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ELECTRICITY-EFFICIENCY-ECONOMY A Great Time Saver ! To be Efficient is to be Economical and in times j£%MS^?\ TheECONOMICALWay like the present this is. more important to the llfr jj»: ' TOD° " SPEED MASTER" " "~— ~" —■ • — limH: The family washing consumer than ever. Money saved is money HffiH Electric Kettle —, —-^— —. ■' ■, ,- —-—-—■ IBw^h ■ ■**ww «»« c/©«»«» <a£-—^k' gained. There is also the Saving in Labour in 9lEffl» s*vesLabour 7f^Ljl the Home and the heartbroken, prematurely old llJ^^M v -p < '-■-.-Jl^TS^^-' housewife of yesterday will, by using Electrical jlr^^l WAY ttfl| I^Hp time for Rest and Recreation. * , ™e^ Sl?fvrr icKettle ore a/fe lowest ehh and ELECTRICITY VacuumCleaner:(f Boils 3 Pints of Water ; m* from cold in 6 minutes. . • 7 #7 #7 7 II ' Ge!3 all ths Dirt; ■' I New Zealand made, from Solid Copper, highly 7716777?$ ttlC Patli Of 17"0i27"655« / .__. The lint <M 1 the Surface; ' Nickelplated, and with the Fastest Guaranteed '. . ■—»—l---—""Ji»»«™**—-—-—A-™-iw , ' ■ v ' - ~~ Tlm» Clrlt in frk. EVk*:.». Heating Element. Complete with Cord. I l»e Unt 111 the Fabric; " BE PROGRESSIVE AND BUY NOW fM - I*l imini ■■ ■ A I fc. I■■ f* » ' „ for cle *nmR Couche*. Chain ' TURNBULL & lONES Wa *•• ■nd PolUhißß Fioor '- ™™ J AT A PENNY A UNIT " 91 he Jblectrtcal tirm w 7rT"'*Sfcs. demonstration! —' BQ| ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Mr WH J&&\ ; 'Phoh« JK 3i><e .-^W^ Ea.y Term.. 52-751 19-23 BLAIR STREET M$ fs%* J -^ Prompt f wiccBLAIR STREET is Opposite the Courtenay Place Tram Stop ' Urli fJij's l<<: tPtq ■ ■ I, . P^.™.f,^^-" **> I.^^O '■ ■ ■ " ■•;■'.•■ ~^^^^ ' ■ ■ ■ • We handle repairs to any clnssof electrical installations and i. •.-■•- ■■ '■ -.'■ ■ ■ • \^r / / I THORNTON'S BUILDINGS, 66 MANNERS STREET. appliances. All the labour saving Roods illustrated on this page at \ 1. > > i»4Q| '.1 [l CQOJf {ft&lfs. O^T M ' I I ' c=~~^JST—,^rs\ \ some time need service. \^e give it —quickly and at a more . '■ v™ mVBI9 5^ /I || ..—^..jß fejAb " 4 reasonable price. 'Phone 40-732 for anything electrical. Everything f Vfa -for O/7C , I 2~* — ijJ^^ps^llil J| «b*b»««b*b»^*mb»bbbb^ib*b^bbb»»m»b»b«*bwbb™b«b*bb*b»«b»«b«bi electrical and radio at lowest prices in Town. I t& f •' OfTSOn ' ■ B'^% atf^ r . ===^ag=B^<^^^ • , ; ■• . ■ ■ ■ The Electrical-Service Co. Ltd. L^JLJ 7"^* J^PV mßp RMWTORS ift A<wrtion»i • 11 MANNERS STREET ..... N,«, P.r,..f. C™,r. ji^^g^ij^Sl ." II l»W«e^- p~ W f ■:', % H ELECTRIC * ... ..... ' |7 111 . r . . • Mr I m4t I «<>r Chilly Days areKmo* • MOST . I If^HT II 7 Avlll I Kfrt KA /useful... ® LEAST CURRENT L. IVJ■■ I |/ X f M lli t. \ \ them from k We instal extra ' ' ~,-.•-.■ • ' ■■■■'■■ w- M"m '• r m Jf ' • ' ' • . '■" . 11l ; Points from Crorqpton .Jnmps give maximum light for every unit of electricity , . * ■ W m . ,v ■ (7.1 . 11l they use. They arc .guaranteed to comply with British Standard-" If ■ il . W mg . M. ' H|| || I I £_■ 111 m - ' Specification No. 101, which sets recognised standards of light j .^. &?& M' MM M ■ , IK' W\ 111 I / and life a.nd is <Jie user's protection against "cheap" lamps which d^^Btk^^/T' X A^,,*. P -A MM' MJ VI £sp£W9//b ■ - I ■ %aF 'I* I\J m waste current and are dear at any price. . . ■ OC/ ■ MM '■ M f\ rL**!'^ . f "W FOR MAXIMUM LIGHTING ECONOMY INSIST ON jfer /mninrf. jM X I . V^^f s^. ■ " yffl/ ' >^=3 fczz^^Jr ■ ■■■• ■■ ' '.■.■■■ y^ / iP^^h) —• - " f^VYVC.R J^lW-l^^l^^^^A^^if^^^B A ■ • lX^r?\ I l!^=^/^5^53// T. &G. BUILDINGS, LAMBTON QUAY. BHL^BHPBHBBHjHBBIHBHBB <f-wj 6?j^ 3psuus '. . / /6p/n^ of %-^~/y' ■ ■ • ■ ix ■ aßaa^^ h^b^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bßlli _^ V^ GUARANTEED LAMPS :; I I ~ ... ■; ■ | A^F^H V^,/^ /o H| ;■ ■ ■•T 2'l is all you need pay fe^%?> ■ ■/ ■ <vO_£^^J :' ' ■•^fV^lll IDICD -»———-b«b—bib-avrtBMBMJL^BMBBMVBHMaMaHaMaJ I~**'^ A ' \\ I 'I B //::i^H'::-:W^H;:;;iai^S'KH^S^ u ß^Bk YE5!..... ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ■■■■ /\ /// ) /^-N fczZ^X '^^jON^^^^rt(fepsß|Rßl OF EVERY DESCRIPTION •'; A^\A // / fcZZI-H ,- " '■ -^^iidr ''"^mM^MmImSUSUKU^M RETAIL SHOWROOM; Next U.&S. Co. BUILDING. / V VtUiCO, VOkUiXin. \bring 3t g&//o/?S II Operate * tvuvfaf] ' M " J^s^^ . : :: ;^ : :.: yA '•'te^CT- ■-Jk iU^^%^ 1 .^t^^^f '' •:' i* EconomieaUo Run, and mk wonsTtoasteS /4^.-' / ::\ 3^r ':; ; •■■■l/^»-S^" ■fAlij ■''•■■ '■'■ Inexpensive to Buy! I^*l JUGS, RANGES. t a ■ "V' •" ' ' '••'••'•• •l/_s^-*^ ■■•''•■ '■ / ' <^~__^P'V' 9 /!& CjWA '' • ; ' ' - ' "^^jj^^ EAlCl4fil[M 7 \^s^>m^/ I ' r <»»,#- .1 "">v ', y r 3 r7^m^\\ El«etricity, per medium of Radio, provide* you with «wealth'and y\^*A- ■, HlfDrTlrlß -■■ /^-^\ V / & GOyrdft 7] >w7 >>- — -^-^ 7/si=s^NA , variety of entertainment. Music, Lecture*, Running Description* /<i^ \\ VACUUM CLEANERS, ___/ IVY \ J \fbr , TU ■■ J y/C 9(Ol °\ ' of Sporto Eyents, etc., «re «H there—«at the touch of a .witafc." Vj~§ K\ RADIATORS. /^T^I VVV X^ I*7 fan*jr>e O^ / KrA A* advent of the Electric Set has reduced running co*U to ■Ty.".^ 11:1 >1 ,^T\ ~ "W^- |J N-i-__-^1 >2r^^^s--*^ "" :" ; vanishing point, and now, COURIER Price, and Pinny. Twins jl, ' J aO» I/AC"I~*N V\ I :...-.::".'•' , , ' ' ' ' ' Vj^ 11 ' ' ' i .' '■ . .place a really good radio within the reach of every home. Ali'Briti.h Made. jf /M t ' , , . /^ •/ / A MODEL 164 |l»^HH^Hn THENATIONALO ELECTRICAL ~ fittuG DTttS Ol CL SWITCh I ' ' --"—,. MHH| AND ENCINEERTNG CO.Lm M« Vf IV frY WV W |% VFf V VVf |X . . provements. Tone Control, mS^^^HSBmUM mazda house.42-44 customhouse quay. Wellington Ci. N.z, .' ' m ■ ,' : "- - . ™ Local and Distance |||gS||M|l^^^^H^HH^H^H • ■.;■;■■ ■ W ''.'.' ' Switch, and 59 Tubes. tf •''••'• •■••'' '■•'■■' ■ ' : ' ' ! ' ' ' " ' ' ■ ' Au»tralian Station* iIhB^«b^b9SBBb^BHIIH "St^iSS^^ ID AH will insist on invadin7 the I^l TrHFN COMPLETE Hi^Hßll The Greatest Radio Advance plenty of hot water available Itß^EHßfflr Since All-Electric Radio. . ' . p ii.iiihVM ii'ni I ■ ' "': *'" ■ : •■.■• NOT since the change over from battery ' . THE ELECTRICITY DEPT. iSf dfl MM 1 iCW WE ARE KEPT BUSY ..-. radio to all-electric radio has there been J " UiSsi^^B^. . . . 1~~l t==& r*\ I I H ! I Converting coke boiler aiid range m, Iml. "1^ such a revolutionary advancement as the ' f jgm^_ Offers You ;Extremely Low |£ [ ~feß* f!f f -i " iastullations to electric. BUILT IN ■^''^^■SMBkE.D TO SUIT Inrcunce"^"^^^^^ H Rates for -~' ../ T^«J . | "TSS int'-nt JIaLAND t^T^ |S*Sb! «Sd.TIOKS ' "Super-Inductance" means: absolutely flawless Vnj^^f Ha^B UVn*AH Hr^^tinP /^~ "(. "- .^alaW atalß^aW. 11 I "Evcrcady" bath and kitchen Scr- • *» .. MwHaflaVaU reception —almost uncanny sensitivity and jnffljjJF I^^H nCrtfclllg / / /1 y|Y, / j|''\| n:=< j/-4^J^Bf\[| vices, selectivity without background noises. . I H|Hg B^^l V J -gp 3 l^^Jc JQb^^^H m ft ' d~"' tailing com- -'- -- .l .■ ■ .«■ ■. - ■....... And withthe new 630 a "SupeMnductance" I«| 1 i^H . • }W(% Xl jAKj^^^miK^^^^ 3 S plete" "ne"""*^ Evercady" Electric ' '" '*"'■■■■■ .......... Philips Radio comes the new trans-illuminated i^H ' ' ' VkiC .^PvWWi. Systems. , t7Dt7C U**.—*% n.-,-,. r-iu^t ?^ ~ Micro-Meter Dial-an exclusive Philips feature ga^JM |^H Others are Getting Current at ■A Vpl -^^^[^££1,/^ • FiXEiEs TmOUMC UCITIOnSITCLIIOn that en»blei kutant and easy, registration of \^ ~ " H^T (gV/1 Ixj^^/ll B^a^aHat'*^ • Remodelling other existing Electric • . every station. One-knob control. C^^^.^JD^ t , m . ft \U^L7I !"" Heaters to give more hot water or ,-. , > , ~, ■ ■ —f\ r\**l* I I nit* Xif •" !xf^~Tr~t l~—^b^b^b^b^bl reduce monthly bills. « . Visit your nearest dealer and hear the *^»"^ 4 k^V*l I 11U L\l^/ V^p' fr~~"^^^^^^H - a^^ CACV TCP ttilC a^aV marvellous new Philips "Super-lnductance" MADE IN falgji bl^^^H AH our Work, including the W CAST I CKPIa Radio Receiver. The same concession U avail- a^As=^^^—--> heating element, Js guaranteed Try a COURIER in your own home. After a fair 9HI L l PSI 1 W^^^l^fUm 1 for "^n^ v trial we -Wjfjjf InaUlmenU to j •JmJSu**- EVEREADY ELECTRIC HOTWATER SERVICES Ltd. PIMMSfg if _i "" " 185-7 UPPER WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON PHONE 52-506 J^^ Mljilli Jfe —M 4£^ ~ i ■ i ■ ■■ i i i in i i m—mmm^ ■ . ; / Philips Lamps iN.Z.) Ltd., Head Ogice: 286-288 Wakcfield Street, Wellington will be pleased to fca«aWß*B«BWawßiaiß^a»B«a»a«aiaiaiß^B^aßa«Blß^B^Bß^Ba^a«B«aiß^B»a»aia»a»i pat you in touch with your nearest dealer. | • ~ '

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 5