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EDUCATIONAL. , BUSINESS NOTICES. STMK#| IMPORTANT 10 ADVERTISER*. , -"4- man's Cert. Teacher by Exam • Day and Evening Classes. Expert and In- " THJi EVENING POST." dividual Tuition guaranteed. Moderate • in THRV'-rttt t «tt>t?t?t A DVERTISERS are asked to have their (off miK *tJ X £ otkes in this Office as ear'y as (3mJttSr 'nn possible each m°>n'D8. end it is particuTeleXne 41 "(14 ' dgS-) lavly • requested that Advertisements for 41-oQ4. ■ the SATURDAYS Paper be banded ■ ■ „_ i in tns previous day whenever possible. ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS, The insertion of those arriving later than Enrol with 10-30 a-m> 0D Saturday cannot be euaran■PXUXG'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 'ti't 7', ■^ w-l.jj.iah.. NOTE.-Applicants-for Situations advertised as 'Vacant are advised not to send Tn ~/m;«™ + * i ' • original referencesr-copies only should be in addition to expert c!as3 or corres- sent 5£ dS5Sn?iS> VS'reSnfS R *jf? *OTE.-That owing to the Poeta, difficulties b<*»i""ii ""=" Regulations, nom de plume addresses care ' „ o£ General Post Office cannot be accepted. Call or write for free Prospectus. . ....".-. Vickers House, . BLUNDELL BROS., LTD.. Woodward Street, . „ T>l . w™_;__ n **» Wellington, C.I. ' ' ■■ Tbe Evening Post. r.O. Box Sl'6. ■•- Telephone 44406. . pHIROPRACTIC Health Service. Col- . ___ ; *-/ will ,& Colwill, National Bank ChamPRIVATE TUITION bera> iCourtenay dace, Wellington. Tel., INDIVIDUAL Tuition, at. very moderate 52"869----fees, for the following Examinations:— " 1. 8.A., B.Se., and LL.B. PASSENGERS OVERSEAS. 2. Teachers' Certificates. «, 3. Matriculation and Accts.' Prelim. |?OR BAGGAGE INSURANCE against STUART TUTORIAL COLLEGE, *■ Fire. Theft, Sea Damage, etc, at low Harco'urt Chambers, Panama Street. premium, apply Principal: H p. ISAAC MA NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE T *\ B'£lT2 ce: E' W- EVANS ' KSc- INSURANCE CO., LTD.,/ e' "'' ' Routh's Buildings. Featherston street. GrßuND?lg EpSUr63 I^BBlll LOOK AFTER YOUR EYES, ' MISS ROWNTREE'S SCHOOL OF fPYESIGHT is too precious to trifle SHORTHAND AND" TYPEWRIT- - with- Call in and see us for all your ING guarantees Individual Tuition and optical requirements. We are experts the thorough grounding which leads to and u"y qualified, and are equipped with success in business. the most modern appliances to meet all Principal—MlSS ROWNTREE, optical needs. Prescriptions dispensed. Hallenstein Bros.' Buildings, MORRISON & GILBERD. LTD, 3d, Willis street, Wellington. Opticians, _ : ___ 70 Willis Street, Wellington. TURNER STUDIO OF MUSIC, '. : ' 83^ Kent terrace. Telephone 50-651 ™j, ZEALANr > INSURANCE jj/ps>. JJiAN^.^TURNER-COTTIER JM COMPANY, LIMITED, Thorough Tuition'of the FIRE, MARINE, AND ACCIDENT Pianoforte, Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar, and INSURANCE Ukulele. Accepted at Lowest Current Rates. Stringed Instruments lent free of charge. The Company js empowered by Special Orchestras of any combination available Act of Parliament to transact for engagement. . TRUSTEE. "EXECUTOR. AND ■ : AGENCY BUSINESS. ' ' fiARR'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. „ m r ' Stewart Dawson's Bldgs. Tel. 40-619. • N- *Y. NELSON, Manager. Individual Tuition in Shorthand (Pitman Office: A.M.P. BUILDING. ' and Gregg),. Bookkeeping,. .Typewriting, n, , * .„„„„ Office Routine. ■ Telephone 40-223. Principal: : : Miss K. Whitbread-Edwards, F.C.T.S. m r t MAr-ir-pvyrp i (Inc.). F.IJP. (Lon.), N.U.T (Eng.). n \ 2™' A^ terms commence with student; tram TT4 <3 + , Uental Surgeon, and rail concessions. H L °? th A ■*•-*- late J. S. tairchild, 8. Woodward - —— . : Street UNIVERSITY BURSARY. MR. D. S. MACKENZIE,. Denture (A Pass with Credit in Entrance Scholar- S Pecialist. visits Mr. J. Mackenzie's rooms ship Examination). y T a, P 44 So" 16"'" Mathematics, Mechanics, Sciences, etc. 41-409. . - ■ 31R. E. E. HENDRIKSEN.' M.Sc, B.K ~ ' Languages, History. Etc., the Principal. TJNIVERSITY TUTORIAL SCHOOL.. H JLST EN T DOM3! ~ . „,■ , „ ■_. . \X7HATEVER, liberties are taken with Masonic Chambers, The Terrace, VV tradition or custom in all other thing's Wellington. no man would dare to appear at a social Telephone 44-651. function incorrectly attired. One's dress G. W. VON ZEDLITZ, M.A., Principal, suit "or. dinner suit MUST be right—in " fit and comfort as well as style—and WANTTT) theue's but one way to assure this—have Well-educated Boys and Girls, L^To S^Vell^^s For Training as respect. ■ ' . ; SHORTHAND-TYPISTS. D.MORRISON 17 Students have been Placed in Employ- . ' _, ~ ' ment during the past 14 days. : -lallor» DAY AND EVENING TUITION. Upstairs, 50 Willis Street, Wellington. Q,ILBY'S COLLEGE. . ° lV* Director': A. H. Gilby, F.C.I. - ■ ■ : " ~ ~ • — (Eng.), F.C.S. (N.Z.). \ ; . Broadway Building. . DAMAGED LAVATORY (Opposite St. James Theatre), BASINS, SINKS, and SINGLE and Courtenay place, WELLINGTON. DOUBLE TOILET SEATS; ,y 'Ask for Day or Evening Commercial Also, ' T .. Mo^76SPeCt^ 9; L 3 ONLY PORTABLE CONCRETE COP-51-987. Telephone 51-087. PER WASHING BOILERS; - " FINANCIAL. ■ : Complete with Ifuel Box and Flue. TvrTßTTp'g : T ~—^-; At much REDUCED PRICES. ■PhJl^S cJ^Sa^St S Btt>™»o **n Raging. ;. l>orary-assistance, consult me; Joans ar- n'-nfTnt/inn1 n'nA'rs ranged; strictest confidence. Take lift BALLINGER BROS', .lioom 706, Seventh Tloor, Brandon Honsp > 1-eatherston Street. Tel. 41^428 ' WARING TAYLOR STREET. . . TMMEDIATE Small J^oans, short terms, ■*- permanent employees, from 10s up; .— — : — ___ easy repayments; fi ecrecy guaranteed', "' SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION Off 1.0. Box 1434. - WOMEN AND CHILDREN./ CONFIDENTIAL Loans on any aIT- /P HE Secretary W'U be in attendasce al lVy proved security, low interest easy ■ t' le Rooms. Wilton's Buildings, 158, repayments. For appointments ring 43-978 Wil!' 3 street, on TUESDAY, 10 a.m. to Wellington Office. 54-151 evenings after l?-30 pm:> and M O-m-! FRIDAY. 10 s.m 6 p.m. Suburban Loan, and Discount "i 0., 12- 30 P-m-. t-'Q., Ltd., Fraser Street Lower Hiitt All communications strictly confidential P' T?TVAT7? —fr;»,,^ n -Tnr- —: : — Telephonr 62-569. •■' ■ • i\iviii.js, finance suit Clients, any - '■ . _____» amounts, easy repayments, strictest , CRim/i¥ TO ANIMALS, confidence. Ring 54-053. Room 1, 13 Dixon V°D ar« earnestly requested to report '^reet L_ X to the S.P.C-A. any act of cruelty SERVANTS of the Crown—We guar- rou "*** notice. Office: Hamilton ChamKJ antee to advance money at half-hour's Der*> Lambton juay. Telephone 43-978 Jiotice. Woodley, 16 King's Chambers Lethal Chamber for humane destruction -(■GOVERNMENT Servants- Private °J °at! S nd dogß V aA Me Fri- "■ young man will lend money to ym tI»FJ v^"^ 8/ 0 PM- &t P* Cor> r aß. 10Clar\ ae: dp.a y *&£%. ( )iIUCIiRS of the State and permanent * Y employees—lmmediate small loans' Cheap rates, no security. 1510 Evg. Post TTOR SALE, Cash Register, issues TfETIRED Gentleman. lends to anyone o Co"P°ns; Tobacco Scales,^ Con. Scales, •»« permanent positions^ AVrite, stating £° nV Jar%/r^ era> c Flr,? ?|V- nguisl\eri employment, security, (if any), require- FrajikinK Machine Small Adding Maincuts. 1476 Eve Post chines, Cheque Protectors. Time Switches, =Hirrm'-Bv t —■ 6' . . : ■ cheap to close estate. }^^M^%£^k °- VS^SSS AVVei,SonLTD- - '-Mercantile Gazette." Call-Dalton Boul- btle<*f Wellington. . cott Chambers. Tel. 42-759. : —: : : T OANS promptly arranged on Furniture, -*-• Life Policies, etc. Our easy repay- LAERY AND CO., LTD., ment plan will solve your financial worries. ' '■■ ' Applications treated confidentiaUy. Ap- Fruit Exchange, ' lily Room 7, Cooper's Buildings (opposite "Evening Post"). Tel. 47-471. WELLINGTON. T OAN.S, £1 upwards, any security, ini eluding Furniture and Promissory - 2sotes; confidential. Civic Loan and In- W^ are Buyers ot Sound Grain, Flour, vestment Company Ltd., Geo. Mee's ' Buildings,^ 114 Lambton Quay, side en- and Chaff Sacks. trance. 45-479. ■ ____^ 1~)O y°u want financial relief? We have ~~~~~ ~ •*-' money to lend, £1 upwards, on ap- WANTED TO BUY, rerplyme SntT nJritanniay^^ G- 00-£,-P HAFF SACKS, also SOUND Co., Ltd., 113 Willis Street (Perrett's cor- POTATO SACKS, in any quantities. aer). Tel. 51-250. . STEVENS AND CO., TWTONEY—Let City Finance Co. assist in Upper Abel Smith Street. ♦ Jt'x your requirements; loans oh furni- Tel. 50-333 ture, life policies, interest under wills, P.N.'s discounted; all classes security; ' easy repayments; Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. Tel. NFnurrr'? nnii-wi?»i7» r-nwii-T^ PAWNBROKERS - Money Lent on -f Christchurch, endured the agony of J- Jewellery or any article of value; con- Neuritis. ■ She, tried all sorts of remeideutial transactions; country^clients regis- dies. After about three months' treat - fer packages. Anchor Loan Co Ltd 131 ment with R.U.R. she became entirely free Manners Street, Wellington; also Auck- from the trouble. R.U.R. is obtainable land, and Christchurch. f rora B. O'Connor, Chemist, with a .1 A RE you financially embarrassed? Con- written money-back guarantee. •^ suit us. We advance money on all ~~ — : '■ — securities; easy repayments; low rates; no charge for bill of sale; all transactions n\xrm -crnr, ■• attended by manager personally. Empire HAVE YOV Goor> EYESIGHT ? Loan and Investment Co., Kelburn Cham- tt?< nn t »'». rrr.,,^ 17,,^ t * u bers, Lambton Quay. Tel. 41-379. Also U glVe yOUr Eyes comf°rt. by wearmg open 7-9 Fridays. Correct Glasse c u DEBENTURES OR MORTGAGES." .. . . 'i? 10,000 AWAITING Investment. Sums EXPERT OPTTPJ A T\JC! ■* to suit.. Low rate. Box 547,.We11ing- , ■UA- r-^XVJ- UrilKjUUHi), mrvti i =7 „ .., - SPEAR AND MURRAY, LTD., ADVANCES on furniture, shares, P.N.'s, _ ■£*■ and other approved securities arranged 7 Willis c tr»»f t«i a-> sra at lowest rates available. Call or write. '" ls - et- TeU 43"369PHOENIX FINANCE, LTD'., ] 70 Cuba Street (Upstairs). ; ■ "iITONEY to Lend on any security, £5 Q H.P. Oil Engine, Air Compressor 3% ■"■*- upwards; strictly confidential; after 5 "' ? 4, Friction and Crab Winches, p.m. by appointment. - Chain Blocks, Ideal Boilers, Blacksmiths' MUTUAL LOAN & DEPOSIT CO., LTD., Vices, Anvils, Platform Scales, Small 151 Lambton Quay (next Midland Hotel). Drilling Machine, Marquees, 30 xls, Cai Telephone'4l-264. Batteries, 12-16 and 6-8, Dover Stove MONEY TO LEND h STEVA^ S cA^P £°" BY Wellington's Oldest Financial Insti- „ , -U^ er Abel Smitb Street> tution (established 30 years), at lowest Tel- fio" S33< rates for gilt-eclged securities and easiest : ■ repayments available. • Loans granted upon \VANTED fenownMDity Hotel, Cour lionds, debentures, shares, furniture, »• tenay-pl., Wellington (at Tram TerP.N.'s, interest under wills, and life poli- minus) Finest Brands of Wines and 'SOUTH PACIFIC MORTGAGE AND SffC K. oSole ?g S JC(TelSne 40-806. ?& S r&^LSSSTj^ '- wholesale price at the City Bottle Stora MISCELLANEOUS. , «' T T?"t?T>T I?OOXTT7CCt t rii I ', I 7~ ENGAGEMENT. LEEPLESSNESS! Sleep induced in KJ natural way with Phen-Asco Tablets FIIRECT to the Public from our Worked, ls 6d. founders, Ltd., Chemists, Cour- shop—ENGAGEMENT RINGS. tenay Place. See us. You'll save money. "ITEMSTITCHING and Overlooking on HAYCEAFT AND JOSLINQ, •*-*• shortest notice; all kinds of Over- Manufacturing Jewellers, alia to order. Mrs. Collins, 00 Manners M Willis Street (over Preston'*). Street, icst Scott's Tea Eooms. _ Establkhcd 20 y.ears.

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 68, 22 March 1933, Page 6