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Article image

■■-■ LAST FEW DAYS BLANKET MONTH WILL SOON BE I ' p RAXMiruPSAND TT' w? nlM.^n Wnaka IStreet, THE .. ' -." ; WHEN YOU PAINT USE • U\Jsli! \\l!j .Jifcl'Alh. HANUUAbb AAD M. who said this. But li you i-my 47-462 lnr , ri , T , ,vo .' ' • C SMITH'S OFFER OUTSTANDING »» OF EXEMPTION FROM HIGH QNLY a few more days and this special TRAVELLING GOODS! you will lim] who said ■ something when .HIV/IIWAVS TRANSPORT' CO., .' * . * ' (( rvn pT OTAT) !) „.._„,,-.,„ V economy offer will be'withdrawn. : lie said, "Productive competition makes' , . • ' . vALLE I~N I'ABRICb. \ JIiAL/iiiLibiUiv. .™ c^rVc tu- AXY SIZKD BLANKET WASHED F)OX'T discard that unstitched or broken to Progress and .enlightenment, and" puts.. , LUIIIED, ■ ,„ -.-„.-.' ■'- READY-MIXED PAINTS. ' A^D SALES TAX. AND DRIED FOR Is. -M fame- HANDBAG, or 'that battered ?. discount upon mediocrity and. stagnu- _ . p : „ , „ . CPLCIAL CKLPE bATINfc, 30in, ot * Washed with pure soap' in water softer SUIT or ATTACHU CASK Our repair t.ou in methods ot production."'Ube D s^Xtce 'MeavM Palmerfto^ .Vd^fv " Sood medium weight. Drapes well ''■'' mr rnu i>nnr pATROKS OF -;•; - thdrv raill ; aml d ? ied i^L open-nfc. Tele-' department can make, them good for V £ *™£ "$ -*1"": «b± m °f *"Wfj S a^ardve Wellfngtou TlS^a.m V * and ha S a special satin finish.'Showing in ''- J°E IHE r' ool' - MILLIGAN'S ■ ' & 55-000and^^ ■L U^,^Bt j^rto bm^ W^^w\^ m toi*.t«* "ROOFOX" ! KELBURN AyENUE. ' THE -VICTORIA LAUNDRY CO, .... UA a R ,O ! tat^.W^&ffl'rt.^'S!!; aVtiVeS Ealmer£tt>D «" tCrn°°n "*■«****"«*: ls IM'^ ; RED OR GREEN (Fadeless). ; ADVISED NOT TO MISS THIS "' ' ! ,-^J^' ■ Only Address: lo^'head' I°™l r^t fnr^s, V2s Gi: Rii, comion ■: C. SMITH, LTD., THESE ARE GUARANTEED PAINia, LAST OPPORTUNITY OF \ SUBST AN- :' - Head Ofhce and'Factory, . .'' . ° .-„,"!!; ~_ rndigo Dye All-wool Serge Suits, 40s 6d- «>,our S-cylinder 7-seater Nash Sedan. . »..- > . . ■ TIAL SAVING 0^ ALL SUIT ORDERS HANSON STREET. W!^ CUBA STREET, 49a 6d. CORCORAN Cutter Correct Parcels and passen SetS 'specially catered CUBA STREET, WELLINGTON. R. AND E. TINGEY AND. CO., LTD. . PLACED THIS WEEK. • DEPOT^VERYWHERE. ; *o Branch fchops. Clothes, Mi' lor. . Car J via Shanl. : . ' MANNERS STREET. WELLINGTON. LOST AND FOUND. " ~~~ TRADE PERSONALS. PROPERTIES TOR~SALE. " WANTED TO SELL WANTED TO SELL. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT. ~ LOST, on Saturday night,' between VOUR. skin-needs Sydal, which keeps it T^OR SALE, -ft-acre Corner,. b'Oi't, busi- f\. S. 2 Tailored1 Costumes for'Sale, cheap. VyANTED Sell, Singer Oak' Dropheads, "W7"ANTED, by; Young Woman, House- \T7ANTED ' Housekeeper urgent- mu*t Lowry Bay and Upper Hutt, Hood •*• exquisitely soft, clean, and lovely. *■ ness positiou, minute Leviu Statiuu. KJ' Apply 80 Oriental Parade. T* £6 Ws; Singer Dressmaker's, with ~ work a»d minding children, no cook- >V ]j e , oo j D i : u '> e £u.,™ 4n oE Pram. Reward. Write Bos 23, Upper Sydal refines the pores and improves'skin Owner, 1418 Evg.. Post. 1?O[\ SALF Ouautitv Second-hand Cor- Illoto' r. £s' 15s;' Oak -Dropheads; £3 Ws; »'g. references. 1905 Evg. Post. pj y 49 Ey* post '' H"tt.- ■■' -■ __ tenure. .Is, 2s, 58. . . TIfUST Sell, House, 6-rooms,-two Hats, L \ ruguted Iron. Apply W. M. King, guaranteed. Ridley; corner Tory Street- vyANTED, by reliable girl, Position in TiT.\y T KD shortly Yoim^'Womin A« TOST, Trentham.. Friday, Lady's T^LEXEMA Wonderful Skin Treatment. i!J- newly painted, best offer accepted. 41 Plumber. 4 Vivian Street. - " Courtenay Place. VV or near island-Bay; from 8 till 5. VV .m^Uc duties' tuo-in familv -M Handbag, containing Kid Gloves, etc. xv -Klei-ema never fails. Baby eczema Hankey Street. - ■ TJIANO, upright grand, excellent tune, W Ais-'HF '? Sell-: Uverloj:kiiig iUaciiiuc, 1959 Evg. Post. . ■ washing; state age 'and experience- referRing 44-318.' '' and all skin troubles absolutely cured. T YALL BAY-4-id. Residence, valuable L condition perfect, only £14 10s. 1527 .:,. w ? mV'J>- le t'", - oc P°Wer' Wlth WANTED' Cale Children, afteruoouv, once necessarv. ISSO Eva. Post:. T OST. this morning, near. Town Hall, dvlce', fre|p ~.TeL " Pl.? as.e °^, e: "^ corner section; only £625, deposit Post. T \xl \ i ■ evenings, homes weekends, references. U M X TED ' Smart Girl 1517 K-ht -L. Hutt, Pair Steel-rimmed Spectacles; ?« r A^,f '^cotf C'etT £100,-balance'o per cent. 1743 Evg .Post. ATATIONAL Cash Register, 9s keyboard, W^^oO^U de°n "" '9" Evg" Post' ■ ' W^les? Ka Z s^^week t! reward. 60 Knjght'a Road., Lower Hutt.. (near Jjoulcott btieet). OEASIDE Cottage, 4 rooms, modern e.1.. "^ latest model, oak finish, as new, cheap. CJch- '00 .bticet, Karon. ATOUNG: Girl . desires Position as Ap- Write-1873 Eva- Post • T OST, vicinity Upper Hutt, Purse, eon- D r u « m KeiJllce; l;.,, &t »'f" f °' ■ etc., level section, sunny no^i- ">:^ Kvg- Post. ; . ■ VVAiVILD Sell-Visit Radford's Used i prentice to Dressmaking." 163 Post 'v^VrED aSmart'lJov for office -*- J-* taining notes, cheque (Richards); sub- M-«t. Midland Hotel, tion; price -complete with furnishings, TIfUDJSIW Soda Fountain, complete with .!* , U?.l"-. {% aj"-< m > hu. r. mlm?- Agency, Ncwtown. • VV-p^i"1 o * n b hTndwrlin-^o Shipper. stantiaJ ve.ward, returning Post Agency, AJEURITIS, Tiredness Rheumatism, £525 A^genuinel bargain. Further dctuiis -»A automatic electric carbonator, two- \f™*™* 1 kSvTu «,,.' W?,^h T-TIGHLY- Respectable and Thoroughly Box 1151. Wellington. •°' tJPPer Hutt. btiff Joints succesh, )!y treatol. 89 apply 1984, Evg. Po s t. way syrup pumps, perfect order, us uew. e^Hi n'ers Street ReliaV le Vo"D S Woman dc=f«s \A7ANTED Licensed Driver voun^ man' T OST, vicinity Terrace or Bolton Street, Wellington Terrace, top Woodward Street. £25 DEPOSIT-Having purchased a farm Apply 1930 Evg. Post. itl 'vvn , T'- <~, r n- ■ ' Duties' Housekeeping, references. Write W thSu knowledge town c"?eutfa' b Pair Green Kid Gloves. Finder please Advice free. Tel. 40-4Q a . * ± am - comi>ellc<l to cl . ifice my AVe| . I?U K SALE, Chevrolet Touring Car, 1020, W A? '^1 B-pjea^baddlebag Uraiiig- Experienced. 1979 E^PostT for tax° Apply 1934 K?<r Post CbSeUt'aU ring 44-477. T)RESSCUTTING, Designing, Dress- lington Bungalow, a lovely home, large-1-, good order, any trial. Write 1023 Hii«w °' rim ',y, aw. er b- ue*1 of OCOTTISH Ucisti-y Tel 43-403 recom- YiT^N'TFn lio-lif' h ~L —j ,»■ „' T OST, L.dy'.-Gold Watch (not wristlet), jH llg -Modern methods make Me- flat section, workshop, no climb; cost a less J>& Post. able Graif/ophoLs" 7^ll StT b mends Educated Cbitu^ef AvSSn. W^ am Ef o ' ck^re Sroim^d bwrd* Ll .on Monday: Finder rewarded. a£ ■ A«demy supreme, Individual a week than-renting; -price ««5 (genu- tTm.V. Table Gramophone and Re- KMne^^^Xpartmeut' pleasing-personality.- Manageress Gues small wage 1955 Evg Pos' ply 1989, Evg. Post. , tuition by experts ensure students the me). Write urgently 1970 Evg. Post. Xl. , conlSi se u clieap . 2U Hiropi Street, aua v-m .II 7!■ 1 House, Tearooms, Gentleman's Residence; WAVITn Wf T.m ?l 1 1 T TbST, Tarpaulin, Waterloo; Quay, Re- g^uaS^o^ !" & °^' NKV^^^ I, 5 ' G°°d Roo'"s .^' ■^twrt- ' WrilX *V u^h^ kSt cook, excellent organic. V WA^D^'»^ 'ad'oni^^? -L* turn to Jervois Quay' Slotor Stand. M cG X AeademV DI C BuH Zes „-, tS n S); '{ , eonv.f lieui-'f: i<J-°; T.ADDERS and Steps of every deacrip- "Moderns" Oak Bedroom Suites. £15 13*: T7MPLOYER recommends Trustworthy, Siegels, Ltd., 60 Willis Street. JReward. .: ' ' McLabe AoatleOTy- UJXj' B""^"g3- ea.,> terms, snail deposit garden, sunny. -U tiou to suit alI pm . poses at . ve ry rea- Latest Dining Suites, £13 15s. Kadford^ Woman for, care of children, after- Al7 im ED eNucrienccd ' Housemaid SUBSTANTIAL amount of change lett WANTED TO BUY. ft- V P i » .">'■" TT '^'- imited- SPEI:' a'^ Ma"°erß Street. noon or evening. 1993 Evg. P oat . W^^, aWelo^lieve cook for P- encounter. May be had on ".ipplica- TTT , w ',;; '„ ■,-■■'' rrr O *o^ » 1I * " , electric-; u.l.ty Co.. Hanimg Street. \IT ANTED Sell, Wire Couch, Side- EXPERIENCED Dry-Cleaner, also know- small hotel. Apply 1914 Evg. Post. tion and proof to Eddie Fletcher rhar-j Buy, Furniture and House- Y. £9ao thelot;-small deposit (vacant;.- OPRATT'S Mixed Canary Seeds, also W board, 27s Oil; Full-size Box Otto- lodge of gent's spotting, desires Posi- an experienced UDholstre" macy..2o4 Lambton.Quay. . ' / y hold Utensils,-suitable for a work- Leslie. Jones,- -101.-Willis' Street.-' O' Meat Fabrine, Dog Biscuits, Farrot man, 50s; Rimu Tea Wagon, 13s 6d; Puffy ti^on, good. refs. Write 454 Evg. Post, W one u«ed to maktn" Bhnds Cushions' I - , . —- — — >ngmau' 8 . home, spot cash. Write 1 livg. OMALL Deposit (Govt. Loan)-Bunga- Food, Dog Medicines, Puppy Dogs and Ottoman. ss; Kitchen Tables, 12s 6d; Peton.c. - ■ ° and °"£ e^ t-nhoklerv Work Onlv tho?PERSONAL. ' Post '■ ■ - S. low i, , arge ro v om kitchenette, sun- Bjvd .Requisites, Te Aro Bird Shop, 140a Office Chairs. 17s Cd. Keuuer's Used Do- PEFINED Exncrienred Youn-^ Ladv oS»hlv exwriem-ed^ aDDliVintV need auX tttAvt-t, , t , T , " ! rrr- WANTED, Singer Drophead Sewing porch, beautiful gardeft' (room.'garage),' Vivian Street. ' partment. , i» r« 'pS X 7 hI? J 'G(Marshall Limftod 4^48 AdSi w^siiasisisw-ffa: SLiass ais^srs is? s» -saraisi v^wmisJFsS^^f, w=ases j-^ap^.wtei jgjg&is^^'^jy/TAN 06, good bnsmess prospects, would Lower Cuba Street. Tel. 42-410. den sunny (Newtown). Leslie Jones, 101 tid per packet. Apply Public Trust Office, VV 16 Leather-seated Chairs, £11 the ply Cecilia, US -Mosh'am Avenue, Hatai- tttantED Smart Apprentice for Dres*ATJ-. like meet Business Woman, small XT7ANTED to Buy, Child's Play-pen: 47 Willis Street. Wellington; for further particulars. lot; alter the front: of your house; turn tai ■ ' ■ ■ \yA^-»*:,' Oman Apjnentice toi Uiq^seapiUl. view matrimony. 1838 Kv,. Po.t. W^ , .gate. City, easy Wtt lk gPE^D Is 6d at Wood Bros.', Thursday., jjto tearoo n, Kenner's UAd Depart- DKE , SMAK I X G> dai ly , -Bs. fares; Appl/Ro^^.^Ghtne'eXer^' 1FLORAL TRIBUTES. •' W-^'^ill- Modern Bungalow, a •rooms, "+ Manners Street-bubstantial Sound M- Fly-prooi Meat Cover Free. '„■.,■„.. ~ ,„„'.,■.: r—= r-. U Dresses, Coats, Renovations.Matest nUK VINGH AM'S Registry 50 Boulcott — : . " yy conveniences, vicinity Hataitai, Sea- House,. 6. rooms range, h. and-c, pore. rp HE RIALTO.Bond Street, Tel. 43-553. W'l^VrJ', ' raes ..lulVenal fashions, fit, style, economy.' Dressmaker.' Cstreei-Houseteeper^^ ' THE FAREY BOWER. • toun; small deposit, Govt. ' Loan; 'no I bath; wonderfully cheap home; £750 or i- ■ will ■ buy any of your surplui Fur- L,,, Kol' att, r,esEe, s' falled "ure x- "Sa «ent Terrace ' l,«l,«Nr« ' A,,n( r J?? W Sr.^ \r ' PRESENTATION,/ Wedding Bouquets, agents. .Write 1852-Evg, Post. ■ hear offer. ■Jauncey and Co. niture ond effert" Millwo-I; Double Bed, 355; Single, 2-,* --£l-£!££i-L e rrace' !-■-. .■_ bachelors country home, 30s; Cook-Gen-f • and Floral < Decoration.s Funeral WANTED to Buy, ■ D.B. Hammerjess (11F11 of Gifts-Uniciue Bungalow, 5 STRAWBERRIES for Jam .still avail- !?"''. vVI-^"'^' e-, M; l>ne" btreet RADIO APPARATUS. a.-OTTISH pfpwtbv ->n« n L Inbutes executed-at-shortest-notice, lei. V\ Shotgun, English! maker's ;iame, low- rooms, kitchenette and brick garage, O a bl e inimediite d fcm direct W AI\ IJF, Sel, ,lland r Sewing, shop- -j yrqnr , —- S LUT tmH 20b, QuayBli^to^adf 3U aIiSS X Farey> T g;JSTB IBI7NT PMt 1 Sa^iS^r-Wh^r^Dt' '^^caHy. M^no^f i .SSS %t W^^ "o^S'pric^ SL). D^f'c^eneral, " M ISS GALLOWAY, late W a ~Co^e7, W^^ c^f '^/^ "^'"co "r^ou ?W P ' RADIO Auction Sale-35 Sets latest 0- G-piecc:, Dining-room' Suite, £ | 15s. '& 1««1 Post. Laundress. 255. »- , .•■ ■*! Art.Flbrbie, 99, Willis: Street, oppol TOS pV'post ?'' - QPECUL ATOP'S Ch,nr> ■' -1 U 7 7-n Polllt-7 a'^, Tomorrow,, Thursday, ner's Ured Department. WANTED to Buy, All ' Electric Radio WOMAK wanted, manage small, boardsite Majestic. Tel. 41-341. After business tri fin, S^v M ,1 f'nnl Wi,w hu^ T'secdon''close S Tm,rp "S !r ,P"" V;i ilt T ,,S,llvev^°" e «u<l S MaVl' WANTIiD Sell, English Linus, . >V Set, 6or 7 valve, cheap for cash. 1990 >V ing-house, some cash required part inhours, 24-042. Every, description of Floral WAf" r SSfiJ^l* h wl- nJM I tax," „£|t* mechan cor f-? e tbrv rtvnmSL Woo'worth -BldgK. C.iba Street. >V wi j e> 33 11(1 . a ,.^ . new .^ ipuiellt Evg.,Post. . ' terest. For address. 1985 Evg. Post. . Tributes. Freshet flowers daily. ? Wrongs 1M wSffi ?TO l^C AUCTION Sale of- Latest. Radio Sots. Nairn's Lino^ Squares tiew designs^ 25s WANTED. Eliminator. B and C; must TUNIOK Shorthand-Typiste requirid, . TlflSS WA UGH.-Art Florist. 234 Lamb- M^vorth Street Dentice'.' and Co Cour tenay Phce " , l«n»orrow. 130 p.m., at S, verstone each Kadford s Sale. Manners Street. W - be ehcap for cash . i O6 Queen's Drive & ■ salary 255. Applications to P.0..'80x "* tori Quay.-High-class Floral Designs f W ff r "T^H T WFI ffIT v, , \ v and Co.. Auction Mart, Bldgs., WANTED Sell, 4-piece Inlaid Mahogany Lvall Bay. ' - 676. ..: , . ..■.■--.' , , at the shortest-notice. Tel. 40-707. After WANTEDto Buj-.-ContecUonei-y bcale.% LO\VLU HLII-S up, 1 Acre, Bunga- (,'uba Street.; W. Bedroom - Suite, £20; Music Stool, L-^AKILLON Ridios 3 valve "^S T OCAL Salesman with own car-pro-business hours and on holidays ring 63-S3S. ™ 3b ur^nt? njurt bejehcaj). °1?^ B™™^*^ Bw.-.Th*^. Cycle. !ss, bargain. Kcnl C^^^ jft dl.£ £ t^vf £& ferredf to Si London Diamond^TtflSS POOLE; Floral .Artiste, 4S Man- i^T a v-rrn t « V wi T T l~ ■-■»ce £725 Pr-'e f ftj TF"i'itc°c"c ' W- V-Pro°f Meat Cover Free. - n.Ts. Used, Department. guaranteed 12 months, and includes tax; treads. Apply London,: WakefiellJ Strt;ct . nesshours, 60^14 (dial-393), .'■ ■,- ; Sm;t ,,. Bi ,, i; , vJ |S^Z:S t^-."^^ v -, Vo^, 'iSorrt^rilaS T^EN ''Radioina^ No, 3 .. 6d .opy Cottage, offered ,ent for -Is there ■ someone ... somewhere, VV .to place"'on dinin" ■ table Rin" "-I'd- Bungalow. Write 18SU Evg. Post. U^nOM bale, l'ndii.v morning, lO.ol). ja t ,. eet . • ". -«- iroui all Radio Dealers and Book- services Caretaker,. Gardener, re- .. .who needs a friendly lift? 4n 9U ■ • • ° ' ' ° T?"Fr IUIIJV (flip h-irtrT;,, n f tli» VM ,.| G IU''OIHI Street, Karori—Tlnndsoine . TT . u , T v, vg ',| n j-r .',.-. — -^ — sellers. Distributors, Internationa! Radio liable couple; references .required; Pao SEND FLOWERS TO CHEER FROM w^TED urgently for client Poultry KS^ tt l^om. 1 all WteiT- K^S" lrUl' UitU' e- S^an^eU flats'W Co--Ltd' " ' kakariki. Apply 1961 Evg[ Post. TJOSEMARY FLORAL . STUDIOS, W^m^ aS going wn^ern; D^ 10 S ttE' s^'«>' ™<* half, extremely well C> llhoU' »ctlo' °c'' - ..each; come clrlyaud have your pick, E L R^ *f} Se^ °\'\ P"ef EXC^ LEi7 m C .^Working Co ? . i"^ 10 Woodward Street and 129 Willis within 50 miles of Wellington. Foster built.-attractively, designed, charming in- T?VXlKA,bpccia OllcL--Jewel Caske , Lp- Kenner'a Used Department. unbeatable value. Obtainable only, -L< ditions for Capable Superior Cook- ', ,Q, ,D • ~'.V T.. ' -rnd Co 19 Grev Street terior., all..modern appliances, land area : stairs. Burlington Arcade, will pro- -r-r 7A v4 TI r D . Sell _ . Tn i in p.. t n ,.' ■„— Royal ftadid Supplies. ...... .- ■ 1 General, two jn -family.- ■State age, cnStreet. . Telegraphed, mailed, or delivered. "' •■ -™ f tlee\ . li'acre-.: This,. valuabL-Wcrty.coßt the ««t Buyer of «n Engagement. Rm S bo- WsWmoin on ~nd Fioor- °?r -t«hr l?r. BKY prip Pfi £11 19s 6d cash. £13 IBs. clos '»5 references, ISOO Evg. Post, ■ . Telephones 44-455, 50-663. P.R. 54,817. WJi-f,£ t bo goo'ordc" S ate £ig P^ent owner. £2100, but a 3 an urgent twecn uo V and-.Ea» Wedding Rmg will ,21*° y o ™. "tnality ' ViL^' & WtJ^ o Xh^to&* iii nilio^t EXPERIENCED-Machinists for Frocks," " — mni tfU Pnrf - -" ... sale is imperative-the-price is now a: 1250. ''''ee- : Ltd., Cuba Street, opp Patrick's ' the price^-no deposit. ■ *-* . constant :work. Apply I> Ehouri, I / WANTED TO RENT. WANTFD Buv Vush Bike in'good con- Save It's a gift. - Smith and Jones. gPEXtTIaJW at Wood Bros.', Thursday. VT7 AX - rEU Sel i,, 2 Chesterfielc! Combes, P" ♦" Kl R.v if. you want-the best in Ltd, 15 Newport Chambers, Courtenay PI. WANTED nr~eutly ■ Furnished Unfnr- W*^idonf ,nurt be 'rfibap^fo i cSS? H. 3'* nOT .,, p -~ £;, , , f^ ',A ,' 3 o^fi Oak^SidebQ^s,: attractive iiel Vf radio, £]l 19s; ; Cd cash, £13 10. 6d TTASTBD., ErEtctes Clickers. Only WANTED to Kent, Modern 4or ■ 5-rd. b e se^n l^Kvg. Po^ - Uie W Gover tlinent mort^e foV tlm tT s^ ld- J ll™^ure': *V,. ,10s:-Latest ..-ia^Mpchines cheap;; isn^d.^RoyaFßadio^upplies, 43 Willis St. .■. TO.'TAILORESSES, -;.-. ;-. % House, unfurnished, good, references. RA BY Austin, any condition.' cheap, ante. "^SKt'I Wm ?vil ß on A.a-Scr "' " ' &<**'s»*f ****#? your Old Set '^n. Climax WANTED .immediatebv Experienced 1553 Evg. Post. ''■ ■;" 'V- '..-.■- 13 State, cash price.-1958 Ev K . Post. '■ there ever such » chance? Smith and '^n.?°' * ''° "'.. = n -=1 r— WAATEIJ &11- Furniture ot, L British -Local Receiver, £10 ■ com-•" Table / Hand?... A. ■ Xeyj-, Ltd, I TKASTED,... Furnished., or. Partly-fur- T^ISHING Rod-Wanted Buy "ood Pod Jones, De Lii^e Theatre, Courtenay Mace. gP^D- Is 6d at Wood Bros., Thursday. W stnptibnj. best value iq Wellington, plete.: Radio Honse. 32 Conrtenay Place. Clothing . Manufacturers, Levy Building. VV nished Room, hot point, use gas, con- Jj- anH'%t° fJr H 'iSrtSto' ™- : ' : ' Fb-proorMeat Lover Free.' Davis Bros Huge Auction Mart. Lower »rr_E;-N:Z.-RADIOGRAM," published AWEhIW WORK WAMTED veniences, Mt. Victoria, Write IS4G Evg Box ilrWenhWton • T^ILBIRNIE (all : Govt. mortgage)- RIALTO, .Bond Street-Duchesses Cuba Street. -■■ - - • -~. , .-:..■:.. l-, monthly .,, S erId:lS.ior1d:l S .ior .12 months' MISCELLANEOUS WORK WANTED, P°st. ..■■■;■■■..' AW'BuVer "waiting for Motorcycle or 1V Special '-'circumstances noceWitate Wp ll"°7 -Im.-. 'Wardrobe- -oOs,-Chairs, WANTED Sel 1. Latest Oak : Bedroom, subscription.:, (post, free).:. The Lamp WANTED,: Building Work .-of any kind, WANTED to Bent, Unfurnished Room G^T&tOTWte and Side-car- n-eferablv early sale, Chpice Bungalow, 5 rooms,'built 8.,-. .;unho!. i( ..nmu. _os, Congo, Square, VV SmtXf D, m ug. .Suites,: ; Cheßterfleld gohse.27:'Manner^Street.- ■■ '. .' ." concrete, brick, or wood. H.-X. and kitchenette, central; rent about a bout"+?-->5 1970 Ev^ Po^f under• Govt. supervision,- charining situa- _±: : :'-' Suites positively: saenhced. Davis Bros.. VLL-ELECTFJC Sets from £12 10s, Boddy. 'Tel.-25-450. ■ ■ ■ 12b Cd. Apply 1837 Evg. Pokt. oi'ATT^ 't,i- tn J ■ fvno Vith Jr.™'™-.. "on, ' select residential area; nndeniably "TJEATH"; Hats-Ladies, call-and in- Huge Auction- Mart. .Lower Cuba Street, A - oa «.;p ß t-, nf P^y-terms. Klectric points VITANTIiD-Spouting fixed from 10d;per ANTED, Small House, suit 3 adults, O w^,V P fm ,^nnV O liin TL lr cheap ac £925; deposit £25, balance Govt. xx spect; two prices on y.Ss lid. 12s 9d. WANTED, to ,S.elh-'tlie Contents .of .a 3- installe'd from 10s: :R. I?. Fowler; Radio W foot.. We do Roof Repairs; we do Hataitai, • Basin Resen'e, or near; --^rcd lot. coal depot. . uann. limber mort ga' g e. Be quick. Smith and Jones, le .addrefs: 120 Willis Street, two doors VV ,- d CottagOi u heap. -131- Dealer,: Tr'and O:. ■ Building. Lambton Plumbing and Drainage, and we- ar« careful permanent tenant; rent advanced; •',".■,: ~ , — '■ rj — De Lifre Theatre-. ■ Courtenay Place. om Loulcott Street Corner. Street. ■ ' -■■ ■ .- - nAy _ .^e] ; 42 -242. < ■•■ >' '. ■■. r ■■'■■■-' ' ■ reasonable.' Christie, 144. Britpmart-Bt. reasonable. 1833--Evg, Post. "S P^i^Wan^ PROPERTY-- No.'6 Oban Street East, CLOSING-DOWN Sale; at Macquarries,' Yy ANTED ;td Sell, % Rilnu.Bed and ~A GOOD Aerial will enable you to get Tel. 24-217. ' -- >■ , . WANTED, Kelburn,' Flat; 3 rooms .and ls o r : f r "i"'*,.- l^V-I^. La'u> -L • Wadcotown,'has been Sold by Smith V o9 Willis. Street; electrical and radio ♦' Spring.'-with mattress, almost new; :J\ . -foreign stations easier; .letsna quote; PERMANENT Waving, full head. 12s 6d. . ■ conveniences,1 rent 'must be reason- Jl^i r : X —' '■ ■ i'U ■ ■,■ — r- and Jones.' .(A.. Reid.) . ~.. , . bargains; everything, must go.-" \ :i7s 6d. Appjy.l727..' Evg. Post. , .::'.'.. We can sive: same dav repair service,-too. ■»- by experts, with" the latest double oil able. 1522 Evg. Post. ' ■ JJARLIiX; <•? CommevciaKCombination rucimfssfs FOrlai F ]V|-ACQUARRIES • Closing-down Sale- WANTED. Sell. 2 .Hun'rlsoniP Mn,,,, P ti. P Rndiart Co. Tel., 42-871, sachets, large natural waves, ringlets; ends. ANTED, by reliable Tenant, 6 Rooms, ttm Si ™Vr uSs BUSINESSES FOR SALE. IU. _ normoiis reductions, drastic ■ clear- VV Chesterfield'Suites,' £14 10s, -£15 10s;- TTF AR the Maestro. 4 and 6 valve, be-, Rpscoe's Beauty Parlours. ,40, Mercerrbt. unfurnished, garage if-possible. .1991, ,tnV^ isw IT J Pn«? ' punclpaJS TTTAXTED to Sell Lease TJairv Farm ance electrical and radio goods. 69 Wil- fully sprung; first to inspect will buy. XL "f ol - G buving' your Radio Spt. La Tel. 40-544. ■ " . Evg. Post:' . ,-.'■ -'■"■■- r^Fl! w"!;. y ffl ,r 1W Ferns VV nedr WeHingtoli; going con- ' is Stl' cct- ' ' " Quality Furnishers, Ltd:., Cuba Street: -.;- Gloria Gramophones,, Ltd. .101 . Manners CARPENTERING -If you require * ANTED. House, vicinity John Street, _ -KiY-orf "IS4I Ev- Post or tern, preferred.. 1923 Evg. Post. TTOR SALE, 50 Young Ducks; good WANTED-Sell, Handsome Oak Bed- Street (next .Tag. Smith's). , -..-.. *-/ Good Carpenter, arid a, Satisfactory; 4or 5 rooms, convs., Seasonable,, re- •■- ¥,- L- . " ■ °"- ' QUBURBAN Mixed (sellinc most lineal laying . strain. Clayton, iPorutu 'y room Suites, latest, designs, oply £19 rpHF. life-like tone-of the New Conrte- Job done promptly, Tel. 54-570. G. Richard* ferencea given, vent books shown, 3 adults. "b _ ",'",,''„ '„- . ■ -..., ' , ——■ O snlfmlid' sifmtion ah\ p^tibiisliprl' Street, Lower Hutt. £10; workmanship guaranteed. Quality X nav P.adio is unmatched for New Zea- sop. 6. Ebor-st. P.R. Tel. 24^598. - - 1996 Eygt-Post. --- . :-, R ES oriental Bay K^neaYh- -IT£ veht tcetn^ndS IMng-r^'S OINGKR Drophead Sewing Machine, Fuvnishers,-Ltd., Cuba Street, opp. Pat- ~nd conditions Have this, and-man, pARKIN BROS, for Shop -Fitting.: ANTED Rent, Government Officer,'!' , fih Y" ? S Ev- Post'' clean stocks, £100 walk in. Jauncey and D OGK; perfect order, private sale; cost ?• ..-'■' ■■'■■ - other..notable advantages explained lor you r Qffiee,. and - General Alterations, adult family,'s. 6-r.d. House, City or J^p n, u A r ,■ T Co.. 5 Manners Street. ■ £23, take, reasonable offer. 40 Colombo WAN lED Sell, tor one week, only, 3at ..Stewart Hardware. Ltd.; RALDNESS definitely cured and prehandv. Ring 52-947.. Write Mffe Evp.'Post. pOWLIv Uverlockmg MacUme, RTMENT-HOUSK small heart of Stt'cet- '■ ' - ' ' J . Attractive. Solid Oak- - .Bedroom TJADION, Receivers, highest; quality, at £> Tel)te d. Alopecia, Patcbes.'Dandruff* WANTED", by lady, Unfurnished 3-rd. f^ J Ev^ E v£t° " A cUy'low ren" ydl tonisl"^^! pORCELAIN Bath, almo.t new. ' 165 10'- l^«t -«««U» ".^f - :Todd Motors, Sca , p Irrita tio D , Scaly or InflanW - todS- " Flat or Cottage, in good locality; all g°^, n^ ,-t .?', °\ rl o!i^'- ow»cr transferred. 10 Crosby Ter- r Post Agency,. Newtown. ■■ o,' V 7 ,? V " hUU at1"";" D'^nbntors. - tion o£ Scalp or Skin; Dry or Oily Hair. g_^y-*T**b: t '-000- •> s e ; A a^Exper^c^Mr^tir'ciloLd 37s Qq' 3^^W^UTd^ l^d-^toA Ltd. - ■ V EOXARD TINGEY for : S^writing; employee; rent about 22s 6d. 1053 Evg. GUNNY Bungalpwv about ..±900; 2 sec- town ancl district, small capital required. rnRUCK Tires, two 36 xG heavy duty, „, vl-n g , g V eilington. T> A DIO Auction Sale-3o Sets, with Ll Paintiu-, and Glazing.. M. 45-782. Post. v ■■^-Price^moi-tßa*!, local- Ap] tet to 1905 Evg. Post. 1 npni-lv ™v .I.° Zo fflv 'ff, W^TLD bell, gigh-grade Second-hand I\> ] at est 0-point valves. Tomorrow. 1.30 Geo. Mee's Buildings. 114 Lambton Qua.r, WANTFT) hv T -,riv" rnmfnrlAhle Bed ' ty> "° agC"tS' 19°° Lvg' P°St A PARTMENT HOUSE Live rent free' '3980 Byr Post alß°-"'° *°' >y 1 uvniture, _ Oak and Chesterfield p .. m .. at Silyerstone.and Co.'s Mart, Wool- y TAM p O RD AND CO., 65 Willis Street la^=,:;,r^s-:^ A^ffl^Wgs&'SS: t&<££ftx£&.i2£ o slf33r3gv;f sg las? "-^^ g:gS^r^>...»... n s-tiSftfstfA.^K-QIHGLE F. n ,i.h.dMtM-w-, a. eTHoS« 4d ..i.h- .T"^ on '"'—*«■ "« >•* »""" " '*' ™. M-OT for «PP»»ti~.l. TUANTBa Sell, O,k B«J r .o n .. J, T f^"rS 'hS.™"" " #%%££'■ ** ' " IS9iE°- Po^t PUKNITURE of every description;.also .-p, ISH and Chips,,wonderful stand, very application.,-Meadows. 63-922. (M: Coir Matttag Is lid yard; Coir Mats. U' cheaper, 5-valve Radio, £17 10s; QHIMNEY Sweep-For reliable work ' "' M,SCELLAN E OUS7— I J£T^Z^<l^ OT^p tttSay^cryth'^ "" £ 7 IPs. Ben g e, C Bou.cott j^ and J^g WE B,a T and Sports Coats to fSs"^^^ S ' Hous, always full, &%&$^^ tUn^ W^S?^.^ of^oß %? _■ MACHINERY-FOR ff LXINERY-FeUs, Velonrs, etc!. K^ „..."; , , -j-r-j r-r-r verstone s, Woolwortb Bldgh.. Cuba btreef!. for England, accept £600. Jauncey and Stannnrd's, 60 Ghuznee Street. Tel. 55-146. W take £10 quick sale. 2003 Evg. Post. Ltd.. 45 .Tory'Street. TeV52-965. Mercer btreet - '- _ TIsVALID \oung Lady would be glad of Tel. 50-907. ■ C0.,'5 Manners Street ' j -. r r.r>Tjr.r.u urormiT-c. —t : -„,,■--- g.,; t, ~ . —~n ' 1 ; = "OU-EX-MA —Est. 50 years. When all 1 pieces for Fancy Work, any" kind. gEND .your Furniture to Silverstone"s CONFECTIONERY- and General best M C4SS£ QR f '' WRIGHT"S.-In ß pect our WANTED Sell! Roll-top. Desk cost WANTED TO SELL O U other treatments fail you, "Cu-Ex-Po^^erseys. Shorts, Stockmg, LjsX .ffiT^un'ts »_SSfe 1 "S^— ' C^GOLEUM Squares new sp.ndid _£ ip^^^Vo^ 11^^^^- g^ST tSs Shot.,ns Rines Cam D^^ W«* U^n. ■ losing Down . W^S^^^fe^r^'anH aT^S SS indV^ Ccje^^alth^ Sba Street H° lnlt'S' &P°ltS Outflttels- H^^^^V^ffl'i^tran^W T business, doing steady- VJ . finish up Saturday. Every thing. to 12 months' luarantee. M-. Chaplin. 16. nishers, S Willuf Street. 172-74 Riddiford f?U ? Tel ffi n tZ^i. r .T, n , T - i- i r WJW^nfrtr^ turnover; £200;' living-rooms. . Jauncey go regardless. Cambridge Furniture Mart, Manners-st fopp. Britannia Theatre). Street.. % .V^g 1 it ~rf ,nr) rmai ,r E^SKsValancie, K^o.Wn S tr^tfonf' cSentiar eMS s ™ Cambridge Terrnce." - F URNITURK at 2s 6d per week-cW pom Matting and Mats, new shipment, C^^R^^ "K "''caTsf -elaxatfon iTiethods^ ™s per lesson Write Bros., 131 Manners Street. - pONFECT.IONERY, Drinks. Ice Cream, ftS 6d,401b Case Jonathan Apples, export *- 1 . terfield, Dining, or Bedroom Suites Vat low prices. Mats from 2s; Matting, r ,ibi PtrJt Fir^ Floor 1049 Eve Post WE are cash buyera tor all Xypes of sood City stand, with living-rooms; U qualify.Dominion mark. Free delivery Art Cabinet Co.. Willis-st.. opp. Ev, ISin Is Sd yard. 22Hin 2s 3d.' 27in 2s lUd, "at rhihe- to Repair in vour 1949 fag, lost. W'n?jV,r Tel. 47-439. Victoria House P.«t • S6in Ss .id yard. Janes and Co., 8 CEURC Machine to Repair rojoM comedo Horn?"* S »»■•' W^fd^^^j 01" ' cey and'C... 5 Manner,-Street- ■- Apple Co, 48 Victoria Street. ' p A H U EN Stakes, Totara. .neb square. Willis Street. a.,d 172-74 Riddiford Street. e » a ™^^ MMVerforf ' Koadt ~,:i, '» R nntfivip,.. r',,ba Strppt' f«2(in(i CASH waiting for Used Oars- we COUND • Business, dany. confectionery. TONATILAN Apples, export quality, Do- *J 2s 6d; Laths, lin Is 6d. l'Ain 23. t>S Bd PER week for comfort—A Chea- Knbiniio Putntte s. Cuba Stieet 2000 C Aba waitmg *<» Used' rs' O ice cream, bread, fruit, vegetables, O minion mark. Cs Cd, delivered free, iWm _6d per 100 feet, plus tax. deliveries * terfield. Sideboard, Table. Bed, or T rr , -^P- ma ,i wants To^ E uffi£?sr3:ffiffi hHJ^A^ IWSfflas A^r^^o^ißtre^^;.^ f^-KiSi Bay Timber CompaDy- oAS^^:^s^0 AS^^:^s^i o| Pia^fortc Maker and Tuner, 3S Sussex J»» s^ns d <^f f Owner sell plviS BRbs., Auctioneers 57f Lower pULLETS,. wonderful^nter , layers; L L™^ A^^-^ S' S .' rn ■„ j ?—-: 1^ Tel. 43-777. ■? R q A Z> £' v * r> '}'? ltll- uialS) V Cuba Street, for Best luimiture A Salisbury quality Black Orpiu K tons; ments of the bowels, and.teaches them to ■» S™ r^^oi: U b^ a^ M RSMI^. Cash Buyers any .nan- "uS" ' ?*^ themselves naturally.' Perrett, M.SCELLANEOUS. S t?e°er E' S' TI°USCr flo^ ffif g.^Bo^ iSSSSS Ln-^rtS* 1 ,!S Q C^S, od per wee.-Ches- S^LE Bedsteads and Wire Woves. gSrisS Fair Play-Grand Hotel pel ists. in Cuba Street. __ Bags, .Trnnk's," etc Best oricea; 125. rw- r fw? f ffl inv«ti Tables, Chairs;'goivig cheap at Davis Bros.' r terfield, Dining, or Bedroom Suites O complete,'2Bs 6d; Mattresses, Kapok, -» rise in prices owingincreased . Q-OOD, Large, Juicy Jonathans, the vi^n . pl Te) . 51 . 76n " s^"'^,^^ ?1w Furniture Mart, Lower Cuba Street. 'Art Cabinet Co, Willifi-st.. opp. Evg from'l4s 6d; Pillows. 2s 3d. Janes and exchange till present stocks exhausted. V larger the apple the greater the nutn- - s fa . . ; gation. Wm. Butler and Co., opp. Public r ,, MBRIDGB y urni t m . e Mart C'-mi- Post. --.' Co., Furnishers, 8 Willis Street, and 172 Prove it at our Home Supply Store. = Fwleßv^ ' Ca6t'- WX,''tt toW*ff U&J C^^ T UrS«S d S TTORDENS! Hordens! Male your home Riddiford Street. , OKIN trouble overcome by ozonising JV."'^^' t. i- f~~-- Bootß, Shoes. Travelling Bags, etc EXCHANGE. down next Saturday; everything must go. ti beautiful; buy your Furniture at T ADIES' Handbags (500). 12s Gd, now O your blood with Harvevs Mineral nOMPLETE Detailed Readings of oto WomlwnrdC 121 vivian <ft Tel 51-243 TTT^rn"."r . -■&—■ — bargains galore. . . : Hordens; save money; beautiful Oak Bed- Lt ss . all the smartest designs at 5s Tonic. 3s 6d. C. H. Perrett. Chemist. g^^^S'i? ETsatts si-aj'fiipl^-i ;^ssfi?p A^sgi-^fg fif&fsH^HS P^l^iiPS npwnroiMi? *i ——-S cr -—ni and is-sold solely by Grand Hotel Home Hutt Valley pioferred. Owner, Box English. Worsteds. Simester s London iiey eiuoj. it positweiy enas an tiiges o2s, ol x 4Mo, «s, o. x.oou, ws, an sizes Chair a t Art Cabinet Co.. Willis^t. B^^^MdaTtaSnihlplacS Supply Store/quarts fe pints 2s 9d 435, G.P.O. ■ Warehouse, corner Victoria and Harri, tn^ Jronbto . Petrett. Chemi.t > „.stock. Moore and Cole. Ltd., 18 Tory y ADIES _ We still i ead fot tbe . smart riTsF Mnn , t h Wlp, delivered air kinds sewing, renovations. What offers? 1933 Evg. Post. a«d. Anti-fermcntose London phy«eiai s "«*• _■: ,_^ Late ForSers Bld-s elSeWner6 ~ nOATS. Coats, newest everyday styles. (;Aot (401b) Jonathan Apples, deli\eiea -2—. ____ . —__ TV -p...^,^., i.,.- „-,.„„„ flm ,if v j-fidfi I-ecipe, gives wonderful results. Perrett, "JANES Built' Furniture is honestly Late l'onesteis tua^a. . . . terms to Day Hei. free any suburb, 6s 6d. Export■ qual- T)ENTAL Repairs, hnest materials, QIIY Piopeity, has gaiage, equity £600, fh , Jb., . j t our showrooms. . 8 TT-JSL/LOW Bread has been made in Wei- mnr , t ,\mCourten a v Place _, ity, Dominion mark. Tel. 47-439. Victoria -^ moderate charges. Rapid Dental Re- V exchange for House and But, ness TTOKDFNS , wbcre is Hord . Ds v Rieht Willis Street, late Singer Shop, and 172- IV lmgton for over 45 years. It is good ~'^—, " ? P 5-7-5 -Hon.e Apple Co.. 48^^=, Street Service o Manners Street.' Tel. »^^P« ,^ tu H 0K B £f „ Si^'Tran^Lan^bfon 74^jddiford Stn.t. _V Have you tried it? Depots everywhere. L lo?,^^^^; fIJEW- Loveliness m your needlework by « ob- bst. l«-o. __ - > rT , v ..v Tfilhi^nin Bnn^lnw Q"»y-Beautiful Apiece Cane Lounge T ÜBROLAX, the Japanese method, rel. sMao. . . . C H Pern ChiiiNt using Flosso Art Silk. Range of 140 ARTIFICIAL Teeth Bwken? I\ew Ivilbirmc Bungalow SuM £^ 1Os; £40: see them Nature's remedy for chronic constipa- TTOKDENS! Stands for quality at lowest ~iiVp 'ri4?t ,p , a ~i fi : gorgeous-shades. Drapers. -L- v Teeth replaced for 5s per tooth. A x*~ (Government Loan), has o bcdiooms now _ Hordens. next Kelburn Tram, Lamb- tion, the main cause of disease; purga- il prices; see us at once: don't board OEPPEL.Ib Australian Port, a ncli ECONOMY Prices combined with qual- set for £2 5s (Pin teeth suaranteed). garage, good condition, exchange tor good q ■ . harmful, and give only tempor- your mouey, buy from Hordens; make • ruby Wine, 42 first prizes: quarts o» American Dental, 132 Willi, Street. StWadSteT Writ," 9?4 Ev^Po^ VAI'»ES and aiu3 outstanding, ary re.ief. Pen-ett. ChList. your home beautiful. Lambton Quay. 0d pints 2s. At Grand Hotel Home Sup--3s 6d pints 2s; Penfold's Rich Port, quarts TTFjLLOW Bread, by test the best. Over F?""'^ ■'QJ""lc^' rllß '■" la»- Jl_: V Hundreds of Smart Handbags at A liual touch to your smart race out- T>OOT Repairing,, lock-up shop, section Pl>'-Store. . i— 4s 6d, pints 2s 6d. Obtainable at above XV4S years, of exhaustive experiments f)S 61J-per week'for comfort. A: Ches- ridiculously low prices. Alston's Great -"• Et. Don't spoifit by a shabby Hand- -•-* 33x 90, tram stop, power •plant, going T ADIES—For. your New Coat, see prices only at Grand Hotel Home Supply brw :-'ivcn you Kellow Bread in- iU pre- "■* terfield, Sideboard, 'Table, Bed,' or Handbag Sale, 21 Willis Street, next Grand ba« ' Alstou's1 Great Jlandbaff Sidle, 21 concern, well stocked, steady trade, ' XJ Heimann's. Ouly address, loa Lour- . .'• r^— ■-....; Uftii, for'ii. Deliveries. Tel. 52-Kw. Duchcsse at Art Cabinet Co.j Willis Sti [Hotel. Willis Street. leaving,. £330. --1019 Evg.'Post. ' teuay Place. -Easy to-buy, easy to-pay;

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 1