark, : John ON. Creagh, Athol D. Elton, Henry F. ' Furey, John E. Gray, Earl J. Hayes, Charles ; T. Heberley, Jack Qulnlan, William F. Reader, . Thomas G. Robb, Kenneth Stephenson, Henry . Stretton, Harry G. Tolley, Walter J. Waddle, Henry W. Walsh, Roy Whitham. [ Commercial Special (Boys).—Robert A. Alexander, Thomas J. Baber, Lawrence G. Carr, • William C. Dimes, John E. Dornbusch, Walter i J. Evensen, George S. Gosden, LloycT Hadley, > William J. Johnson, Alleyn C. McCarthy, Ber- . nard W. McDonald, James S. Mclvor, Jack . M. Macleod, Lawrence A. Parnell, Ernest B. Sinclair, Horace S. J. Tilly, Desmond J. Walshe, Noel W. Williams, Fred Wrigley. \ Commercial Special (Girls) —Betty Arthur, ■ Myra Barratt, Joan Bleakley, Gwen Campbell, ■ May Clements, Verna Congreve, Marjorle Fltz- ! Gerald, Patricia Gi-egory, Eunice Hall, Jean Harvey, Enid Haslam, Mona Hodgman, Ada Jorgensen, Doreen Kllby, Margaret Lane, Marjorle Masters, Janet McGregor, Eleanor Nieli sen, Dorothy Nix, Joan Stanaway,- Eileen White. Commercial General (Boys).—David A. Abbott, James H. Blair, Joseph L. Giltrap, Mur- : ray Henderson, Hugh Jauson, Henry E. Leash, • Hugh C. Reay, Bernard C. Simmonds, William ; A. Taylor, Frederick G. Tonka, Lloyd A. Wil- ! Hams, Derek Wrlghtson. Commercial General (Girls): Gladys Anderson, Margaret Barry, , Veda. Black, Elva Brown, Gladys Couper, Corrie Ellen, Slay Eveleigh, Helen Gesso, Joan \ Hoare, Stella Ingham, Elspetli Johnson, Lconore ' Jones, Audrea Lambert, Cassie Mark, Ir|s ' Mouat, Hilda McKeuzle, Eileen McSweency, Betty Nicholson, Mavis Oaks, Cassandra Fa- . rata, Thelma Sowerby, NataHe WJillcman. Com- . mercial General (Girls) : Esther Cnrlsson, Sola Christopher, Joan Fowler, Emily Pearson, Dor- ', othy Quinn, Hazel Quiun, Dorothy Rochester, ' Joan Saltiel, Patricia Sotnam, Roma Taylor, 1 Christina Tulloch, Mario Walsh, Winnie Warr, 1 Janet Winchester. Engineering General: Alexander Abbott, John Barley, Clement Bird, David ! Nleld Boyd, Roy Bray, William Brown, Cecil i Cole, Cecil Cook, V.aughan Fittall, Beaumont ■ Gosden, Harry Hamilton, Ernest Hughes, Cyril Johns, James Kirk, Eric Garty. Engineering 1 General: George L. Hathaway, Frank Kerslakc, ' Ernest E. Kltto, Maurice A. Lane, Victor E. ' Lawson, Earl iR. Lency, Reginald A. Mc- ■ Donald, Basil W. McKinnon, Percy J. Mann, i James D.- Milroy, Colin F. Munro, Fred H. I Norman, Jack M. O'.N'eill, Leo P. Southee, Al- . Bert W. Stewart, Alfred. L. Trevithick, William I!. Voice, Henry E. A. Ward. Building.—Herbert Bellamore, Richard Darkc, Clement Glfford, Lewis Hartley, Kenneth Hen- ' derson, David Hill, Cyril Holland, Deycll Major, ! Alexander Mclntosh, Donald Moore, Ralph 1 Shepherd, Lloyd Wales, Sydney Wells, Alan . White. Home Science: Naurecn Austin, Myra 1 Beer, Olive Bell, Gwen Bowden, Dorothy Burns, [ Marie Butterton, Ivy Connor, Kathleen Crock- ' ford, Eileen Dumbleton, Brenda Dust, fllar- ' "aret Gee, Clarice Gray, Florence Halncs, Gladys Home, Nola Jefferies, Beverley Mc--1 Cleery, Miriam Mclver, Muriel Metcalf, Marlon i Nairn. Homo Science: Irene Blackio, Olga Flett, ' Doreen Liddlo. Eunice Owen, Katherino Owen ' Nola Potton, Ida Smith, Greta Stuart, Dorothy i Thompson. Art (Boys) : Walter Allen,, Colin Bruce, Francis Dean, Lloyd Elliott, Arthur, ' Gates, Crelghton Banning, Stanley HinchcHffc, Harry Joliansen, Edward Jones, William Mof- ; fatt, Richard Newman, Sidney Scott, Jack i Wadham, James Whltlmore, Francis Winnie, Joo ! Combs. Art (Girls) : Irma Cavaye, Jean Duff, [ Joyce Grimmctt, Edwardine Issell, Nola Jacousen. Marlon Matheson, Marcia Nlcholaus, Peggy Waters. i JUNIOR EXTENSIONS. ! The following have been awarded an cxten- ) slon of their Junior Free Place: —Engineering ■ Special: Ernest Cavaye, Robert Oliver, Leslie I Peatman, lan Powell. Engineering General: Joseph Chalmers, Charles Peterson. Commercial Special (Boys): Woolfy Domb, Robert ' French, Georgo Pearce, George Wood. ComI mercial General (Boys): William J. Johnston. : Commercial General (Girls) : Joyce McGratli, ; Kathleen Thomas. Home Science: Anita Ab- > bott Art: Isa Williamson. Tho following haie I been awarded Special Senior Free Places:— Engineering General: Alec Currlc David Knowles, Charles Irons, George Ireland, _l\ev! I Sharpin, Jack Sheridan. Commercial General , (Boys) : John Earl, Arthur Macklln. Buildins: Edward Nisbet, Murray Hopping, Charles Rowberry. Homo Science: Jean Bowden, Edna Cameson, Lilian Heaven, Hazel Hartley, Clara Ridley. Art: Clifford Pbilpott. The following ' have been awarded Senior Free Places for the • evening classes only:—Engineering GeneralRonald Laurie, Stanley Jeffrey, Commercial • General- Ronald Mitchell. Art: William Mc- • Kcllop, Albert Spencer, Jean Marchant.

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Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 145, 16 December 1933, Page 7

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TECHNICAL WORK Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 145, 16 December 1933, Page 7

TECHNICAL WORK Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 145, 16 December 1933, Page 7