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. SITUATIONS VACANT ____ FLATS AND ROOMS TO LET. HOUSES TO LET, WANTED TO SELL. •*tiri»*U^W^i*J^»»*U>'w*ll«l»liilij*— r~^^^Tr^MMWi—IIIIWH I 111 I ___!^H^ TXTE requ^tamldS NT S hTrf; T™ •T° r ET> ? UPmT' F f ?' nishecLF^ ta' £ lso T° L T ET ' off Ho PPer Stveet- Citr- 6rd- "ROTDENSI Stands for quality at lowest I ' — - ." { B^^^^^^^"'""""''""" "" """ """ "" W en^dMaehSr highestl%S?^ 1' r t™ I Iq%¥ °r arage' 9 The Ter House, every conv., hot, cold water, -"• prices; see our beautiful 6-piece Din- ■ IT—TTI li " experienced do p"t apply AnnilVh ' 7' - ran Be'S*s cooker; reasonable rent. Apply ing-room Suites, from £15 15s; elsewhere £ ' . &C^FVSBBBSB J 1 V "' V •' » » Hanager, Fashions, Lff/ba^omp^ ggffij R^SMff ss£ f ordenf' "^ ■*"» m°Deyi *"" ■:,,'■" 1 fflU if*! || JUSt AmVed Qtld Ut w^^T^^™ J5/Se^rH' slg T^^^js^s ot^i« S k AS^2v^r£ I r(mmt^St*Sff3£* 11 f/ie /?iV/i£ Time at SALESWOMAN for our Mantle q^O LET, Comfortably Furn. Double Bed- Terrace. Tel. 51-625. Street. Upstairs, opposite Hotel Windsor ' JfiHlulilllnßHMßßßßlKßßfliiiiß I "'■•*■' *»*£s'»«' * l"*6 **t D£Partmeilt" ' *»*' c^^airrder-ate 3'^ Hop^ T° teKto^X ABOUT THAT PAINTING JOB. /^^||iHH^^Hl^B II- HJT 1 /WIT ¥f\ A *!« ! WHITEHEAD AXD PEARS, LTD., m O , LET, Furnished Double Room, own Longmore and Co., T. and G. Bldg. 43-670 J T =oftß no more to apply good paint JgMyM IIBSSSSsBSB^WftiMIvh 1 I Hfl A I Dt V II If A [uV ion ri«.t «- n- ' kitchenette; also Single Room, convs. or 54-220 (evenings). *~ . tlla. n chea P rubbish, and it lasts in- ' fl lll%tf J^i^M^^ , WM |pj| 1^ i If 1/\I^IV 1. - LlUllrT I^ll^ - 120 Cuba Street, Wellington. 18 Xairn Street, top Willis Street, central, mp LET. Karorl Bungalow. 4 rooms , n H ni "'o L u-fnc tl" b cf^.o iLf L Jal^ I "-W/'. ' \^PT iliTlVlllj. UVUXIIIU. : . . npO LET, Unfurnished Front Flat, two A kitchenette, 27s 6d. Longmore and ' mjBBUCK'S "17fK " t „>. r^__ .__ ' , , V^V J I ' ' ■\H7\XTED a riUNTEr'S rrOOF .rooms, ■ kitchenette, bathroom, self- Co., T. and G. Bldg. 43-879 or 54-220. Sold by Tingey'a. Ltd.; Stewart Hard- '• BW<I Jip» <B>'f3i^|lßHWi[*T^t3MHltWilHß 4 | OW^ ■—M m M .JBMk. _^ M ~ , e . , ■-.■■• ~ , . ■*• ting-rooms, .stove, gas, c.1., 15ln; con- Fairlie Terrace. Tel.'26-713. TTnunrmi \i —■" '. ~ —-t: BUTTER - « ' •>-»»* Ail I H ■ IHI HHIBiI H i HH 111 H B f-ust-nave. previous practical experience, venienees Tl3 Glum-iee Sh-ppl- m>» T w r- t xr ■ ■„■» ; r T-JOKDENS! Hordens For Carpets, from <' •••-»»»■-««» - 911. I B| ■■ SB ■BHH■ «13 H £b! En H B TVepiy ■ • T U LET, 21lScS-^Sed Rooms. T° i^^^u^^gT iSl^. g, ffff g t^^T-^ I BACOW RASHERS 3d. dttd lid. 'llllll■■l I■lli iHI • ; BOX No. 1,26. cte^m.^J^ Cr°°klyn- IM^^fcZ stocks. La m b t on Quay,'ne,, SUGAR -"- - - per lb. 3d. II V lIJ ■■ I"II II i-W" — ! : " T°^ n T' Well-furn»hed Double Bed- -LET Constable Street, Comfortable I IQUIDATION Stocks of Tires and < ■ TEA. NO AdVdnCC 111 FrfCS IIIIIHIHI n li |B If N^ ■APPLicwf^'fiV '^c=.-t^'T^^g Ll^^A^r,^ L-J^t^J&SW*! h I ,-• Thcl/6Teai S stiiM/6 I illlßllllil Li 11l A i-i-LICAH^S are invited from suit- mo LET, Unfurnished Flat, 2 rooms, kit- or more Easter. 107 Constable Street. Truck type, £3 14s. Moore and Cole • ■ • I HI 18 Bhl II ■ I t& Hi fsl MSB H IH M SSSsS^&^ST"2E3^SSS^£ Ltr'^s'^gf"'- M*tssh3ar S ;.../«, g^u^ p^^..,^, ] lII||IIWVIII|| " "wn meter. 12s 6d. adults. 1940 Evg. Post! TQHNSONVILLE. close otation-Kew H^d^ye, Ltd'; Auld%nd GleesonTT A Almonds, Jordan 2/- 5d.; 4 oz., lid.; 8 o Z ., 1/7/ 1 • - :_ - Apply by^leLr Tith fro n ,« m M tT° LET' Flat, two large J S-n»- Bi,n»l/>w plp^.v i.vht W- W>»>. Htd --~■; -■ , Almonds, Ground 2/6 Groats, Eobinson's .. 1/4 1 ff"#%Pl AH ■ ' The Managing Director, Street. "" . T3EHIKD —Inverleith OnintaT very late6t- '>• is surprising what you can ' Ammonia, Cloudy Bd. Golden Syrup, B !■ VI M IUIBBi ,; ,;JAJIES SJIITH, LTD. fOLET, Well Furnished Bed-Sitting- -*-*• Parade—Absolutely Self-contained save' VVKolesale Furniture Factory, just > ' Arrowroot 9d. 2's, 7d.: 7's 1/10 1 ' " : r"''' ' . . =• -1- room, fireplace, own kitchenette Furnished Cottage, • bed-sitting-room, kit- rr"'n" "'mer Gas Company. f Aspirins" 25's 4-Vd • 50's Gates' Cleanser '1 /I 1 1 J ,J , PARTNERSHIPS. AGENCIES. ETC. |"nny. 37 Ellice Street. Tel. 52-487. chenette, bathroom, dressing-room, gas T'ENTS. Anchor . Brand7' ■ Ridgepoles, «J. inn- irt „ «-icd.iiser ........ ■ i/j | JA Ti ft 11% f>\J 1 B)&V£> TtOI )^>*» V.PT>u.xTm-m^ ■ ■ ' TO LET, Unfurnished Sunny Flat 1 range, fire, and caliphont. suitable quiet X Motoring, Hikers, unapproachable ' Ba,, 100 s, 1/3. Hops... 1/5 g ; £~XigV€ lIIIZV UL/IZi C BHZUtZr ■PERMANENT Position, salary and share A large rooms, h. and e tel garage business couple or bachelor. Tel. 50-715. value. Get our' price-list. Meltzer Bros., Asparagus, Large, White, Honey, -Jib. pots, 4-id.; l's S »*. "'m . r:.::^t?^ s-- offer^ -Far^ £90, if required; moderate. 32 Pirie Street. °. TSLAND BAY-o Kooms, all cpnvs., 235. 131 Manners Street. : 1/7 and 2/- 7£dl* ~2's 1/2 • filr. tine' 1 f«*«^«^*^/ «^, 7^«.«/ business. Write 1960 Evg. Post^ rpo LET , a Furnished Double Bed-SU- Dixon Street, k. Tel. V™ cannot get. at the. Pa.nt without > Asparagus lib Tins Tk) S 3/3 • '' 1 FfICCU SO LOW I . PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING L ting-room. 22 x 24. self-contain^. m . *2-K>9 after 6.30. ~ l cutting the tin-that ensures free- asparagus, lib. ims, lips, J/J. ~ g . *-- w*^. . * CAKDSr-Agents wanted by the Larg- trance, teK, fireplace, moderate. 26 Lower T ARGE CO., 27 Grey Street-10 Rooms, dora f^ o T m D 4?S? I ITi n%,, „". „ ,/„„ , 1/10 Isinglass, Pets . . lOd. i ■ - : ' • est ,and_ Foremost Publishers in England. Tjnakori Road. -^ City, £3; Choice Home, Miramar, 355; HUBBUCK S 1765 PAINTS <r Ammoniated Quinine Tabs., Imp Soot Destroyers 6d B Br^ l ■lIJIIHi HTTP Firm, of'highest repute. Beautiful Sample rpp LET, Double Bedroom, Sitting-room. City Houses from 22s 6d. are made ,n London of highest graae mate- ' 2 5 1/3 Ink Bottles 2d fid n 'n^ <*A I ■ fifg^rtgaag'sa L^ss^aj°ay " s^x.^*arraa'B s'^^-S'g^p^-- : S° S^ 6?clr; I FOR T.ADTFc; Sis Wirf™ *m „ ,T° LET- y°"i g hed Double Bed-Sitting every passible convenience; will Let, Sold'■b/Ti&VLtd Sri H^ Baking Powder, Edmonds, . 2's, 1/-; 6's, 3/3. Straw- , 1 .. F\J K LdJCXU 112**5 '^us^ffiAssss^ h^?sss%s-j-^t feja^^ sa,fe "i f Bakin6 Po ,, derMcto .. \f ssj^.j-a, '* x w-*** v — u-». u^ Si^&ngi?-^^^ftTfi^'g^glirfaia--^iaf£^'--"■ } -——j >4 .. J -.™^ 6lotlA KUJJBtK LUAIS • TECHNICAL ENGINEER, X UnfenishecT Rooms it d tubs' 20s- Ke' y' H" G- Ku"er aad B RAND, WINE' most"plelsing—and , Birdseed, Mixed 4d. Carter's 4, 4d. Sasco, s|cL . All Sizes and. lengths, ill Bl'OWn, NaVV, P.O. Bos 801 Auckland "^ —1 °- ""inf lT'jhnlc? to ' popular beverage an invigorating and , Birdseed, Canary .. . . 3Jd. White's, 6d. ■ . Black Fawn Vnttv J , . ... ■os 801, Auckland. . - g-ELBUKN-^S-rd. Superior Residence, 2 , to"^ 9^' n" sole f ! Boot PolisK, Radium, . Lentils, 4]bs lid ' ' 5 BOARD AND RES.ul^^ T U ffi S^ R&Sgtf™ 1 ■ " 3d., 4R L^sidl, 4 for 10A^ UsUaHy 16/6 < tf^ / ' W7 KJSTED bv v»> n - i.- —H tral- reasonable rent fi<i^ R, i' l\ '"gs-and" curtains. ■11. G. Kutter and Co., "rj.LEN" Coal js still the best for Hot- f Black Lacquer lid. 9d. . uaMttuj iu/U 'M bjH / Ktr^ZrtwV^fol 1^0 ™- T^ EADIO PEOGEAMME • ■ Blue, Reckets, Square, Pkt.,« Matches, Plaids, Bd.. Pocket I I .•• -.. nfllllAflATA s-■g*r^ar^js^gjjLjsa.-rjt^aaarss^js^,, ]■.**..***.*«■*%* zp^u^^, \ Leainerelte nAINGuATS iW^g^XaS'iHggg'tSS TO«T"-"°' 3 *',d D-^' 8 °^r^-J^M»d 8 m , 8 ,1,w. S" ""S"!'".'."? 0""5'- '. Bl M ,Ll q «ia,Bot. 6d. Milk.'lfetks .Bid. < E In Bottle, Green, Navy, Black, Fa«-n, H^iSStes^^^^ moderate for term. TeL f^^Le, " »'eo,^n=: |-»f K^ felS^. I g^'^ V }SJ *****«*> .... ~ , /d f I" KSSS&rS^-^T"^ f la\^¥^^ -t h - ee fa^^ ants- Mcc-ke"-c3wiil^ s^?°i y «^-o;s^^^f", h e ' caE a te- o Vsoda-:::2?d: Mai ta nd-oi. s ' /;2Sr2/4 ;* j 3 LSf ay Pnfart?fulfb eoald, J£& f^^T&s.l-S, BtJ!L'tSS1& B M 1J*AAL^ k^r {f^ B"^^ r g b"Ot- -\ Cream of Tartar... 1/4 V., 1/4; «'., 2/4 ■ _^ ' room, few minutes City. Tel. 52-731. . cinlists), IS. Grey-st. h - . r°^ r k! cl'r* 'I™™*- 7.0: News. Cascara Tablets, 25's 1/- Meat Extract "Rnvn"1 1 / EV^\d HJT A TT\O S tgs£aSg>^B"d- 5^ J^™.*^^^^™ 3°S- McCraCkg"' 63 Wll"S sileet- W^?^"" 11™^*™-" Cheese, Mild,' Bd., and Castor 0 I.';.' 1^ FOR MAIDS PRIVATE Family offers Board to re- 27,026;, evenings, tel. 26-403. £ v handy tram; adults preferred.' 1098 8:5.-'Vocal Gems. Columbia Lleht Opera Com- , Chutney 6d. and 1/6 Olive Oil, i pts., 1/-; pts ' MAIDS NAVY £ch.t^e^=g^S i ;-' U^S^U^Sf^e, P^VbAY-Ho^. room, .U con, SuTH. *W^«ffli I cSrSo^W to ' ' 1^ ~] PM I E VV D A IMPA ATO - rjHEERY Bright Home for lady, with Phe-nt, pantry,, sep. meters, convs., adults, "t ' ven' e"c^ o^ nny l'os't'on, near-tram Dance," (b) "Intermezzo.", (c)' "Scene du-Bal." ftoaa, pel tm . . / 2 d. IZ/b. fl IIII|( ■|| |/ A I |\l| I I/I I V 'V family of 2, Oriental Bay, every con- 63 Ellice-Street. - stop. Tel. 52-800. • 8.21: Vocal Duets. Esther Coleman and ' Clever Mary 1/1 Salad Oil. Quarts, 1/6: \>\JLlLlLttlLf l\rl 1111 Jlf MI k I J venience, tel, share catering if required, XTERY Superior City Flat, comprising yEWTOWN^S Booms 255; 7 Rooms, Foster Richardson, "O, Lovely Night," "Arise, Clothes Pegs, 5 dozen .. 1/- Gallons, 7/6. \ VVMUIiWU IUIUIVVIUU references. Write 1954 Evg. Post. V /bottom half gentleman's large new 2'8.6d; City, Fhits, 2 rooins. kitchen- 8.2T: Orcan. Sidney Torch. "They All Start > Cocoa, Loose, per lb 1/1 LllCCa Oil C&■ 1^ n^?/Q ; 111 JTOOfI nil.ilitv plntll' Pvr.pllpnt <=ln Q^o nf 1 \TAGANCy for Gentlemen, single,.share Residence, costing' £4000, separate en- ettc^ 2<>s'- 3 Booms, 20s. S2 Webb Street. Whistling Mary" (Keyes). '» r , |icr io. ~ i/i XAICC.a. KMl,.^. cV JJ.. q t s . 1 All gOOa quality ClOtn, eXCeUeilt SftaCle OI ■ v rooms, tel., central, select home, terms trances, very snnriy and gfilant lnrnlity: 27-o<6. B.3o:.'Reserved: Selected records , iJomnville, Oatmeal, per lb 2d. NaW, with belt £1. 257 Willis Street; , rent £3 3s. 6 Moncrieff'Street, City. M"OUNT. VICTORrA-Majosibanks St., ..^ l^ s DJ- Guy H". Scholefleld. 0.8.E.. | . . 10d., 1/7, 3/- Otienuts .. . . 1/3 „. * . rjOMFORTABLE Board offered gentle- rTHORNDON-Attractive Modern Fully- iTX Good 6-rd House, oil convs.,. now 9.2: Weather report and notices. Mill Cocoa— A new cocoa of Oatina ' " 1/5 SIZeS 24, 27, ' 30, 33 .^. man, jingle room, soft washing,, pri- x furnished Flat, sep. entrance and vacant, 28s weekly. J. H. Bethune-and Co. Review.-pf day's play. In match-M.C.C. v. finest aualitv Tlipi-p i<: O^=,lf;,-,» " i 't~A O /'ti a % Uftiiallv T?/fi \K/R 1 fi/« Ifl/fi vate home. . Tel. 50-479. -, . me ter, double bedroom, 'sitting-room, kit- MODERN -.Bungalow, 7 rooms and wf^. to»: b * , CaP""n E. ■W. Ballantine. 1 nn^ q«allty. i lieie is Ovaltme 1/4,2/5,4/2 Usually l&/t>, 15/b, lb/b, 18/6CUPERIOR, Board-Residenc-e offered 2 chenette, and bathroom; moderate; -no garage, one floor,'' Lyall Bay vacant SaSJn-B^nOXoTlto'ToSjM™'' * I ™thll|g to be kd. Potted Pastes, English, . 4 Mftlll 4A /H 4ft/n rf«/A 4 K /ft >J gentlemen, select.locality, near tram, tram fares. Tel. 40-387. . 28th. 42s weekly. Apply J. H. Bethune 9.20: 'Cello, Julius; KleS "Jlazurka In Give it a trial and-save the ' 6d and 9d l NllW I 7'R 1 7'R 1 <' R 1 R'R otty. harhour view, private. 1857 Evg. Post. T?QXBUEGH STREET. 78-Comfo'rtablv : G Minor"; (Popper) ' ( v . <, difference in nrice Poltprl PncUc r A--R* W-111 /" \ IHJIf I^U) I1U) IUUI IUU ■miTHIN 3 mins.' walk Government **> Furnished Double Bedroom and WILLIS STREET, near St. Peter's, 8 ■"Th t, dscSS! ly«t? oUrtllfl?f c S«! 1, N«. i' fiJ jotted Pastes, C.&.8. Bd., 1/- f .. f ** Bldgs.-Large Sunny-D.B.'S.TI-,, single Kitchen;, gas and range; moderate, quiet ™ Rooms, one floor, 555. Keys from J. b«-" .' h °mStr and Uie per lb. v 1/6; s, 6d.; Pepper, .Jib. 4d. Sizes' 36 39 42 44 beds,--fireplace," good 'table; •'also Flat; adulta." ' H. Bethune.and Co. ' • 0.31: Or B an. SidneyTorch. "Hapry-Go-Lucky '* S, 1/-; IS. 1/10. Split Peas, 4lbs. . . lid * ~ „ ,_ /_ „ ,,' ,»• , S^oo 4 gents; .reasonable board. Tel. T ARGE .Comfortably Furn. Bed-Sitting- fINAKORI ROAD, good position, 6-rd. Yo g u,?? d w ßr"ken-He"fed' Me'' ofrmann!- ' Cocoanut, Dessicalied . . 5Jd Pickles 10dandl/2 Usually 18/6, „• 19/6, 22/6 25/----fife.^ c W ..,v p,,^i*ja>-ydss^;a"•■'-1 s^gygj&jssr-»»;a;;a;Si;K:r,.Z!■:-. sa^vS l!" ■••$ |-«,f^ n ,..-..^ . : ■- Nnw , Ic/fi--IR/fi1 c/ fi -- IR / fi iq/c iq/11 7t, SuP, enor Accommodation, excellent CNUG Furnished Modern Flat. 2 rooms, T3ROOKLYN (City end)-Cottage, 3 ?" d Debr°y s°mers and His Forty Thieves. £ ' fr" ,* "« ," ' ' ' Primes, Lar^e 5ize...... 4Jd. . . llUlf . IW Dl IQ Ul loU|' 1U I I table; reduced tariff, permanents, from 27s ° kitchenette, good home for young ■*-* rooms, kitchen, usual convs., garden, c o ra//. nt? mi, ran" A . Coffee i Mixed, 2/-. Strang's Peel, Cut, Mixed, per lb 1/- 11 T P£ dT d 2'2?^ couple;, 2o> 1856 Evg. Post. on train line 22 S 6d weekly. J. H. so^rs 0"" "^ . Coffee, Powder ..... 1/3 Peanut Butter . 6d. & 10d ' »IB«*IM«iMiMIM™iMM»BJM«*J ' /PALMORAL Private. Hotel, Courtenay Q-RD. Flat, kitchenette, central, conven- Bethune and Co. . 10.0: Close down. r-«- -c iij t, p, nVom n ! i/« ' - ' . . ■ "™"^^^ ■^ Place^ excellent Accommodation. Re r : fences; would let singly. 20 Slacdon- "RACE, partly furnished, in good handy I Cottee Essence, lid. Brown rroteena, 4 lb. bags, 1/9; - a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^_ vised tariff. Special low rate casuals. Per- aid Crescent, off Willis Street. -*-> position in City,- 12s per week. Key, Avoid 'flu. Gareline with Camfosa Barnett's, 1/3. Cartons, 1/-. : ■*> -.Superior Accommodation, excellent den, close to Cuba Street. 8 Wright -»- floor, sripSrb section, over 110ft froTit- - T . .. , ■ ■ orn"our > -Lo?se 3- ? d. l/*a.nd 4/4 | Jg* UJTg I^lTl.l.l_mU JC t<- f\l •table; permanents from 255; casuals Gs 6d Street, off Wallace Street. Adults. aee. 40a. J. H. Bethune and Co I(: is easier to prevent the influenza , Cornflour, 1 lb. pkts. .. 5-Jd. W ood Peppermint Cure, ™ .^^ ~ m^mmm* DD^'!;A oPrietreSS- '' T^EAUTIFUL Sunshine Flat, unfurnish- TyrATN RQAD, Karori-Houae. it room,. T^* ■ fr? f m takiug h°ld thaa t0 ■ , Cornflour, Brown & Pol- 1/5 and 2/5 ' : _ T '^___, T TMT ,^ QULUMBIA PRIVATE HOTEL-Under -D od, Carrara ceilinas, own meter. M kitchen, bathroom, and usual convs. che f cl^ l4 ln lts «ourse- Camfosa is aft son ' s lO j. d Fluenzol ... . . 1/6 and 2/6 •■ FLEEC\-LINED V new management Central and com- select locality, lovely view. Arikitoa, 246a 22s 6d, just vacant. J. 11. Bethune and e?rtain Preventative. Is 3d, 3s.—Advt. r ™ ! lU«°- Susrar of AHlt 1 / I fortable. Bed and breakfast. 4s: weekly The Terrace. Co ■ - - E tveamota 1/6 nilgai ot Alilk 1/. g jmbbb fklkaii'A ■» a b*b,a^ ■ sma. ysand I7s6d Tel. 41-584. ~ -pnRKTRHKn Sp.^nn«.. n .H B a H^ff^. fiKA-rkAi^ Bmm . ~., .n .^^ ; . - ■ • ~—ZTT^—" f Curry Powder, Loose .. 2/- Pork and Beans. sd. & 61-d. I PU|I NUli MV D A lIJ Pll ATO W mck -c^Ku gtg" 6 * £r°m 9tm U ""^ •.■F JJ. Cu^S S Powder"-'^ £«,-B«T A^ftSf gt With hats to naatch; in Blue, Brown, Red RESTHOMES. Single Room, 7s 6d weekly; board-op- T^AMILY Residence-of 0 comfortably W>S/ '! Clark s .... 6d. and lid. Patna, 4d. Ground, 3d. ' , '. j t>_ w^srs r f;ffi,rp2ff «S riSSS?S=S!£3 ar m- "°"': K"- °-^* 133313333^0 ■ c,?^iL,^'.% E,r,°s a:!« s s!^" M eat- -; Usually 12/11 ■■ Usually 14/11 Mrs. I°nes.______ week . Key j. H . Bethuue and Co _ TeL fi TASTEFULLY Papered Rooms, every — — : : Currants, 3 Crown .. . . 7d. ?inal Salts) 1/9 «^wcmj J.U/ O.X KJOUaiIJ X-±/ XX Cr EAde^ide R^rl T fnHOME%? °4 VPr? '■ ° convenience, perfect order, large sec —.-.— p^—,---.-^ ' | Dates, Best Kahdrawi . 3d. Rinso ... ... 4^d. and IOJd. ■ %' NOW NOW aerly^^^^ Dates, Stoneless ....:.. sd . Seeded Raisins, Finest .. 6d ; +^l++ ' +*^ I *+.*/S urse ™ a?i?So a?f^,T,^ rt :r- convs.: terns moderate. 4 Davis Street, Thomson andEast, Ltd., 102 FeathWston ■■■^^ ■■■■■' Dates, Dessert, Packets, 3|d. Sultanas, Mildura,. , • ■ • Q/ll 111/0 Tel. 24-406:. ■ MISS COMPTOIv. Thorndon. Street. : ■■■W x A li||l Dyes, Nadco- ....... .-. ,1/- tyd. and 7Jd. II 111/ SHOPS AND OFF.CES TO. LETT" V^^^^g^l^^ G HS*5¥E^ fe^ -5? & 11^ — t ' U ■^Vn "" " Sa> ™ S^V^ _______I__^ TJERHAMPORE—Lock-up Shop iu»t. s0»: trfly optional. 17 Pirie Street. 6d; N«wtown, 7 -Rooms, -30s; Houghton || J? pJ . ./ij HIW Bin -t-nos truit Salt, 3/10; small, tin, 7d.; lodized, Bd. HBBHBaaBBBBB«BBa«Ba«BaBaBBVB«BflBlBBBBB«BHHBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBl -". painted, cheap rent. Ring 54-607 or A LARGE Rooms, kitchenette, bath- ? ay> Bungalow, 20s. Ritz Landß^^L.l 0 I NHHr 2/6. Sago . ... 2Jd. ' . ... write 1923 Evg. Post. <* room, un-to-date flnt Agency. Manners Street. ' HWBIbI I\> IAIMBW I ' Cerebps Health Salts 2/4 Semolina, Loose, per lb 4d. IBlaaVHßaalßHßVßißlHHHi^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Biaaaaaaaaaaaan S°^s:^teI%Sffe 3te y"^ G°Vt BiCISS" ThOmSOn> K^^Se^dSpe^r^ "Wiirllr ■ /E.,ywork Stove, Polish, " Boad; 50s weekly. J. H. Bethune and g-BOOMED Modern City Flat, with lat- Sj nl f R??™' Kfte^ &™&'*} s° * ' tL ■■' ' r ■ 1/3 and 3/- . lid. and 1/5 TTOiD H/fiPIM ' : _____j________ «>' est conveniences, convenient to Com-- Kponw. k ette 30... 2,b 6d. .. AVebb,-M ■ ''I ■bF ' Essences, Flavouring, Pure, Victory Soap ........ s|d. £* V/Xv XVI XL I^l .'■■'■■ tenay Place: 455. References required. ' ) »-• ~ I oz. ........ 8d Sunlight Soap 9d. TB^/ ': TOL . fl^::t; d'^^^^iy^g^^gl :fc^\ : i E——-^ S-caSes.p-::^: excellent quality ET OFFICES T° LET 3 ■ SfetS;;^i^ Pnnoma- Street. _^ . HfcSt>Vi: / ' Eueace., Vanilla 1/S Pears', Unscented .!.. Bid. Tk¥ A TJMT W\ A l\7r*f\ kT in ♦!» early with rent book. Thomson, East, Room . 10 LET. . . :• lifflKrflllMbr Essences, Langdales . 1/. Lux Toilet Soap 4£d. < 111111/YlcAllXllllAl ' -EVEN NG POST" —__ ...' 10A ... 30/- I Fruits ' Assert Peaches \ ' Barilla Soap, Bd. McClln- \ WA V I IV/ill 1 LU/l 1 NEW BUILDINr J»URNISHED Single Bed-Sitting-room, 3 Glenmore St. 17/6 6 Newtown ..35/- / -'^SHhl|2Ul ' 1/3 and IOAd ton's, 1/1. I „.. . „ , , O« SUITE AND SEVERAL SLNGLU tel. %S S^S^- IrS Bay" '■ ' 1 ; Fruits, Apricots, Bath Soap, Large, 5 for 1/- I *** fitting, D.B. belted; French Style; ROOMS. . -pURNISHED Double Bed-Sitting-room ,vn ' [^H =7/6 7 Newtown ". .. 30/- ' ' . ' X 1/-, 1/4, and IOJd. Sauce, Worcester, quarts 1/- I ' Wind-and rainproof; fleecy lined; all sizes-. ■— su ~» Lgg^feg-:^^iLir'^'^ ■:SS"?i-SS- "i;. Pi-S,S^: : U S ually39/6: QQ//- . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OT - VXTV „. . „ —r-jj— LYALL B4Y "• ~ f ROM PAINFUL 1 4*d'» Slices, s^ : d., 7£d., pmts, 10d.; small, 6d. | w^^^vm B^% MEN. Z°NAL SL^ s l^f\Sr g toT'-rkt /■:.-■:■-.■■ .1 10d.; Crushed, Bd. Starch, per lb. Bd. FOR £* \J For terms and conditions, apply Rbeet o/w'iirStr/et waf ol,f' bathroom' ssrf"«' bal- AEI &VI f Fish: Salmon, Sockeve Tomato Sour,, ■ * <->^> HLUNDELL BROS, LTD.. piTY.Flat to Let, situated lower'end so'qde™ V Drive^L^ll f&ffi VV K'.N ) ; , . I's, 1/8; Vs, 1/2 a s^d., 7R, 10R . ' — ' Proprietors, . XJ Aurora Terrace; large-living-room.-2 ■ * ■ ■■ ' i . ■ ■"'.■'.■ Medium Silver Spray Assorted Vegetable, etc., •^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^■^■^■^■^^^^^^^■■■■■B •• E v emn2 Post.- ■ S^^^^Jl.^!;- ' . MISCELLANEOUS. ' Remove painful Corns with ' l's 1/6; 4 's. 9d. q . ( s^d., 7id., 10-M. H^iMiMM—i^iMiiM^BMiMB^DMBW T»i°« 44-3M- H°.yE; .B "i'ders. Send for BeazW. •'GETS-IT"-safelY. quickly "^ 1 A "n o d, 1/1#» Symington s Soups ■.... 6W. ....'. •. . - OUNNY Large Room, unfurnished, fire- f , Bo^,° f f Better bungalows.-obtainable "■ ' 7>H '. ■' _, 4S, 7d. and 8A . Sugar, per lb 3d. <B V/\l3 VAT TiPtTC ■ ■■>»«■«». hoo M s :i o^- Lgs^sg-^s^S^^7. P"|M "' — >ETC.IT* d T'A". cod TkSESr-,.S^^TiJf* , FOR YOUTHS ..... Si^sSS^S^SS^ S|«^ JS^i-fes.Ss: WAVYMAfinNTfKH s» 6d, ah-oa; R ing 50-187. or lady; £1. . . ' >t ::'■"- ■■ ' ■ ' 76 / -JA Finest, Ja, Bd. Queerf Our Popular, 1/6. Wardells 11/A 1 I Ifl Al .1% 1 11 I I I.IH j^IGHLAyp PAKK-iiupevio, Unf,.,- ——— Maud Brisling, 7d. White Label, 2/-. Orient I lini * lf*flVlllll 1 \/Ull t ?^^^^^^g Wo^£ ,T0 tET-M IS cELLA NEO us_ .HOTELS, RESORTS, TRANSPORT. ' lOd r ello-%L^ e1 ' 2/ 4' °ur Best : B Fleecy lined, Just the coat for youths. "2:123- '■■- - -' TO LEI, Brick Space, 40 s So, K roiind ! — : : . F1 ""„- S ' bt°.V 1 S\V)J i' Tea ls 2/8» and you cannot I C;, oe O/l_n / f C o^ a A T)OVBLE t-m-n. 8.-S.-room. all convs X noor, city, £2 week. Apply Tel. "ROYAL OAK" HOTEL' ' i. >'' 2'?^ S&y 6lbs -' lld -' get anything better no mat- I SIZeS Sizes 36—44 '^•'a^ree? S^ PV p■ " h T OTAY tt, °.H. BA ,AND MANNERsIft E Erf WELLfeoTON. 1 F >5 *r BagS ' 25>S« J/?' 'er how much you pay. I USUaIIV 31/6 IlSliallV JpVnniU r-f pi f T— JUG'iORY. Pi™n««. newly cm-tc,, gTAY at the "Royal Oak"-'\YriliiigtoiTa finest hotel service, at NKWKKDUCJiD , Cooking #d. For those Avho like China ' I OX/\3 U&UdllJOl7/0 ISx H&T,SM^ S^ neSf D-f-t....1A Tea ,e have landedea%: 1 I 'NOW ■' NOW t.led kitchenette and beau- W, spendidly situated. A,. P ly to the b«akf M t 8/0 Breakfaat, 3/ s Ln«3ieo^^ Fruit Drinks, Concentrated, ment of Formosa Oolong; I -_ '_^ .". . Spt^nZc^iT g rnrbtdlcTnd^^^^^^ : ! ber^peTbo^^ridll2lßl3" "T?^ t V 6 * 7,n I OZ\ f\ o^%//^ ■r^aa-flSf AT^TS? We"inSto";: ■ — C"'iStCh"rCh- Timan'- a"d U"--^t™rt"-" Grape-NutT.. 11/4 S/Jtlb'n fl/10^ "' ' I AO'Vf- XO'O Well-furnished Suite to refined tenants. TO TVT ' -~ ' ' ■ ' ' ' ' '1 ISS^F 11"^^ o™-- -choose MASTERTOM. MOTOR SERVICES. , : w mO * mJaj w S a tur6s < btreet or Thomson and Eas^Ltd. VJ also approx. woo >q ft Second Floor, NEW BOOKING OKKICK: ' Discount Given With Every Cash Purchase ' I irftTOMjv 11 > FLATS. Modern. Eemforc'ed Concrete Buildme;, ■ ' J - UIMe ( | «a jsga «■ . . ... fe«T^« MAGNr,rsr nlEB ' HEAD „_ M ™f° ICES LTD Cash and Family Grocers - Willis St. ! ■ Liquidation J LOWER CUBA STREET

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 3