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If^ KV^ V% V*f\ \A / SEE SANTA CLAUS 'N JAMES SMITH'S TOY-TOWN! I 1 M I II I I I I I■ M \M \M Come and shake hands with Santa! Come and, enjoy the fun and ' I ... 11l ■ ■ V^ W W 1 I ■ fascination of James Smith's Toytown! Sec the Electrically Driven ADMI^^kIOKI Alpine Scenic Railway; the Animated Animal Orchestra, with "Micky r^Um I I<^OlV^l^ . . .■ ' Mouse," "Dismal Desmond," and "Flip the Frog." See the Piide in EBEE "~~—" ' ''■'■■ • his Snow House. It costs nothing to see all this fun and frolic. ■ REt Admission is Free! Gift • ' •;■• r=^___ .-■ . ■ ■•• ... J Daifidlllb i^V^H^^Vl .^^^^wl I ■• . ■ ■■ • I %r '■ " ~ V JBk mB ak V■ W i B HHDk m i j I Hi SILK SCARVES ' W W V^^l VT J fl BHB I k * J I ■ I ■ Astounding Gift Bargain! W V W 1 A fl M Mi Mfl '^^H ■■ . mW Special purchase by James L_^^^^^^^L-^^^^^«-i^t-^^^^^^_J_^^^M--B——-^-—^^^■^^^^M^^^^BL-^B^■__B....._^^^B Smith's of 300 p Pon- B^^^^^BlHj|^^^^^Bjj^Bßj^^HH^HM^H^^|^^^^|Bß^^^^^^^^^^Hlj^Bfe|flß^Hl^MM^^H|^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^| gee Silk' Scarves. * Various j^^^I^^^^^^^^^B^^BHIII^^^HHMI^HH^HIHHiHHI^HHHHHH^I^HHHI^^^HMMHH^HIMMHNHH^HII^IHHNBHHH^HHBH^ gaily coloured borders and . | ■ , ' , sparkling new designs. Re- , _ ■ ■ _^ ' • . _. O X I 'O "T" I • ducesUi./,i The City s Greatest Gift Store! , Be There! Price I / I I ~-~~—~"~—~~~~~"— —' —~ ~ ~~ : ' ~^~ ■ —— ■ -—— — < 't^m^.'".^,'"' Still the Crowds Throng In! H NECK .W, EAR ' jr*\i / /*^V ' *m mm ■■ «^ a■%O%M •v mm B KBDuau> r ;(■&&&&<:: SILK BARGAINS I Y^t a.. UAffnilv Another neckwiar special! ■ . "1 fj^***^^**^^!*?** . H , ffy-fTX Ulll 111 A and another James Smith pur- ■ Vt^ ' H «v»^l\ V 'I ill) Il||L|l JJIi ■ chase. 300 dainty Collars in ' J^m¥T *•» o'/I 1 O'• iJ A D 170 I >VV'\\\\ ///ff*' ~w««^««« Guipure Lace and Georgette . wwC^^ wV^"' 2/11 Printed Crepe Kayon - l/o ■ /nw\\ /y/A^ Show/nTin We^nd iSrv CM ' j£M <- Amazing! 36-inch Printed Crepe Rayon. In lovely B / IKJKXVV^fI T?T%flfl7C* SHKf s -\^i. j^;' ■«"«'! Asußl^ lIiU"id.* ikihr..| //%I^P FROCKS S m» 1/6 W>f*r~' y'[ ' 3/6 GrepeOndina for - -2/9 : l / V^^^J Reduced' L /*\_ JL> -/" One of the Season's Smartest! Crepe Ondina, 36 H k^**~~~-»Z^%^^^S!! ' : ' '■■ . ■ ■■'■' : —~~ f&*»* >*\***'>%»/* ■ \ E\s' isss inches wide, in Vieux Rose, Violet, Green, White, ■ SUNSHADES Xx^"^ i^i^\ L ' '?'* ...Pink, Saxe, Corn, Sky and Grey. Usually 3/6. ■ T/iN(|» Sunshades. Just the thing for 1^ Jy^ L / /..■*.. .>. < j^. ■ jo. • 1»» H K*i'*v^S^^*^ r-^TTTi-' -^ the beach! Gay colours and . 4/II Diagonal and Otnped iVlarO- ■ I' u'l (®S^^ to S^2Sr2 simply wonderful value. . r _ 2/4-1- B P^^^fe >V^ -'"jL^f worth 7/6. 'Thic Qmarr Hniifiav Hafr cam, ror - - 2 ■ I^K^^lK V ilp s -i «•/> lIUO aUiait nUIIUay liat Astonishing value in this lovely TVlarocain, in Diagonal ■ I i'W ' T special t/^ ~ and striped creped effects. 36 inches wide; light ■ V.^V^ .V^!^ ~A >- Fnce «^ '\f James Smith's Famous Millin- «q , grounds and dark stripe. Green, Rust, Saxe, Vicux ■ . I vV^l'^Jpp / TV'S""'"! /pi' • XT"I cry Salon sponsors this Smart Id. Rose, Mustard. Usually 4/11. Special 2/4 J. ■ iV^^l^^S WWW r\r VJK w ft" ''"'" ffT'-' 7 r GIFT HANKIES S^Hl?C|Ve3 0/11 ' 8/11 Striped Crackle Crepe 4/1 H : I V^M W ' MWm^jT \ ' SPTtCTA* I »o£t »^ com'/ fitting, and. ||. I I y ou ']l wan t several frock lengths, of- this fabric. B . |SV^&SBm /fi ( :?|yffit^ Tft fe / bfhUAL. he small nbbonW finish at Striped Crackle Crepe, 36 iWhef wide. Black stripes B V^N^W" flf 'it Wl^frWSkt^rM^ 60 Gift Boxes of dainty white .the front adds the final touch- and smartest shades. Usually 8/11. Special 4/11 \. ■ \ W%^ #d|l °; WWI^ ' (fflk and coloured Handkerchiefs, of clue. Keenly priced! . H V y^jk. %£* vRP N ' if with pretty embroidered cor- ... I^_^__ j_ ; —-■ 'fcv "^^""x. J W >^ ;' I ||; b o^^« Va , 22/6 Summer StraWS Value in-- ''I j£ /^^^ "!|>iTir!2/6 ■'Sf^^ft^sS ■ DAINTY UNDIES I ■f^^^^^^l^S^S lIIOC^'W : days. English. Ready-to-wear _' i • U/illllll Ull U 1 & O B 'T4^\ /£ I\s/ IT. S?^^W ' Pedal* Racello, Celtagel, Ne- ,^/*i *f , ■: : ■ W^A A'^J'Q $£ X > '-'fWk "^ Qp » ' per box of six. ora and Visca Straws, in all k/ II : ..-,-■ 'I^AA^IY / #<, JLWAj. J <Jk M __ __ the smartest- shapes and Q| | ,] 9/ 1 CelaneSe "Nighties" 16/11 ; ■ „ KfKif #It W SlfeUv *, ,-« rt , Tr . shades. This astonishing price ~/•.*" B . ' ■ 61»^^P5V\^J1 J& X-l ' * T^ '^K2^»C-»to RUBBER APRONS ' is only possible through a Save 3/-on a Dainty Gift Nightdress. Pure Celanese, ■ - lh .^Pl^lvC^/ '<kj^ "«""-•, ' ■■■'■■'■ .., 6pedal purchase. Don't miss ..-; , v ith lovely lace top and finished with sash. Complete H ' I ' 'Jl 7 Wk> 4b^& Jt*^Sr ■ this opportunity! .; . 'range of pastel shades. Usually iVll.Speci.l 16/11. ■ 'tK^^STI T^ W9^ sooßubbei -aJims in ama«- ; ; ; - p a ; nty CelanesjC Bloomers - 2/11 Ip I- W^^^ jL'*lHr ' ing value to-morrow, txtra . y r H Tl7 r r uH C Tl7 P V ' " ■• H Ii ' W-^ilr m¥ long to suit present style. br.hLU.LAL* Urlr 1 rl U0 X SI. SS. 1 .Second parcel of these Dainty Pure Celanese Bloom- ■ I Bt^v*^ 1 * ',Wtf ' Complete range of all colours. ers> Beautifully made with quality elastic at knee H I 'v^-^^-^SSif^^^^t «fe/ Spec Sal The last word in Smart Hos- andwaist. Splendid[Christmas Gift I Apple, Sunrise.'■ l^ jd^J^SPtBKmJUi ' P' . Z 3 ieryl James Smith's Special Pink, Malmaison. Special Price 2/6. O.S. Fitting, ■ ■ |«s^^ *A 5* *^BE 7 "■ mcc A. Purchase for gift-giving. 600 Z/H. \ ■• • • ■ I* 1 WM^siO" vT^BM ; pairs famous English "Em- IT/-f'T'. . • H I W^l 1 _ T _ T ■ q nA -p ■ IcsTfoo^and fuliy^ashio'ned, \J || , Dainty'Silk : Vests for :' -, 2/6 H J "f £"? IUIL£,I OUnr now heel, service weight. A Lovely Locknlt Silk Vests with opera top, in Apple, B■ & ~~«~ -^%-ilJ^ ' * '^v^ Gift Boxes of exquisite Toilet ; gift bargain if ever there was p a , r p in k, Mai7.e, Peach shades. Perfect for gift-giving. ■ fp^l) uS^L^t" f"W^^"\ Soap. Special purchase of COO one! And a very keen price, Wonderful I Special value 2/6. H V (I rSv w* j"* #ri \W*"h boxes Gerard's Toilet Soap in tool . ■ . IH V@. f «■* t- . jP" fft %'<v\ Rose, Violet, Carnation, Lav- • ■ m%. t~ t Jm VS?^- . \ ender and Wallflower. Perfect = ; < M USE THE LAY-BY W .^'Xaf V^lv? \ for gift-giving. Packed in - - . , ■ Brt*-' MV.Rik/^M lovely box in three tablets. ■ Tames Smith's Stage To-morrow Sensati,onal ■ , if you. prefer! W^: .m;^ W"^ *v/*»l Only because of James Smith'? H f. «»% Jgn <*k^*!K *l^ %-*' special purchase is this won- HHHHB^BH^Bk^s^i^^^^^^^^^P^i^i^^^^^^>^^^|^^^^H ; i* /a^P\ V %/'e||s J^^'^ %' ' Price j/y box -<■'Bl isV^Bll^H ! B 7 ■ W : 1^ ■■ - - M* FWT< Wfir^Kl^^r2^~^^. mMm 1?/6 FLORAL TOBRALCO for - 14/6 BEACH BAGS HLHHHBBiBB^L^B^BfIBBIi^B^B^BfI^iIHBViHHHBkBkHIIHHHH Amazing value in snappy styled Holiday Frock of Floral Tobralco. Green/ ■■■'■,■■ - N^.'yv ' - B Bl«e/Lemon design on crisp white ground. Dainty white inuslin collar. 420 Rubber Beach Bags in >; v What an event for Parents! What an event for Children! Startling ■ Tie belt. Usually 19/6. Special 14/6. ,' various multi colour designs. ~, i- <\ .«, , c , c t -i -,<5 •»!,». T u(n »n t n mnmw i ■ Useful size, and very handy ,nd Spectacular Sale of Toyi in Jame* Smith. Toy own to-morrow. H for holidays. See the special •x '4 Never before ha* Wellington teen such Toy Bargains! Prices are cut H r/, CiVJpf TCLJ CII YD A VTIM C - OO IC displays. beyond belief. Every kind of toy imaginable at a drastically reduced ■ JJ/~ l^l^Vil-.lOn IVtt. IVJIN for - ZZ/D Special i/'J • price. /Parents!—give your children happiness this Christmas. It will ■ Smart English Silk Rayon Frock in chic spot effect. Shades: Brown, Beige, V Price I 9 A^^^^^^^K^^~^~-vii^^. cost you less than it has ever done in your life, before. ' ; H and Lime; also two-tone Blueand White. Usually 35/-. Special 22/6. SOo' Bathing Belts A.wonder- iP <^'^'<> |W^V^H^H H^H ■ Crisp Imitation Linen Frock. Very pnv and colourful and most practical ful clcarinc offer at James tf& vW,-MiMsi / x^ I a^^H ' B for any holiday occasion. Red/Yellow/Black, Beige/Black/Blue shades. Bow Smith's. Attractive Stripe ef- / «1 V"" UUEjBkjLII^UHI B flnish at neck- Usually.29/6,, Special 21/-. ,■■.-.■ •"^ nd' ' IJHW^I 12 6 CREAM ' /^%f^ CAKE'PLATES Off ers on Special Tables! I Qpn/fn Clf IDT /' //I// I 240 English Cake Plates in 12 , '^fe:^il^^^Hß^^^^ I duKIVEi. OlklK 1 / /// 1/ // They make delightful and ' H I*ltfW% HV% / / l/f/ // lasting gifts for Christmas. Mechanical Toys, Cars, etc. Usually 1/-, 1/3, 2/3. Fret Work Outfits.—Usually 1/11. ■ rllK 1 fl' T%'' I I// //' Usually 1/3. ■ Sale Price 9d, IOJd, 1/6 ; Sale Pnc . v ~...••• • ■ I Vl\ IV V / // - Special 1/ ; Dressed Dolls._U S uall y i/-,1/«, 1/11, 2/41, 3/11, 1.?; 1/. I. i AGAIN WE SAY it! / (/ / \ Price I 1" 7/6. • . . H - / V / ; \ '.:."■• , •■■ SalePric 9a1, 1/-, 1/3, 1/11, 2/6,3/ll " Wood Engines.—Usually. 8/11, 5/6. ~-,,,, I A good Skirt is a sound investment! / \ \,. — r. ~~~~— ~— ' _~ TT ~ ,-,„ 01/ Sale Price 2/6,3/11 H Particularly if it comes from James , / \ \ PPTMTT?n n?T7PT? Britkh Made Tricycles.—Usually 17/6, 21/-. ~ H Smith's, where the smart skirts are! / '» I \ \. PRINTED CREPE Sale Price 12/6,17/6 Scooters.-Usually 9/6, 25/-, 37/6• ' 19/6 ■ Two styles, as sketched, in Cream L ' \\ I J -J A4+evMfinwTen ' . * t, tt h«k/c r/n -in/fi &aie Price «v, n/o, w» h se rge, with pleats—and very stylish- — ' — OOTHS ' Hyg^.St^S7^i,vn^n,^ c-^^^^^^..^. i A , e t I . '^ut usually i 2/ 6. SpeL i^. ; . Amazing Value! 1000 Printed ' Trumpets.-Usu^ ■: Crepe Afternoon Tea Cloths. Sale Price... 1/11,2/11,4/6,4/11 All lo go! Sale Price 1/. each ■ AMAZING SPECIAL PURCHASE! Lovelyrange of colouts. Size Archery Sets.—Usually 3/11, 4/11. \' . Large Train-Sets with steel cars.—Usually 15/6. ■ , .' 36 %■ 36, Excellent for G.ft Sale Price 2/6,2/11 /Sale Price »... 9/6 ■ Giving. Be early! Usually 1/9. ,„, ! , , : ~ ■ ■ I\/T 17* IST'Ck Al9T 1: C& TT V - ~_ . Carpenters' Tool Sets.—UsuaUy 1/3, 2/-, 4/6. Bagatelle Sets.—Usually 2/-, 3/3, 4/11. , ■ IVI JZI I^l 9 AfC 1 OIJUX^ Price I- Sale Price "d. 1/4, 2/11 Sale Price ~1/6,2/3,2/11 ■ A ! -.. ' : —[ British Made Motor Cars.—Usually 35/-, 45/-, 55/-, 65/-., . 1,. JDJKlliS^ldJll^l Cr Cjd *^# X^||S ABE 1 VAIT /lAiu/i rtUfilUM Seagrass Prams.-—Usually 10/6, 15/6, 27/6, 31/6. , B „, ' ,',,. „ ~ , J~, ; ARE YOU GOING CAMPING? s^^ ........^.m,^^,^ B I^<%™:^£?«^%^ S _ tmm Comi to James Smith', before you go!, S ee the latest idea, of ! /. '. . '\' l/,2/ H .-B Gowns in rich Royal' Blue, Navy Blue and Blue, IQ/II ~„ , ~. ■' , • . ~ ~ *• % I ii \! DA j/c A/r ' H with smart contrast cuffs and collars of Wine, ■ / I ■ "Comfort while Camping," . Tennis Racquets—Usually 1/6, 4/6. 9/ff. „ o/,i «/r , ■ Gold and Black. Art. Silk Girdle., A wonderful I 7 II ■ .. ' , Sale Price 1/-. Z/11, b/*> H value—typical of James Smith's. See also: our ■ w ■ ■ . Camp Chairs, strongly made, Camp Stool, bright canvas; Golf Clubs.—Usually 2/3. Sale Price l/J H other Dressing Gowns at 25/6 and 35/-. wooden backs, canvas seat, also suitable garden or beach; . clockwork Trams—Usually 6/6. Sale Price .... ; ~./.. 1/3 ■ Sffg S O m T /ol 3? fOldmg- AS4/: C** Pmed G r ancl a Piano r Usuany 5/11, 7/11, 9/6. ■-———— 5/3 /ssasasssai Se^}^ M:7^'^S^^ UAf lipCCamp Mattress. Filled best iiMMiiiii^m Tea Sets. Dutch pattern—Usually 1/3, 1/6, 2/6. ' ■ B I IfV lIIU I MIIUV V ftJLlUut) procurable Kapoc. Covered S.l e p r ; cc ~...,..;., 1/-, 1/3, 1/11 ■ ' '~--•*• with damask ticking; made to rak \ \ // /v '»,,'.,' """I.**"*,""*""**" >1 * H ' ■ A ■ . * . fold into small parcel. ■ \\ \\ //// , Embroidery S«ts.—Usually 2/3, 4/6. ; , /0 ,,- ■ 697 Only! Floral Beach Pyjamrf 250 yards only! AVpol Crepe An--IA/C \\ \ V/// i SalePric* ..;...................-..-......... 1/9, J/J B Cloth. 36 inches wide, in soft matt gora, C 4 inches wide, for Summer . lu/fl \\m// • ' ' ' '" '' ' ■ B weave > with smart effeCts. Fast Swagger Coats and Dresses ChocoS3SKSSBSI2:- )^K LAST MmUTE SPEC r ,-T»,CVCLE S , ..„„,... »i,H »v, | Sir S?V?a' | &«^»S^ StS vas. Folds neatly. Satisfaction /MAX f?,™,^ --,« I ed! Usually 4/11 yard. ■ and comfort guaranteed. ///X\\\ SALE PRICE ~.....-r 14/h H « •, « . 25/6 ■ yfvT/VVNK ■■• '..;''' ": :■ '■ ■ A^/0 I Special Price ■ Specia , Price See the Special Displays in M/V Vtf ■▲ k A ■"■"#■• <* k. I ■■" I ■%#* I l/rf O/II ■^--r'—• s— z/ n^ JAMES-SMITHS I ■ ■s™ s Z'lly* . ■■ ' CORNED CUBA AN9 MANNERS STREETS ' M «

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Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 143, 14 December 1933, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 143, 14 December 1933, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 143, 14 December 1933, Page 6